The End
Fatal Obligation
Author Notes:
Thank you for reading Fatal Obligation, the 7th book in the Clay Warrior Stories series. I know you have many choices for entertainment, and I appreciate you picking my book.
During the winter of 264 and January 263 B.C. the Legions were inactive, waiting for the election of new Consuls. In my early research, two things captured my imagination and formed the foundation for this book.
The name Aratus of Sicyon came across my desk. The more I read the more I wanted Alerio involved in that Greek story. Although history tells us the murder of Aratus’ father Cleinias happened in 264 B.C., I moved the date to fit Corporal Sisera’s timeline. Cleinias was Aratus’ father; Cleinias’ brother was married to Soso; Soso was Abantidas' sister; and Soso hid Aratus from her brother and snuck him out of Sicyon during the overthrow of the democracy. It is a perfect Greek tragedy, if ever there was one. At 20, Aratus would become the leader of the Achaean League and an historical figure.
The other force behind Fatal Obligation was the state of the eastern Roman Republic. Unlike years later when the Italian peninsula was viewed as one state, in 263 B.C., many of the cities in that region had just been pacified. Bloody conflicts brought them to the treaty tent but, hard feelings and tribal pride remained. Fatal Obligation was my chance at having Alerio experience a few of those recently settled areas along the Appian Way.
I’ve attempted to relay distances between ports along the Ionian Sea by the position of the sun. And, I used modern names for the ports when possible so readers who are interested, can map the voyage.
If you have comments please do not hesitate to contact me:
[email protected]
Alerio and I thank you for journeying with us on his latest expedition.
J. Clifton Slater
Military Adventure both Future and Ancient
Clay Warrior Stories series
Clay Legionary
Spilled Blood
Bloody Water
Reluctant Siege
Brutal Diplomacy
Fortune Reigns
Fatal Obligation
Call Sign Warlock series
Op File Revenge
Op File Treason
Op File Sanction
Galactic Council Realm series
On Station
On Duty
On Guard
On Point
Short Story
Serpent Circles
Fatal Obligation Page 25