Golden Stagecoach

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Golden Stagecoach Page 3

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Joel held her hand up and looked at the ring. To him it seemed rather small, but he really didn't know about diamonds. He said, "Amos, it seems rather small don't you think so?"

  "Well, yes," he said while adjusting his glasses on his bulbous nose, 'but this is all I have. I can order from New York, but that would take a few weeks." At that moment out from the back came an old woman that was obviously his wife. She said, "I found this in the safe Amos. You must have forgotten about it. It's much bigger my dear." She showed it too Bessie and took her hand and placed the ring on her third finger. It was twice the size and with the sun reflecting through the window, a dazzling sight it truly was. Bessie gasped with joy.

  Joel loved it. He said, "We'll take it thank you."

  Bessie wouldn't take it off. It was a perfect fit. She said, "Please bury me with this ring if I die before you do Joel."

  "I'll keep your wish Bessie dear. Now let's go see about some tickets to Denver."

  They spent the afternoon sending telegrams. Of course the main telegram went to Denver alerting the family they were coming. The other telegrams were sent by Joel. One went to a land owner in Bethlehem; a lawyer in Boston; a banker in Pittsburgh and one to an architect in New York. With all that accomplished, they quickly packed for the 9 pm train to Cheyenne, Wyoming where they would transfer to a train to Denver. They had two sleeping compartments for proprieties sake.

  What they didn't know was a non-descript man was right behind them buying a ticket to the same destination. Joel felt something and couldn't put his finger on it. They left the building and hailed a carriage.

  They had a late dinner on the train. Both were tired and decided to call it an early evening. Joel had received some telegrams he was anxious to read and had some newspapers to look over before sleeping.

  Joel was holding Bessie's hand looking at the nice ring when he noticed a man eating dinner by himself. At first Joel thought he was a business man returning from the east coast going west bound. However, he thought it a bit strange he was reading a New York newspaper. Why would it be strange he thought? Well because he was going west and one would think he would be looking for news of the west not east. And when they walked by Joel noticed the date on the paper was late February and it was almost April. Well, never mind he thought. He's probably just a lonesome guy and found an old newspaper to read.

  Bessie took her leave and went to bed exhausted from a very busy and stressful day. She said her prayers and thanked the Lord for giving her a nice man. Joel was just across the narrow hall reading his telegrams and soon fell asleep without finishing reading all of them.

  The next morning, as they crossed the Mississippi River, Joel and Bessie were eating breakfast in the dining car. They were in deep discussion about the wedding plans and so on. Joel was only half listening just to keep his attention on what she was saying; but his thoughts were on the steel mill. Then he heard Bessie say, "Joel are you listening to me? You look like you're a million miles away."

  "I'm sorry honey. I'll admit my thoughts were drifting afield. I'll pay attention now. I did hear you say something about the reception being held at the church afterwards. I like that idea."

  "Joel, you know there is a man down at the end of the car that keeps looking at us or me. I'm not sure who or what he is but I don't like it."

  Joel knew better than to turn around and look so he said, "Let me go to my compartment and get some papers and be right back. Then I can get a good look at him. Wait a minute." Joel slowly made his way to the end of the car passing by the man who was reading the same newspaper as last night. He never looked up and Joel hurried to his room to get the telegrams he had been sent.

  He sat back down and said to Bessie, "Yes, the guy seems to be following us. However, I think he is harmless so never mind. Pay him no attention. Let's watch and see what he does when we change trains in Wyoming."

  "Let's go my compartment and away from him. I want to be alone with you for awhile. Let's get to know each other better. I'd just like to relax and have some nice conversation about what your plan is for the future. I want to be part of it, so let me help in any way I can."

  "Let's go Bessie my dear. I'd like to just stare at you for awhile. I've no experience with women. I hate to admit it but I've never even kissed a girl before." Joel turned red as a beet and so did Bessie. They both stood up quickly and walked by the Pinkerton man without looking.

  Tucked in her compartment, door locked, they sat opposite each other listening and feeling the train moving closer to their date with the preacher. Bessie removed her hat and pulled out some pins and combs letting her hair fall around her shoulders. Joel sucked his lungs full seeing her beautiful blonde curly hair framing her face. While he looked on she took out a brush and began brushing her hair. Joel felt a stirring he'd never experienced before. He didn't have a hat on so he feigned being hot so he took his coat off placing it over his lap.

  Bessie was humming a tune and then she said, "I've never kissed a boy before either. I think we ought to practice a little don't you," she said lowering her eyes and he saw her cheeks redden against her lily-white skin. Joel was afraid to move as the bulge in his pants would clearly show up. She was still brushing her hair, and then she kicked off her shoes.

  Joel went to his knees in front of her to hide his growing member. He laid his head in her lap. Bessie began stroking his hair. Both were beginning to breathe harder. Joel encircled his arms around her. Neither one knew what to do next. Bessie solved that situation by lying down on her bunk. Joel moved down slightly to look directly into her blue eyes from only a few inches away.

  Bessie reached out and placed her hand behind his head slowly drawing his lips to hers. She was in another world. It was a world all its own with just the two of them occupying the entire earth at that point in time. Nothing could be heard but the beating of two hearts as one. This is why God made man and woman. The joining of two humans was as natural as walking. We were made to reproduce and that is what was about to take place.

  Their lips met. Nature took over from there. Indeed they were rookies at this love making business but after a bout of lips and tongue action, clothes came off. It took awhile for him and her to take off her clothes. However, he enjoyed every second of the ordeal. When it came to the last articles, she turned to him and began undressing her future husband. He already had his coat off and now shirt, tie, pants and shoes and socks came off. He felt no embarrassment as he was down to his shorts only. Bessie had never seen a man without a shirt on before. There is hair on his chest, but not a lot. She ran her hands over his shoulders, chest and belly. Joel kissed her again and again. Then he kissed her neck working his way to her little ears. He nibbled on the lobes and she trembled in his arms. His hand went slowly up under her short undershirt until he found a soft breast in his hand. As soon as he touched her breast, the nipple hardened. He played with it like a new found toy. By now Bessie was quietly moaning from her throat.

  Joel wanted to see her two breasts. He raised her shirt and feasted on two very white breasts with hard pink nipples looking at him. He lowered his head to take one in his warm mouth. Bessie had her hands behind his head pulling him tighter to her chest. After satiating on her two globes, he went down her body to her stomach. From the waist down she was wearing bloomers and Joel had no idea what to do now.

  Bessie solved the problem by telling him to untie the ankles and pull down her bloomers. He did as instructed. As he lowered her bloomers, he saw for the first time in his life, the public hair of the triangle women possessed. Her public hair was pure blonde and very curly like her head hair. Joel ran his hand over the hair and again Bessie moaned opening her legs. Joel lowered his head and drank in her wonderful scent. By now he was getting the hang of this love making business. He went from triangle to head and back down feasting all the while on her perfect body.

  During this whole time he'd been on his knees. His member ached it was so hard. Bessie said, "Come up here and lay beside me Joel.
I want to explore your body a little bit."

  He climbed up alongside her. He lay on his back with his member pointed at the top bunk. Bessie rose up on one arm and slide down his underwear. She gasped and slowly touched his penis. She laid her head on his chest and started playing with his penis and she also found his sack with two balls in it. Joel was about to ejaculate if she didn't stop playing with him. He said, "Bessie honey, if you keep doing that I will spew forth my seed."

  "She said, "That's okay with me we have all day long. I can wait until you're ready again." Then she moved her hand up and down and indeed he shot his seed into the air. She squealed in delight and he laughed while breathing hard. While he lay there out of breath she played with his chest and nipples. She put her mouth on first one then the other; sucking gently.

  Joel thought sure his member would shrink, but instead it remained hard. He took both his hands and lifter her so he could once again suck on her breasts. She was breathing hard now and before he knew what was happening, she straddled him rubbing her triangle against his member. He was surprised how wet she was. It was so slick and soft. She reached down between her legs and guided his member to her love canal. At first only the head went in as she once again gasped at the largeness of his member. Then she slowly lowered herself down. It took a few up and down to fully take him in, but Joel never moved. It was a feeling like nothing he'd ever experienced before. He wanted to pump but was afraid to. Bessie, with her breasts hanging in front of him, slowly moved up and down. Joel reached up and tweaked her nipples. She yelped a little. He noticed her eyes were closed all the time. He lay there and let her take control. She increased the rhythm and he stayed with her. It wasn't long and she began to make alarming noises, he thought. He hoped nobody outside the compartment was listening.

  Joe was peaking and about ready to come again when she started quivering and gasping as he too spent his seed. She collapsed against his chest breathing hard. He wrapped his arms around her and wept tears of joy. If anyone asked he would have said he went to heaven and back again. He whispered into her ear, "I love you Bessie dear. I can't stand the thought of being away from you. I want you with me always and forever. I never break my promise dear Bessie; and he didn’t either.


  When they stepped off the train in Denver, Joel was sure he was being followed. The 'why' was a good question? The only thing he could think of was the amount of gold he held in the bank with Raleigh. The banker probably knew how much gold he had. Now he probably thinks I'm going back home to get some more. Well, Raleigh would have to do better than this guy, that's for sure.

  Bessie's mother and sister were at the station when they pulled in around 2 pm. It was a fairly warm day for spring at over a mile high. Tears were flowing and hugs were going around making everyone dizzy. Joel stood there looking on with fond thoughts of marrying his new love. Joel also saw while standing there his 'Shadow' scurrying off to the hotel.

  A four seat carriage pulled up and the driver put their bags in the back. In no time they were in the house getting warm. Joel excused himself and went to the bank to see Bessie's father.

  Carl Blake was talking to a teller when Joel walked in. Carl was expecting him of course. Now he walked up with a smile and his hand out for Joel to shake. He patted Joel on the shoulder and led him to his office signaling his secretary for some coffee.

  "Well, my boy, how are you and after that catch me up on the doings back east."

  "I'm fine Mr. Blake. I graduated from Boston Tech and will now think about starting a business back east. I know Bessie sent a telegraph, but I'm here formally to ask you for her hand and your blessing."

  "Of course Joel. You've always been family and now it will be official. I'm happy to be part of everyone's happiness. My daughters are precious to me and Jane. Your record speaks for itself. You've done nothing but good things since we met back in 60. You left here when you were eighteen and that was five years ago." He stopped as the secretary brought in two cups of coffee. He said, "Oh, by the way you still have a substantial amount of money here in the bank. You had said to leave it here and let it accumulate. Well, I checked this morning and it's almost $500 dollars. What would you like to do with the account?"

  Joel said, "I'm a little taken aback. I'd forgot about it to tell you the truth. I worked my way through college and never gave it a thought. Let's leave it there for the time being."

  "Okay with me son. Now the wedding is on for Sunday. Jane and Beth are making the plans. Is there anything you want to do in particular?"

  "I'm going to ride out and place a marker where my father died. I need to spend some time reflecting. I'll not bother anyone to accompany me as I prefer to be alone. I'll need a buggy or a horse would do."

  "Whatever it's your choice Joel. We have both. I'll have the stable boy on alert one way or another. You are welcome to my horse. She's a beauty and well behaved."

  After he left the secretary came in and said, "My God Carl, what a gorgeous hunk of man that guy is. And you daughter Bessie landed him. He's dressed so nice and he's so polite. I forgot about him it's been so long now since he went back east. I sure hope they're happy and provide many grandchildren for you."

  "Indeed he's a handsome man and smart too. I found out from his school that he graduated at the top of his class. I think we're looking at a future big time business man if I'm not mistaken," said Carl.

  Joel went to see his Old Man at the stage office. He noticed at the hotel across the street the same man reading a newspaper. My god how obvious can you get, he thought. Walking into the stage office the 'Old Man' was buried in his newspaper and didn't even look up to see who was coming in. Joel, with a giant smile walked up and slapped the counter making the Old Man jump a foot off the ground. He did a double take and then big tears started rolling down his chubby cheeks. He said, "Lord all Mighty, it my son returning from afar."

  "I'm happy to see you too," said Joel. I wonder is my old room still available? I need a place to hang my hat for a few days. I'm not sure if you know it or not, but I'm going to marry Bessie Blake this Sunday. I'd like you to be my best man if you would so honor me."

  All that did was bring on more tears and a big nose blow into his red handkerchief. Finally he got control and shook Joel hand until his arm hurt. An hour went by and Joel left to visit some other friends around town. After that he went by the stable to see the owner or someone who was working there. He found a new boy working there around eighteen years old. In a short time they hit it off and Joel told him what he wanted with no questions asked. He gave the kid a double eagle. Then he said, "I want Carl's horse saddled and tied up behind his house at midnight. I want you to be sneaky about it and tell no one. When I come back I'll leave him tied up inside over there," as he pointed to a post next to a stall.

  The kid said he would take care of it and not say a word to anyone. Joel believed him and went back to the stage office and upstairs to his old room. His room was as if he never left except a thick layer of dust. He blew the dust off his father's old saddle bags and went to the bath house. There he found someone to go clean the room and he took a nice hot bath.

  He was back home at Aunt Jane's by dinner time. Feeling both on top of the world and a little apprehensive, he timidly joined a group of five women. He was the only man there. Aunt Jane had a housekeeper and cook so all were in the living room talking and making wedding plans. Joel felt like a third thumb on one of his hands. Bessie saw his shyness and hurried to his side. Bessie said, "Mother and friends, this is my man. He has a heart of gold, no pun intended. If my sister wasn't already married, I'd be really jealous." Everyone laughed and that made Joel relax a little. She said, "Our plan is for me to continue my education in Boston and he will go to Pennsylvania to start a business of some sort. Now if you ladies don't mind, it's almost dinner time and I'd like to discuss some things with my future husband."

  All looked at their watches and exclaimed how time flies and the need to go home. Soon the place w
as empty except for the twins and mother; and of course Joel. Joel was not comfortable around women. He had no experience dating back to his mother. Hugs and kisses were as foreign to him as dancing hall women. Now he sat amongst three of the loveliest women he knew of. He never realized how pretty Aunt Jane was. Bessie was sitting alongside him on a Baroque style sofa. It was a new addition to the house; along with chairs, a China cabinet complete with bone china.

  Aunt Jane made sure he knew and her friends that she had real bone china by holding it up to light to see her hand through the plate. Joel was not impressed. To him a plate was a plate, but with a person climbing the social ladder, such things as bone china had to follow. Bessie leaned over into his ear and said, "I'm not impressed with high cost things my dear. We need to be frugal and I can cook, clean and raise our kids' just fine."

  Joel relaxed; a little. He was saved by Carl coming through the front door whistling. Bessie jumped up and gave him a short curtsy and then a hug. After the platitudes were over, he asked if anyone wanted a drink. Aunt Jane asked for wine and so did the twins. Joel thought he would make it four. Carl made it five opening a special bottle of champagne. The cork hit the ceiling and everyone jumped, including Joel. He thought a gun went off. He quickly recovered as Carl laughed and poured a glass for each. Then he toasted the upcoming marriage.

  Dinner was ready and they finished off the wine at dinner time. After dinner a family discussion took place. Joel really didn't understand why they needed to discuss the family, but he went along with the talk or discussion.

  Carl asked Joel what his plan was for the next day or days. Joel said, "Tomorrow I'll ride out to see where my father was killed. After that I want to go to our old house and visit my mother's grave. Following that Bessie said she wanted to see where her sister lived. That would bring us up to Saturday. Sunday is busy I assume." Everyone laughed including Joel. It must have been the wine, he thought. It kind of loosened his tongue. He must remember that when meeting business people.


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