Suddenly His Alpha: An MPREG Omegaverse Short

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Suddenly His Alpha: An MPREG Omegaverse Short Page 4

by Kelex

  “And he’ll bring you back to me,” his father added, parroting the same thought he’d just had.

  Soon, I hope. “What happens now?”

  “Discussions, I presume. Beckett’s father will likely want a pre-nup. Your papa wants me to ask for repayment for your upkeep in the OQ, but I don’t think that’s completely fair. The Montgomerys have it, of course, but that’s not their burden to shoulder.”

  Tulla shook his head. “Chattel. I get to go on the block and see what I’m worth, hmm?”

  “You know these are the way of things,” his father said, sighing.

  “Just because it’s the way of things doesn’t make it right.”

  His father just stared for a moment. “What will you have me do, Tulla? Call off the mating? I have little choice but to see what the Montgomerys wish to do.”

  A day before, Tulla would’ve said to call off the mating. In that moment? He knew he’d suffer the shame of it all if it meant he’d get to be back in Beckett’s arms. “When do we start?”

  “I spoke to Beckett’s father briefly. He wants to get this over quickly. There’s a trust involved, if Beckett mates, so they already have some kind of agreement prepared to protect him. They’re sending a copy over to the house now. Your papa and I will read it and if we agree, well, then you’ll be bound and mated.”

  Tulla had hoped he wouldn’t have to deal with all of the legal entanglements of a mating contract and pre-nup, but then he’d always assumed he would’ve mated someone less… filthy rich. He didn’t care about mountains of money or the problems it brought. Unfortunately, he would have to learn to navigate those problems, it seemed. “And if you don’t agree?”

  “Then we discuss terms. Lawyers make the changes. It can stretch on for some time, if an agreement can’t be made easily.”

  Tulla stared at the wall separating him from Beckett. “I don’t want to wait months. I can’t. I want to be his, father. Just agree to their terms.”

  “I can’t say I’ll do that, Tulla. I need to ensure you’re protected, as well.” His father nearly collapsed into the empty chair and sighed. “But I can only push so far. Beckett’s father is my boss. For that reason, I won’t be able to make many demands on your behalf.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Yet, I won’t be a pushover, either. I want to know my son is safeguarded.”

  “Thank you,” Tulla murmured. “But I don’t need much.”

  His father smiled. “The Beta Guard is going to escort you back to the boarding house now. I’ll call you in the morning once we’ve read the agreement.”

  “Can I see a copy of it?”

  His father waved a hand. “Let the alphas discuss things, son.”

  Tulla’s jaw tightened. Before he could argue, the door opened and two uniformed betas stood in the opening.

  “Ready to go?” one asked.

  “I suppose I am. I’m just a silly omega with no opinions on my own mating.”

  “Tulla,” his father murmured behind him as he left.

  He stalked out—and for one second—he caught a glimpse of Beckett inside the room adjacent his. The door opened as he walked by, and he saw his alpha’s silver stare coming his way. The instinct slammed into him.

  My alpha!

  He tried to turn and speak to Beckett, but he was hauled away by the two guards. Writhing in their grip, he fought to be closer. On they marched, until the need calmed. Frustrated, Tulla yanked himself out of their grasp and walked inside the cage they created around him. Muffled music from the ballroom grew louder as they walked.

  Just moments before, he and Beckett been inside, dancing in one another’s arms. Now, he felt more like a prisoner, yanked from the little bit of happiness he’d found.

  The cold air hit his face when they exited the community center, and it helped calm him some and cool his desire. His footsteps crunched through the path. Snow fell from above, big, fat wet flakes that quickly picked up speed. In all his rushing out, he’d neglected to grab his warm coat.

  “I forgot my coat,” he said to the guards.

  “Too late. We’ll have it sent over in the morning,” one spat, urging him on.

  Tulla wrapped his arms around himself, but soon felt something wrapping around him from behind. He stopped and turned to see Beckett standing behind him, smiling.

  “You forgot something.”

  Tulla smiled up at the alpha, but then noticed four beta guards chasing behind him. They surrounded Beckett, ready and waiting to drag them apart again—and his guards thrust themselves between the pair.

  Another round of heat filled Tulla. “Th-th-thank you,” he struggled to spit out, his long-gone stutter suddenly reappearing.

  Beckett lifted a hand, but before it scarcely caressed Tulla’s face, he was pulled back toward the community center by his guards.

  Tulla took a step toward him, only to feel a strong arm like a steel band wrap around his chest. “You’ll be with him soon enough,” the guard murmured.

  The long walk away was like torture. Not long after, Tulla made it to the boarding house. After his guards had notified the house papa and departed, Tulla raced up to his room. He stood in the center of the tiny space, the walls closing in. Never had it felt smaller.

  His body still throbbed with need. The ache gnawed on him. He was coated in his slick and wanted Beckett. Lying in his bed, he tried to sleep, but it was all in vain. Dick hard and body thrumming, he reached down to caress himself. Before he stroked himself more than once, he licked his hand and used it to lube his palm.

  Closing his eyes, he imagined Beckett—just the way the alpha had gazed down at him on the dancefloor. Lust had simmered in his eyes and driven Tulla insane. He writhed on the bed, alone, wishing his alpha was there to sate the need pounding in his veins. After reaching into his nightstand, he gathered the dildo he used to ease his heats.

  Tulla’s ass was coated in his slick, ready for Beckett to take him. The dildo would have to do. He eased it into his body, moaning into the pillow as it filled him. Trembling, he paused a moment, overwhelmed by the level of his need.

  He’d experienced heats since the age of sixteen. He’d been on Heat Repress ever since, yet that never truly stopped the need. What he was feeling then? It was so far past anything he’d ever felt. After a moment, he began sliding the toy in and out, and pressing his face into the pillow. The paper-thin walls gave him no privacy, but when they were all in the midst of their heat at the same time, it mattered little. That night, he was off-cycle and anyone in the house could listen in on him pleasuring himself.

  Rolling his face, he let out a moan, uncaring. He’d found his alpha and let them all know. Let them all hear how much he wanted. Driving the dildo deep, he envisioned the moment Beckett would claim him, and he screamed his release.

  Shaking on the mattress in the aftermath, he drew in as much air as his lungs would allow. Once he caught his breath, he felt the need still simmering below. He’d taken a little of the edge off, but not enough to bring him peace.

  Damn the gods… let this negotiating pass quickly… or I might die before it’s over.

  * * * *

  Beckett’s head tumbled back, a roar on his lips as he pumped his hand over his cock for the billionth time. He fell into his bed, still not sated. Without his omega to claim, his body was driving him into madness. He needed…. All Beckett could think about was bonding with Tulla and knotting within the omega, locking them as one.

  He hated focusing on that one thing. There had been more to Tulla’s allure than something simply physical… but it was hard to think of anything else. The lust burned in his veins, enslaving him to that need.

  At that point, he’d masturbated at least a half dozen times and he still wanted. Turning toward the bedroom window, he saw the faint gray light of sunrise and groaned. Work came early, especially when he had to get to the jobsite. He was heading up the building of five new cottages in the Beta Quadrant. On top of that, he’d be completely unfocused and exhausted—in
a dangerous spot where he needed his full attention.

  His mind again went to Tulla. How difficult had last night been for him? Thinking his omega had suffered just as much both excited and upset him. The protective instinct within him roared to life again. While he might not be able to sate the lust, he could calm that need. Easily. Grabbing his phone from the nightstand, he gazed at the screen. Last night, the Guard had finally given him the main number to Tulla’s boarding house. When he’d gotten home, it had been late. Too late for him to wake a whole house of omegas because of his need.

  Now it was still some ridiculously early hour, but he couldn’t hold back another moment. He needed to hear Tulla’s voice. Hitting Send, he then drew the phone to his ear and listened to the ringing. When he was almost ready to give up, he heard a sleepy “hello?”

  “Tulla?” Had he gotten so lucky that his omega had answered the phone?

  There was a moment of silence before he heard, “Beckett.”

  Beckett closed his eyes, a growl rising up his throat. “I’m sorry I called so early… but… I just needed to hear your voice.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I’ve barely slept a wink all night.”

  Beckett smiled, even as he worried over his omega. “I wish I could be there with you.” His dick had already begun to grow harder, just hearing Tulla’s voice. He adjusted the thickening mass and tried to make himself more comfortable.

  “I wish you could be here, too.” Tulla was silent a moment. “Have you heard any news yet?”

  Beckett chuckled. “It’s only been a few hours. I doubt your parents have even gone through the agreement yet.”

  “I’ll call them.” He paused. “You know, when it’s not crazy early.”

  “Are you sorry I called?”

  “Never,” Tulla said breathlessly.

  It was enough to make Beckett ache a little more. His cock was stiff as stone. He ran a hand down it, trying to stop the mindless aching. “I don’t know if I can last much longer,” he ground out.

  Silence hung between them a moment before Tulla asked a question that nearly made him come on the spot. “Are you touching yourself?”

  After he got past the heavy wave of lust that rocketed through him, he nodded, as if Tulla could see. “Would that be a bad thing?”

  “No,” Tulla whispered. “I’m touching myself.”

  Beckett’s back stiffened, his cock jerking. He hissed in pain and stroked his shaft. “Aren’t you out in the open?” Beckett asked, stroking his hard length.

  “No. I took the phone to the bedroom.”

  Thank the gods for cordless phones. Being a boarding house, he couldn’t be sure what was there. He’d never seen the inside of one.

  “Of course, someone could pick up the other line at any moment. But everyone’s in bed right now,” Tulla added. “So I think we’re okay.”

  “Okay? To do what?” Beckett knew what he wanted to have happen. But he was struggling to be a gentleman. They were unmated… both on the brink of madness… and he wanted to protect his omega. But the thought of listening to Tulla come set fire to his whole body.

  “I want to hear you,” Tulla whispered. “I want to know how it sounds when you come.”

  Beckett’s lids fluttered closed. “How could I say no to that?” He continued to stroke his cock. “I’m hard, baby. So hard. Just hearing you answer the phone was enough to get me there.”

  He could hear the quickening of Tulla’s breathing, and he smiled slightly. His own grew more ragged, and he lay back in his bed, cock in hand.

  “Are you stroking it from the base to the fat head?” Tulla asked.

  “How do you know it’s fat?” Beckett said with a smile. “I could have thin dick.”

  “I felt it against my stomach. It’s thick.”

  He could hear the humor in Tulla’s voice, and he loved it. Even then, he could feel the omega’s sense of sarcasm peeking out. “I’m stroking it… from base to the fat head. Circling once over the tip and wiping the pre-cum down to the base. And then back up again.”

  “What’s it look like?”

  Beckett looked down at his cock, never really staring at himself long enough to be able to describe himself. “I don’t know? Like any other cock?”

  “Is it veiny? Smooth? Is it dark red, or pink, or purple? I need to get my fantasies right in my mind.”

  “Don’t you want to save a few surprises for the moment we bond?” Beckett asked.

  “Maybe, but you can give me a little hint, can’t you?”

  Beckett stared down at himself again. “A little veiny. Mostly reddish-pink, but the head is a little darker.” He stroked a few more times, hissing in anguish. “Now, tell me about yours.”

  “Don’t you want to save a few surprises for our bonding?” Tulla spat back at him.

  “No, no. I told you, you tell me,” he whispered. “Fair is fair, my omega.”

  A mewling sound came through the other end. “Say it again.”

  “Which part?” He knew which part, but he wanted to make absolutely sure.

  “You know,” Tulla said coyly. There wasn’t a coy bone in his omega’s body.

  He grinned between strokes of his cock. “My omega,” he whispered huskily.

  A moan came through the phone, and Beckett growled in response.

  “Are you wet for me, my omega?”

  Heavy breathing filled his ear.


  “Do you have a toy?” Beckett asked lowly.

  “One I already abused all night long.”

  Beckett was jealous of a sex toy for the first time in his life. “Grab it… tease that tight hole of yours… the one I’m soon going to claim. Just press it against your ass and slide it over and over—but don’t you dare slide it in.”

  He listened to the sounds of pleasure Tulla made and wished it was his cock… his mouth… his hands… that was drawing that kind of desire from his omega.

  “Feel good?” he asked, almost to breathless to speak.

  “Yeah, my alpha. I need it in me… no… I need you in me.”

  My alpha. His cock quivered when he heard it. “Not yet,” he murmured, sensing Tulla was close to the edge. He stroked his own cock a few more times, pushing himself closer to the abyss, too. When he knew he was nearly there, he spoke again. “Now, baby. Slide it in.”

  He heard the catch in Tulla’s voice when the toy was plunged deep.

  “Oh gods… Beckett…”

  “Ride that shaft… imagine it’s me.” Beckett pinched the base of his cock and held his breath, scared he’d come too soon. Once he held it back and had a little control again, he focused on the cries coming from Tulla’s lips.

  Lips he wanted to kiss again… he was starved for his omega.

  When he heard Tulla’s breaths coming in quick, broken spurts, he knew his mate was close. “Come for me, Tulla.”

  One last gasp crossed the line before silence reigned.

  And then the most satisfying sound hit his ear. Tulla cried out his name. It pushed Beckett over the edge, and he spurted onto his belly and hand, as he heard the omega cresting. He shuddered and cried out, wishing he had Tulla there to comfort and hold close.

  As their orgasms faded and they silently remained on the phone, breathing heavily, there was a tiny hint of awkwardness between them.

  “I can’t believe we just did that,” Tulla murmured.

  “Are you sorry we did?” Beckett asked before grabbing a few tissues to begin the clean-up.


  Beckett smiled. For the first time since meeting his omega the night before, he felt almost sated. “I hate to rush off the phone, but I need to shower and get to work.”

  Tulla sounded a bit disappointed. “Okay.”

  “I wish I was there with you. All day. In bed. Learning every inch of your body,” he whispered.

  He could almost hear Tulla’s smile from the other end. “Me, too.”

  “I’m going to call my parents as soon as I get
out of the shower. See if we can’t get this whole thing moving. I need you, Tulla.”

  “I’ll call mine, as well. I can’t wait another moment.”

  “I’ll call you if I hear anything. If I don’t, I’ll call when I get off of work, check in with you.” He’d spend all night talking to his omega, if he could. Too bad Tulla didn’t have a home of his own in the OQ—where they’d be freer to talk and explore.

  “Okay,” Tulla said. “I miss your voice already.”

  Beckett smiled. “Soon, baby.”

  * * * *

  Later that afternoon, Tulla stood in the outer offices of the solicitor handling their case, pacing. Just an hour before, he’d gotten the call that their parents were close to making an agreement. Tulla had been shocked, assuming it would’ve taken longer—but he wasn’t upset it was managed so quickly, either.

  A car had been sent for him, and he’d been led to the omega side of the waiting room. Glancing again into the room separated simply by a double-paned glass window, the alpha side was empty.

  Where is he?

  Tulla paced for another ten minutes or so. After ignoring the other side for a bit, he finally looked through the window and saw Beckett standing, a single palm on the glass. Tulla raced closer and pressed his palm to Beckett’s.

  “Hi,” Beckett mouthed.


  “You okay?” Beckett mouthed.

  He nodded, then shrugged. “Ready for it to be over.”

  Beckett lifted his cell phone, with a question in his eyes.

  “No phone,” Tulla answered, hoping he’d guessed the right query.

  Beckett began typing away on his side, and Tulla frowned. But then Beckett placed the screen against the glass. If this isn’t resolved today, I’m buying you a cell before you leave this building.

  Tulla smiled, but the statement also brought back a thought. He hated the idea of being a kept man, unable to work and make his own way. They were rushing head-on into this mating without any time to discuss certain aspects of their soon-to-be relationship.


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