Young Henry: The Rise of Henry VIII

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Young Henry: The Rise of Henry VIII Page 44

by Robert Hutchinson

  Étaples, Treaty of (1492)

  Eustace, St

  ‘Evil May Day’ riots (1517)


  Exeter, Marquis of see Courtenay, Henry

  Eyton, Shrine of Our Lady of


  Farnham Castle

  Fécamp, Abbot of (French ambassador)

  Ferdinand II of Aragon

  betrothal and marriage of Princess Katherine to Henry VIII

  campaign against Moors in North Africa


  death of Henry VII

  death of Isabella of Castile

  Henry VIII seeks vengeance against

  marriage of Princess Katherine to Prince Arthur

  marriage to Germaine de Foix

  war against French

  Ferdinand II of Naples

  Fernández, Friar Diego (confessor to Katherine of Aragon)

  Field of Cloth of Gold meeting (1520)

  Fisher, John (Bishop of Rochester)

  Fishmongers’ Hall, London

  FitzAlan, Thomas (Seventeenth Earl of Arundel)

  Fitzgerald, Gerald (Eighth Earl of Kildare)

  Fitzgerald, Maurice (Ninth Earl of Desmond)

  Fitzjames, Richard (Bishop of London)

  Fitzroy, Henry (Duke of Richmond; Henry VIII’s bastard son)

  Fitzwalter, barons see Radcliffe, Sir John (Ninth Baron Fitzwalter); Radcliffe, Robert (Tenth Baron Fitzwalter)

  Fitzwalter, Elizabeth, Lady (wife of Robert Radcliffe, Tenth Baron)

  Fitzwarren, Baron see Bourchier, John

  Fitzwilliam, Sir William (later First Earl of Southampton)

  Flight, John (cloth-seller)

  Flodden, Battle of (1513)

  Foster, Walter (Clerk of the Works)

  Fox, Richard (Bishop of Exeter and Winchester)

  appointed Lord Privy Seal

  baptism of Henry VIII

  baptism of Prince Henry, first son of Henry VIII

  death of Henry VII

  Henry VIII’s marriage to Katherine of Aragon

  war against French

  Frances, John (monk)

  Francis I of France (earlier Duke of Angoulême)

  Field of Cloth of Gold meeting


  Francis II, Marquis of Mantua

  Franciscan Observants, Order of the

  Françoise de Foix, Comtesse de Chateaubriand (mistress of Francis I)

  Frank, Edward

  Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor


  Fuensalida, Gutierre Gomez de (Spanish ambassador)


  Gainsford, Anne (attendant of Anne Boleyn)

  Gardiner, Stephen (Bishop of Winchester)

  Garnish, Sir Christopher

  Garter, Order of the

  Gascon wine, prohibition of

  Gaunt, John of (son of Edward III)

  George, St

  George ‘the Bearded’, Duke of Saxony

  Geraldini, Alexsandro (confessor to Katherine of Aragon)

  Germaine de Foix (wife of Ferdinand II of Aragon)

  Ghinucci, Geronimo (Bishop of Worcester)

  Gibbs, Katherine (wet nurse)

  Gibson, Richard (Sergeant of the Tents)

  Gilbert, Robert (chancellor to Duke of Buckingham)

  Giustinian, Sebastian (Venetian ambassador)


  Godfrey, John (Mayor of Southampton)

  Goor, John (‘Goose’; fool)

  Gordon, Lady Catherine (daughter of Second Earl of Huntly; wife of Perkin Warbeck)

  Gordon, George (Second Earl of Huntly)

  Goventore (horse)

  Gower, John, Confessio Amantis


  Greenwich, Franciscan Observant Friars’ church

  Greenwich Palace

  Greves, Sir Peter

  Grey, Edward (Third Baron Grey of Powys)

  Grey, Elizabeth (later Sixth Baroness Lisle; wife of Edmund Dudley and Arthur Plantagenet)

  Grey, Lord Leonard (brother of Second Marquis of Dorset)

  Grey, Richard (Third Earl of Kent)

  Grey, Thomas (First Marquis of Dorset)

  Grey, Thomas (Second Marquis of Dorset; earlier Lord Harrington)

  disasterous expedition to Fuentarrabia

  Groveley Forest

  Guarino of Verona

  Guildford, Henry (Esquire of the Body)

  ‘Guillam’ (music teacher)




  Hackelet, Ralph (pardoned prisoner)

  Hale, John (vicar of Isleworth)

  Halesworth (physician)

  Hall, Edward (chronicler)

  Hall, Richard (tailor)

  Hampton Court

  Hansa League

  Hanworth, Middlesex

  Harrison, James (parson)

  Hastings, Anne, Lady (daughter of Henry Stafford, Second Duke of Buckingham; mistress of Henry VIII)

  Hastings, George, (Third Baron Hastings; later First Earl of Huntingdon)

  Hattem Castle


  Hawkins, Robert (haberdasher)

  Henry II

  Henry III

  Henry IV

  Henry V

  Henry VI

  Henry VII (earlier Henry Tudor; father of Henry VIII)


  appearance and character

  Battle of Blackheath

  Battle of Bosworth

  Battle of Stoke Field

  betrothal of Prince Henry to Katherine of Aragon

  birth of Prince Arthur

  building schemes

  claim to throne



  death of Elizabeth of York

  death of Prince Arthur

  exile in Brittany



  general pardon proclamation (1509)

  marriage of Margaret Tudor to James IV

  marriage of Prince Arthur to Katherine of Aragon

  marriage to Elizabeth of York

  potential marriages following Elizabeth’s death

  rebellions and uprisings against

  relationship with mother

  repeal of Titulus Regius


  supposed plans to make Henry Archbishop of Canterbury

  threat of pretenders to throne


  treatment of Katherine of Aragon

  war with France (1492)

  his Will

  Henry VIII



  infancy and early childhood


  made Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and Constable of Dover Castle

  appointed Earl Marshal and Lord Deputy of Ireland

  investiture as Knight of the Bath

  created Duke of York

  appointed Warden of the Scottish Marches

  made Knight of the Garter

  first public duty

  visited by Erasmus

  at marriage of Prince Arthur to Katherine of Aragon

  establishment of household

  death of Arthur

  succeeds Arthur as Duke of Cornwall

  death of mother

  created Prince of Wales, and Earl of Chester and Flintshire

  betrothal to Katherine of Aragon

  secret repudiation of marriage treaty

  preparation for kingship

  alternative marriage candidates

  made Knight of the Golden Fleece by Philip of Burgundy

  death of father

  accession to throne

  purging of ministers

  issuing of general pardon

  appointments, grants and rewards for favourites

  marriage to Katherine of Aragon


  eighteenth birthday

  swears obedience to Ferdinand II

  strengthens defences at Tower and
establishes royal bodyguard

  first Parliament

  affair with Anne Hastings

  response to Katherine’s first miscarriage

  treaties of alliance with France and Spain

  execution of Dudley and Empson

  preparations for war against French

  birth of first son

  celebratory joust

  death of son

  declaration of war against France

  disasterous expedition to Fuentarrabia

  naval losses

  papal brief names him ‘Most Christian King’ and King of France

  execution of Edmund de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk

  invasion of northern France

  Battle of Spurs

  capture of Tournai

  receives news of victory over Scots at Flodden

  returns to England

  papal award of cap of maintenance

  contracts smallpox

  peace treaty with French

  seeks vengeance against Ferdinand

  purges Royal Household

  fathers son by Elizabeth Blount

  Field of Cloth of Gold meeting with Francis I

  trial and execution of Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham

  granted title ‘Defender of the Faith’ by Pope Leo X

  affair with Mary Boleyn

  jousting and hawking accidents

  bastard son Henry Fitzroy created Duke of Richmond

  affair with Anne Boleyn

  annulment of marriage to Katherine

  plans to marry Anne

  commission to investigate foreigners trading in London

  break with Rome

  secret marriage to Anne

  coronation of Anne

  birth of Princess Elizabeth

  execution of Fisher and More

  execution of Anne

  execution of remaining Yorkist nobility

  marriage to Jane Seymour

  birth of Prince Edward

  subsequent marriages


  Character & characteristics:


  building projects


  clothing and jewellery





  hero worship of Philip of Burgundy





  intellectual curiosity


  language proficiency

  love of ceremony and spectacle

  morbid fear of plague


  possible incestuous cravings



  religious faith







  Henry, Prince (Henry VIII’s first son)

  Hepburn, Patrick (First Earl of Bothwell; Lord High Admiral of Scotland)

  Herbert, Lord see Somerset, Charles

  Heron, John (Treasurer of Privy Chamber)

  Hever Castle



  Holt, John (tutor)

  ‘Holy League’ against France

  Holyrood House

  Hone, William (tutor)

  Hopkins, Nicholas (Carthusian monk)

  Howard, Agnes (Countess of Surrey; later Duchess of Norfolk)

  Howard, Catherine (fifth wife of Henry VIII)

  Howard, Sir Edward (son of First Earl of Surrey; Lord High Admiral)


  Howard, Mary (daughter of Third Duke of Norfolk; wife of Henry, Duke of Richmond)

  Howard, Thomas (First Earl of Surrey, later Second Duke of Norfolk; Lord High Treasurer)

  trial of Duke of Buckingham

  victory at Flodden

  Howard, Thomas, Lord (later Earl of Surrey and Third Duke of Norfolk; Lord High Admiral)

  expedition to Normandy

  Howard, Lord Thomas (half-brother to Third Duke of Norfolk)

  Hundred Years’ War (1337 – 1453)

  Hungerford, Edward (Esquire of the Body)


  Hunteley, Thomas


  Huntly, Earl of see Gordon, George

  Hyndy, William (fletcher)

  Innocent VIII , Pope

  Isabella I of Castile

  Islip, John (abbot)


  James IV of Scotland

  death at Flodden

  marriage to Margaret Tudor

  James V of Scotland

  Jasper Tudor (Earl of Pembroke and First Duke of Bedford)

  Jenett of Purwyn (ship)


  Joan of Naples

  John of Guant see Gaunt, John of

  Joseph, Michael (Cornish rebel)


  Juana (‘the mad’) of Castile

  Julius II, Pope

  Katherine of Aragon see Aragon, Katherine of

  Katherine Tudor (sister of Henry VIII)

  Katherine of Valois see Valois, Katherine of

  Kebell, Margaret (widow)

  Kempe, Thomas (Bishop of London)

  Kent, Earl of see Grey, Richard

  Keyley, James (mason)

  Kildare, Earl of see Fitzgerald, Gerald

  Kimbolton Castle

  King, Oliver (Bishop of Exeter)

  Kingston, William (under-marshal)

  Knight, William (diplomat)

  Knyvet, Charles (surveyor to Duke of Buckingham)

  Knyvet, Sir Thomas

  Kyme, John (Sheriff of London)

  Lamberton Kirk

  Landsknechte (German mercenaries)

  Lanston, Robert (cloth-seller)

  Larke, Joan (mistress of Wolsey)

  Lathom Hall

  Lawrence, St

  Lee, Edward (ambassador to court of Charles V)

  Leeds Castle

  Leek, John (priest)



  St Mary’s abbey

  Leo X, Pope


  Lincoln, Earl of see de la Pole, John

  Listeriosis (disease)

  Lomelyn, Dominico (merchant)


  commission to investigate foreign traders


  shops and housing see also individiual buildings

  Longland, John (Bishop of Lincoln)

  Longueville, Duc de see Louis I d’Orléans

  Louis XII of France


  marriage to Mary Tudor

  peace treaties with Spain and England (1514)

  plans to depose Pope Julius II

  stripped of titles by Julius II

  Louis I d’Orléans, Duc de Longueville

  Louis, Marquis de Rothelin

  Louise of Savoy (mother of Francis I of France)

  Lovell, Francis, Viscount

  Lovell, Sir Thomas:

  Chancellor of the Exchequer

  Constable of the Tower


  Treasurer of the Household

  Lubeck (ship)


  Ludlow Castle

  Luke, Anne see Oxenbridge, Anne

  Luke, Walter (husband of Anne Oxenbridge)

  Luther, Martin

  Lyng, Thomas (priest)

  Lyon (ship)

  Magdalen College, Oxford


  Malvesey, Peter (Groom)

  Manrique, Pedro

  Mantua, Marquis of see Francis II, Marquis of Mantua

  Margaret, Duchess of Alençon

  Margaret, Archduchess of Austria see Margaret of Savoy

  Margaret of Savoy, Regent of the Netherlands

  Margaret Tudor (sister of Henry VIII)

  birth and christening


sp; marriage to Archibald Douglas, Earl of Angus

  marriage to James IV

  Margaret of York see York, Margaret of Marie la Cordelière (ship)

  Marney, Sir Henry (Captain of the Royal Guard and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; later First Baron Marney)

  Mary Guilford (ship)

  Mary I (earlier Princess Mary; daughter of Henry VIII)

  appearance and character


  childhood and education

  court at Ludlow

  heir to throne


  Mary Tudor (sister of Henry VIII; later Queen of France)

  appearance and character

  betrothal to Charles, Duke of Burgundy



  coronation as Queen of France

  marriage to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk

  marriage to Louis XII of France

  Mary Buttocks (ship)

  Mary Rose (ship)

  Massy, Alice (midwife)

  Matilda (daughter of Henry I)

  Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor

  war against French

  Mazzoni, Guido (sculptor)

  Meautis, John (secretary to Henry VII)


  Melcombe Regis

  Memo, Friar Dionysius

  Mendoza, Iòigo de (Spanish ambassador)

  Merten (fool)

  Middleton, Alice (second wife of Thomas More)

  Milan, duchy of

  Milford Haven

  Monasteries, Dissolution of

  Montague, Baron see Pole, Henry

  Moody, Edmond (footman)

  Morales, Pedro (treasurer to Katherine of Aragon)

  More, John (father of Sir Thomas More)

  More, Sir Thomas

  Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster

  coronation poems

  friendship with Henry

  helps Henry with writing of ‘Defence of the Seven Sacraments’

  imprisonment and execution


  Lord Chancellor

  on marriage of Prince Arthur to Katherine of Aragon

  marriages and children

  royal service

  student lawyer

  History of Richard III

  A Rueful Lamentation of the Death of Queen Elizabeth


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