Golden Stagecoach

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Golden Stagecoach Page 5

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Joel moved down to put one nipple in his mouth. He nibbled a little to see what would happen. She purred with delight. Then he took one hand and ran it down her belly to the triangle. He discovered she was wet and he was more than ready. He lowered his head leaving the nipple to fend for itself. He kissed and licked his way to the love entrance. His tongue found a spot that was hard and he wondered what it was. Every time he licked there she would whimper delight. He ran his tongue around the little erect thing and she started moaning and moving her hips. He inserted a finger and moved it back and forth. Soon she bucked and shuddered with a climax. Joel wasn't quite sure what was going on, but she seemed to love it.

  He held her close as her breathing was returning to normal. Joel was still rock hard, but he sensed now wasn't the time. So he waited and soon Bessie was playing with his hair as his head lay on her belly. He played with the curly hair of the triangle. Then she said, "Honey come here. I'm ready now. I want to feel your hard member in my body."

  Joel did as he was told. His hard penis easily entered her very wet love canal. However, he was slow to go all the way. She gasped when he entered her as she hung onto his head with both hands. It only took a few minutes and he spent his seed into her very warm vagina.

  Both satiated they lay there for some time. The car rocked from side to side and the sounds of metal wheels on metal tracks put them both to sleep.

  It was very dark out when they woke up. Joel got up and from a water basin washed his face and hands. Then Bessie did her toilette. After dressing they went to dinner. Both were starving and Joel tried to ignore the Shadow as he sat reading his old newspaper. After dinner they went back to bed as they were both mentally and physically exhausted.


  Joel got off the train in Pittsburgh. They had, or at least she did, a tearful goodbye. Joel promised to write. He gave her the bank name and account number. He told her to go there and show the bank the marriage certificate and withdraw what she needed.

  Meanwhile, Joel checked into a first rate hotel not far from the bank he was to visit the next day. He'd an appointment at 11 a.m. Joel still had his Shadow with him. It was time to lose him because he didn't want Raleigh to know he was visiting a banker.

  After he checked in to the hotel he went shopping for a leather bag that business men carried around these days. He found a shop and bought two of them. He told the salesperson to have them delivered to the hotel but make sure they were both wrapped up in one paper with string. He showed the clerk how he wanted them together with one upright and the other upside down making it appear like a rectangle.

  After a good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast, he took one bag down to the lobby with him as if he was going out on business. The door man ordered a carriage when Joel said he forgot something and would be right back. Watch my bag he said, He hurried back into the hotel, up to his room, picked up the other bag and out the back door he went. He walked a block down the alley and then hailed a carriage. He gave the driver the name of the bank and away they went. When they went by the front of the hotel, the doorman and bag were still there. Across the street reading is newspaper was the Shadow. He never saw Joel pass by.

  At the First National Bank Joel walked in just a few minutes before 11 a.m. He spoke to a woman who looked important to Joel. He gave her his name and she nodded and told him to wait a few minutes.

  In quick order a man came out from the back with a grin on his face framed by silver grey hair and matching eyes. He shook Joel's hand saying he was Les Rock and welcome to his bank. He led Joel to his office. Joel noticed his office was less pretentious than Raleigh's office. It was more businesslike

  Joel said, "I'm not here to quibble, but here to acquire a loan to build a steel mill in Bethlehem. I'm looking for $200,000 and I have 100 pounds of gold for collateral. I don't want to sell the gold, but strictly use it for collateral."

  Les never batted an eye. He was looking intensely at Joel. He could see the strong personality and drive this man had in front of him. He wasn't timid; he was strong but looked like he could bend if needed to. The secretary brought in coffee which gave Les time to think. After taking a sip and looking at Joel who never touched his cup, but looked Les in the eye, Les said, "You know times have been hard the last two years. We see a little opening for the future. For my bank to loan $200,000 we would need all of your 100 pounds and more."

  Joel pondered that for a moment and said, "What interest rate are we looking at with a 20% down payment."

  "High risk we charge 5% and low risk 3%. In this case, if you can put 20% down we will split the difference and charge you 4%."

  "I can give you 130 pounds of gold. 100 pounds now and after I return from Boston I can give you another 30 pounds. Do we have a deal Mr. Rock?"

  Les stood up and stuck out his hand indicating a done deal. Joel took his hand and shook it firmly. Les said, "I'll have the papers drawn up today and if you care to come back tomorrow we can sign them at this same time."

  "Sounds good to me and I'll see you tomorrow," said Joel.

  After he left, he called his secretary in and told her about the loan. He said, "Unless I miss my guess, in ten years that man will be worth a lot of money."

  Joel left to go a few blocks to an attorney's office. He had a 12 o'clock appointment with Jess Boomer. Once again he was on time. He was quickly ushered into Jess Boomer's office. He told him he wanted three corporations formed. Jess asked him the names and Joel said, "I want one that is, "Stanten Steel Mills, Bethlehem." Another one is, "Stanten Shipping," Boston. The last one is, "Stanten Import and Export," New York."

  "I got it Mr. Stanten. I'll get to work on this right away. I'll need an address for the steel mill soonest you can. Our offices in Boston and New York we will use our address for the other two."

  "Thank you Jess. I'll ask you to put my wife down as an officer of the corporations. Her name is Bessie. I'm going up to Bethlehem now and meet the landowner. I'll have the paperwork sent to you. If you will send me a bill at the First National Bank you will be paid forthwith."

  Jess said, "Let's have some lunch Joel."

  "I'd like that Jess," said Joel.

  Joel waited until the next day after he signed the loan papers to take a train to Bethlehem. When he arrived at the hotel after lunch with Jess, he found a confused doorman. He apologized and said he was trying to ditch that man across the street with the newspaper. The doorman smiled and said, "That man ran across the street asking about you. I told him you'd be right back. He's been over there now since you left this leather bag here."

  Joel gave him a $5 gold coin for his part in the plan. Then he went upstairs to write his wife a letter.

  The next day at ten am, after a big breakfast, he told the doorman to get him a buggy. After that tell the driver to go around town and deposit me at the First National Bank at 11 am. The doorman did as was asked. The Shadow followed him at a discreet distance. An hour later Joel got off at the corner near the bank. He looked behind and he couldn't see his Shadow following him. He lugged his brief case into the bank and signed the papers.

  It didn't take long and he was on his way to Bethlehem by train. There was only one passenger car attached to the mostly coal cars that made up the Lehigh Railroad to Bethlehem. Joel settled in for the long ride. He would arrive the next morning. However, being young, he walked off the train feeling ten feet tall. He was met by the land owner he had been in contact with. Felix Barns was a down to earth man who was one of the first families to settle in Bethlehem. He was looking to retire out west. He was, as he said, "Plum sick of black dusty coal."

  They shook hands and went to look at the 1500 hundred acres mostly situated along the Lehigh River. After a three hour wagon ride, they struck a deal. Joel gave him $500 in gold and told him to see the banker, Les Rock at the First National Bank in Pittsburgh for the remainder. Also he told him to see his lawyer, Jess Boomer for the paper work.

  They had lunch in town and Joel caught a train to P
ittsburg and then on to Boston to see his wife and to see the schemer Raleigh. It took almost two days to get to Boston with a stopover at the hotel in Pittsburgh. He'd sent a telegraph to Bessie telling her when he would arrive in Boston. She made reservations at the same hotel where they had pot roast. This would be the first time they had a double bed to stretch out on. It even had its own privy and hot water when ordered.

  The train rolled in at 5 p.m. only two hours late. Bessie was pacing the platform as Joel saw her out the window. She saw him and jumped up and down like a little girl. He was the first one out the door and into her waiting arms. They had to wait for his trunk and bags. She fired many questions and he said, "Bessie dear, wait till we get out of here and to our hotel room. Then I'll tell you everything."

  In the hotel room they wrapped each other as one instead of two. Clothes started flying everywhere and soon both were naked giggling on the bed. It was much warmer in Boston than Denver. The window was open and a nice late spring breeze was flowing through the opening.

  After a few minutes he told her, while playing with her nipples, his banking, lawyer and the land owner in Bethlehem. He left out the details and he would answer if she questioned him. Then he told her he needed to go to New York to see an architect. By the time he got to the architect she was breathing too hard to listen to anything but the messages from her body to her brain.

  Afterwards, they went downstairs to eat. When dinner was over they went for a walk in the lovely night air. It really wasn't kosher to show affection in public places so they just held hands. She went on and on about her future plans of education. Spring classes were just starting so she was excited about that.

  After about an hour, they decided it was getting cool and to head back to the hotel. They went to bed and cuddled up and slept the night away in each other's arms.

  The next day Bessie went to school and he went to see Raleigh at the bank. As he rode a street car to the bank, he thought he should remain professional. As he walked through the door of the bank Raleigh was standing in his office doorway talking to the Shadow. Joel grinned and strode forward with purpose. The Shadow tried to slip out, but Joel with one powerful arm reached out and drug him back to stand against the wall while he said to Raleigh, "Why would you do this Raleigh? You stood to make a lot of money as I just finished borrowing over $200,000 thousand from a bank in Pittsburgh. This guy you hired was spotted the first day out of Boston on the train. Now what do you have to say about yourself?"

  "I just wanted to know what you were doing is all. I had planned to loan you the money and if you would agree to come sit down let's talk about a line of credit."

  Joel let go of the Shadow and walked into the office. It still smelled like a cigar and made him half sick. However, Joel's mind was in high gear. He had this banker by the gonads. Raleigh said, "You will need more than what you mentioned to build a steel mill Joel. How about we match his loan with an interest rate of 5%?"

  "Drop it to 3% and we've a deal Raleigh," said Joel. Raleigh squirmed in his chair making it squeak. Finally after a full minute he said, "How about 3.5% and we've a deal."

  Joel stood up and shook his hand. He said he would be back in two or three days to sign the papers. Then like a man late for an appointment he was out the door and off to the train station for a trip to New York after lunch with his wife. He'd buy first class seats and take his wife with him.

  They stayed at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. It was a little ostentatious of Joel, but he felt his honeymoon warranted the expenditure.

  The news of the times was the invention of the telephone by Alexander Bell. However, there weren't any to be had yet. Joel sent a wire to the architect requesting a meeting at his office suitable anytime for Joel. While he waited for a reply they had lunch. Bessie was never so impressed with the luxury and wonderful service they had. The food was superb. A waiter came by with a wire from Robert Townsend. He said 2 p.m. would be available. As it turned out they were only a few blocks from his office on Park Avenue.

  Bessie took a nap while he was gone. She wanted to take a hot bath and relax. In particular, she wanted to lounge around in her sleeping dress so as not to have to put on and remove so much material when they made love.

  While she lounged in the hot bath, she thought of her husband and his personality. He seemed strong willed, but listened when others talked. He had total respect for his elders and loved animals. His relationship with the horses on their trip to his old homestead showed her how tender he could be. Also his tenderness in love making made her weak at the knees. She still wasn't sure about that big thing between his legs that made her go crazy with ecstasy and desire for more and more. As she soaped up and her hand went down between her legs, she found her mound was slippery with desire. She said to no one, "Hurry home Joel, I need you."

  Promptly at 2 p.m. Joel walked into the office of Robert Townsend. Joel was greeted by a secretary and could see at least ten men over drawing boards. He was led to the back of the large room to an office. Inside was Robert Townsend in shirt sleeves and hovering over a large wooden board doing what he did best.

  He sat his pencil and T-square down and shook Joel's hand. He was a nice looking man about forty years old. He ignored his desk and they sat down at two arm chairs with a small table between them. The secretary came back with coffee and for once it tasted very good to Joel. Robert Said, "You want me to design a steel mill with a blast furnace, but have room for expansion to three furnaces?"

  "Yes, I just purchased the property and particulars will be sent to you very soon. I also would like a planed employee housing surrounding a large commodity store that will owned by me. I think the phrase is 'Mill Town.' I guess we need a school too. I'm not too sure what all we need but as you're the expert I'll rely on you. I'd also like a modest house for my wife and I to live in. Oh, I forgot to mention that the property is on the Lehigh River."

  Robert was thinking hard about what he was hearing. This, he thought, would be a major undertaking. He said, "Joel, if I may call you by your first name, I'd guess we'd have a rough draft to look at by fall. This is a big job and it will take some time to fit it all together. But, in the meantime I can do a quick sketch once I get the lay of the land."

  "I know you'll need a deposit and if you'll send me an invoice I'll have my banker in Boston send you what you require."

  "That's fine Joel. Now for simplistic sake, let's draw what you might think the site might look like. In the middle of this paper, draw the river as you remember it meandering through town. Also, draw property boundary as you remember it."

  Joel did as he was asked. When he was finished Robert looked hard at the basic drawing. He then asked if all the land around was flat or was there any hills nearby on his property. Robert showed him how to make a hill mark on the paper. "How about floods," Robert asked.

  "Floods are a regular occurrence," said Joel.

  "We'd best raise the steel mill up at least 10 feet; don't you think?"

  Joel said, "I agree. Better safe than sorry."

  Robert said, "I'll take a trip up there with a survey company. If you have time visit me in September. I think that's all for the present time."

  Joel shook Robert's hand and left feeling confident he'd made a good choice in architects.

  Back at the hotel he found Bessie reading a book laying on the bed in her night dress. Her hair was down around her shoulders. It was everything he could do to refrain from jumping on the bed and making love to her. He said, "Have you been bored while I was gone?"

  "Nope, I had a good book and if I've a book to read I never get bored. However, I'm a little lonely and would sure like to see your naked body standing by the bed." She batted her eyes and gave him a little smirk of facial expression. Joel did not need prodding. In one minute he was naked with his unit sticking out and up towards his hard belly. He walked over to the side of the bed.

  Bessie reached out wrapped her hand around his member. He looked down and saw this little white soft
hand on his mostly dark colored penis with a red head. Bessie moved in for a closer look. She let go of his penis and fondled his sack of testicles. Joel groaned with pleasure. She looked up at him seeing his passion escape from his expression. She moved even closer and stuck her tongue out and touched the tip of his penis. Then with her hand she wrapped it around his member and put the head of his penis in her mouth. Joel almost lost his balance with his knees buckling. Bessie looked up not believing what passion she was seeing and hearing from her husband. She ran her tongue around the bottom of his penis. She heard him cry out in pleasure. With her hand she stroked his member and she was amazed at how hard it was. Then she moved her head back and forth mimicking the action they would use while making love. Joel was crying for mercy and then she could feel it get even harder and then he pulled it out of her mouth and let the sperm fly onto the floor.

  He turned and fell onto the bed looking up at the ceiling breathing hard. Bessie, grinning from ear to ear, was showing off her beautiful even white teeth.

  She looked at his mostly flaccid member lying against his leg. She looked a little closer and saw some oozing of fluid. I wonder what that taste like, she thought. He tastes me and I should know what he tastes like. She leaned over further and took him again into her mouth. Joel never moved. She tasted the tart salty semen, but was distracted as his penis began to grow in her mouth.

  Bessie found this very interesting and once again moved up and down his shaft. Suddenly she was being pulled over onto the top of him. She was naked underneath her sleeping gown. Joel buried his face in her love region.

  Both said later that 'tasting' one another was the most sensuous act they could have ever imagined. He told her it felt like the two of them literally joined together as one soul. She murmured her agreement as they fell asleep joined in body and spirit.


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