East to the Dawn

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East to the Dawn Page 65

by Susan Butler

  I want to thank Helen Day Bible, and her family. The letters from Fred Noonan to Helen were donated by her as her small contribution to the history of aviation. Kenneth Clapp gave me some wonderful photos from the collection of his mother, Janet Mabie and permitted me to be the first biographer to quote from her unpublished biography of Amelia Earhart. I am also grateful to the Columbia University Oral History Collection for permission to quote from the oral histories of Muriel Earhart Morrissey, Blanche Noyes, Richard Blackburn Black, Harry A. Bruno, Ruth Nichols, and James Joseph Clark.

  I want to thank Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College, for permission to quote from the Denison House records, the Amy Otis Earhart papers, the Janet Mabie papers, and the records of the Women’s Educational and Industrial Union. At the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Robert Parks initiated me into the intricacies of the various collections. Claudia Spencer, of the Atchison Public Library, was unstintingly generous of her time and the library’s resources. Joan Hrubek opened the files of the International Women’s Air and Space Museum to me. Loretta Gregg, president of the Ninety Nines, patiently responded to all my inquiries. Doris Pearson, secretary of the Board of Trustees at Purdue University; Bill Griegs of the Purdue Research Foundation; and Katherine M. Markee, Purdue Special Collections & Archives supplied much information, as did Louise Foudray, director of the Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum in Atchison; Paul Palmer at Columbia University; and Anne M. Gefell, who presides over the Oral History Research Office at Columbia University. At the National Air and Space Museum Larry Wilson helped me find the files I needed; Nora Walkup aided me at the Federal Aviation Administration. At the Hyde Park High School Tom Staniszewski provided all the information the school possessed, as well as Amelia’s yearbook photo. Peter Filardo guided me in the Tamiment Library at New York University, Paul Vesiopi supplied information about Greenwich House. At the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador Howard Brown, archivist, helped me. The New York Public Library with its excellent staff (particularly Philip Yockey) and extraordinary holdings was a great resource.

  For an understanding of latitude and longitude I want to thank Richard Newick; for help on medical matters, Joel A. Danisi. For keeping my nose to the grindstone I must thank Pat Beard.

  At Addison-Wesley I owe thanks to Liz Maguire, Lynne Reed and to Albert De Petrillo. I was very fortunate to have Albert De Petrillo as my editor; his enthusiasm, editing skills, and focus on the many details involved in pulling the book together were crucial. I also owe thanks to my agent Julian Bach and his very able assistant, Carolyn Krupp.

  And I couldn’t have done it without the support and encouragement of my husband, Allan Churchill Butler. The book took years and he was always behind me.


  Acosta, Bert

  Adams, Eustace

  Adams, Porter

  Aerial refueling

  Aero Club of America

  Aero Club of Southern California

  Aeronautical Digest

  Aeronautical Hall of Fame

  Africa, Amelia’s flight across

  Air mail

  Air shows/races . See also Bendix air race; National Air Races and Aeronautical Exposition; Women’s Air Derby

  Airline Pilots Association

  Air-marking program

  Airplane engines . See also Wright Whirlwind airplane engines

  Airster. see Kinner Airster

  Aldrin, Edwin

  Allen, Carl

  as adviser to Amelia on marriage

  Amelia described by

  opposed to Amelia’s circumnavigation

  Allen, Cecil

  Alstulund, Nora

  America (airplane)

  America (ship)

  American Woman’s Association (AWA)

  Andrews, Roy Chapman

  Antich, Patricia

  Aoki, Fukiko

  Appleyard, William

  Archibald, Rose

  Arnold, Henry (Hap)

  Arnold, Lt.

  Asia, Amelia’s flight across

  Astor, Nancy

  “Atalanta in Calydon

  Atchison, David Rice

  Atchison, Kansas

  Amelia’s childhood in

  Amelia’s visit, 1933

  Earhart museum in

  history of

  Atlantic flights. See also Friendship flight across Atlantic



  women’s solo attempts


  Autogiro airplane

  Avro Avian airplane

  Baker, Frank

  Balch, Earl

  Balch, Emily

  Balchen, Bernt

  Baldwin, Herbert

  Balis, Clarence

  Balis, Margaret (Otis)

  Amelia at Ogontz school and

  death of mother and

  at Lake George

  Otis family financial affairs and

  Balis, Nancy. See Morse, Nancy Balis

  Ball, Daisy Elizabeth

  Barnard College speech

  Barnes, Pancho

  Barnes, Peter

  Batten, Jean

  Battison, Wallace

  Bayles, Lowell

  Beachey, Lincoln

  Beebe, William

  Beech-Nut Company

  Beinhorn, Elly

  Belinn, Clarence

  Belknap, Reginald R.

  Bendix, Vincent

  Bendix air race

  Bendix radio direction finder. See Radio equipment

  Bennett, Floyd

  Bevan, Ernest

  Bible, Helen Day. See Day, Helen

  Black, Richard B.

  Blanco, Josephine

  Blodgett, Marion

  Bly, Nellie

  Boardman, Russell

  Bogie game

  Boll, Mabel

  Boston, Massachusetts

  Amelia in flying community of

  Amelia’s years in

  Friendship flight and

  Boston Evening Transcript, The

  Boston Globe, The

  Bostonian, The

  Boston-Maine Airways

  Bourdon, Allan P.

  Bournewood Hospital (Brookline, Massachusetts)

  Brady, Austin C.

  Brandreth, Jean

  Brashay, Mary

  Brock, William

  Bromwell, Laura

  Brown, Margaret

  Brown, Postmaster General

  Browne, Nathan

  Bruno, Harry

  Bryn Mawr College (Pennsylvania)

  Burry Port, Wales

  Burse, Johanna

  Byrd, Richard E.

  America flight across Atlantic

  commercial endorsements by

  educational background

  Friendship flight role

  Cambridge analyzer

  Campbell, Mary

  Campbell, Robert L.

  Canuck airplane

  Carrel, Alexis

  Caterpillar Club

  Central Airlines

  Challiss, Jack

  Challiss, James

  Challiss, Kathryn (Katch)

  adult visits with Amelia

  as childhood friend of Amelia

  marriage of

  opinion of Edwin Earhart

  as source

  Challiss, Lucy (Toot)

  as Amelia’s secretary

  attitude toward marriage of

  as childhood friend of Amelia

  as source

  at Wheaton College

  Challiss, Mary Ann (Harres)

  Challiss, Peggy

  Challiss, Rilla

  Challiss, William

  Chamberlin, Clarence

  Chapman, Sam

  Chater, Eric

  Chicago, Illinois

  Christensen, Captain

  Christopher, Luke

  Circumnavigators Club

  Clark, Everett

  Clarke, Frank

  Clark, J. J.

>   Clay, Harry

  Clisby, Harriet

  Cloudster airplane

  Clover, Willis

  Cochran, Jacqueline

  Cohen, Emanuel

  Coli, François

  College Preparatory School (Atchison, Kansas)

  Collins, Paul

  at Boston-Maine Airways

  as New York, Philadelphia and Washington Airway vice president

  as possible circumnavigation navigator

  troubled call from Amelia on circumnavigation and

  Collopy James A.

  Columbia (airplane)

  for Boll’s proposed Atlantic flight

  Chamberlin’s flight to Germany on

  in National Air Races

  Columbia University (New York)

  Coman, Katherine

  Commercial Aircraft Association of Southern California

  Condon, James D.

  Cone, J. Carroll

  Conference on Current Problems

  Conroy, Elizabeth

  Cook, Admiral

  Coolidge, Jake

  Coolidge, Phil

  Cooper, Daniel

  Copeland, Frank


  Crosby Katherine

  Crosson, Marvel

  Curtiss Flying Service

  Curtiss Jenny airplane

  Curtiss School of Aviation

  Dade, George

  Darrow, Daniel

  Daugherty, Earl

  Daugherty airfield

  Davidson, Gordon

  Davis, David R.

  Day, Helen

  friendship with Noonan

  Noonan’s letters to

  De Schweinitz, Louise

  De Sibour, Jacques

  De Sibour, Violette

  Denison House

  Dennison, Harold T.

  Dennison Aircraft Corporation

  Dennison Airport

  Des Moines, Iowa

  Devereaux, Richard and Fanny

  Dewson, Mary

  Diehl, John


  Direction finders. See Radio equipment

  Dolan, Katherine

  Doolittle, James (Jimmy)

  Dorey Halstead

  Double Dee Ranch (Wyoming)

  Douglas, Donald

  Dunrud, Carl

  Dwiggins, Don

  Earhart, Amelia


  in air races/shows

  air records of

  Atlantic crossing on Friendship. See Friendship flight across Atlantic

  Atlantic solo flight

  attitude towards men/marriage

  Avian airplane owned by

  awards in honor of

  birth and baptism

  blind flying by

  in Boston, Massachusetts. See Boston, Massachusetts

  as Boston-Maine Airways partner

  Chapman, Sam, as fiance. See Chapman, Sam


  as clothes designer

  commercial endorsements by

  death of

  deaths of friends and

  as Dennison Airport employee


  family history xi

  fashion image

  father, relationship with. See Earhart, Edwin

  financial backers of flights

  financial problems

  first exposure to airplanes

  first paying job

  first solo flight

  flying lessons taken by

  flying outfits

  flying school of


  honors bestowed on

  investment in United Air Services

  Kinner Airsters owned by

  at Lake George

  as lecturer

  Lockheed Electra airplane owned by

  in Los Angeles, California. See Los Angeles, California

  marriage to G. P. Putnam. See Putnam, George Palmer

  medical career plans

  Mexican flight of

  mother, relationship with. See Earhart, Amy (Otis)

  musical talent

  as New York, Philadelphia and Washington Airways vice president

  in Northampton, Massachusetts

  nursing work of

  Pacific flights. See also World circumnavigation flight, Earhart’s

  photography career plans

  pilot’s license

  “popping off” letters

  as Purdue University staff member

  in Rye, New York. See Rye, New York

  searches for

  as social worker

  as teacher

  in Toronto, Canada

  as Transcontinental Air Transport employee

  transcontinental flights

  trucking company of

  Vega airplanes owned by

  Vidal, Eugene, relationship to. See Vidal, Eugene (Gene)

  wills of

  women pilots organization and. See Ninety-Nines organization

  women’s issues and

  world circumnavigation flight of. See World circumnavigation flight, Earhart’s

  in World War I

  World’s Fair trip

  as writer . See also Fun of It, The; 20 Hrs. 40 Min., Our Flight in the Friendship

  Earhart, Amy (Otis)

  Amelia, relationship with

  Amelia’s birth and

  Amelia’s Friendship flight and

  Amelia’s letters to

  in Boston, Massachusetts

  in Chicago, Illinois

  childhood and youth of

  deaths of parents

  in Des Moines, Iowa

  divorce from Edwin

  financial affairs of

  in Kansas City, Kansas

  marriage to Edwin

  Muriel, relationship with

  in Northampton, Massachusetts

  social pretensions of

  in St. Paul, Minnesota

  support for Amelia’s flying by

  in Toronto, Canada

  Earhart, David

  Earhart, Edwin

  alcoholism of

  Amelia, relationship with

  Amelia’s Friendship flight and

  career of

  childhood and youth of

  divorce from Amy

  family background of

  in Los Angeles, California

  marriage to Amy

  Muriel, relationship with

  widow of

  Earhart, Helen

  Earhart, Muriel


  Amelia’s Friendship flight and

  Amelia’s support of




  father, relationship with. See Earhart, Edwin

  marriage of

  mother, relationship with. See Earhart, Amy (Otis)

  as source

  as teacher

  at World’s Fair

  Earhart-Mantz Flying School

  Edison, Charles

  Elder, Ruth

  Electra airplane. See Lockheed Electra airplane

  Elliott, Edward C.

  Ellsworth, Lincoln

  Elmer, Robert


  Friendship landing in

  post-Atlantic solo flight visit to

  Exupéry, Antoine de Saint

  Finch, Linda

  First-day covers (stamps)

  Fisher, Norman

  Fiske, Gardiner H.

  Fitzgerald, Marian

  “Flight to Freedom,”

  Fokker airplane

  Folz, Edith

  Fortaleza, Brazil

  Fox, Marjorie and Virginia

  France, post-Atlantic solo flight visit to

  Friendship flight across Atlantic. See also Gordon, Louis (Slim); Stultz, Wilmer (Bill); 20 Hrs. 40 Min., Our Flight in the Friendship

  airplane modified for

  Amelia recruited for

  Amelia’s fame after

  Amelia’s pre
paration for

  Amy Guest’s plans for

  Boston takeoff attempts

  Byrd’s role in. See Byrd, Richard

  England, landing in

  flight to Newfoundland

  flight to Europe

  Fokker chosen as aircraft for

  layover in Newfoundland

  Putnam’s role in. See Putnam, George Palmer

  return to United States

  rival flights

  subterfuge regarding

  Fulgoni, Andy

  Fun of It, The

  Gallagher, James

  Gatty, Harold

  Gaylord, Charlie

  Gee Bee racer airplane

  Gehlbach, Lee

  Gentry Viola

  Gilbreth, Lillian

  Gill, Burnham

  Gill, Fred

  Gillies, Jack

  Gillis, Fay See FayGillis Wells

  Glendale airfield

  Glick, George

  Goebel, Arthur

  Goerner, Fred

  Goodwin, Doris Kearns

  Gordon, Louis (Slim)

  as Friendship co-pilot

  Friendship flight salary

  Friendship flight to Newfoundland

  Friendship layover in Newfoundland

  Friendship arrival in England

  Friendship post-flight tour

  Gorski, Eddie

  Gower, Lou

  Grayson, Frances Wilson

  Greenwich House (New York City)

  Grooch, Ernest

  Grooch, William

  Ground loops

  Guest, Amy Phipps

  Guest, Frederick

  Guest, Winston

  Guinea Airways

  Gulick, William

  Haizlip, James

  Haldeman, George

  Hamilton, Alice

  Hamilton, Leslie

  Harres, Charles

  Harres, Gebhard

  Harres, John

  Harres, Maria Grace

  Harres, Theodore

  Harris, Harold R.

  Hart, William S.

  Harts, William W, Jr.

  Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)

  Harvey, Sidney

  Haviland, Ruth

  Hawes, Elizabeth

  Hawks, Frank

  Heath, Mary

  Hegenberger, Albert

  Hemingway Mary Welch

  Henderson, Clifford

  Hewitt, Joseph

  Hickok, Lorena

  Hillsdale, Maude

  Hinchcliffe, Walter

  Holmes, Christian

  Hoppe, Annabel

  Horchem, Bertha

  Howard, Benny and Maxine (Mike)

  Howland Island

  Hughes, Howard

  Hunt, Roy

  Huzar, Aloysia McLintic . See Aloysia McLintic

  Hyde Park High School (Chicago, Illinois)


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