Taming Darkness: Artemis Lupine #4

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Taming Darkness: Artemis Lupine #4 Page 6

by Catherine Banks

  “Sprites? You mean little pixie beings?”

  I laughed. “No, lemon-lime soda. You know, from the human era.”

  Koda laughed. “Oh that. I’ll see what I can dig up.”

  “You’re the best,” I said as I chewed on my cheese.

  Koda winked. “I know.”

  Ares laughed at his brother’s conceitedness and then stole a piece of my cheese. “Stolen food always tastes so much better,” Ares said.

  I growled. “My food.”

  Ares growled back, but there was no real anger in his growl. “Everything that is yours is mine.”

  “Haven’t you ever heard the line, ‘what’s his is hers and what’s hers is hers’?”

  Ares lifted his lips in a playful snarl. “Not when I’m involved.”

  “So territorial,” I said as I snatched the last little bit of cheese he had stolen and popped it into my mouth.

  He wrapped his arms around me. “You’re mine.”

  I laughed. “Yes, I’m yours. All yours,” I said softly as my sadness over Achilles death returned.

  “I miss him too,” Ares whispered. Someone knocked on the door, breaking the mood thankfully. I stood up and walked to the restroom, closing and locking the door. “Enter,” Ares said.

  “So commanding,” his mother said as she entered. I stared at my reflection, unsure if I was ready to face her again.

  “It’s great to finally see you Mother,” Ares said to her.

  I opened the door, but stayed just out of sight to see how their meeting went. He walked to her and hugged her.

  She hugged him, but as soon as they separated she slapped his cheek. “That is for killing my mate.” I growled softly, not liking seeing her slap him, but stayed still.

  “He challenged me,” Ares said, “I had no choice but to kill him. I am sorry for any grief I have caused you.”

  “You should have killed him one hundred and fifty years ago,” she said angrily, “How could you leave me in his hands for so long?”

  Ares stared at her in shock. “You never told me you were unhappy. You never acted unhappy.”

  “I couldn’t act unhappy in front of him,” she said, “I was Queen. I had to keep our people united.”

  “You could have told me,” Ares said, “If I had known I would have killed him. I thought you loved him.”

  “How could I love him?! He killed my mate?!” she screamed.

  “Mother,” Koda chastised, “You should have told us.”

  She inhaled and her queenly face was back on. “I’m sorry. I let my emotions get the better of me.”

  Ares smiled at her. “It’s understandable.”

  I stepped out of the bathroom and walked to Ares’ side. “Hello.”

  She looked at me and then blinked in shock. “Wait? Isn’t she supposed to be dead?”

  “She was dead,” Koda said, “But Ares retrieved her soul from Death.”

  “My soul and our child’s,” I said as I rested a hand on my stomach.

  Her eyes widened and she looked from my stomach to Ares. “A child?”

  “Yes, you’re going to be a grandmother,” Ares told her as he put his arm around my waist.

  “You are sure that it is yours?” she asked Ares.

  I growled. “How dare you insinuate I have cheated on Ares. I would never cheat on my mate. Even if I am a halfbreed, half of me is still a wolf.”

  She smiled at me. “I like her. She’s feisty.”

  “Yes, very,” Ares said as though exasperated.

  I pinched his arm. “Don’t be rude.”

  “May I?” she asked as she pointed at my stomach.

  I looked at Ares, unsure what she wanted. “She wants to speak to the baby.”

  “Oh, sure,” I said as I pulled my hands away.

  She crouched down and put her ear against my stomach. “My, what a loud heartbeat you have, little one. You must grow strong and big. You are going to be the Alpha someday.” She was quiet a moment and whispered, “You will be protected from harm. None shall hurt you. Do not worry. None shall hurt you or your mother ever again.” She stood up and met Ares’ eyes. “I’m joining you in the battle against Maurice.”

  “No,” he said definitively.

  She snarled at him and her eyes turned amber. “Even if you are old and powerful, I birthed you. I created your power within me. You cannot stop me.”

  Ares’ eyes had turned amber as well, but after a moment of staring at his mother they finally returned to normal. “You’re as stubborn as ever.”

  She patted his cheek softly. “Good boy. Alright, I’m off to find a room.”

  “I’ll escort you,” Koda said with a wide smile and held the door open for his mother.

  “Such a good boy,” she said as she kissed his cheek and placed her hand on his bent elbow. “Good bye Artemis. Keep Ares in check while I am gone.”

  The door closed and I turned to Ares. “I like her.”

  Ares laughed. “Of course you do, now get back in bed.”

  “Yes, master,” I said as I sat on the edge to continue eating.

  We sat in silence for a few minutes and then Ares said, “Artemis, I have wanted to ask you something since you came back, but have not found the right opportunity.”

  “You know you can ask me anything,” I told him as he sat down next to me.

  “Do you remember being dead?” he asked. “Do you remember anything after you died I mean?”

  I shook my head. “No. I remember seeing Achilles fall and then my strength gave out and I dropped to the ground. Then I woke up when I came back to life.”

  “Good,” Ares said with evident relief.

  “Were you worried I was frightened?” I asked him as I placed a hand on his shoulder.

  He picked my hand up and placed it against his cheek. “Yes.”

  I smiled. “I wasn’t. Even when I died I wasn’t scared. It all happened too fast.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  I shook my head and rubbed his cheek with my thumb. “Don’t apologize. You saved me from Death. That is the bravest thing I have ever heard.”

  “I love you.”

  I smiled wide. “I love you too, Ares and I always will.”


  One week of nothing was driving me insane. The healer came to check on me every day and though my fever had stayed away I was still exhausted and dizzy quite often. She wasn’t sure what to make of it and gathered a council of healers to discuss the matter. Being trapped in my room was not fun and brought back so many memories of prior times in my life with Ares.

  Finally the healer said that as long as Ares kept his arm around me in case I fainted I could go for a walk. So, we strolled through the Dark Court along the beach and watched as dolphins played in the sea with water nymphs.

  “When this is all over, where will we live?” I asked Ares as we walked and I shuffled my feet in the warm sand.

  “Well, that’s something I have not thought about yet. I own multiple properties in multiple countries.”

  “I guess we will just have to travel to each one until I find one I like,” I said with a smile.

  Ares smiled. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  “Will my pregnancy be nine months?” I asked him, having forgotten to ask sooner.

  “No, it will be three months.”

  “And I am already one month?” I asked him.

  “Actually, you are starting on your second month in three days.” I didn’t really believe him since my stomach was still flat, but I did not ask.

  “What if I can’t defeat Maurice?” I asked Ares. “What if I can’t right the balance?”

  “Then you will teleport us to Darren’s old house and from there we will travel around until we find a place to live, alone and safely.”

  “Hm,” I mumbled, not wanting to say anything because I would not teleport and leave everyone to die. I couldn’t do that.

  “We should head back. It’s time for the meeting with Ze
us,” Ares said as he pivoted us back towards the castle.

  Birds high up in the sky circled lazily. I was watching their circles when something extremely larger than them dove and scattered them. “Ares!” I said in shock, “What is that?”

  Ares looked up and watched the flying animal a moment before laughing. “That is an old friend. Would you like to meet him?”

  “A friend?” I asked.

  Ares put two fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly. The flying being swerved away from the birds it had been chasing and headed in our direction. The body moved away from the sun and I could finally see the shape. “A Pegasus?” I asked. I had assumed that there were other preternatural beings alive that I had not met yet, but I had never dreamed I would meet a Pegasus.

  The Pegasus in question landed and bobbed its head at Ares. “Ares! It’s been so long!”

  I kept my mouth closed even though my jaw wanted to hit the ground. How could a Pegasus, with a horse head, speak English? Ares scratched its ears affectionately. “I’ve missed you as well Starling.”

  “Who is this?” Starling asked as he bobbed his head towards me and nickered. “She’s pretty.”

  “Starling, I would like you to meet Artemis Lupine, my mate.”

  Starling snorted in shock and opened his eyes wide. “This is the infamous Artemis Lupine?! It’s an honor to meet you.” Starling lowered the front half of his body in a bow.

  “Thank you, it’s an honor to meet you, Starling.”

  Starling stood up and then tilted his head sideways to look at Ares. “Need a ride?”

  Ares smiled. “Actually we would love a ride. Artemis is pregnant and a bit wobbly on her feet at the moment.”

  “Hop on!” Starling encouraged. “I’ll take you to the castle.”

  Ares helped me on and then hopped onto Starling’s back behind me, holding me against his chest. “Hold on to the mane,” Ares whispered.

  “Here we go,” Starling said and then started running down the beach. Sand kicked up around us, wind pressed against my face and the water sprayed us softly.

  After running a little ways Starling leapt up and flapped his wings, carrying us up into the air. “You seem a little out of shape, old friend,” Ares teased.

  “You seem to have gained some weight,” Starling said back.

  I laughed and Ares said, “I’ve only gained muscle.”

  “Or perhaps it’s the fat in your head,” Starling said and then whinnied loudly in Pegasus laughter.

  “Ha. Ha,” Ares said, “You are as funny now as you were four hundred years ago.”

  “How long do Pegasus’ live?” I asked.

  “As long as we want,” Starling answered, “Some of us prefer to live a normal horse’s age while others like me enjoy living a long life.”

  Starling landed in front of the castle and Ares hopped off and then lifted me from Starling’s back and set me down on the ground. “Thank you,” Ares said and bowed.

  Starling nudged Ares’ chest. “Anytime. You take care of your baby.”

  “I will.”

  We watched Starling fly away again before walking into the castle. “That was fun,” I said, “I’ve always wanted to meet a Pegasus.”

  “If you didn’t have wings of your own I would suggest getting one, but then you would not be able to use your own wings.”

  “Yes, I would much rather use my own,” I admitted.

  We walked down the large hallways and into the large gathering room where the meeting for the battle was being held. Hera, Zeus, Ares’ mother and Koda were standing off to the side talking while the rest of the people sat in seats murmuring.

  “Chandra,” said a voice I had missed deeply.

  I turned to my right and a smile split my face. “Selene!” I said happily, pulling away from Ares and hugging her. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I have missed you as well, sister. How fare you? I had heard that you were dead and couldn’t believe the rumors.”

  “Well, I did die, but then came back and we found out that I’m pregnant,” I summarized.

  Selene’s shock was quick and then she smiled again. “How wonderful that you are with child. We must catch up after the meeting.”

  “Of course,” I said as I stepped back into Ares’ arm.

  “Artemis,” Zeus called, “Please come up here.”

  Ares and I walked to the front of the room where they were standing and Koda pulled out a chair for me between his mother and the seat he had been standing behind. I sat down and smiled at them both. Ares sat beside me and Koda took his position behind my chair as my guard.

  The room quieted and people took seats in the audience. “As you all know the upcoming battle with Maurice and his followers will not be an easy one. This battle will determine the fate of the world,” Zeus began.

  Victor popped into the room in the back with Dmitri beside him and Victor winked at me in hello. Damn flirtatious vampire. I thought at him. He smiled wide, flashing his fangs and walked forward.

  “Victor, thank you for joining us,” Zeus said as he took a seat beside Ares up front.

  “My pleasure,” Victor said. Dmitri stood behind Victor like a bodyguard, but smiled pleasantly at me when he saw me.

  “We’re calling in all the help we can get,” Zeus continued, “We are continuing to add to our allies and we’re planning a battle like none other. I would like to welcome Selene and her fellow witches.”

  Selene bowed her head respectfully. “Thank you for contacting us. We look forward to the battle ahead.”

  “We welcome the Elves and Alianna their leader.”

  A silver haired, pointed eared Elf stood up and bowed. “Thank you.” I hadn’t even noticed the group until then, but now I could see at least two dozen elves in the audience.

  “We welcome the Dwarves and their leader Klaus.”

  “Thank you,” the leader, one of the midgets with thick beards, said in very rough English.

  “We welcome the Trolls and their leader Razi.”

  The troll leader stood up and up and up. He was well over ten feet tall. “Thank you,” he said in an elegant British accent despite the tusks in his mouth.

  How had I not seen any of these creatures in here before now? I needed to be more aware of my surroundings.

  “And we welcome the Shapeshifters and Wereanimals of every group and their leaders.”

  Ten women and men stood up and bowed.

  I had so many questions for Ares, but I could not ask any of them. I needed a notepad to write them all down.

  “Let me introduce those here in the front. I am Zeus, King of the Dark Court of the Sidhe. This is Hera, Queen of the Light Court of the Sidhe to her left is Beatrice, former Alpha female of the Werewolves. To her left is Artemis, Alpha female of the Werewolves and Heir to the Sidhe throne.” Several of those gathered murmured loudly, but Zeus continued. “To her left is Ares, Alpha of the Werewolves and Artemis’ mate. To his left is Victor, Prince of the Vampires.”

  Razi, leader of the Trolls stood up. “I do not mean to sound stupid, but I had heard Artemis had died.” His voice was rough and deep and it hurt my ears a little.

  “She did die,” Ares answered.

  “Yet she is sitting beside you?” The Troll asked, obviously perplexed.

  “Ares reclaimed my soul from Death,” I explained.

  “Death gave your soul up?” Alianna asked.

  “Yes, mine and my child’s,” I answered, my hand involuntarily going to my stomach.

  The audience began murmuring loudly in shocked tones.

  “How do we know this isn’t just a trick? That Artemis isn’t still dead and that you are not just going to lead us into death? How do we know you aren’t lying Zeus?” asked another of the Elves angrily.

  Having someone accuse Zeus of lying really made me mad. My power released and I began levitating in the air without even thinking about it. “Zeus is an honorable king and you should not accuse such a man of lying without proof,” I
said as I floated closer to the Elves. “Do you believe this is a trick?” I asked as I folded my wings in so as not to hit anyone.

  “Your power has grown,” Selene said in shock. “You have so much power.”

  “We believe,” Alianna said as she smiled at me. “We apologize for any offense towards Zeus.”

  “Thank you,” I said as I released my power and dropped to my feet on the floor. As soon as my feet hit the dizziness set in and I started to fall forward, but Victor teleported to me and caught me.

  “You must be careful,” he whispered too low for anyone else to hear, “There is something not completely right with you.”

  “I’m just clumsy,” I said loudly, “I was in wolf form for many years and dead not too long ago.”

  Victor teleported us back to the front and helped me sit down.

  I sat down and took a drink of water before smiling at Zeus. “Excuse my interruption, please continue.”

  Zeus nodded his head and turned back to everyone. “We have scheduled the battle for next month and Victor has been using his spies within his father’s network to let him know. Now, how should we fight this battle?”


  Five hours later nothing had been decided, but almost everything had been argued. Ares and I had left as soon as the meeting was adjourned for the day and returned to our room.

  Selene met us at our room with a somber expression on her face and asked, “What aren’t you telling me?”

  Ares and I exchanged a look of confusion and then Ares said, “We do not know what you mean.”

  Selene walked to me and took my hand, chanting a searching spell over my body to look for illnesses, spells or anything abnormal. She dropped my hand and then looked at Ares a moment with a startled expression. She asked Ares, “Why aren’t you seeking treatment?”

  “Treatment for what?” Ares asked, growing angry.

  “Have you not noticed Chandra’s dizzy episodes and fevers?” she asked.

  “Yes, but the healer treated them and put me on bed rest saying it was nothing to worry about,” I said, feeling fearful at what she was going to say.

  Selene looked at me a moment and I could see sadness there. She sighed and said, “You are in good health. You and the baby are fine. Ares on the other hand needs to be treated for a small illness which is affecting you by his nearness and your bond. Ares, may I speak with you outside?”


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