Rihanna the Seahorse Fairy

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Rihanna the Seahorse Fairy Page 1

by Daisy Meadows

  There are seven special animals,

  Who live in Fairyland.

  They use their magic powers

  To help others where they can.

  A dragon, black cat, phoenix,

  A seahorse, and snow swan, too,

  A unicorn and ice bear —

  I know just what to do.

  I’ll lock them in my castle

  And never let them out.

  The world will turn more miserable,

  Of that, I have no doubt!


  Title Page




  Adventure Lake

  Goblin Fishermen

  Underwater Magic

  Leggy Garden!

  Charlie to the Rescue

  The Gift of Friendship


  Also Available


  “Oh, I’m really looking forward to going canoeing again!” Kirsty Tate said eagerly to her best friend, Rachel Walker. The girls were carrying a lightweight canoe on their shoulders as they walked through the camp toward Adventure Lake. “But I’m going to try to keep my feet dry this time!”

  Rachel laughed. “Yes, it’s a lot of fun, isn’t it?” she agreed. “I’m glad we have some free time this afternoon so that we can have another try.”

  “We’re not just here to have fun though, are we?” Kirsty added, glancing around to check that none of the other campers were close enough to hear. “We’re trying to help our fairy friends, too!”

  On the day the girls arrived at the adventure camp, the king and queen of Fairyland had asked for their help to find seven missing magical animals. These special young animals had amazing powers that helped to spread the kind of magic that humans and fairies could possess — the wonderful gifts of imagination, good luck, humor, friendship, compassion, healing, and courage.

  The seven Magical Animal Fairies spent a whole year training them before the animals returned to their families in Fairyland. At that time, they were ready to use their special talents to help everyone in both the human and the fairy worlds. However, spiteful Jack Frost was determined to put a stop to all this, simply because he wanted everyone to be as lonely and miserable as he was. So he and his goblins had kidnapped the magical animals and taken them to his Ice Castle. But the animals had managed to escape, and now they were hiding in the human world! Rachel and Kirsty were determined to find all seven magical animals before Jack Frost and his goblins did. Then the girls planned to return them safely to Fairyland.

  “We’ve done pretty well so far, haven’t we, Kirsty?” Rachel remarked. “We’ve found Ashley’s dragon, Lara’s black cat, and Erin’s phoenix.”

  Kirsty nodded. “I just hope we find the others before the end of the week —” she began. But just then Lila, one of the camp counselors, came out of a nearby tent. Kirsty and Rachel exchanged a warning glance. Both girls knew that no one in the human world could ever find out about the existence of fairies.

  “Ah, I see you’re off to Adventure Lake,” Lila remarked with a smile. “Don’t forget to put your life jackets on, OK? And if you need any help, there are always lots of counselors around the lake.”

  “OK, Lila,” Kirsty replied. “We’ll be careful.”

  "Well, the secret to fun and successful canoeing is teamwork,” Lila said, with a twinkle in her eye. “So you two should be marvelous at it because you’re such good friends!”

  Kirsty and Rachel grinned at each other as Lila headed off.

  “Not just good friends,” Rachel laughed. “Best friends!”

  Adventure Lake lay at the edge of the camp. The surface of the water rippled and shimmered in the sunlight. Carefully, Rachel and Kirsty set the canoe down at the water’s edge and began to put on their life jackets. As they did, Catherine, one of their bunkmates, came running up to them.

  “Hey, you guys!” she cried, smiling happily. “Guess what? I just passed my swimming test!”

  “Good job!” Kirsty said warmly.

  “That’s great, Catherine,” Rachel agreed. “What are you doing for the rest of free time? Do you want to ride in the canoe with us?”

  Catherine shook her head. “Thanks, but I’m going swimming with Emma, Natasha, and Katie,” she replied. “Now that I’ve passed my test, I’m allowed to swim out to the end of the floating dock.” She pointed at the wooden dock that led from the shore out into the lake. The rest of their bunkmates were already splashing around there and shrieking with laughter.

  “Are you two coming to craft time later?” Catherine went on. “I think we’re making friendship bracelets.”

  “We definitely won’t miss that!” Kirsty laughed. “We want to make friendship bracelets for you and all the other girls in our cabin.”

  “I think you’ll both get lots of bracelets back in return!” Catherine said with a grin. “Have a good time canoeing. By the way” — she winked at Rachel and Kirsty — “you’d better watch out for the mythical creature that lives at the bottom of the lake!”

  Rachel and Kirsty glanced at each other in shock. What mythical creature was Catherine talking about? Kirsty wondered, confused. Could it be one of the magical animals she and Rachel were searching for? And how did Catherine know? Everything about Fairyland was supposed to be a secret!

  Catherine laughed. “Don’t look so serious, you guys!” she teased. “The lake creature is just an old legend, that’s all. See you later!” And she ran off.

  “Phew, I was worried there for a minute!” Rachel whispered to Kirsty, looking relieved as they climbed into the canoe.

  “Me, too!” Kirsty replied, settling herself into the front seat. “Ready, Rachel?”

  They pushed themselves away from the bank with their paddles, and then set off across the water, rowing smoothly and rhythmically. The girls could see bright blue dragonflies skimming across the surface of the lake. There were lots of ducks quacking loudly and occasionally dipping their heads underwater.

  As Rachel and Kirsty passed by the floating dock, they waved at their friends and then paddled on.

  “There are lots of campers enjoying the water today,” Rachel remarked, spotting several other girls in boats, canoes, and kayaks. “Should we row across to the other bank, Kirsty?”

  Kirsty nodded. When they eventually approached the opposite bank, she noticed a crescent-shaped cove among the rocks.

  “Look, Rachel!” Kirsty pointed at the entrance to the cove. “Let’s explore it!”

  “OK,” Rachel agreed, “But don’t forget we have to be back at camp for craft time.”

  “Oh, we’ve got plenty of time,” Kirsty replied.

  The girls rowed up to the entrance of the cove and peeked inside.

  “I can hear splashing,” Rachel said, her eyes wide with excitement. “Let’s follow the cove all the way around, Kirsty — that splashing noise might be a waterfall!”

  Kirsty shook her head. “I changed my mind,” she said with a shrug. “The cove’s OK, but I want to row around the rest of the lake.”

  “That’s boring!” Rachel complained. “I want to explore the cove!”

  “No way!” Kirsty snapped, turning around to glare at Rachel.

  “Why do we have to do what you want?” Rachel asked crossly.

  Suddenly the girls stared at each other in shock. They hardly ever argued!

  “Sorry, Rachel,” Kirsty blurted. “I don’t know what came over me!”

  “I’m sorry, too!” Rachel gasped, looking very ashamed. Both girls put their paddles down and hugged each other

  Rachel sighed. “That was horrible — I never want to argue with you again, Kirsty!”

  “Me neither,” Kirsty agreed. “Look, we have just enough time to explore the cove and the rest of the lake.”

  “Good idea,” Rachel agreed.

  The girls swiftly paddled into the cove. As they rounded the curve, Kirsty spotted another canoe just ahead of them. She frowned as she stared at the little boat. The three passengers looked very familiar!

  “Rachel!” Kirsty whispered urgently. “Goblins!”

  Rachel peeked over Kirsty’s shoulder, and her heart sank when she saw three goblins sitting in the canoe. They were holding a large fishing net.

  “They must think one of the magical animals is hiding in the lake!” Kirsty whispered.

  “Quick, we can’t let them see us!” Rachel replied in a low voice.

  The girls paddled swiftly and silently toward a nearby inlet. They safely tied the canoe to a post and then slipped down inside it, out of sight.

  “I wonder which of the magical animals is in the lake?” Rachel murmured, as they peered carefully over the edge of the canoe.

  The goblins were each holding a corner of the net, ready to throw it into the water.

  “NOW!” shouted the biggest goblin.

  The goblins tried to toss the net into the water. Instead, the breeze blew it back at them, and they all got tangled up. The goblins shrieked with fury as their boat rocked violently from side to side.

  “Help!” shouted the smallest goblin as he almost went overboard. He flung out his arms, trying to steady himself, and hit the biggest goblin right on the nose.

  “I’ll get you for that!” the biggest goblin yelled, lunging at him. But his foot got caught in the net, pitching him forward so that he head-butted the third goblin in the stomach.

  “Ow, that hurt!” the third goblin roared angrily.

  The three goblins glared at each other, clenching their fists. But then, to Kirsty and Rachel’s surprise, the smallest goblin stepped forward, smiling apologetically.

  “Please forgive me,” he said politely. “That was all my fault.”

  “No, no,” the biggest goblin interrupted quickly, “I was to blame.”

  “Ah, time for a group hug!” said the third goblin. Rachel and Kirsty were astonished when the goblins huddled together and put their arms lovingly around one another!

  “This is weird!” Rachel whispered. “Why are the goblins being so nice to one another?”

  “I don’t know,” Kirsty replied, as the goblins gathered up the net again and threw it into the water. “Let’s keep watching!”

  The goblins waited a moment and then began pulling the net in again.

  “We caught something!” the biggest goblin shrieked triumphantly. He pulled a wriggly silver fish from the net and held it up. “Is this a seahorse?”

  “No, but good job, anyway!” the smallest goblin said kindly.

  The big goblin threw the fish back into the lake. Then he rummaged in the net again and held up an old, battered boot. “Well, is this a seahorse?”

  The other goblins shook their heads. “No seahorses here!” they both said, staring down at the net.

  Rachel frowned, looking confused. “Kirsty, seahorses don’t live in lakes,” she whispered. “They’re only found in the sea. They need salt water to survive.”

  “The goblins must be looking for Rihanna’s magic seahorse!” Kirsty pointed out excitedly. “A magic seahorse would be able to live anywhere!”

  “Oh, of course!” Rachel gasped. “The magic seahorse’s special power is the gift of friendship. That must be why the goblins are being so nice to one another!”

  “And remember that the young animals aren’t always in control of their magic powers because they’re still being trained,” Kirsty reminded her. “Their magic can sometimes work in reverse — and that must be why we argued with each other a little earlier!”

  “So the magic seahorse is definitely around here somewhere!” Rachel exclaimed.

  Suddenly the girls’ canoe began to rock slightly from side to side.

  “What’s happening?” Kirsty whispered.

  She and Rachel peeked over the edge of the canoe. To their amazement, the water around them was filled with sparkling, rainbow-colored bubbles that were causing their canoe to sway gently.

  “It’s magic!” Rachel gasped, as the bubbles swirled around them. “Do you think there really is a mythical creature in the lake?”

  “Or maybe it’s the magic seahorse!” Kirsty suggested. “But how are we going to find him before the goblins do? We don’t have a fishing net!”

  Suddenly a stream of bubbles shot up into the air. A second later, a tiny fairy burst from the water with a shimmering splash, and hovered in the air above Rachel and Kirsty!

  “Hello, Kirsty and Rachel!” the fairy called, casting a wary glance at the goblins as she floated down toward the girls’ canoe. She had long blond hair in flowing waves, and she wore a sea-green dress with a beaded hem. “I’m Rihanna the Seahorse Fairy!”

  “Oh, Rihanna, it’s great to see you!” Kirsty cried with a huge smile. “We think your magic seahorse is right here in this lake!”

  “But we’re not sure how to find him,” Rachel added. She pointed at the other canoe. “The goblins are after him, too!”

  Rihanna nodded. “You’re right, girls,” she agreed. “Bubbles is definitely around here somewhere. I can feel it! Will you help me find him?”

  “Of course we will,” Kirsty said eagerly, “but how?”

  Their discussion was interrupted by loud yells from the goblins’ canoe as they pulled the net in again.

  “This isn’t working!” the smallest goblin complained, taking another fish out and tossing it back into the lake.

  “Let’s go and search under the water then,” the big goblin suggested.

  “How?” the third goblin said with a shrug. “We can’t breathe underwater!”

  Rachel, Kirsty, and Rihanna watched as the big goblin bent down and pulled something out from under one of the seats.

  “We can use magic to help us!” he said, waving an ice wand in the air.

  The other goblins looked astonished.

  “Where did you get that?” the smallest goblin demanded.

  “Jack Frost gave it to me for emergencies,” the big goblin replied. “Now that those fairies have returned three of the magical animals to Fairyland, he didn’t want to take any chances! We can’t let them find any more!”

  Rachel, Kirsty, and Rihanna stared at each other in dismay.

  “So why haven’t we used the wand before?” asked the third goblin with a frown.

  The big goblin looked sheepish. “I forgot I had it,” he mumbled, shuffling his feet.

  The other two goblins glared at him in disgust. For a moment, Kirsty thought they were going to start a fight over the wand, but then the smallest goblin shrugged.

  “Let’s just get on with it,” he said politely. “OK?”

  “OK!” said the other two.

  “My seahorse’s magic is making them be nice to one another!” Rihanna whispered as the goblins began folding up the fishing net. “Girls, we have to find Bubbles before the goblins do. And you’ll be able to swim faster if you’re fairies like me!”

  A flick of Rihanna’s wand sent a shower of fairy sparkles drifting around Rachel and Kirsty. Immediately, they shrank until they were as small as Rihanna herself, with the same sheer wings on their backs.

  “The canoe suddenly seems huge!” Rachel laughed, glancing around.

  Rihanna lifted her wand again. This time, two shiny bubbles streamed through the air toward Rachel and Kirsty. The girls felt the bubbles settle over their heads, and then burst with a pop.

/>   “Now you’ll be able to breathe underwater, just like when you had your adventure with Shannon the Ocean Fairy,” Rihanna reminded them. “Let’s go!”

  Rachel, Kirsty, and Rihanna fluttered over the side of the canoe. They were just about to dive into the water when there was a shout from the goblins.

  “Look! Fairies!”

  Dismayed, the girls and Rihanna glanced around. They’d been spotted! They saw the big goblin wave the ice wand at his friends, and goggles and flippers magically appeared on their heads and feet.

  “Quick, girls!” Rihanna shouted.

  The three friends plunged into the waters of the lake. It was a little chilly and both Kirsty and Rachel gasped as they sank lower. Schools of tiny fish wove their way past the girls. The bottom of the lake was carpeted with beautiful green plants, their leaves waving gently in the rippling water.

  “I didn’t realize there was so much going on under the surface!” Kirsty said, as a little frog swam past them.

  “It’s just as exciting down here as it is on land!” Rachel added. She laughed as a duck floating above them stuck his head underwater and stared at her in surprise.

  “I think we should swim westward, girls,” Rihanna called. “I’m not sure, but I have a feeling we may find Bubbles in that direction.”

  “I wonder where the goblins are?” Kirsty remarked as they followed Rihanna to the west. “Let’s hope they went eastward!”

  Rachel, Kirsty, and Rihanna began to search for the missing seahorse among the plants at the bottom of the lake. But it was hard work. The lake was huge, and the water was very cloudy, making it difficult to see very far ahead. Rachel and Kirsty both began to feel downhearted. How would they ever find Bubbles before the goblins did?


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