Heliotropic 3: To the Light

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Heliotropic 3: To the Light Page 5

by Mardi Ballou

  Chaud began to nuzzle Val from behind. To provide a sample of the goodies, Chaud wedged his huge erect cock into the crease of Val’s ass.

  Val figured good manners required him to participate fully. All right. Chaud’s cock felt amazing and, despite all his emotional stuff, Val felt very turned on. After all, he’d entered paradise. When in Rome… Who knew what the future held? If the Apollans became angrier and more upset about Retkove, they could very well revoke their welcome. Val moaned his appreciation.

  Chaud thrust his hips forward to provide Val with even more of a foretaste. “Any special requests for your ass fucking?”

  A question he’d never heard before. Then Val remembered Paul’s Apollan self-lubing function, which he’d lost in the transformation. “Unlike you Apollans, I’m not a self-luber.”

  “Not to worry. I’ve got you covered.” Chaud began to massage some lube into Val’s rear opening with a very talented finger. Actually, the lubing felt good enough to bring him off. Val, who’d been half-erect or better since he got off the damn transport, felt his cock ratchet up to full, close to bursting.

  With the back engaged, the two frontal greeters went into gear. Lumin Bianco licked his lips at the sight of Val’s burgeoning hard-on. “With your permission?” Val readily agreed to the Apollan’s talented stroking of his dick and balls. At the same time, he watched Brule stroke his own impressive package.

  Val knew Apollans did actually devote time and energy to activities other than sex. But judging from this ritual, Val wondered how they managed to drag themselves away. He began to question how Paul could ever have been satisfied with just him as his lover.

  But then he had to turn his attention to other matters. “Would you like me to suck your cock?” Lumin invited.

  Val remembered Paul’s special sun glands, which Val had happily experienced the first time Paul sucked him off. Paul had also lost these glands upon becoming a vampire. Val, already excited, accepted. And then he took Brule’s huge, well-shaped cock in his own mouth.

  In time to the erotic beat of the music, Val moved with the men greeting him. The erotic sensations pulsed through the four of them, melding them into a single unit. These guys knew what they were doing. Val, grateful Paul was experiencing similar pleasure at the same time, gave himself up to the sensations. For a brief moment, Val wondered if Paul also experienced regret at his losses -- the unique abilities and organs his fellow Apollans took for granted. But lost in the hedonism of being sole focus of three magnificent lovers, Val surrendered to the moment.

  True to his word, Chaud had generously slathered Val’s crease and hole with a gel that warmed and soothed, smoothing the way for the large man’s entrance. With small, subtle hip thrusts, Chaud wedged his way into Val. He teased Val, giving him little bits and making him want more. By the time Chaud thrust himself fully into him, Val groaned with delicious relief. He contracted his muscles and moved to let Chaud know he wanted him exactly where he was.

  At the same time, Lumin turned his talented fingers and mouth loose on Val’s grateful cock. With his fingers he stroked Val’s balls, coaxing them, teasing them, and massaged the sensitive skin of his inner thighs. Though Val hadn’t remembered how the sun glands felt, Lumin reminded him. The glands made it feel as if Lumin had a dozen tongues and a hundred teeth all devoted to pleasuring him. As a vampire, Val was especially attuned to the exquisite feel of fangs brushing across sensitive skin. The sun glands felt like sharper, finer teeth skimming his engorged glans, tracing the ridges of his shaft.

  Determined to give as good as he got, Val opened his lips to Brule’s long, thick cock. The erotic combination of the two men pleasuring his cock and ass while he licked and sucked another gorgeous man off had Val hanging on by his fingertips. He couldn’t just savor the sensuousness of his position because he also had to focus on providing for Brule. Though feeling at a distinct disadvantage without sun glands and the kinds of expertise these men had, Val considered it a personal challenge to satisfy Brule. He figured enthusiasm, vampiric teeth and a well-muscled tongue could make up for any lack in exotic technique.

  Though this sex had none of the emotional content of lovemaking with Paul, Val experienced the overwhelming pleasure almost as an erotic interlude. And he never forgot that he and Paul would complete their climaxes with a mutual feed. Knowing he and Paul would be in each other’s arms for the ultimate vampiric orgasm kept Val’s hesitation from hampering him.

  He felt completely enthralled -- as if, just for now, he was the center of a very special universe. If anything happened now to prevent them from coming, Val would have lost it.

  In tandem, the four moved like a well-regulated unit. The sexual tension rose like a cloud that enveloped them as the level of arousal drew them tighter. They began to move faster, harder -- so well coordinated that when Chaud withdrew, Lumin thrust forward. Val, trying to fall in with the rhythm, let Brule take the lead. Even the sounds Brule and Chaud made, their murmuring, moans and sighs, harmonized.

  Despite the freedom they all enjoyed, Val knew the greeters remained in control of every tiny movement and sound. Hell, he was the wild card in this bunch, the one whose experience and anatomy didn’t quite conform. He’d expected them to need time to figure him out, given his totally alien nature. But nothing fazed them. If he’d sprouted an extra head or dick or begun bleating, his gut told him they’d take it all in stride and make delicious lemonade from any surprise lemons.

  Feeling like the rodeo cowboy who’d stayed astride the bucking bronco longer than expected, Val prepared to bow to the inevitable when his orgasm took shape and began to build. Everything within him tightened and grew frenzied in preparation. Though he usually announced his orgasms, these guys were so attuned to him, they seemed to know almost before he did. They moved with him, petting him, encouraging him, showing him his climax would make their day. Yeah, Val could see why Apoll’ex rated so high on travel wish lists.

  What about them? Were any of them close to coming? Val thought about the tells and signals Paul provided. Of course, Paul was no longer pure Apollan in his responses. And Val had grown used to him.

  No matter how much the others encouraged his inner selfishness, he had to spare some part of his brain to them. Chaud sounded and felt like he was on the verge of coming all the time. Brule began to speed up. With a pang, Val realized Lumin was the only one who hadn’t been building to any personal climax. Geez, what was wrong with him? He could have been massaging the other man, getting him off that way. But he’d been so caught up, he hadn’t offered, just gone along with the guys’ proposals. He’d bet Paul, in the same context, didn’t neglect the guy sucking his cock.

  Another stab of jealousy. He’d really have to deal with that, pronto.

  But first, he was about to come like a house on fire. Right now. His orgasm swept through him with increasing power. When the first wave hit him, his mouth flew open -- a blatant neglect of Brule.

  Yeah, these guys would never mistake him for a native. They didn’t need to catch sight of his descending fangs to know he came from somewhere very different.

  Despite Val’s lapse, Brule didn’t appear at all concerned. Lumin stroked Val, encouraging him to give up every drop of his come. Pulsing with his own release, Val savored Chaud’s climax. Halfway through Chaud’s orgasm, Brule came in Val’s mouth.

  Val throbbed from the pleasure cycling through him. But bloody hell, he needed to sink his teeth into his lover for the true consummation of the sex act.

  He needed Paul now.

  * * *

  For Paul, the welcoming ritual felt like a bittersweet homecoming. As an Apollan, of course he knew every step and nuance like he knew the contours of his own dick. But now, being a vampire, he could sense his apartness. The pleasure he experienced was intense but incomplete.

  Afterward, he needed Val. As soon as he could politely interrupt the post-coital togetherness, Paul slid away. His fangs were throbbing so hard they ached.

couldn’t wait for you, not another second.” Val caught up with him as soon as he’d taken a few steps away from his ritual spot. When Val took him in his arms, Paul nearly wept with relief.

  “I need you beyond all limits,” Val whispered before he sank his fangs into Paul’s waiting neck.

  Paul closed his eyes and moaned. Despite his massive orgasm just moments before, he could know true satisfaction only in Val’s vampiric embrace. Maybe because of the excitement and arousal of being back on Apoll’ex, Val’s feeding transported him to new heights of ecstasy. The exquisite feel of Val’s mouth on him, the intimate penetration of his fangs -- Nothing Paul had ever known here on Apoll’ex could raise him to the exaltation of Val’s lips.

  With a groan, Val laved Paul’s wound with his tongue, then drew back, his eyes filled with adoration. “Your turn.”

  Paul almost came at the prospect. He plunged his teeth into Val’s neck so hard, the other man flinched for just a moment. Normally the gentler of the two of them, Paul let loose the frenzy of his passion. He knew he was sucking blood from Val too fast, but he needed his lover so much he couldn’t control himself.

  Fortunately, Val retained enough presence of mind to put a restraining hand on Paul before he drank too much. Val’s hand shook as he signaled Paul to stop. Paul, amazed at the force of his desire to continue sucking, had to wrench himself away. Still hungry for his lover, Paul swept his tongue across his lover’s puncture wounds to heal them. Val stroked his head. The two of them shared a moment of such profound intimacy Paul felt as if they had a bubble around them.

  “That was amazing,” Val whispered.

  Paul didn’t know if he referred to the sexual ritual, their mutual feeding or some combination. He felt so mellow, the words to frame the question didn’t come readily. Before he could find them, the door to the hall flew open. A messenger, breathing hard, burst in.

  “Chaleur Radiant is missing! Chaleur Radiant reported missing!”

  Chapter Four

  The messenger collapsed. Everyone in the hall froze. Paul felt his skin turn to goose flesh. Another Apollan missing -- the worst possible news they could hear. Of course, with all four of the newcomers here in the hall, the Apollans had to realize none of them was responsible.

  At least they’d know none of them was in cahoots with Retkove. But clearly the bastard had to be stopped. Paul prayed to the sun and the sun god Apollo that Chaleur Radiant was unharmed.

  “We have to find him and stop him now!” Paul couldn’t remember ever before hearing Val sound so angry. He shivered, glad his lover’s anger wasn’t directed against him.

  So exquisitely had the Apollans timed the welcome ritual that all four men were now ready to take up pursuit of Retkove. Judging from the vibrations emanating off Trey and Soleil, the two of them had also enjoyed a mutual feed. Good. Now the four of them had to focus their full attention on capturing and stopping Retkove within the parameters of the Apollans’ official policies of non-violence and tolerance.

  Paul and Soleil questioned the messenger as to what other information was available. The man, his head now cradled in a greeter’s lap, sat up for a reviving drink. Paul asked, “How long has Radiant been missing?”

  The messenger shook his head. “We don’t know. His mates became concerned when he didn’t show up for his work shift at the restaurant. They said Radiant’s never late. As part owner, he’s very dedicated and concerned about the restaurant functioning well.”

  Val frowned. “Do you think maybe there’s some overreacting here? I mean, all that’s happened is a guy’s late for his work shift. I don’t want to sound like I’m trivializing or anything here, but on Earth, no one would consider that a big deal.”

  Soleil and Paul just looked at each other. There were things they understood instinctively about Apollan culture that they knew would appear counter-intuitive to Trey and Val. “I’ll take it,” Soleil said. “We don’t have time to explain, but here on Apoll’ex, it’s a big deal. People aren’t late for work or other commitments without a very big reason.”

  “This really is a different world,” Trey muttered.

  Val nodded in agreement.

  Paul wished they didn’t have to deal with Retkove so soon. He and Soleil had barely gotten their bearings, while Val and Trey were still pretty befuddled. Well, things came up when they were inconvenient or worse. The four of them would have to deal if they were to have a prayer of staying on Apoll’ex. Now that he’d returned home, Paul couldn’t bear the prospect of having to leave again, this time forever.

  But they had no plan yet. They’d have to confer with the leaders and come up with a masterful strategy, or Retkove would ride roughshod over them. He had the advantage of a head start. But maybe they’d have the advantage of surprise. With any luck, Retkove, as an outlaw, would not yet be aware they’d arrived from Earth.

  Paul gathered them around. “We’ll need to confer with the leaders to get their support for what we do.”

  Val shook his head. “This is Retkove we’re dealing with. We have experience with him. They’re clueless. I say we just go ahead, hunt the bastard down, destroy him and then tell the leaders their planet is monster-free.”

  Soleil shook his head. Paul understood his fellow Apollan’s reaction. What Val proposed was totally inappropriate for their planet. The leaders would never condone violence, even to combat a predator like Retkove. But violence as a response to violence was a knee-jerk reaction for Earthlings.

  “We need to find him before we decide what to do with him. Maybe Apollo will smile on us and we’ll locate Retkove before he’s hurt Chaleur Radiant.”

  “Knowing how the bastard enjoys torturing anyone who comes under his power, I don’t know if that’s possible,” Val muttered. “But we can’t give him too large a window of opportunity. Paul, Soleil, where on this planet could Retkove disappear with Radiant?”

  “It’s a small planet,” Paul reflected. He mentally reviewed all the potential hiding sites. “There’s the Shadow Woods. Most Apollans prefer not to spend much time there because the large plants obscure the sunlight.”

  Soleil agreed. “Also the Subterranean Springs, the underground source of all our water. Aside from monthly visits by a site checker, no one goes there unless our computers reveal a problem -- which happens once a decade or so.”

  Paul shivered, which was how most Apollans reacted to any mention of the least inviting place on their planet. Instinctively, he realized this was the most likely place for Retkove to choose. But how would he have managed to lure any Apollan there?

  “Given there are two possible sites that come under immediate suspicion, I’d say we split up to cover each. Paul and I will take the Springs. Trey and Soleil, hit the Woods. Let’s use the Apollan communicator-cells to stay in touch. The first team to spot Retkove will let the others know.” Val’s face grew harsh in his determination to defeat Retkove once and for all. He looked at his companions. “What are we waiting for? Let’s go.”

  “We’re not in this alone,” Paul tried to remind him. “As in, we need to consult with the leaders, at least tell them what we have planned. Given the vampiric involvement, it behooves us to keep them informed. Also, we need to find out if any Apollans are to go with us. Hell, we’re lovers, not warriors -- but Retkove’s presence here is like a worm in paradise.”

  Though Val looked ready to spit nails, Paul, with Trey’s help, managed to convince him to wait until he and Soleil conferred with the leaders. Paul remembered how jealous he’d been when Trey had first come into their lives. Being back on Apoll’ex, he realized how caught up he’d gotten in the destructive emotions and ways of the Earth. Though he retained the special closeness of his love for Val, he was now able to take a step back and filter his Earthling experiences through his Apollan sensibility. The best of both worlds.

  Everything would be grand -- except Ideg Retkove was ravaging his beautiful home planet. Armed with the warrior skills he’d picked up on Earth and his knowledge of vamp
iric ways, Paul took charge as he and Soleil conferred with his people’s leaders. In just a short time, their plans were in place. Paul and Soleil rejoined their Earthling lovers and set off. Paul tried to find the right words to frame his thoughts as he and Val sped across the landscape. If he couldn’t convince Val to back off from his violent first responses, he’d be forced to leave him behind when he descended into the Springs. But Paul hoped he could persuade Val to do things his way. He did not want to face Retkove alone, and he didn’t want to drive a wedge between himself and his Earthling lover.

  * * *

  As Paul steered a Rapid Transit Pod to the entrance of the Subterranean Springs, he delivered the short version of Apollan responses to violence so Val understood exactly how they were to proceed. “We’re supposed to provide Retkove with every possible way to surrender peacefully.”

  Despite all he’d learned about Apollans, Val couldn’t believe Paul’s line of bullshit. After all, he’d experienced Retkove on Earth. “What is it with you Apollans? Does living in La La Land here soften your brains? Maybe it’s all the sunlight or something. But this guy has been attacking your people here on Apoll’ex, which he somehow landed on with no permission. Before that, he nearly destroyed you and Soleil. And the Apollans are still willing to let him live?”

  “In a word, yes. Look, Val, I know exactly where you’re coming from. After everything you’ve seen Retkove do, no one could blame you for wanting to hurt him.”

  “I want to kill him,” Val growled.

  “Even an Apollan could understand your impulse. But Val, that’s what Retkove expects. He’s lived by violence. It’s what he spreads and what he understands. But our way is to give the wrongdoer a second chance.”

  “Second chance? That bastard’s up to his hundredth chance.”

  “Not on Apoll’ex. We’re offering him a second chance.”

  “And if he fucks up? If he continues? If he laughs in your face as he kills your citizens?”

  Paul nodded. “Then we banish him from Apoll’ex, forever.”


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