Surrender to More

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Surrender to More Page 12

by Rachel De Lune

  “All the more reason to relax tonight. Unless you would rather do it tomorrow night? You don’t need to worry about getting up in the morning. Or both?”

  “Both?” I squeak.

  “I meant what I said. I want to get to know you, and I can’t do that without spending time with you. I know you’re busy. You’ve made that clear. But you also said Thursday worked. I’m not going to skip the date part and head straight to sex because that would be too easy. We have the weekend for that.”

  “Hey, slow down. I said dinner tonight would work. I didn’t agree with all the rest.”

  “You did. You want to be my sub. You do as I say.” My head spins and I can’t speak. “Red, yellow, green, Princess?”

  “Yellow… just, slow down a bit.”

  “Okay.” There was a long pause, and I could make out some background noise.

  “Where are you?” I ask.

  “In my car.”

  “Heading home?”

  “No, I’m heading to you. We need to finish this conversation in person.

  “In person? What happened to looking forward to a nice dinner? It’s been a really long week, and it’s not even Friday.”

  “I understand, but you are already giving me crap. I’m not messing around, Jess. This relationship will all be about give and take. You’re not a submissive who needs to please me to feel valued. I understand it’s on a sexual level for you, but building a relationship is still required.” I hear a fumble and the line becomes clearer. “Now open your door.”

  I stomp out of the kitchen and fling open the front door. Luc is standing on the step looking far too good in a crisp, white shirt and dark blue suit. His furrowed brows and the firm set of his jaw gives away the tension present over the phone. He barges into the house and scoops me up as he turns me against the wall he fucked me against the first night.

  “You seem to be able to understand me better when my hands are on you.” His fingers delve into my hair, and he holds my head still. “Don’t make excuses with me. I won’t take it. We’re like oil and water until we’re together and then all this friction, all this fire, burns hot and fast until I’m buried inside you or you’re under my hand and submitting. When we’re apart, your head kicks in, and I’m back to being someone you don’t want to work with…”

  “That’s no…” One of his hands grips my jaw, silencing my tongue.

  “I’d think very carefully about finishing that sentence. Honesty, remember. Don’t lie.” He releases his hand, and I drop my eyes.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Stop keeping your distance. I won’t have that from my sub. I want to take you out and have a good time. Right now, I want to spank your ass so you’ll remember I’m your Dom. Don’t push this aside and treat me like the guys in your past. I want you desperate for me, knowing how fucking good we are together and how loud I make you scream when you come. Have a little faith.”

  “You’re pushing me, and I warned you what would happen.” My voice doesn’t hold the bite I wish it did. Luc’s little speech has me wrapped up in knots. I want him to take me and make me forget my fears. I want to slap him and throw him out. I want to apologise for being a bitch. How can he make me feel so much?

  “I know I am. I want to. I want to see your feelings, Princess. I also told you I could be mean. It wasn’t a lie.”

  “You…” His lips smash into mine and stall my outburst. Instead, I pour my anger into our kiss. The confusion about my feelings, all of the desire and fear, swarm together, creating something I don’t understand. What I do understand is as much as I want to keep Luc at arm’s length, I also want him close to me. His hands on my skin ground my flighty nature. He distracts me from my worries, and I forget about the well of emotion in my chest forcing the pieces of my broken heart back together. He’s everything I want—and everything I’m afraid of—in one gorgeous package.

  He releases my lips, our breathing ragged and desperate.

  “Go and change. I’m taking you to dinner.” He backs away, and as I turn to head up the stairs, he smacks my bum.

  “So, what do you like?”

  “Besides you?”

  “Oh my god, you didn’t just say that.” I giggle into my wine.

  “You’ll have to be more specific, Princess.”

  “Food, hobbies… You’re the one who wanted to get to know me, so let’s get to know each other.”

  “Good point. Well, we’re at a steak place. I enjoy steak. I’m not into overpriced or fancy. Just good food. You?”

  “Does chocolate count?”

  “Yes. You like chocolate?”

  “I love chocolate, but it doesn’t like me.” I press my lips together before I start whining about my hips. Luc’s green eyes scrutinise me and then I remember he’s a shrink. “Do you have many patients?”

  “The practice, or me, personally?”


  “I see a few clients. I’m too tied up with running the business to dedicate any significant time to seeing people.”

  “Do you miss it?”

  “Not particularly. I wanted to build a successful business, and I have. That was my goal. When you work towards something as important as your aim in life, there are usually sacrifices along the way. You should understand that. You work hard and must be doing well to be the HR manager. What sacrifices have you made?” His question halts me.

  I don’t want to talk about what I’ve given up in my life, because until recently, I hadn’t thought I was giving anything up, especially not for my job. He sits and waits for me to continue. There’s no rushing him. He does what he wants to do, and there is no sign he would bow to external pressure.

  “I haven’t had to sacrifice anything. I don’t have a family, and it’s not at the top of my priority list right now. You know I’m dealing with my commitment issues.”

  “Yes, and I’m pleased you are.”

  “The rib-eye?” We’re interrupted by the arrival of food, and it has my mouth watering.

  “Please.” Luc answers and the waiter places our meals in front of us.

  “Can I get another glass of wine?”


  “I don’t want you to have any more than the glass you ordered.”

  “Oh?” My knife and fork pause, waiting for an explanation.

  “I’m not going to fuck you when you’re drunk.” He throws the comment at me as if it was obvious.

  “It would take more than two glasses to get me drunk.”

  “Let’s call it another rule. I don’t want you to have more than two drinks when we’re together.” He at least looks at me this time. “Don’t challenge me on this.”

  “You can’t tell me what to do and expect me to follow it.”

  “Yes, I can. You’re my sub.”

  “I thought we’d established you can’t tell me what I can and can’t do outside of the bedroom. So far you’ve told me what to wear and what to drink. I’m not just another girl who’s going to bow to your every wish. You said negotiate. This is you dictating.” I turn my attention back to the food and slice at the tender steak. It melts in my mouth, and I focus on the juicy morsel instead of anger at the man sitting in front of me.

  “That’s a fair comment, Jess, but only if you abide by it yourself. If you don’t want me to ‘dictate’, then don’t force me by dodging your side. Look at what I needed to do for you to come out with me. I want you open to me when we’re having dinner or a conversation just as much as when you’re under me.”

  My eyes stay on the steak, but I think about our situation. I can’t be a hypocrite with him. Time to be a grown-up.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll try harder, but my rules stay.”

  “Okay, Princess. Give and take.”

  The rest of the meal we settle into a companionable silence. I’m still cross that Luc thinks he can dictate to me. But worse, I feel bad for treating him the same way as I have countless others. I know my frosty personality can be hard to tak
e. I need to start engaging my brain before I act.

  “Would you like to see the dessert menu?”

  “No, thank you. Just the bill.” Luc politely dismisses the waiter. Now would be a perfect opportunity for me to engage my brain and ask what he’s doing, but my tongue has other ideas.

  “Hey, what’s up with no dessert? You might have thought to ask me first, or is this another sub thing?”

  “Have you finished?”

  “Excuse me, where do you get off talking to me like a child.”

  “If you stopped acting like one I wouldn’t have to. I know you like chocolate. This place isn’t the best for dessert. Of course, if you’d rather go home?”

  “Dessert sounds good,” I whisper. The waiter places the small silver plate on the table, and Luc peels several notes from his wallet before standing up. I follow, and he makes sure to squeeze my shoulders after I’ve wrapped my coat around me. His contact is oddly comforting, as if he’s trying to calm my mood. It’s certainly needed. This evening has me running hot and cold.

  Luc tucks me against him and puts his arm around my shoulder once we clear the restaurant. I try and pull away, uncomfortable with such a show of affection, but his hand doesn’t give. We walk further down the quiet street before turning down another, heading towards the centre of town.

  “It’s not far, and we can walk back to the car,” Luc says. The arm stays firmly around me, and I give in to the warmth it brings. It provides a physical heat that penetrates through me, but also a little bubble of hope that swells inside my chest. I’ve not allowed anyone to wrap me up and walk down the street—like any normal couple might—in years. I smile at my own personal accomplishment. I even snuggle in closer.

  Ten minutes later, Luc leads us into a small restaurant along a quiet street from the main shopping area. We head in and Luc nods towards a guy behind the bar. There are couples and groups of people still eating even though it’s getting late. Luc moves to the back of the room. The tables and chairs are all a mismatch of styles and create a quaint feel about the place. We sit down, and Luc smiles at me.

  “What is it?”

  “Nothing. You’ll see.”

  “Is it alright for us just to come in for dessert? It doesn’t sound like the norm to me.”

  “It’s not, but that’s alright. I know the owner, and he does the best chocolate desserts in the city.”

  I give Luc a completely genuine smile. He’s brought me to a place because I love chocolate. My heart gives a quick thud in my chest, once more telling me it isn’t completely dead of emotion.

  “What can I get you, buddy?”

  “Just one of your specials please,” Luc answers his friend with affection. “Kieran, this is Jess. Jess, this is Kieran, a friend of mine.”

  “Pleased to meet you.”

  “Likewise.” Kieran looks a similar age to Luc, slighter build and more Tom Hiddleston-like, but still attractive. I shake his offered hand. There’s a slight surfer style going on with him and a faint Australian accent. “If you need anything else, just shout.” He walks back into the busier part of the restaurant, and I turn my attention to Luc. I can only imagine how many other women he’s impressed with a personal chocolate dessert restaurant.

  “So is this the usual Lucas Clark experience?” I interlace my fingers on the table in front of me as I don’t have the glass I’d normally reach for.

  “No, although, I do eat here. If I’d known you love chocolate, we’d have come here first.”

  “So what’s the special?” I move the conversation along, attempting to grasp the warm bubble of goodness that has filled me with… joy.

  “It’s Kieran’s signature dessert, or rather, his chef’s. He’s some master patisserie chef, and I bet half the people in here tonight are here only because of the desserts.”

  “Really? I’ve lived in Bath most of my life, and I’ve never heard of this place.”

  “It might not look like much, but it’s just been awarded a Michelin star. I told you I don’t do fancy. This is the closest I come and mainly because Kieran’s a mate.” I look around the place again. Several brick columns break up the front restaurant, and the tables are packed in far too close for my liking. The bar at the entrance is all glass and wood, and Kieran stands behind it mixing drinks. Several colourful cocktails wait to be delivered from one end. A few waiters circle amongst the tables, their black attire giving them away. Quaint might have been the first impression, but there is an air of sophistication once you look harder.

  A black-clad waiter appears at my side with a white plate and sets it down in front of me. “Tempered chocolate log with raspberry. Enjoy.” He delivers a white napkin with fork and spoon before disappearing.

  A crumbly, textured log of rich chocolate sits off centre on the plate with a trail of brown crumbs. Tiny spheres of bright pink pattern the plate with a few strategically placed half raspberries. My mouth explodes with anticipation of the taste. The smell alone has me wanting to roll my eyes.

  I look up at Luc, and my eyes are wide with excitement and greed.

  “Go on, Princess. I didn’t bring you here for you to look at it.”

  I take the spoon and savour the first cut into the masterpiece. The crack of the chocolate gives way to a gooey centre, and I scoop up my first bite. I wrap my lips around the spoon as the chocolate invades my senses. The rich, luxurious taste makes my mouth water, and I give in to a little purr of satisfaction. Little tart notes of raspberry ensure the chocolate doesn’t overpower, and I close my eyes at the perfection of this dessert. I’m in heaven. My feet bounce with delight as I dig in for more. I savour the taste as I did with the first morsel, slowly pulling the spoon from my mouth.

  I pause and look up at Luc. “Did you want some?” I offer tentatively.

  “No, Princess. I’m enjoying watching you.” His smile is as sinful as the chocolate.

  I go back to my dessert and ensure I combine each element with each spoonful.

  I lick the spoon after decimating the plate. If I could have picked it up and licked it clean, I would have.

  “Mmm, that was delicious.” I smile at Luc feeling utterly spoilt and completely full. The lust blazing in his eyes immediately sends my pulse soaring.

  “Finished?” his voice holds the smoky edge that makes me give in to whatever comes out of his mouth.

  “Yes.” His switch in demeanour has me nervous.

  “Good.” He stands up and all but hoists me out of the chair. His hand clenches around mine, and he drags me through the busier restaurant.

  “In a rush, I see?” Kieran calls from the bar as we reach the door. Luc doesn’t stop but acknowledges his friend with a wave of his hand before continuing out of the restaurant.

  As we hit cold air, I pull back on his arm in my attempt to slow him down.

  “Hold up, Luc. What’s the rush? What’s this place called anyway? I want to come back here.” He turns, and the menacing look on his face stops me dead.

  “It’s called K, and if you come back here, it had better be with me.” He starts to pull me along again. The heat I felt from him a moment ago has chilled my desire to follow him.

  “What, wait!” I’m turned on but wary.

  He rounds on me again.

  “The way you ate that chocolate was like a fucking floor show at Solace. Were you trying to tempt me, Princess? Because you did. I want you somewhere private so I can show you the reaction I had to watching you eat fucking chocolate.” He growls and pulls me against his side before striding off.

  His commanding voice does all sorts of good things to me. Now all I want to do is get back to his car and let him take me home. I never knew enjoying my sinful treats could be so beneficial.

  We make it back to the car in silence although my breathing is laboured from Luc’s pace. He opens the car door for me, and I slip inside. He marches around the car before slamming it shut after him.

  He turns to look at me. “Undo your coat.” I obey straight away.
“Widen your legs and spread them apart for me.” I do as I’m told, and he leans over towards me. “I want to feel how much you enjoyed your dessert, Princess. I want to feel how you can make yourself wet without even considering me.” His voice sparks a fever throughout my body, and I squirm in my seat. His hand pushes my dress up my thighs, and his fingers delve underneath my knickers. He doesn’t go slowly. He thrusts straight into my wet and wanton pussy. His filthy words have turned me on.

  I dig my heels into the floor and lift my hips to give him more room. I’ve never been more grateful he told me to wear a dress.

  “Yes, mmm.” I moan, lost in the haze of lust saturating the car.

  “Tell me, are you wet for me? Do you like being told what to do, Princess? Or were you working yourself up over your chocolate treat?”

  “You, Luc, you…” My eyes slide shut when his thumb presses down on my clit. My legs begin to tingle as he works me harder, and the ache deep in my stomach grows with each sweep of his finger.

  “It’s my turn for a treat. Put your belt on.” Luc pulls his hand from between my legs and sits back to turn on the ignition. I watch him suck the remnants of my desire from his finger before he reverses the car out of the space and heads for home.

  I’m a bag of stifled pleasure as I sit. My heart hammers in my chest and my pulse beats out an impatient reminder that I’m left wanton and waiting. My knickers are damp against my sensitive flesh.

  “Sit still. I’ll make sure you’re screaming my name before long.”

  There is something overwhelmingly sexy in the way Luc talks to me when he’s turned on. It’s authoritative and filthy and has me desperate for his hands on me.

  Finally, after the longest five minutes ever, he parks in one of the designated bays for his building. I’m out of the car before he has a chance to open my door. He grabs the top of my arms and pulls me against him as he heads for the entrance. By the time we’re at his door, he looks like he’s going to murder me rather than fuck me.

  “Upstairs. Now. I’m not going to fuck you before we reach the bedroom again.”

  I don’t argue. I head upstairs and sit on the end of the bed waiting for him.


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