Heliotropic 3: To the Light

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Heliotropic 3: To the Light Page 7

by Mardi Ballou

  “Sit down,” Paul and Soleil growled at him and Trey.

  Gorgeous as it was, Apoll’ex had to be the weirdest place in the friggin’ universe.

  “Any final words, Ideg Retkove, before the judges decide your fate?”

  The bastard actually had tears in his eyes. “I throw myself on your mercy. If you will allow me to stay, I will devote my life and the wealth I amassed on Earth to my adopted home, Apoll’ex.”

  “These are pretty words, but I’m unconvinced,” the senior judge said. “I still do not understand why you have hurt so many. Explain yourself more completely, Ideg Retkove.”

  The defendant took a deep breath. “These words come from the most intimate place in my heart. You see, on Earth, unlike here on Apoll’ex, we form love attachments to another person. But the man I loved never returned my feelings. My love twisted to become hatred and destruction. But I would have abandoned this path if he’d loved me.”

  The judge nodded. “This accords with what we know of Earthling love. The danger of such dysfunction inspires us to share our love with many. But as you are opening your heart here, Ideg Retkove, reveal your secret. Who is this man you’ve loved in futility for so long?”

  “Val Cutter.” Retkove’s voice, though soft, carried through the courtroom. All present turned and stared at Val, who couldn’t believe what he’d just heard.

  In silence, the three judges adjourned to a spot behind their dais. As soon as they withdrew, conversations erupted. Only Retkove, in his isolated prisoner’s seat, spoke to no one.

  “Do you believe the judges will fall for Retkove’s line of bullshit?” Val asked. No matter how tolerant the Apollans were, they had to realize that slime would only continue to spread misery if they allowed him to stay.

  “The judges are chosen for their wisdom and their ability to read into people’s natures,” Soleil pointed out.

  Val snorted. “It doesn’t take any wisdom to know Retkove is scum.”

  To his dismay, Paul looked less than convinced. “Beings can change, Val. After all, look at Soleil and me. Who’d ever have believed an Apollan could be a vampire?”

  “If the judges do condemn Retkove, which would be a first, we’ll have to worry about our own status here,” Soleil pointed out.

  Trey nodded. “The judges might decide to allow their native Apollan vampires to stay, but to boot out the real aliens -- Val, me and Retkove.”

  Paul and Soleil looked at each other. Though Val couldn’t believe Paul would ever agree to be parted from him, he knew how much Paul had hated his exile from Apoll’ex. If he had to choose, what would Paul do? What about Soleil and Trey?

  “But guys, we’re skirting around the elephant in the living room,” Paul said. “What about Retkove saying he loves Val, and that his frustration over Val’s rejection has made him do evil?”

  Val felt sick at the prospect. “The lecher was always coming on to me and everyone else. Saying his rejected love for me motivates him is still more bullshit.”

  “He never came on to me,” Trey said.

  “Yeah he did,” Val countered. “I heard him.”

  Trey shook his head. “He made a few half-hearted passes, but we both knew they were jokes. But with you, Val…”

  “I believe him,” Paul said. He stroked Val’s face. “Who could blame him for falling in love with you?”

  “Don’t make me puke,” Val growled. But something nagged at him, a little voice that said Retkove was, for once, speaking truth.

  * * *

  Now that he was back on Apoll’ex, despite having seen Retkove in action, Paul found himself believing the criminal’s words -- especially when he admitted his feelings for Val. Though he understood Val’s persistence in his hostility, Paul now viewed the world more and more from an Apollan perspective. He could begin to consider forgiving Retkove, and, in view of everything he’d suffered, the realization stunned him. Paul intuited the judges would grant Retkove mercy. Then, of course, it would be up to Retkove to live up to the gift they offered.

  At first, Val and Trey would freak if Retkove received clemency, even though that opened the door for them all to stay on Apoll’ex. At this point, he and Soleil lusted to remain here. He and Soleil would have to help Val and Trey to see the wonder of Apollan ways. Luckily they could rely on the magnificent sun and all the erotic Apollan rituals to help them.

  The conversations continued until the three stern-faced judges returned to the dais. The lead judge rose and easily commanded the attention of all present. “Ideg Retkove, you have committed offenses unprecedented in the annals of Apollan history. But you repent. And you’ve opened up your heart to us. We hear your hunger for love, and we respond. Our judgment is as follows: You must ask forgiveness of those whom you’ve injured. If you succeed in convincing the offended of your sincerity, the community will participate in a Ritual of Healing and Welcome to celebrate the arrival among us of vampires. It is our hope you will use your special features for the good of Apoll’ex!”

  Val rolled his eyes. “I don’t believe this. No one can trust Ideg Retkove two millimeters.”

  “The atmosphere on Apoll’ex can transform the most hideous of monsters. Heck, it can even make you learn to coexist with Retkove.” Paul practically had to drag him to the dais, where Soleil, Trey and Chaleur Radiant lined up to receive Retkove’s apology.

  Starting with Radiant, Retkove, now freed of his chains and looking contrite, got on his knees. “Chaleur Radiant, for my crimes against you, please forgive me.” Chaleur nodded, raised Retkove up, kissed him on the lips and stroked his cock.

  Retkove, who appeared stunned, humbled and a tad confused, repeated his actions and his words to Soleil, Trey and himself. Though Paul’s voice shook and his lips felt stiff, he repeated the forgiveness formula, even touching Retkove’s dick.

  Val looked like he’d been sucker punched to the gut. Paul held his breath to see how his lover would deal with having Retkove on his knees, asking for forgiveness. When Val reached out, for a moment, Paul was afraid he’d smack Retkove.

  * * *

  Retkove had not intended to reveal his love for Val in front of the Apollan assembly. This was a secret he’d been carrying around for years, since Val’s first rebuff. Somehow, though he’d started off lying, Retkove began to feel compelled to tell the truth. And revealing his heart to them all, even though the whole world knew how completely and utterly he’d been rejected, opened something new up in him.

  He’d never imagined himself asking anyone for forgiveness -- especially getting down on his knees and begging for it. But suddenly he wanted to be the person the judges said he could be. And the forgiveness unleashed a light brighter even than the sunlight he’d so craved for so long.

  Now there was only one man left to apologize to. Val Cutter, the man he loved so helplessly.

  * * *

  Though he’d never believed it possible, Val mirrored the other men when Retkove knelt before him. Val’s stomach did funny things when he faced his long-time enemy in a different guise. And when he kissed Retkove, the two men grabbed each other in a bear hug that left everyone speechless. Retkove’s eyes searched Val’s face. Val had to make sure Retkove understood. Val had never returned his love, and never would -- not in the way Retkove had been looking for. But Apollan style…

  When forgiveness had been granted, they all gathered for the culminating ritual, with Val holding Paul’s hand on one side and Retkove’s on the other.

  In part, Val felt like an alien had taken over his body and whatever remnant of his soul still existed. But after kissing Retkove and squeezing his dick, Val found he couldn’t let go of his hand.

  Retkove squeezed his hand before standing up before the assembled men, his cock hugely erect. “Apollans and my fellow vampires, I’m speechless. My dreams of Apoll’ex couldn’t approach the reality of this place. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.”

  Amidst the cheers of the men, the lead judge held up his golden dildo for att
ention and silence. “We thank the sun for all the good that comes our way. Apollans, let us join with the Earthlings to renew our vows of gratitude.”

  Paul took charge of Val and Retkove to explain the particulars of this ritual. “In view of the uniqueness of the event, we will dedicate the Double Solar Circle Salute to the sun. Every member of the community will join in one of two huge, unbroken concentric circles. Men in the outer circle will face those in the inner circle in a modification of the sacred sixty-nine position. Each man will suck and be sucked. When the Bells of Apollo ring, the circles will move -- inner one clockwise, outer one counter clockwise.”

  Val couldn’t help grinning as he got his mind around the image of more than two hundred men sucking each other’s cocks simultaneously and then the choreography of the circles rotating. “Sounds like a formula for chaos after the first round.”

  “Ah, cynical Earthling. This works here on Apoll’ex.” Paul showed just a bit of fang when he smiled, and Val wanted to drag him off for some one-on-one, forget the multitude.

  “Come on, Paul. Community is great, but with all these gorgeous men here, they won’t miss the two of us if we go off on our own.”

  “I’d miss you,” Retkove whispered.

  Talk about freaky. Val’s first instinct around Ideg Retkove was to attack him. But Val had learned so much since arriving on Apoll’ex -- including the healing power of erotic rituals coupled with tolerance and love. Apoll’ex could transform even the evil Retkove into an entirely different being.

  “This is Apoll’ex, and these are our ways.” Paul still looked at him with adoration in his eyes, but Val could tell he’d have to do some catching up to keep his place in his lover’s world.

  Paul took both men’s hands and positioned them in the circles -- one in the inner, one in the outer. Val wanted to hold onto Paul. At least the two of them could be together for the start of this marathon. But Paul shook his head. “For this ritual, we are supposed to be with lovers new to us. It’s a way to meet. You and I can come together afterward, in our special way.”

  “Geez, it’s like the mixers I used to dream of in my long-ago time at university,” Val muttered. The sun glowed high above them, a bright orange ball that appeared to grow larger as the men -- all gorgeous, all naked and sporting huge erections -- assumed positions in the two circles. Triumphant music, heavy on the horns, blared from unseen speakers.

  Already hard in response to the massive arousal of being in this crowd, Val kissed Paul au revoir, rubbed his erection against his lover’s and lay down between two Apollans. To think, on this planet, the magnificent Paul barely stood out in the crowd. They were all gorgeous.

  Val saw Retkove eyeing him. Though Val could go along with the forgiveness and all, knowing how Retkove felt about him and remembering how he’d had to outrun his former enemy on Earth, Val would prefer not to be his partner in this ritual. Assured that Retkove was a distance off in the circle, Val gave himself over to getting intimate with a new man’s large and delicious-looking cock, while another man sucked him off.

  At the signal -- a crescendo of music in time with an explosion of extra light from the sun -- the men enthusiastically began the Double Circle Solar Salute. As soon as his Apollan counterpart took Val’s dick in his mouth, the other man’s sun glands went to work. Val allowed himself to be carried away on a wave of the extraordinary pleasure. Of course now, unlike the first time with Paul, the ecstasy of the sun’s rays and warmth were no longer an impossible dream. Despite his increased exposure to the wonders of sunlight, however, Val would never forget his long years of deprivation.

  Fully immersed in the ritual, Val focused on savoring the cock filling his mouth. This guy was so big, Val would have to deep throat him or risk leaving much of his huge shaft out in the cold. Pulsing with the erotic satisfactions of giving and receiving with two experienced, eager Apollans, Val felt almost lost in pleasure.

  Realizing Paul was participating in the same way with two other Apollans who might be even more amazing than the ones he was with, Val experienced a stab of jealousy, like a reflex. But then he remembered Paul’s assurances, and he was able to push the jealousy away. Maybe there was something in the Apollan atmosphere that helped him get past the hurtful emotions…

  When he realized he and his partners were about to come within seconds of each other, Val chalked up that convergence to the influence of the atmosphere. Would the wonders of this place ever stop amazing him? Mouth still full of cock, he chuckled to himself. Just as he never stopped being amazed at Paul, Val figured his lover’s home planet would always have that same effect on him.

  With surprising smoothness and speed, right after he and his partners came, the concentric circles moved, and Val found himself with two new companions. Momentarily soft, like the Apollans around him, Val was soon erect and ready to go again. Pleasure continued to reign supreme, and the circles continued turning until they’d achieved the sixth rotation, which would be the last of this ritual. As Paul had told him, the idea was to keep the wheels turning until the sun began to sink.

  Val, who felt reasonably satisfied with how he’d played his role in this ritual, lined up with his erect dick with another man’s mouth. Only this one wasn’t an Apollan. To his horror, Val realized he was now expected to let Ideg Retkove suck his cock. Shit. No way in hell he could bring himself to insert his prick in Retkove’s open mouth.

  So much for adjusting to his new world. A man had his limits, and Val had just reached his. What the fuck was he supposed to do now? He’d have to break the sacred circle to get away from Retkove. And then what? Scandalize the Apollans? Embarrass Paul?

  He couldn’t do it. Knowing what the ritual meant to Paul, meant to all the Apollans, Val couldn’t bring himself to break the circle -- not even to escape being sucked off by Ideg Retkove.

  “This is a bigger dream come true for me than being on Apoll’ex,” Retkove said.

  Val exhaled hard. “This is still all very weird for me, Retkove. But this really is a strange new world, isn’t it?”


  “So this is going to happen exactly once. As in, we’re no longer enemies. Forgive, never forget. And then, we both move on.”

  Retkove nodded. “I’m ready.”

  And so Val didn’t try to escape when the worst bastard he’d ever had the bad luck to encounter -- his newest companion in paradise -- rounded his lips around Val’s engorged cock. At the same time, Val took an Apollan’s erection into his waiting mouth. And so the ritual continued.

  * * *

  Though he was profoundly changed from the way he’d been as a regular Apollan, though he missed his sun glands and all the other special features he’d lost in his vampiric transformation, after participating in the Double Circle Solar Salute, Paul felt like he’d come home.

  Upon completion of the ritual, Paul tore himself from his companions to find Val. Despite the satisfaction of coming six times, as a vampire, he needed final consummation -- and that could only be with his lover, his love, Val.

  When he spotted Val, Paul at first couldn’t decipher the expression on the other man’s face. Much as he wanted to hear Val’s reactions, Paul’s fangs ached. He needed to feed soon or the omission would eat away at the pleasure of the ritual. “Val, what is it?”

  Retkove was standing near Val, looking at him strangely. Val bent to his ear. “Retkove sucked my cock.”

  “How was it for you, Val? Are you freaked out?”

  Val seemed to consider this for a moment. “Not as much as I’d have expected. I told Retkove this would be the only time. I guess he put everything he felt for me all those years into it. Now we can both move on.”

  Paul squeezed his hand. “Val, I never expected to feel glad about anything connected to Retkove, but this is good.”

  “Yeah, I guess it is.”

  “I want to discuss this more, but Val, I need to feed, now.”

  Val smiled broadly. “You do?”

fangs were now throbbing. “Oh, yeah.”

  Val exhaled hard. “Me, too.”

  “Let’s do it, man, before I expire.” Paul gripped Val’s hand and started pulling him toward a small circle of trees where they could have privacy.

  “You really are a vampire,” Val said, as if realizing that fact for the first time.

  “Of course I am.” Paul focused to read his lover’s mind. Val’s fangs had to be aching as much as his own.

  Val shook his head and laughed. “I figured maybe here on Apoll’ex, you’d distance yourself from me, from all the changes.”

  “Even if I could, I wouldn’t.” He traced the outlines of his lover’s face with his index finger. “Val, I love you. I want to be with you in every way. Though we’ll both make love with others here, because that’s the Apollan way, I’ll feed only from you, ever. And you from me.”

  By way of response, he took Paul’s finger in his mouth and sucked it hard before claiming his lips in a deep, searing kiss.

  But other hungers awaited. Paul could see Retkove watching them, his eyes filled with longing. Though he experienced a moment of sympathy, even pity, for the other vampire -- after all, how awful would it be to face eternity deprived of Val’s love -- he realized there was nothing more they could do for him. No way they would open their sacred feeding to Retkove, no matter how needy the other man would be. They’d help him find willing partners and integrate him to the ways of the planet, but not by allowing him into their intimacy.

  Hand in hand, Paul led Val to their spot. And there, he watched as the love of his soul, Val, threw his head back and bared his neck. Bathed in his beloved sunshine, Paul lowered his face and penetrated Val’s skin with his aching fangs.

  The first taste of Val’s essence filled his mouth and began to course through him. During the agony of his imprisonment by Retkove on Earth, dreams of being with a lover had seemed impossible. Being with that lover on Apoll’ex had seemed so far beyond the reaches of fantasy. But here he was, completely entwined with Val in their most erotic embrace. As he sucked Val’s blood, Paul’s cock grew large yet again. He pressed himself against his lover’s muscular body and gave himself up to the intense pleasure of the world he shared with Val.


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