Battalion's Bride (Alien SciFi Romance) (Celestial Mates Series Book 8)

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Battalion's Bride (Alien SciFi Romance) (Celestial Mates Series Book 8) Page 10

by C. J. Scarlett

“She seems so innocent and normal compared to the Maruvian queens we’ve known.”

  “We’ve not ever known a Maruvian queen, only their symbionts.”

  “All her drones have aligned with us?”

  “Most before the battle was even over. In the right of conquest, they loaded Queen Ember down with weapons for the battle. I am forwarding all the information we gathered on this assignment, for I know you will wish to give report to Queen Carolyn as soon as possible.”

  “We must determine where this rift is and make sure it is well guarded.”

  “Agreed. Will arrive with the new queens in short order.”

  “Preparations will be made to receive them, as well as the Maruvian queen.”

  “Her sire and spawn mates are many. They sheltered and protected her, keeping her isolated from the other queens. I suspect she knows little of the ‘verse.”

  “Do not worry, we will ensure accommodations are luxurious and spacious enough for her extended clan. If what you say is true, she has suffered enough.”

  “Thank you for understanding. You are a remarkable drone, Talon. I can now see why our queen chose you as her actionator.”

  Smiling warmly, Talon sighed. “I am sorry we could not be clan members, but I will always think of you as a very close friend. If ever you have need of me, know I am here for you.”

  “If ever you or you queen has need of an elite fighting unit, know Valic and I stand at the ready. Also let Queen Carolyn know that my tri-bond will stand by her side. Come what may our loyalty is to the queen who gave us freedom.”

  “For queen and freedom, then.”

  Bowing his head in respect, Haroc intoned what would become their new motto, for queen and freedom, my brethren.

  When the screen went blank, Haroc messaged his father. It was more clear when his father’s face came up that it was night on the Maruvian home world. His father’s screen activated and he quickly rolled out of bed, leaving behind a lovely human with grey streaks in her hair.

  Sitting down quietly, the older drone spoke. “Greetings, my son. It is good to see your face.”

  “I bring both good and bad news, my sire.”

  “Let us always begin with the good, for it gives us the fortitude to endure the bad.”

  I have been accepted by the human queen we spoke of. She elected to clan with Valic and myself. I just informed Talon and he wished us well. Queen Ember is all that a drone might wish for in a queen. She hunted down the Maruvian queen on the training ship after I was captured and vanquished her.”

  “She does not object to you calling her queen?”

  “She cares not what we call her; only that we are together.”

  “Congratulations, my son.”

  “There is more. We bred our queen during her fertile phase and I released my mating scent.”

  The older man’s face lit up. “Congratulations on calling your queen, Haroc. I will see proper accommodations are prepared to receive a small clan expecting young.”

  Make sure the food is well stocked. Valic and I ate twice out allotment today.”

  Smiling, his sire seemed pleased. “I will check you both when you arrive, along with your new queen.”

  “Thank you, I have informed Talon that her hatch mate would be joining our extended clan and that we expect full rights for him. He agreed to make that fact known.”

  Nodding, his sire spoke. “I believe he will fit in here. We will help him learn to be a good drone.”

  Haroc grinned. “I have no doubt we have much to teach each other. Human males are nothing like their females. They are more like us in their thinking, only they do not have the same group think and propensity to join together to complete tasks. They surge forward on their own and get things done.”

  “That will be interesting to see. Shall I assume that acquiring a queen, spawning for the first time and gaining a new male clan member was your good news?”

  “Yes. The bad news I bring is of an impending war with our home world, my sire.”

  “I thought they were already at war with us.”

  “No, Queen Carolyn will soon be issuing a declaration of war on the queens of old.”

  “You think she was pursue them through the rift. That would not be wise, for there are many unstable queens there to contend with.”

  “Each and every one of the queens of old has been held in bondage since they came into their hormones.”

  Leaning closer, his father’s antennas constricted. “Speak plainly, my son. You are not making sense to me.”

  “We always thought that when one of our queens come into her hormones it triggers the lashes to grown out of her back. This is not true. The lashes are a symbiont that is imbedded in their flesh. It forces the changes we think of as the final stage of maturity. All the grown queens have symbionts and those symbionts force their young onto our queens in a never ending cycle of subjugation for our people. I have footage that explains it far better than I can.”

  His father sat watching the images of the transformation, and much like Talon he was shocked. “You mother was being held captive. I always knew there was something she refused to share with me, some dark secret.”

  “Our mother was nothing like the other queens. I believe her symbiont must have been damaged at some point, making it less able to control her mind. Or perhaps she was too strong willed to cede to its power.”

  “Queen Carolyn will never allow our people to continue to be enslaved this way. I assume you are coming home on full burn.”

  Nodding, Haroc admitted. “We will be, once we disengage from the Shardon vessel. They cannot maintain such speeds and must finish healing the damaged queen.”

  “May the gods be with you, my son. I must say that I am proud you discovered the secret that has haunted our people for so long that none of us can remember true freedom.”

  “I am only what you have raised me to be, my sire.”

  “Be careful, my son.”

  Chapter 16


  ~ Valic ~

  Music Mix

  Carrying Queen Ember through the doorway, Valic gave Haroc the private time he needed to sort out their tri-bond. Ember was light and soft. He liked having her in his arms.

  “Tell me what gives you pleasure, my Valic.”

  Smiling down at her, he sat his queen on the edge of their bath. Reaching over to start the water, he replied warmly. “You give me pleasure. Everything about you is greatly pleasing to me. I love your creamy skin, your beautiful tiny dots and of course your bright hair. Everything about you draws me to you, especially your sweet, loving and playful personality.”

  “You are so sweet. I want to try out one the famous pleasure stones.”

  “Certainly, my queen.” Retrieving it from a small drawer, he handed it to her. Quickly divesting his queen of her clothing, he sat her in the warm water and grabbed a stone for himself. Getting naked in record time, Valic eased down into the water in front of her.

  The beautiful fiery haired queen moved closer. “You once said, you use these stones to provoke an orgasm for yourself. Show me how to do this for you.”

  Leaning back, Valic rubbed the stone down one side of his neck to his chest and back up to the other side. Smoothing the stone leisurely down one arm and then the other, he sighed.

  “Do you mind if I ask why you thought I would value you less than Haroc?”

  “Haroc comes from a prominent family of queen makers and can hatch queens for you. I am a foundling, raised in another drones clutch. Though you may not see it, Haroc and I are not equal. Suck issues of class mean little to Haroc. He befriended me, fought by my side and values my contribution as a warrior and as a friend.”

  “And I am just a foolish female who cannot see your worth?”

  Sitting up so abruptly that he almost dropped his stone, Valic clarified. “I mean to say no one on our world is ever going to see us as equal. Finding equal favor in
your eyes feels like the most precious gift in the ‘verse for one such as me. You realize all the spawn I hatch will look very much like me. Haroc has been bred with a high degree of humanoid DNA and is a queen maker. They are unique in that they absorb genetic material from the queen to make their young. It pleases our queens to see their own traits marked upon their young. This is something a simply drone cannot offer.”

  Moving closer, his pretty queen slid the stone from his hand and looked him in the eyes. “It would please me greatly to have sons who looked just like their gorgeous father.”

  Valic felt his antenna constricting with emotion. “You think I’m gorgeous?”

  “Somehow I didn’t think you have been listening to me. Now, I sure of it. I’ve been telling you repeatedly that I love you and I think you’re hot. Since you don’t believe my words, I suppose I’ll have to drive home my point through actions.”

  Holding a pleasure stone in each hand, she slid them down each side of his neck, to his chest and around to the back of his wingspan. Valic had never known such pleasure in his entire life. His queen bumped him back into a corner, coming down on top him. He could feel her legs spreading around him, her warm core settled on his stomach. She was soft and smelled delicious.

  Her hands glided the stones over the most sensitive part of his wing base and Valic felt himself peak. Easing up momentarily, she purred sticky sweet words in his ear. “There, there, my sweet warrior. Let you queen tend to your long neglected needs.”

  Running the stones back around to his front and down both arms, he realized she was teasing him, yet again.

  Gently urging him to turn over, he felt her warm breath on his wings. She brought the stones back around to his wings, tracing them down the scallop of each edge, provoking an absurd dominance display. When his wings flared open, she ran the stones along the sensitive skin where no stone had ever been.

  When she hit a particularly sensitive spot she pressed the stone down, making him writhe with pleasure. Provoking endless bouts of pleasure seems to be a genuine source of fascination for his new queen. Having his needs tended to was the forbidden pleasure, Valic never thought was possible.

  The door to the cleansing room slid open and Haroc stalked in. He tore off his clothing and stepped into the water. Valic asked quietly. “How did they take the news of war?”

  “They were much shocked to hear my report.”

  Ember and Valic moved closer. Their queen’s feminine voice cut through the dark cloud currently threatening to suck them in. “Relax and allow us to care for you.”

  Handing him one of the stones under the water. Valic intuited her plan. Moving to either side of him, they ran the stones down his leg in tandem until they got to his foot. Haroc leaned back, groaning in pleasure. Moving up his body, they smoothed the stones everywhere. Rather that sensual pleasure, it seemed to drain away the tension and sooth his battered soul. It felt nice to be tended to by his queen.

  “Our lives have been much changed by the human queens, Valic.”

  “I should say so, my friend. Under the rule of the symbionts, we were not only subjugated but taught from birth that it was the will of the gods.”

  Ember’s voice sounded off. “I hate to say this, but I believe even advanced Shardon medical technologies will not be able to help the older queens. Shana said that the longer they host the organism, the more invasive it becomes.”

  Haroc was adamant. “I chose to believe there is still hope for them.”

  “I cannot imagine waking up after a symbiont has been removed to lean my body is grossly disproportionate in size, my skin is thick, and a symbiont had committed heinous acts while housed in my body. It would be enough to crush my spirit.”

  His friend’s face fell on the realization that their queen was right. Freeing them from the symbiont was simply trapping them into another set of unpleasant circumstances, yet killing them was out of the question.

  Haroc’s defeated voice responded flatly. “I feel like I am mourning for thousands of queens stretching back to antiquity, and my whole species this night. You both should go and find contentment in each other’s arms. I am not fit company for you tonight.”

  Ember curled up beside him and drizzled warm water over the taunt muscles of his taunt stomach. “I would rather be at your side when you grieve than any other place in the ’verse. I’ll give you a rain check on the reverse halabow.”

  Valic eased down on the other side of him, gazing at Haroc warmly. “Our queen speaks well my own feelings on the matter. I grieve for our people as well and cannot blame you for not being in the mood for intimacy after you had to deliver such bad news to our would leaders. Let us seek our sleep in each other’s arms and wake to another day at least refreshed.”

  Quickly scrubbing themselves clean, they dried and headed for bed. Valic was almost too choked with emotion to speak. Having mates who understood the gravity of their situation and didn’t try mitigate the hurt by fucking the pain away sealed their fate with him. In addition to all of them being of the same mind on the subject, they were good, compassionate beings and he would do anything to remain at their side.

  Climbing into bed, their queen cuddled up to Haroc’s side like she was wont to do. Valic quickly pressed himself to her back and was rewarded when she snuggled down against him.

  Haroc touched him on the shoulder, before speaking. “Thank you for sticking with me, I do not know what I ever did to deserve your friendship, but I value it above all things.”

  “You have only ever offered me the claw of friendship and you won us our queen. I have much respect for you. Rest, my friend.”

  Looking down they saw their queen press a gentle kiss to Haroc’s chest was a sweet gesture that allowed his friend to finally relax. Forcing images of war from his brain, Valic allowed sleep to take him, surrounded by the warmth of his clan.

  Chapter 17

  Dark’s Obsession

  ~ Ember ~

  Music Mix

  Waking to ship not being blasted was a nice change from yesterday. Sitting up, she stretched and before she could even look around, a large arm dragged her back down again. Haroc rolled onto her, chewing his bottom lip. “I would like to claim my rain credit transaction from last night.”

  Gazing up into his beautiful dark eyes, Ember struggled to understand what he was saying. Seeing her confusion, he clarified. “The rain credit involving the reverse halabow.”

  Smiling, she waggled her eyebrows. “The rain check.”

  Nodding, the handsome drone looked totally switched on. It was a very good look for him.

  “Where is Valic?”

  “Getting breakfast. I will give you the halabow and then you can try to give it to me.”

  Pushing him back off her, she finger combed her hair. “We have a halabow technique we give on Earth, where they halabow each other at the same time.”

  Looking ten kinds of interested, Haroc murmured breathlessly. “Teach me, my queen. I wish to have my mouth on you quickly.”

  Hoping she didn’t have morning breath, she leaned over and kissed her eager drone. Like the commanding beast he was, Haroc immediately wrestled the control from her. His hands ever everywhere, his wings were even skimming over her back, pulling her ever closer. Ember felt her desire doubling then tripling as her sex need went from zero to a hundred in a matter of minutes.

  “We have to turn, like this.” Pushing him back, she straddled him in the reverse cowgirl position. Leaning forward, she licked the rod he was kind enough to have already released.

  “No, no, no. I can’t reach you.”

  He was right, she was so much shorter that would have a hard time reaching her. Turning her head back to look over her shoulder, she murmured seductively. “Suffer for me, my handsome drone. This morning your queen is in charge and you will do as you’re told.”

  Ember could tell by the look on his face, he didn’t like being told what to do so blatantly. She’d have to mak
e up for that. Leaning back down she took him into her mouth, sucking so hard her cheeks hallowed out.

  “Yes, just like that my queen. I am becoming addicted to your touch.”

  Working him until he was writing mess beneath her, Ember scooted, positioned him at her entrance and slowly sank down, taking every single inch of him.

  Without direction from her, Haroc sat up, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down snugly on his rod. He bottomed out, colliding with something deep inside her body. Whatever it was couldn’t get enough of being tickled by his rod. Squirming, she enjoyed the rub.

  “You, my beautiful queen, feel better than anything I could have imagined.”

  “God, so do you.”

  “Do you like being crammed full of my thick cock?”

  Great day in the morning, the man had a filthy mouth.

  Lifting her slightly, he planted her firmly back down on his rod. “I asked you a question, my queen. Do you like the feel of hard cock probing your queenly treasures?”

  “Yes.” Her voice sounded like a desperate whisper even to her own ears. “Please, baby.”

  His grasp tightened, pinning her arms to her body. Grinding his lower abdomen against her clit, he whispered seductively. “Please let you go? Please hold you tighter? What is it you wish from me, my queen?”

  Rocking wantonly against him, she begged shamelessly for what she wanted most. “Please make me come.”

  Lifting and plunging her back down a few times, he asked. “You wish to come on my cock, coating me with your excitement? Is that what you wish?”

  “Yes, please. I need you. Don’t make me beg.”

  Grinding against her in the most delightful way, he purred. “Oh, I will make you beg and more. I’m spawning your young right now. It makes a male extremely needy my queen. How do you intend to tame my desires?”

  Finally understanding that men were the same the universe over. Her hot, sexy alien just wanted her to talk dirty to him. Smiling to herself, she rubbed her breasts against his chest. “I’ll touch you and kiss you until you can’t stand it. Then I’ll taste you, running my tongue around your delicious cock until you’re bursting with need. Then I’ll ride your thick cock until you’ve had your feel.”


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