Golden Stagecoach

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Golden Stagecoach Page 17

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  My god, he thought, she is or was a virgin. I can't believe I had it so wrong. It just goes to show you how stupid men really are. Why did I read so much into what was not there, he scolded himself? Hanna came back and gently wiped his crotch and then she said, let's take a shower together. Then we can do a repeat before dinner. She took his hand and to the shower they went. He looked at her backside and my lord, he thought, what a fine body she had. Her long blonde hair was half way down her sleek back. Be strong Dirk, be strong and have some endurance this time around.

  Later, after a nice warm soapy time in the shower, they went down to have dinner. Both of them dressed very casual in jeans and pull over sweaters over flannel shirts. Dirk couldn't quit looking at her as they sat at a table with a window that looked outside the side of the lodge into the forest. He never saw the two deer looking at the lodge and then bound away. All Dirk could do was stare at Hanna. She said, "Dirk, you're starring like a school boy who just saw a half naked school girl."

  "I know I am starring, but I don't give a hang what others think. I'm enjoying the feast before my eyes. What I want to know, Hanna, is it too early in our relationship to wonder where we will live and how many children we'll have?"

  "No, it's not too early," she said laughing. "But we've our whole life ahead of us so let's take it slow and one thing at a time. Right now I'm very hungry and after eating I want to go to bed and make love again." Hanna looked at Dirk wondering about the time when he left Harvard then he joined the navy. In her estimation, about seven years are or were unaccounted for. Also, how did he receive those scars on his body? But for now, she looked into his eyes and saw love pouring forth. She thought, 'what more do you want Hanna?'

  The next morning, after a steamy love session and a hearty breakfast, they rented some snow shoes for hiking in the forest. Hanna emptied most of her back pack, but then put back her camera bag and other things. They stopped at the local bakery for bread and cheese along with a bottle of wine. They spent the day enjoying the sunshine and each other. By early afternoon, they were both tired. Dirk suggested a soak in the giant bathtub in their room.

  At dinner that night Dirk said, "Hanna, mother and father would like us to have Sunday dinner with them. Is that alright with you?"

  "Sure, I'd love to. I'm a little nervous about whether or not they will like me, but as long as you do, that's enough for me."

  They pulled into his home just before noon on Sunday. Hanna said, "This home is beautiful. I'm scared Dirk. Hold my hand and stay beside me; don't leave me alone once we are inside."

  "I will hold you tight my love. Now don't be afraid. My mother grew up in the mountains here as a farmer. She is just a common ordinary person. My father too is a nice guy. You'll be very welcome here. Let's go, shall we?"

  They went through the side door into the kitchen where Dirk's mother was helping the cook with a big lunch. Ingrid took off her apron and first looked at her son and then to Hanna. She held her hand out to Hanna and welcomed her to their home. She suggested they go find father and took Hanna by the hand led her to the study where Dirk's father was reading a newspaper by the fire.

  He jumped up and later told Ingrid that when he saw Hanna, it reminded him of when he first saw her by the creek that day she was poking him with a stick.

  Both parents made Hanna feel at home. Soon she was telling them about her parent's health spa and Ingrid told her they'd been there a few times. The conversation flowed back and forth until lunch was served. After lunch Ingrid took Hanna on a tour of their nearby dairy farm. Dirk stayed with his father and had a good talk about what father thought of Hanna.

  He said, "Son, you really never know about the other person until you live with them. She seems a well brought up young lady from good parents. She studies hard, from what you tell us. She's very friendly and not as shy as you made her out to be. You're like a chip off the old block son: once you see what you want you must have it. When I saw your mother, I realized then it was only a matter of time before we married. I see the same in your eyes. I'd say we're looking at a spring wedding."

  Late that afternoon, Dirk and Hanna drove back to Salzburg. It had been a great weekend and they talked about what good and decent parents they both had. Finally, Dirk said, "I realize we have just met, but will you marry me?"

  "You sure don't waste any time Dirk," she said gleefully. "Let me think about it for at least five minutes before I say yes, yes I will indeed marry you."


  April 15 they were married in her church in Gmunden. The bride wore pure white and both of Dirk's sisters were her bride's maids. Dirk best man was his father. When it was all over, Dirk was overheard saying he was very happy it was a church wedding.

  Previously, Dirk had asked Hanna about a honey moon and she told him first they would go to Australia and see the kangaroos and then decide after that where they would go. She had taken a sabbatical from her university. They stayed the first night in Innsbruck. As they unpacked just what they needed for the night, Hanna said, "Well, my spouse, we can make love legal like now, but before that let's take a shower together. We haven't done that since we went to the mountain lodge. Also, I've been doing some research about how to make love many different ways. It's our honeymoon so let's enjoy one another.

  As they soaped up, Hanna once again noticed all the scars and she thought it was not inappropriate to ask about them. While they toweled dry she said, "Honey, I really don't mean to pry, but I wonder what those scars are from? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

  Dirk had been prepared for this moment. He saw no reason not to tell her. Certainly it wasn't something he wanted to talk about, but now that she was his life partner, he would tell her the story; or some of it anyway.

  As they lay on the bed, his arm under her neck and her head on his chest he said, "I told you I was in the Navy. I was a pilot that flew off an aircraft carrier. At first we just flew missions to support our troops or bomb supply line in Vietnam. Then orders came in requesting we bomb North Vietnam and in particular Hanoi. Well, I was hit with a SAM, which is a surface to air missile. I parachuted out and was taken prisoner. I spent almost six years in a Hanoi prison. The scars are a result of torture to see if you had told them all you knew about military details they were curious about. At first it was scary, but after a few times, you endured and went about life in your own way. Well, wife of mine, now you know. I'm sure I have some mental scars and occasionally I've some bad nightmares, but those are seldom anymore.

  Dirk felt the wet tears on his chest. This was the first time he'd seen her cry. He held her close while she clung to him even closer. After a little while he rolled her over and kissed her neck and nibbled her ear. She responded and arched her back for more and more kisses. Her hard pink nipples stood at attention just waiting for his warm mouth and hot tongue. He teased the tasty little orbs and then moved down her body to her flat belly. He also teased her belly button and then he lowered himself to her soft blonde triangle that was already showing signs of wetness.

  This was something Dirk had no experience at period. However, he ran his tongue on her inner lips tasting her essence. He was getting really hard and turned on by this action. She was moaning while rotating her hips slowly. Dirk wasn't ignorant about female anatomy and he knew the clitoris was a highly erotic small nubbin not far from the top of the V. He ran his tongue around the hard clitoris. She more than assured him he had found the right spot. Dirk had no idea how long to do this, but soon she stiffened and shook uncontrollably in orgasm. He let her rest while he too laid his head on her public mound.

  "Dirk, I just went to heaven and back again. This experience is almost too good to be true. Give me a few minutes to recover and then please enter my waiting love center.

  The next day they flew to Sidney and then down to New Zealand. After that they took a passenger ship to Argentina. They hopped around but stayed out of the danger zones. After Mexico they flew up to LA and took in Disney Land and other

  In LA they purchased a motor home. After looking around they decided on a FMC. In addition they bought a Land Rover and towed it behind the motor home. Dirk had plans to do some exploring the west and in particular Colorado. He was very curious about the story of the old Indian on a paint that had visited twice to speak with a Stanten and then disappear. That and the desire to find what happened to Smoky and his family. Smoky was privy to knowing where one stash of gold and silver was. Dirk was really looking forward to this mystery.

  They missed Aunt Penny as she was in a conference in Texas. However, Aunt Alice was in Napa Valley and very happy to see her nephew Dirk and his new bride. She had a very large rambling house amongst the oak trees. They stayed with her for three days enjoy hearing the old stories from yesteryear. Dirk asked many questions about Colorado, but Aunt Penny only knew the big story and not the details he was looking for.

  Dirk asked, "Aunt Alice, what can you tell me about Smoky the Indian?"

  "Well, as I understand it he was JBs body guard. JB is Jane Beth, Hanna. A great aunt of Dirks and my aunt as well. The story is an interesting one as one day, she was about ten or so at the time, was riding her pony back home from Denver to the ranch. Two men kidnapped her and took her to a small shack that is used for when ranch hands are too far from home to ride back and sleep. Anyway, Smoky was a tracker and he tracked the bad guys to the shack. All I remember is they shot one guy and JB was taken hostage by the other guy. She bit his hand making him drop the knife and Smoky shot him dead. From then on Joel Stanten, her father, made Smoky her body guard for life. Later as Smoky reached old age, JB built him and his family a small house not far from the main ranch house. I really don't know what happened after that."

  "My that's such a fantastic story," said Hanna. "I read about the Wild West stories and that should be included in a written book somewhere."

  Dirk asked, "How about the phantom old Indian who spoke to various Stanten members over the years?"

  "I heard tell two stories Dirk and Hanna. One was when he warned the stagecoach of the bad guys waiting to rob the gold from the stage. Joel Stanten was only eight years old at that time. The other time was when Joel and family went to Golden to pay their respects to his father and mother. They stopped at the place or location where the stage guards, Joel father included, were all shot and killed. The old Indian came by and gave Joel a forecast of things to come. He said the old Indian told him all of the deceased Stanten family was watching over them."

  "These stories are becoming more and more interesting," said Hanna. "I can't wait until we get there to see this state of Colorado.


  They left the next morning. Dirk was wondering whether or not to tell Hanna about the bible and such things. He'd asked his father about that and his father told him to do what he felt he needed to do. He said, "I never told your mother but then there was no reason to. We have more than we need so certainly going searching for gold or silver is a young man's game."

  Two days later they were in Denver. It was difficult to find parking for a 29 foot motor home. Finally, a policeman helped them find a place to park while they were gone. Dirk was taking Hanna and flying to New York City to obtain the family bible.

  Dirk didn't want to drive in New York City so they took a taxi to the hotel. They stayed in Manhattan close to the lawyers and to the bank where the bible rested in a safe deposit box.

  On the way to Denver, Dirk told Hanna most of the story and said they were on a treasure hunt. She was so excited and happy to play this game. Dirk had discovered what a fine traveling companion she was. They seem to draw closer and closer as the days went by. He remembered what his mother had said when she and Hanna went for a tour of the farm. Mother had told him Hanna was as good as gold and no pun intended. Now they were holding hands as they entered the bank after picking up a letter from the law office.

  Dirk handed the letter to a stoic looking lady at a desk and she excused herself and went to a back office. In a few minutes a tall, distinguished looking man with silver hair came out smiling. He gave Hanna a short bow and shook Dirk's hand. He said, "I'm your main contact with regards to the bank. For more years than I can remember, I've followed the Stanten family. You're here for one of your safe deposit boxes. I see by the letter from your lawyer the number you are requesting. Please follow me."

  Dirk said, "How many other boxes is there Mr. Plunkett?"

  "They're three boxes Mr. Stanten. Would you like to see all of them?"

  "Yes, please," said Dirk.

  It took a few minutes to pass through locked doors and into a formal room with a small table and four chairs. This particular room looked more exclusive than another one they passed through to get here. Dirk guessed maybe a hundred boxes here tops. He and Hanna sat down at the table while Mr. Plunkett had taken the envelope with the request and the three keys inside it out to unlock the boxes. Soon there were three boxes sitting on the table. Hanna was nervous, but Dirk patted her leg. Mr. Plunkett left them to their inspection telling them to push the button near the door when they were finished.

  Dirk opened the first one and it contained the family bible. He gingerly took it out and sat in on the table. It was leather bound and heavy. He undid the brass clasp and opened it. The first page had a list of family names going back to Will Stanten's grandfather. Birthdays and wedding dates were also recorded. Not always, but occasionally dates passed on were recorded. Hanna said, while standing behind him looking over his shoulder, "I'll do a family tree when we get back home."

  Dirk gave her a grunt and then carefully turned the bible over. He opened the back cover and ran his hand over the inside of the back cover feeling a slight thickness. With his keen eyes he saw where it had been re-glued at some point in time. This was not the place to open it up and he whispered to Hanna they would open it later. He closed the bible and fitted the brass catch to secure the bible was not accidently opened.

  Dirk drew the next box up and opened the lid slowly not knowing what to see inside. In this one important papers and such things were stacked deep inside the box. Dirk found property deeds, stocks, and other documents that someone felt important. He pushed that box aside and opened the last one. Inside was a single small jeweler's box. Dirk delicately picked the little box up. He raised the lid and inside the box was a gold wedding band. A scrap of paper had the name of Will Stanten on it. This was Dirk's great-great grandfather's wedding band. Tears rolled down his face. Hanna hugged him to her chest as he leaned back into her.

  He said, wiping the tears off with the back of his hand, "This means my great grandfather Joel Stanten, who was eight years old at the time sitting on the side of the road with his father waiting for him to die from a gunshot to the belly. He must have taken the ring off his father and kept it safe for the next more than 100 years. It was in 1860 when Joel Stanten became an orphan."

  "This too much Hanna. All of this history and knowing what I know, the achievement and dedication to family, is overwhelming. Let's leave the documents for the time being and take the bible and ring with us."

  Hanna stepped back and Dirk pushed the button for an attendant to come back. Mr. Plunkett came hurrying back in. Dirk told him they were finished for now, but would be back to look at some family papers. Dirk had an idea he needed to bring their family lawyer with him to explain some of the documents.

  They were staying at the Waldorf-Astoria on Park Avenue. It was just a short taxi ride to their hotel from the bank. Dirk had requested the bridal suite and after he made arrangements for the lawyer to meet him at the bank tomorrow at 11 o'clock, they investigated the bible with a sharp pen knife.

  His hand was shaking a little when Hanna said, "Relax Dirk. It's not going to bite you. It's going to make you feel good seeing what someone wrote many years ago."

  "I know honey, but the whole concept from beginning to end, is really unbelievable. The notion of two men to hide the gold, then stash enough for his son to survive on, is beyond my
imagination. The details I've not shared with you, but will shortly."

  He deftly cut along the glued line. After that, like a surgeon, he laid the knife down and with using both hands he pulled out two papers. One paper was very yellow with age and the other not so aged. Dirk looked at the yellow one first. It was written in pencil and with age had faded, but still readable. The writing was scrawled as Dirk knew it was written by a dying hand. In fact on one corner was a dark black spot that surely was his great-great grandfather's blood. The map showed the road and then a wiggly line up across the road to where two big circles joined with an arrow pointing between them. Dirk guessed the two circles were rocks.

  He sat that paper down carefully and picked up the other one. This one was full of lines and abbreviations. He asked Hanna to get the map of Colorado out of his brief case. While she was doing that he noticed a mine name and date. The name was the 'Silver B Mine' and the date was 1890. While it stated that the Stanten family owned the mine, Dirk wanted to make sure so he made a note to check the ownership through his lawyer.

  Hanna laid out the map on the bed and Dirk soon found the rough location not so far from Golden, Colorado. Golden was now famous as the Coors Beer maker was established there.

  Hanna moved the map and they lay down on the bed studying the crude map on the paper. Under the mine's name was written: 'Smoky 50%'. Dirk thought out loud, "If this means what I think it means, Smoky is a half owner of the mine."

  "That would be my guess,'' said Hanna. "I'm a little hungry. How about we eat some New York food?

  "Yes, let me put the bible and papers in the safe first. What shall we eat my dear wife?"


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