Bring Me Edelweiss (Five Points Stories Book 2)

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Bring Me Edelweiss (Five Points Stories Book 2) Page 17

by Kyle Baxter

  If I see him tonight, we will talk—after we kiss, he decided.

  With fresh determination, he made his way down the small, narrow streets. He let his feet take him by the building Freddie’s apartment was in. No one looked to be home. Hardly a surprise. The prince was doubtless ensconced at the castle. Keeping his head down against the wind, Joel kept walking until he made it to the Strasse the soup kitchen was on. With that run down the alley permanently etched in his mind, it was easy to find.

  Frau Müller stood outside, sweeping. Petite and spindly but energetic and full of fire. He waved to her as he approached. “Hello.”

  She gave him air kisses on either cheek as he got to her. “Buon pomeriggio.”


  “We have four official languages in Etreustein.” Meike took his arm and led him in. “I speak whichever feels right at the moment. Italian is the language of love, so . . .”

  “But I thought French was the language of love?”

  She raised a sharp finger. “Only to the French. Don’t get me wrong, I love the French, but sometimes they are just very . . . French.”

  Joel snorted with laughter. “Where is everyone?” He leaned out the door and looked up the street. “No homeless today?”

  “Oh, there are a few homeless living here.” She indicated the shelter upstairs. “But at this location, we mostly just feed those who need a meal.”

  He looked around the large empty room. Yesterday a line waited outside. “So no dinner today?”

  “They’ll come. You’re just early.” The older woman walked into the kitchen, and he followed along. The other workers, Timm and Yannik, were getting the meal ready. Another stew, this time with potatoes. Stick with the basics and what works, he noted. It’s nourishment.

  “It’s good that you help feed the refugees,” Joel said. “But I noticed some locals too.”

  “There’s poverty everywhere, my boy. But the Crown has work programs and shelters to try to take care of people. We’re here,” Meike said as she hung up her jacket by the door, “as a transition place. There’s some work in the factories, or we send people along to where they can get help.”

  He hung his jacket beside hers. “Send people along. What does that mean?” Joel asked.

  “Shelters, halfway houses, and rehab programs,” she volunteered and led him to the sink. “Most of the local people that come here have homes, places they stay. They just need a little help, a meal now and then. Even with a high standard of living, citizens can still lose their homes and belongings due to addictions like gambling, alcohol, and drugs.”

  “Of course.” That made sense. They filled up pitchers with water and carried them to the serving line to put in the warmers.

  “Why did you come? Not to see me, I’m sure,” she asked.

  “You sell yourself short. I can learn a lot from you.” He took her pitcher and they went back to grab the trays of stew.

  “Good boy. You can always learn from people.” Meike reached up and patted his cheek. “My nephew told me you like to help people, and I can see it myself. No one comes here more than once if they don’t want to help.”

  The color rushed to Joel’s cheeks. “You’re too generous, but I do want to get involved in my own community when I get back home. I’m just not sure how to do it or really what exactly I what to do.”

  “I’m sure you’ll figure it out. How is my nephew today?”

  “I haven’t spoken to him . . .” A white lie. They were texting, but he wasn’t sure how open he should be with his aunt about their relationship. It was still nebulous.

  Freddie made it clear that he wasn’t in a place to date. His life was complicated at the moment and probably always would be. For his part, Joel didn’t want a one-night stand. He wasn’t built for that; he never was. And Joel didn’t think Freddie could offer more than that right now.

  “I assume the prince is busy,” Joel said. The smart thing to do is not see Freddie anymore. But the thought of not spending time with the prince hit him hard. His insides twisted, the feeling of impending danger gripping him. He remembered that look on Freddie’s face as they helped out here yesterday, the determination and kindness of a good man. His mind set.

  Mistake or not, it doesn’t matter. I want to see Freddie tonight and every moment I can. Even if right now is all we have, I’ll take it. God, I want to kiss him again—and more.

  “I’m sure he is.” Her sharp eyes looked him over. Without saying anything, he felt like she understood. What she understood, he wasn’t sure, but there was wisdom in those eyes and the lines on her face. “Now that he’s home, there’s a lot for him to do, even if he wasn’t crown prince. He was gone a long time, and there’s a lot of family business to get up to speed on.”

  “What kind of business—” Joel started and stopped himself. That is none of my business. “I apologize. That was out of line.”

  She blew a raspberry. “Please, it’s nothing that’s not available on the Internet. The royal family owns property all over Europe and many, many businesses: wineries, farms, restaurants and such. There’s even some oil, I think. And then there’s the shale deposits—ugly business.”

  “You don’t approve?”

  “It is difficult.” She put a hand on her hip and her face turned thoughtful. “We need energy independence, and this would help with that, but at what cost? And then there are environmental concerns. It’s a lot to think about.”

  My dad needs this deal to go through, he thought. And it could be good for the country. But she’s right. There’s a lot to think about.


  After the evening meal at the shelter, Joel’s phone chirped with an incoming text.

  Number 34: Can I see you?

  Delight bloomed and a smile spread across his face and his heart.

  Joel: Of course.

  Number 34: C U soon.

  With no surprise ambush from photographers, he gave Frau Müller a proper goodbye. Meike pulled him down into a hug and kissed him on the cheek before he left out the back door. He liked her and the work and already planned to return tomorrow.

  Joel walked the long blocks back to the hotel, keeping his head down against the wind. No black limo and no SUV waited outside the Sonne when he arrived. He wondered where and when he would see Frederick. Could he be waiting in his room again?

  He tittered, and a shiver of delight passed through him. It was like Freddie was courting him. He felt special; he felt wanted. And it had been a long time; Seth never made him feel this way.

  Joel took the stairs two at a time. Passing the keycard over the reader and after a satisfying clunk, he opened the door. Music played softly in the dimly lit room. He recognized the tune immediately as he stepped through the doorway. It was an acoustic cover of Concrete Blonde’s biggest hit. Joel smiled as the singer crooned, “Joey, baby . . .”

  “You sonnuva . . .”

  “Now, now, watch it.” Freddie’s voice was breathy and filled with mirth. He sat in the chair at the window, a glass of beer in his hand. “I could have you executed for such impertinence.”

  Excitement rose in his belly, but Joel kept it tamped down. “What are you up to tonight?”

  “Sadly, only about five foot ten.”

  “Funny.” Joel took off his jacket and threw it on the bed. Freddie raised a finger and with a grunt. Joel picked it up and hung it in the closet. He went over and bent to give Freddie a kiss. The hunky man stood, meeting him halfway. God, he looks so good. And those eyes. I get lost in those eyes. “I thought of this all day.”

  “Kissing me?” Freddie asked, his voice turning husky.

  “Oh yes,” Joel said, and he squeaked in surprise as Freddie gathered him in his strong arms. Freddie stepped forward, carrying him to the bed, and they tumbled onto it. Freddie straddled the taller man and bent to kiss him.

  Freddie’s mouth was all over him, kissing, licking, gnawing at his lips. Joel moaned and writhed underneath him. The ex-trooper sat back abr
uptly and ripped his shirt off, sending buttons flying, but he struggled with the tie.

  Joel ran a hand over Freddie’s hairy pecs and down the striated abdominals. “No, leave it.”

  “Roger that,” Freddie murmured and bent to kiss him again.

  “Was that military talk?” Joel reached his hands behind Freddie’s back and ran his hand over it and up to his shoulders. It was a good back, wide and strong, built to carry the world.

  Freddie nibbled at the space behind his ear, making him shiver. “Yeah.”

  “Good,” Joel said with a gasp. “Keep it up.”

  Freddie stopped and looked down into Joel’s eyes. “You know, I still have my uniform.”

  “I’ll make a note of that.”

  Freddie pulled off Joel’s Henley and his undershirt and tossed them away.

  A chuckle came from Joel’s belly. “You’re not going to make me pick them up and put them away?”

  “Later.” Freddie went back to kissing behind his ear and his neck. Then his tongue worked its way down Joel’s long torso.

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  “Say it again.” Freddie kissed his belly, making him quiver and giggle. His teeth pulled on the dark hairs.

  “Yes, Your Highness? You must hear that all day.”

  “Not from your mouth.” Freddie pulled Joel’s chinos down his long legs and then yanked off his underwear. Bending down, he blew air on Joel’s turgid cock and swallowed it down to the root.

  “Thank you, Your Highness. Thank you.” Joel squirmed and thrashed. After some moments of work, the prince’s talented mouth moved farther south, and Joel’s legs lifted, bracketing Freddie’s head. A deep moan came out of his chest.

  “Do you have . . .” Freddie started coming up for air.

  Joel fumbled desperately for the nightstand and the lube and condoms he put there this morning and gave them to his prince.

  Freddie sat back on his knees, Joel’s legs around his waist. “You okay with this?” he asked as he rolled the condom on.

  “Oh yeah, and by the way, I’m negative and I’m on PrEP,” Joel said, referencing the new drug that helped reduce the risk of HIV exposure.

  “Good, I am too. I’m glad you brought it up. Most people avoid it.” Freddie leaned down and kissed Joel, then nibbled on his earlobe.

  “I’m not most people,” Joel said huskily.

  “Believe me, I know.” Freddie sat up and grasped Joel’s cock, making him gasp. “I hope it’s okay, but I may have to work up to this monster. It has been a while.”

  “Oh God, fuck me, Your Highness.”

  Freddie bent to his task with a murmured, “As you wish.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Just Some Guy

  The next morning when Freddie awoke, Joel was awake and already showered. Freddie propped himself up on one elbow and watched the taller man bustle around the room, cleaning.

  “I have to get down to breakfast,” Joel explained. “We’re doing a whole family thing every day.”

  “How is that?” Freddie asked, curious about what his family’s dynamic was like.

  Joel stopped and looked at him. “It’s weird, to be honest. We never did it before.”

  “Can I come?”

  “Now that would be weird.” Joel pulled up his boxer briefs.

  “Is that a no?” Freddie was tempted to yank Joel’s underwear back off and go another round, but they both had things to do. No doubt Luc was already waiting with the car downstairs.

  “It is not a no.” Joel crawled over the bed and kissed him again. Freddie pulled him on top of him. “Mmmm, but we need to go.” Scooting off the bed, Joel stood and pulled the covers off so Freddie was lying there naked.

  He held his hands out, displaying himself. “You think that bothers me?”

  “No, I really don’t.” Joel’s eyes moved up and down him. “I just like the view. But could you please get your hairy ass out of bed, your worshipfulness?” He pointed to the bathroom.

  Freddie slid off the side. “As you wish.” Joel smacked him on the bum as he passed, making him jump. In the military, quick showers were the norm, not that he wanted one today. The idea of walking around with Joel’s smell on him was a pleasant thought. Enough of that, he told himself and his growing erection. There were meetings at the castle today and classes with tutors and with his father and mother. Karl had a physiotherapy session scheduled, and Frederick wanted to be there to support him. A busy day, all in all.

  He stepped out of the bathroom and into a clean hotel room. Even the bed was made. “You did all this?”

  “I have my moments.” Joel dressed and was checking messages on his phone.

  “You certainly do,” Freddie agreed, pulled the towel from around his waist, and ran it through his still-wet hair. “I am impressed, Spider Boy.”

  “Could you not leave that out?” Joel pointed to his cock.

  Freddie shook his hips, making it flop around. “Turning you on, am I?”

  “Sometimes I could just smack you. There’s a change of clothes on the door behind you.”

  Freddie spun around to find a fresh suit. “From Luc?”

  “Yes, he dropped it off along with a scowl. He even brought new underwear—more’s the pity. How did he know?” Joel’s face scrunched up as he tried to ignore Freddie’s nakedness and concentrate on his phone.

  “Well, he did drop me off last night.” Freddie pulled on his boxers, but not before waving his junk at Joel again. The American rolled his eyes with a smile and Freddie said, “Interesting side note, my mum came in yesterday when I was dressing for the press conference. She saw all my tattoos. The Jewish mother in her came out, and let’s just say she was not amused.”

  Joel looked up at him from his place on the bed. “I didn’t realize she was Jewish.”

  “Not really practicing.” Freddie pulled an undershirt over his head. “Though we’ve always had Jewish folk in the family tree.”

  “That is interesting, but you’re not . . .” Joel pointed to Freddie’s crotch.

  Freddie caught on immediately. “Yes, I’m not circumcised, as you well know. And I believe they had a huge row about that at the time. Mum thought at least one of her sons should be.” He buttoned up his starched dress shirt. “And that is probably the most my penis has ever been talked about in my life.”

  “Big Red, I can guarantee you that’s not true.” Joel gave him a sly wink.

  Freddie’s face flushed. “Big Red?”

  “Yes, my new name for you.” Joel did not explain. The implication was obvious.

  Better than Ginger. Freddie turned away from him and looked at the ceiling, at anything. “Now, I have to think about something bloody else for a few minutes, you great goofy giant.”

  “I usually think about my bank account to get rid of my erections.” Joel snorted. “But that may not work for the prince of a sovereign nation.”

  Frederick grumbled, “Okay, that did not work. Your bum’s too cute.”

  “How can you tell? You’re facing the other direction.”

  “Joey, I know it’s there, taunting me.” The prince turned back around.

  “I love your tattoos, for what it’s worth,” Joel said.

  “Thank you, and I like yours. Love the runes.”

  “Runes? Oh yeah, thank you.” Joel’s other tattoo lay on his torso, below his arm and on the opposite side of his body from the Superman S shield. “It’s just text replacement for a Greek phrase.”

  “It translates as ‘A man’s character is his destiny.’ It’s Heraclitus,” Freddie said, buttoning the cuffs on his shirt.

  “You read Runes?”

  “And Greek, and more.” Freddie gave him a tight smile. “I told you I wanted to be an archaeologist. ‘Love a tomb.’”

  “River Song from Doctor Who. Well done, my padawan.” Joel smiled.

  “I have my moments.” Freddie winked at him, repeating his earlier words.

  Joel looked at him from under long, t
hick eyelashes. “You certainly do.”

  Again Freddie found how much he enjoyed Joel’s eyes on him. This was definitely not a one-night stand. I cannot do that, not with him. I want more.

  It was unusual for him; most of his relationships with men were short. Life in the Special Forces almost necessitated it. Gay men were not excluded from service, but they weren’t exactly embraced in the Regiment. I’m in uncharted waters.

  Standing, Joel moved over to him and then helped him with his tie. Freddie feigned trouble with it so he could feel the tall man’s arms around him. Joel finished tying a Windsor knot, laid his arms across Freddie’s chest, and held him there.

  “Mmm,” he mumbled, leaned back, and closed his eyes. They rocked back and forth for a long moment until Joel’s phone chimed. He even set a timer.

  Joel took the elevator while Freddie ran down the back stairs. Luc was waiting for him on the bottom landing.

  “Are you ready, sir?”

  Freddie spun on a dime and headed for the exit to the lobby. “Not yet. Grabbing a bite to eat.”

  “Is that advisable?” Luc’s tone made clear that he did not think it was. “You have meetings, sire.”

  “Once again, not asking.” Freddie gave him a firm look and ran a hand over his hair. Once he straightened his jacket, he took a deep breath and then walked into the lobby, forcing a smile. He met Joel at the restaurant entrance, and the smile became genuine.

  Joel put an arm on his, stopping right outside the door. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Joel whispered.

  “I’ve already made their acquaintance. What is the issue?”

  “That was before.” Joel’s eyes darted upward in the direction of the room they just left. “We just spent the night together. This feels like a lot.”

  “An acre?” Freddie smirked.

  “Yeah, your family is planning out your future and I’m leaving soon. Do you really want to do this?”

  Looking back, Freddie noted several employees of the hotel watching them. Luc hovered in the background, as always. Still, it was everything he could do not to kiss Joel here and now, their prying eyes be damned.


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