Gavin’s Song: Road to Salvation: A Last Rider's Trilogy #1

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Gavin’s Song: Road to Salvation: A Last Rider's Trilogy #1 Page 16

by Begley, Jamie

  Fighting down the instinctive urge to vomit, he forced himself to take shallow breaths to lessen the pain. The last thing he needed to do was vomit and pass out.

  Putting his hand out in the darkness, he didn’t feel anything around him, so he slid his leg to the side, feeling nothing but the floor. Gavin was debating his next move when a light came on overhead.

  Slowly turning his head toward the sound of someone coming down the steps, he confirmed what the light revealed. Concrete floor and walls, no windows, a flight of wooden steps. No chance to escape the blurry outline of a man moving toward him.

  The predicament was as bad as it could get, and recognizing the smug face gloating down on him, Gavin knew Memphis wouldn’t be able to resist spelling it out for him.

  “Welcome to your new home away from home.”

  Gavin let Memphis have his moment, unwilling to give the fucker the satisfaction of shouting useless threats that he was incapable of carrying out in the condition he was in. He knew he was fucked. He didn’t need a fucking spelling bee to figure it out.

  Memphis wasn’t going to let him off that easy, though. Using the toe of his boot, he kicked the bottom of his foot. “Damn, Gavin, I thought you had more fight in you.”

  Gritting his teeth, he took the pain, letting it wash through him as Memphis walked around, enjoying the sight of him in pain. Gavin didn’t even flinch when Memphis spat at him.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me, right? A ten-year-old has more fight than you do!” Confident that he had beaten the fight out him, Memphis roughly smacked at his head. Gavin let him, barely able to stay upright, feeling as if his brain was swishing inside him, pounding his skull.

  “They call you the fucking Reaper?” Harsh laughter followed by swift kick to his ribs had Gavin wrapping his ribcages in agony as Memphis continued his tirade. “Fucking loser. If The Last Riders could see you now, they would make me president. Anyone that made you vice president deserves to have his cut taken away from him.”

  Grimacing in agony when Memphis reached out and took a handful of his hair, Gavin pleaded to Memphis. “Please stop,” he whimpered.

  Reveling in the pain he was causing, Memphis bent down to use his hair to tug his head back, gloating down at him. It was the chance that Gavin had been waiting for.

  Bringing the palm of his hand up, he struck Memphis in the windpipe. If he had been at full strength, it would have killed him. Either way, Gavin would take what he could get, enjoying the satisfaction in sending Memphis to his ass, clutching his throat.

  Determined to beat the fuck out of the betraying bastard, he gave the rage he’d been holding back free rein to extract retribution. He disregarded the pain it would cause him, and threw himself on Memphis, intent on ripping his treacherous throat out.

  “Whoa, Reaper!” Rough hands landed on his shoulders, pulling him off Memphis.

  Finding himself staring at three men gathered around him, waiting for him to go for Memphis again, Gavin was forced to allow Memphis to scoot away from his reach. Two of the men Gavin didn’t recognize. It was the other one who had him clenching his hands into fists.


  The muscular man had served twelve months before being discharged for bad conduct. Two of those months, Slate spent in a military prison, thanks to Gavin testifying against him.

  “Long time, no see, Reaper,” Slate mocked, squatting down in front of him as the other two men moved to stand on each side of him, waiting to hold him back if he made a move toward Slate.

  “Not long enough.”

  “I can understand you feeling that way. I haven’t pulled out the welcome wagon for you, but that’s Memphis’s fault. You’re no use to me all busted up. But what can I say? I have to work with what I have.”

  Slate turned his blond head toward the wooden steps. “Ink!”

  Gavin saw booted feet coming down the steps at Slate’s yell.

  “What you need, Slate?”

  “Get dumbass out of here before Reaper has another go at him. Next time, I might not stop him.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Feeling malevolent, Gavin watched Ink help Memphis to his feet, practically carrying him up the narrow steps.

  Gavin didn’t turn his attention back to Slate until he snapped his fingers in front of his face.

  “Now, I know you want to kill his bitch ass, but I can’t let you do that. As much as I want to do it myself, we’ll just have to control ourselves, won’t we?”

  Giving Slate the full force of his hostility, now that Memphis was gone, Gavin said, “Why don’t we see how brave you are without your buddies? But we already know how that would end, don’t we?”

  “That’s not nice. Here I am, being all friendly, and you just have to bring up past bullshit. Oh well, I tried.” Standing, Slate walked around him.

  Gavin didn’t trust him behind his back, but before he could get his protesting ribs to let him turn, Slate had him in a headlock, and the man on his left plunged a needle into his arm.

  As soon as he succeeded in plunging whatever it was into him, they released him.

  Slate walked back around to face him. “There. That should make you more amenable.”

  “You know you’re a dead man, don’t you?”

  “Who’s going to do the job? Certainly not you. Viper? None of The Last Riders even know you’re missing yet, and when they do, the Road Demons won’t even be on their radar. Personally, I don’t think they’ll give a fuck. Have they even tried to talk to you since you gave your cut back?”

  Finding out Memphis filled Slate in on what had gone down between him and the club wasn’t a shocker. The fault lay squarely on his shoulders, and Memphis used the opportunity to hand him over on a plate.

  “What did you give me?”

  “Wait and see. I think you’re going to enjoy the plans I have for you. I know I am.” Cutting his gaze away from his, he looked at the men behind him. “Hock, when he’s ready, you and Brewer bring him upstairs.”

  “Will do,” the bigger of the two replied.

  “I’ll get Ink and Chain to set up a bed for him. We can’t have our guest sitting on the floor.”

  Gavin tried to analyze if he would be able to take on the men left behind as Slate went upstairs, but he had trouble centering his thoughts. He tried to force himself to stay awake, but the more he tried, the sleepier he became. Unable to stay upright, he felt himself slumping backward. Hock and Brewer became blurring images as he stared up at them.

  Laying his hand on the cold floor, he tried to push himself up again. It was a wasted effort. One of the men raised his foot to shove him back down again when he was halfway up.

  Not willing to give in to the oblivion of the drug, Gavin tried to get up again.

  “Damn, how is he still moving?” he heard one say.

  “Don’t know. But we better tell Slate to give him a higher dosage next time.”

  “Or we can do it the old-fashioned way.”

  A fist to his cheekbone did what the drug hadn’t been able to do, leaving him unable to move or gather his jumbled thoughts.

  “Let me have a turn.”

  Defenseless, Gavin was forced to stare down into the abyss of hell that Memphis, Crash, and Bedford opened. And with his last clear thought, he thought, the nightmare is just beginning.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Ah … here’s my new bitch.”

  Gavin desperately tried to fight off whatever they injected into him. The blows to his head were making the battle even harder. He didn’t know which one was responsible for muddling his mind and stealing his willpower so that he could stay awake to find a way to escape.

  Someone heaved his limp body over his shoulder, and carried him up the steps, then dropped him onto something soft. His mind was too confused to distinguish one face from another, voices merging together.

  When he heard a woman’s voice, he could tell the difference. “You sure he won’t hurt me?” the woman asked.

��I gave him enough that he couldn’t hurt a fly if he wanted to.”

  Gavin felt a hand touch his shoulder, shaking his body.

  “See?” The mocking voice hurt his head as badly as having his body jostled. “Ink, get his clothes off while I set up the equipment. Butcher, check him out when Ink’s done. I don’t want him croaking off. He’s not worth shit if he’s dead.”

  Gavin heard a groan coming from inside his chest, but he wasn’t aware of making the sound, nor did he feel his clothes being removed from his body, only that they had been when he felt the cold air on his chest.

  “Holy mother,” the woman purred. “He’s going to make us a shit load of money.”

  “Yes, he will,” Slate gloated. “How’s he doing, Butcher? He going to live?”

  “Not if he takes another hit to the head. Find somewhere else to hit him. His ribs need a rest. I gave you enough in that syringe; it shouldn’t have been necessary to do this kind of damage.”

  “Memphis did it before I had him. If I’d known he had a lamp post as a dick, I wouldn’t have given him the couple I gave him.”

  “Me neither.” Another male voice snickered.

  Dizzy, Gavin tried to match swirling images to the voices and had to close his eyes again, feeling as if he was going to vomit.

  “So, is he going to live or not?”


  “Right on! Let’s get this show started. You ready?”

  “What do you think?” the female purred.

  The raucous laughter surrounding him was even worse than seeing the hallucinogenic figures standing over him. Trying to open his dry mouth, he tried to tell them that he was going to vomit.

  “What’d he say?” one male voice asked.

  “Don’t know, don’t care,” another answered.

  “I think he said he’s going to vomit,” the woman responded, her purr gone.

  “Then stay away from his mouth.”

  Praying for oblivion, Gavin tried to lift his shoulder, determined to get away from the cruel jabs.

  “I thought you said he couldn’t move?” The fear interlaced with excitement in the woman’s voice had him attempting to move again.


  “You wanted him incapacitated, not dead. Don’t worry; I think you can take him in the shape he’s in.”

  Again, as the laughter filled his drumming head, he tried to move when he felt something lay on him.

  “Damn, he’s fucking gorgeous.” Gavin felt her mouth as she talked. Then she licked over his chest, going downward to his abs as exploring fingers went to his cock. “He’s hung like a bull.”

  “Suck it,” a male ordered.

  “Slate, you don’t have to tell me what to do.” The woman’s low moan had him trying to get his tongue to work to order her to stop.

  Gavin felt a warm mouth cover his dick before she sucked, drawing him deeper inside. He went from trying to talk to trying to stop his dick from getting hard. With her fondling fingers, she found his balls, making it even harder to stop the involuntary reaction she was getting.

  “I think he likes it.”

  “He would have to be dead not to. Vamp could suck the juice out of a dried lemon.”

  Straining, Gavin tried to shove her off him. Lifting weighted eyelids, he was dazed by bright lights shining down on him.

  “How’s it looking in the camera?”

  “She’s making me horny as fuck. That answer your question?”

  “It’s not you I’m trying to make horny. Next time, I’m not giving him the full shot. He’s lying there like a limp fish,” someone complained.

  “Not all of him.”

  His cock was removed from her mouth.

  Gavin desperately kept trying to focus on the blurred woman on his body, not even able to distinguish hair color in the glare of the lights.

  Beneath his back, the mattress moved as the woman lifted her weight off his legs. Thinking she was finished with him, he tried to struggle away again when his cock was enveloped in a rubber before being placed in a velvet sheath.

  “Vamp, you must be losing your touch. I think he’s trying to get away.”

  “Mmhmm … I hope he keeps trying,” the female moaned.

  Gavin’s body bounced up and down on the mattress as the woman started fucking him. He heard another groan from his chest when she put her hands on his ribcage and the bed started moving faster.

  “Fuck him harder!”

  “Take it all!”

  “I’m next,” a lust-ridden voice muttered near him. “How long does that shot you gave him last?”

  “Long enough for you to get your money out of him.”

  That answer sent a chill through him. What was happening to him had to be a nightmare. But when the woman tightened her grip on his ribcage, he was forced to acknowledged that it wasn’t.

  Hair spilled across his face when she stopped moving to fall forward onto him. “He’s all yours!” she yelled into his ear before she got off him.

  “You didn’t leave me much to work with.” The voice was thick with lust as it moved away from him, then Gavin felt the mattress sink near his feet. “Fortunately, I like leftovers as long as the rest of him is brand new.”

  The hand that gripped his cock was not feminine, nor were the murmurs coming from the mouth that was sliding over him.

  Gavin tried again to throw himself from the bed. Laughter erupted at his efforts.

  The fact he betrayed Taylor with a woman and now a man pierced his ego. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t willing and that he was drugged out of his mind; what hurt the most was his own body’s betrayal. It was more even more devastating than Memphis’s and Crash’s betrayals because, while he couldn’t control their actions, he should have been able to control his. When his cock became erect despite his mind’s and body’s resistance, it hit him at a fundamental level he never experienced before—shame.

  He felt a tongue run the length of his shaft before a hand curled around it while continuing to suck.

  “Make sure he doesn’t come in your mouth. I need the cum shot.”

  Darkness swirled at the edge of his consciousness, while Gavin tried to concentrate with every bit of his willpower to remember every detail so he could kill each and every one who was doing and witnessing what was happening to him.

  “Here he goes!”

  Humiliation burned at the coarse comments in the room. Blanking them out, Gavin was relieved when he felt whoever it was release the hold he had on his cock.

  “I’ll let you clean him up, Vamp.” The mouth thick with lust moved to his neck. “I hope you enjoyed that. I know I did. That was a small appetizer of what I can do for you.”

  Gavin couldn’t hold the vomit any longer and started heaving.

  A hand settled over his mouth. “You’re not going to ruin this!”

  With his eyes bulging, he fought hard to hold the vomit back, knowing if he didn’t, he would asphyxiate.

  Slowly, the hand was removed. “Better? Right on. Let’s get to the main course! Ink, turn him over. Vamp, get the bucket ready. If he blows, I don’t want it to get on the mattress.”

  Rough hands turned him onto his stomach. Then finding himself spread-eagle, Gavin tried to roll back over, his numb brain understanding what was about to happen.

  “Chain his hands. I don’t want him getting loose and damaging my equipment.”

  “He gets loose, he won’t be going for the equipment,” someone joked. “Turn his head. We don’t want him to suffocate.”

  They grabbed his wrists and raised them over his head. Gavin no longer made the attempt to clear his mind, not wanting to accept that he was about to be raped again. However, a hard slap on his buttock wouldn’t let him escape the reality that fingers were now slipping between his clenched cheeks.

  “My clients know I deal in clean goods. I want a condom on your dick before you get any closer to his ass.”

  “I’m clean.”

  “I don’t give a fuck
. Either put it on or you’re going to forfeit the money you paid me. If I made Vamp put a condom on him, you sure as hell are going to have one. You’re a bigger whore than she is.”

  Briefly, the hand moved away, but it wasn’t long before it was back. Gavin tried tugging on the chains that were restraining him when slick fingers delved inside him.

  “I told you he was a cherry. He’s about to tear the chains from the wall.”

  Gavin frantically tried harder as two hands pressed his chest farther down into the mattress.

  “Go ahead and fight. It gets me even harder.” The male voice behind him had Gavin trying to throw off the heavy weight that was pressing him down.

  A loud scream filled the room as the bed began moving again. It took a second for him to realize the pain-filled scream was coming from him, as he was brutalized by the man forcing himself into his clenching body.

  Over and over, a cock was thrust inside of him, going higher each time. Gavin tried to wrap the chain around his wrists tighter to give himself more traction, but he didn’t have enough strength in his muscles to succeed.

  His rapist grabbed the hair at the back of his head, pulling his head back, as another hand slipped under his waist to gab his cock.

  “Don’t worry; you’ll get used to it. You’ll be begging me for it before too long.”

  Gavin used every ounce of willpower to get the words out, but his thick tongue wouldn’t let him.

  “What’d he say?”

  “I think he said, fuck off.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Gavin woke up and every part of his body ached, and he knew his torture wasn’t over. He experimentally moved his fingers before raising his hand to see if the drug they gave him wore off.

  Carefully and slowly, he maneuvered himself into a sitting position, his roiling stomach rebelling. Unable to hold back the vomit, Gavin leaned over the edge of the cot and lost what little was in his stomach. Realizing he was naked had his gut spasming even more.


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