Storms of Passion

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Storms of Passion Page 7

by Myla Jackson

  Khetan eased into the seat next to the pilot, Jepal. “Did the others make it safely on board the Condor?”

  “Yes, Captain.” Jepal grinned. “Max says the rest of the crew fell all over themselves to greet the Shandalan women.” His smile slipped and his face grew serious. “It’s good to see you, sir. After that storm, I wasn’t sure you and the others survived.”

  “I’m glad you got the shuttle craft out before it was damaged.”

  “Yeah, that worthless Durakee, Trekar, came screaming in here like a scared puppy. I probably would have waited a little longer, if he hadn’t practically pushed me out of my seat.” Jepal screwed up his face into a sour expression similar to the one Trekar had worn since he arrived aboard the Condor. “He stood over me with his hands on his hips and said, Either you fly this bucket of junk, or I will. I tried to get you on the communication link, but the storm created so much static, I couldn’t have heard you if you tried to respond. Sorry, Captain, but my gut told me to get the ship off the ground.”

  “You did right, Jepal.” Khetan rested a hand on his shoulder. “Fortunately, we all survived.”

  “I don’t know, sir. Max said he felt like he’d been run through a marathon. He said he could barely stand up. What happened down there? I couldn’t get him to tell me anything. All he could do was moan and say, I’ll never get it up again. What did he mean?”

  Khetan smiled and shook his head. “I’ll tell you when we get on board.”

  “One other thing, Captain. A Durakee ship established orbit next to the Condor just as I left the ship.”

  Khetan pinched the bridge of his nose, to force back an oncoming headache. One Durakee was bad enough, a whole ship full of them would be a fucking nightmare. Mayla would not be happy. Hell, she’d be outraged. “Did they state their purpose?”

  “Brack was in the process of establishing communications as I left.”

  “Unfucking believable. So much for a simple salvage job.”

  The communicator light on the console blinked and Khetan reached over to touch the switch. “This is Khetan.”

  “Oh, Captain.” The voice sounded excited. “Thank the stars it’s you.”

  “Brack, is that you?”

  “Yes, sir. We’ve got a huge problem.”

  Khetan’s heart sank. Nothing could be easy could it? He glanced over his shoulder to the back of the shuttle. Mayla sat talking to one of her people, oblivious to the conversation in the pilot’s seat. “What is it?”

  “A fighter squadron just appeared to escort the other shuttle to the Durakee ship.”


  “There’s another squadron docking in our bay as we speak. Looks like we’ll have some company.”

  As the small craft approached the ship’s shuttle bay, Khetan drew a deep breath. Should he warn Mayla of what had happened or what was to come?

  Mayla walked up to the front of the shuttle and stood at his side. She touched her hand to his shoulder. “Are you all right?”

  “No.” He heaved a huge sigh. “Listen, Mayla, we’re about to land and there’s trouble on board my ship. Whatever you do, play along with me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He grabbed her hands and stared into her eyes. “Just trust me, please.”

  With the docking bay outer doors sealed, air and gravity restored, the shuttle hatch lowered. Khetan and Princess Mayla disembarked from the shuttle.

  A contingent of Durakee soldiers stood in a line, their weapons drawn and aimed at the shuttle.

  Mayla gasped and staggered backward. She shot a questioning glance at Khetan before she turned back to the guards. “What is the meaning of this?”

  Trekar stepped from behind the line of weapons. “I am Trekar, the Durakee ambassador sent to escort the Shandalans to their new home. You will be under my protection until we arrive.”

  Mayla’s stomach knotted. An instant burst of rage stiffened her spine. Khetan had betrayed her. “My people do not need the protection of the Durakee.”

  “Nevertheless, you will have it until we arrive safely at our destination.”

  “Trekar, was it?” Mayla raised an eyebrow at the pompous fool. “I speak for the Shandalans. We are not--”

  “--Presentable,” Khetan finished for her. He slid an arm around her shoulder and smiled tightly down at her. “Are we, Princess?”

  “Let me go, pirate,” she whispered fiercely. “I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you.”

  “Aw, but you know I’d never lead you astray. Trust me, Princess.” His silky words held a note of steel and the laughter usually very apparent in his eyes was replaced by a serious, pleading sort of look.

  With Durakee lasers pointed at her chest and a sexy traitor leaning close, Mayla was torn.

  “Perhaps we could continue this discussion in my quarters after the women have had sufficient time to bathe and eat.”

  Mayla glared at Khetan. “I’m not going anywhere with you.” She turned toward Trekar and demanded, “Where are the rest of my people?”

  “They have already been escorted to the Durakee ship. You will join them there.”

  “I will--”

  Khetan’s elbow bumped Mayla’s gut.

  “Ooomph!” Mayla clutched her stomach and glared at him.

  Khetan bent close to her, speaking loud enough for the others to hear. “Are you ill, Princess?”

  “I will not allow you or anyone else,” she hissed, “to make prisoners of my people.” His treachery stung more than the elbow to her belly. Khetan had given his word, but she knew now he was in with the Durakee and had been all along.

  “Princess, in case you haven’t noticed, you don’t have much of a choice.” Khetan wrapped an arm around her shoulders and turned toward the Durakee ambassador. “Trekar, my men and I will escort the princess below to clean up. Perhaps after that, we can discuss the situation.”

  The Durakee drew himself up straight, tipped his head back slightly and stared down his nose. “I don’t see what we have to discuss. I paid you to find the Shandalan ship. As soon as we shuttle them to my transport, our business is complete and I’ll be on my way.”

  Mayla gasped. He’d been paid by the Durakee to find them. He had been part of the slave-trading duplicity all along.

  But his brown eyes stared down into hers and he said, “Please, Princess, come with me.”

  The Shandalan Effect jolted her, a cruel reminder of the irony of Fate. The Effect had chosen for her a pirate, a man without honor. She hesitated a moment more, staring from the Durakee soldiers, to the ambassador and back to Khetan. Her chin lifted and she stepped toward Khetan. “Very well, I’ll go with you. But I’m not through with you.”

  “Fair enough.” Khetan cast a glance at Trekar and, with the Princess by his side, lead the rest of the Shandalans to their quarters.


  Anger burned through Mayla’s veins. Anger at herself and at the lying space pirate who’d set her up. He’d had no intention of protecting her and her people. She’d been in more control when she’d fought the Durakee aboard the Shandalan ship. As it currently stood, she was completely at the mercy of a pirate and the Durakee slave traders.

  “Chassat!” Mayla muttered, fighting the urge to turn and kick Khetan in the shin. What would it accomplish other than a less than satisfying sense of justice?

  “What’s that you said?” Khetan leaned close.

  “You lying, stealing, slave-trading, son-of-a-Traborian-Numspat. I should have let you fry on Tatama. I should have known better than to trust you.”

  Khetan sighed. “As attractive as it sounds, I’m not a pirate. I’m into ship salvage, not slave trading. Let’s save this for a more private conversation.”

  Mayla snorted. She didn’t plan on being anywhere private with him. She didn’t trust him any farther than that pompous Trekar. How had she managed to land right back in the same situation from which she’d fought to free herself and her people? Apparently she wasn’t fit to
be a leader if she continued to be so blatantly gullible.

  From here on out, she wouldn’t trust a male of any species. She’d rely on her own instincts and resources. Unfortunately, her instincts and resources were fresh out of ideas.

  Escorted by Durakee warriors and a handful of the Condor crew, they paraded down the corridors to the crew quarters.

  When Mayla went to follow her people into their assigned apartment, Khetan laid a hand on her arm before she could cross the threshold.

  “The princess will use my rooms, as is befitting a princess,” he said, loudly.

  “I prefer to be with my own people.” She jerked her arm to free it from his grasp. The sooner she escaped his high-handedness, the better.

  But Khetan squeezed tighter. “Trekar, wouldn’t you agree, the leader of a nation should be assigned the most spacious quarters, with servants to see to her every need?”

  “Most assuredly. It is the way of a civilized people.”

  “Right.” Khetan urged Mayla down the hall to the next door.

  She struggled, but his grip remained firm.

  “You will have my quarters. They are the best on the ship. Come, let me show you the amenities.” Khetan nodded and smiled at Trekar. “You and your soldiers can wait in the galley. You must be hungry.”

  Trekar’s eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms over his chest. “We will wait here.”

  “I know, why don’t I have Brack show you where we keep our wines and liquors? What better way to celebrate a successful mission, than good food, wine and women, huh?”

  Trekar’s lips twisted and he frowned. “Perhaps I should inspect your ship’s collection of liquor.” His dark scowl brightened. “Yes, a celebration is quite in order for what we have accomplished, today.”

  “Good, good.” Khetan waved Brack forward. “Brack, please show Trekar to the liquor storage room. Let him pick out enough booze for all aboard the Durakee ship. We deserve a party.”

  Brack frowned and looked from Khetan to Trekar and back to Khetan.

  Mayla stood with her arms crossed, biding her time. At first she didn’t want to be alone with Khetan, but now, she couldn’t wait to tear him apart.

  Brack shrugged. “If it’s a party you want, a party you’ll get. Come on, I’ll show you the way.” As Brack led Trekar down the hallway, Mayla could hear him regaling the delights awaiting them in the liquor room.

  Under the watchful eyes of the Durakee guards, Khetan pressed his hand to the door control and it slid open. He wasn’t looking forward to explaining this to Mayla. He should have mentioned the Durakee before, knowing how hostile she was to them. No use delaying, he had to take his medicine. He swept his arm wide. “After you, Princess.”

  Mayla stood for a moment, contemplating him with narrowed eyes. She inhaled, snorted and stepped through the door.

  Khetan followed her inside and turned to press the control to close the door behind them. He breathed deeply, thinking perhaps it might be his last, then turned toward Mayla. Before he could focus on her, a whirling fist connected to his jaw and a sharp-toed shoe with his shin. “Why the fuck did you do that?”

  “You lying Numspat! I should have your balls fried in hot grease. I can’t believe I was fool enough to believe your lies. You were in with the Durakee all this time!” Mayla’s face flushed bright pink. She kicked him again in the shin and punched him in the stomach.

  Khetan knew he deserved the pain, but he didn’t have time to take what was coming to him in the form of one very upset Princess. On her next swing, he grabbed her arm and twisted her around, pinning her hand between her shoulder blades.

  “First of all, I’m not in with the Durakee.”

  “Liar!” she spat, struggling against his hold.

  “Okay, so I was at first, until I understood the cargo they were after was human.”

  Her resistance stilled, but her body remained rigid against his.

  “Trekar told me we were retrieving Shandalan gems, not women.”

  “Everyone knows Shandal doesn’t have any gems of value.”

  “I know that now. But once we got here and discovered the deception, I couldn’t leave your people stranded on Tatama. I didn’t know Trekar would have a ship nearby, ready to take you with him.”

  “I don’t believe you. If you aren’t working with them, why did the other shuttle go directly to the Durakee ship?”

  “My ship is a salvage ship, not a fighter carrier. I don’t have fighters lined up and waiting to take on all of the Durakee space force. Not to mention, they outnumber us two to one. Are you going to quit hitting me?”

  She stood still for a moment, then sighed. “Yes.”

  Khetan loosed his hold on her arm.

  Mayla turned to face him and kicked him in the shin managing to hit the same spot she’d damaged before.

  “Hey! You said you’d quit hitting me.”

  “I lied.” Mayla walked a few steps away and stood with her back to him.

  She exhaled hard through her nose and her fingers clenched and unclenched.

  Khetan bent to rub the bruise on his shin and gave her a few moments to calm before saying, “So, are you going to be mad at me forever, or are you going to help me solve this problem?”

  “You’re the cause of it, you fix it?”

  “Does that mean you trust me with the lives of those women?”

  Mayla spun around and stalked up to him, shoving her face in his. “I knew I shouldn’t trust you. You’re nothing but a low-life slave-trader.” Her shoulders fell and she swung away. “And I’m gullible. Which isn’t a fitting trait for someone in charge of the lives of others. What choice do I have?”

  “None,” Khetan said, reaching out to take her in his arms. She didn’t resist, nor did she respond. Khetan’s heart contracted. In the short time he’d known her, he’d come to admire her strength and resilience. Her attitude of defeat hit him in the gut. That he was partially responsible made him like himself even less.

  Mayla faced him, bunched her hands on her hips and stood with her feet spread wide. “So, pirate, what do you have up your sleeve?”

  “I’m not entirely sure yet. Why don’t you get cleaned up while I think of something?”

  Mayla’s eyelids closed to mere slits. “I still don’t trust you.”

  “I know.” Khetan stepped within range of her deadly accurate feet and lifted a hand to her face. He rubbed his thumb against her cheek and touched his lips to hers. “But I promise, I won’t hurt you.”

  “You already have.” Her voice caught and a tear slipped from the corner of her eye. She reached up with an angry motion to swipe it away.

  Khetan caught her hand before she could touch the tear. He leaned closer and touched the droplet with the tip of his tongue, tasting the salty liquid. He kissed her eyelids, drawing her into his arms. “I never meant to hurt you, Princess.”

  “You’re a man. I shouldn’t have had such high expectations.”

  “Yes, I am a man. A man dangerously close to falling in love with a beautiful princess.” Khetan was almost shocked at his own admission. No other women in his journeys touched him quite like Mayla. What else could it be if not love?

  She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Hold me closer.”

  “I’m holding you as close as I can.”

  She pushed him far enough away to slide her zipper open and shove the jumpsuit from her shoulders. “I want you, pirate. May the stars help me, I want you despite your lies. Make love to me, pirate. This may be our last time.”

  Khetan’s heart clenched. If his plan fell apart, she could be right. The thought almost drove him to his knees. Suddenly, he couldn’t be close enough.

  Picking up where Mayla left off, he shoved the jumpsuit down over her firm buttocks and thighs, exposing her to his lust.

  As quick as she stepped out of her clothes, he stripped and tossed his into the corner of the room.

  They stood still for a moment, neither making a move toward the other. Then
, as one, they came together, clutching, groping, sliding hands and fingers over smooth expanses of skin, a veritable frenzy of touching and tasting.

  Khetan slid his hands over Mayla’s ass, cupped her thighs and lifted to wrap her legs around his middle. As he carried her to his bed, she kissed his face, his neck, his earlobes, nipping and tonguing as if she couldn’t get enough.

  The Shandalan Effect crazed his body into a fevered cauldron, stirring him to a steaming froth. Khetan lowered her to the bed and climbed between her legs, driving his cock deep inside her creamy cunt.

  Mayla looped her legs over his shoulders, massaging her tits as he slammed into her. They rocked the bed, banging into the wall with the force of their lovemaking. When at last he’d slaked his lust, Khetan gathered Mayla in his arms. They lay entwined, capturing a few brief moments of stolen time. Soon, they would face the Durakee together and rescue the Shandalan people.

  * * * * *

  “Well, pirate, what’s your plan?” Mayla stepped from beneath the sanitizer. Her naked body glistened with the sheen of scented oils she’d programmed into the application.

  Khetan longed to slide his body over hers, but he knew the Durakee, Trekar, expected them in the cargo bay. He tossed a filmy wisp of fabric at the princess. “Put this on.”

  Mayla cocked an eyebrow at him and held the garment up against her chest. “We’re going into battle naked? And how are we supposed to get the Durakee to take us seriously if the Shandalan Princess shows up in a see-through scarf?”

  Khetan smiled. “Haven’t you ever heard of diversion?”

  “Diversion?” Mayla frowned in confusion. Then her face cleared and she grinned. “I like the way you think, pirate.”

  “And I like the way you feel.” He slid his hands up her ribs to cup her breasts. “Remember, distract them, but save these for me.” He leaned down and kissed the tip of each, then smacked her on the ass. “Hurry, before the Effect incapacitates us and all will be lost to lust.”

  Khetan stepped in and out of the sanitizer and dressed quickly.


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