Martine, Missy - Star Wishes (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Martine, Missy - Star Wishes (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 23

by Missy Martine

  “Is it too much for you?”

  She shook her head. “No, it hurts and feels good at the same time.”

  Abe glanced over his shoulder at Ike. “Help her out, Bro.”

  Ike walked over and climbed onto the bed. He lay down on his back and scooted up under Sarah, taking one of her nipples into his mouth.

  “Try to relax, Sarah. Ike will help you keep your mind off the burn.” Abe traced his tongue down Sarah’s back while he pulled back slowly, and then sank back into her fiery depths. He thrust in and out, almost in slow motion, trying to prolong the experience as long as he could. When he could feel his balls drawing up, he reached around Sarah’s hips and flicked a finger across her clit.

  “Oh, Abe, yes.” Sarah cried out and met his thrust with one of her own.

  Abe rode her faster, rubbing her clit between two fingers. Sarah convulsed with her release, nearly dislodging him from her body. Her scream echoed in the room as he felt his own pulsating climax. His arms tightened around her waist as he struggled to control his breathing.

  Ike scooted from under Sarah and grinned. “Just you wait, girl. If you think this was something, wait until you’ve got Abe in your ass and me in your pussy at the same time.”

  Sarah dropped to the bed, disengaging from Abe’s body. She rolled to her side and looked up at Abe. “Is that really possible?”

  He grinned and curled up behind her back. “Oh, it’s possible, and I guarantee you’re gonna love it.” He brushed the hair from her shoulder and buried his face in her neck. “I love you, Sarah. You know that, don’t you?”

  “We both love you, and we want you to make a life with us.” Ike moved closer.

  Sarah raised her head and looked over her shoulder at Abe. “Can we wait and talk about the future after we see what happens with the judge.”

  Abe saw the tears gathering in her eyes and kissed her lips softly. “Absolutely. Now, we need to get some clothes on. Ike, why don’t you run downstairs and have them bring up another hot bath. We can get cleaned up before supper.”

  “Why do I have to go? Why can’t you do it?”

  Abe grinned down at Sarah. “Because if you don’t, you’re gonna have to sleep on the buttered sheets!” Sarah giggled as Ike went to get dressed, muttering under his breath.

  * * * *

  “Why are you being so damn stubborn?” asked Abe. “Why won’t you let us buy you anything?” They’d taken Sarah shopping to get her mind off the coming hearing with the judge. But, in spite of the fact they’d been in a half dozen stores, the stubborn woman had refused to let them buy her anything.

  “I already owe you for the stage and train tickets, not to mention that hotel room. It’s just gonna keep adding up.”

  “You’re being ridiculous. You don’t need to pay for any of that.” She’d argued, over breakfast, that Ike should claim the bounty money and use it to make improvements to their farm as payment for helping her out. He’d thought Ike would turn her over his knee before that argument was finished. “I’m starved. Let’s see what the hotel has to offer in the way of a noon meal. I’d be right partial to some fried chicken.”

  “Ohhh, that does sound good.” Sarah smiled and held out her hand. “Let’s go.”

  Abe walked straight to the hotel’s front desk. There was a young woman working there instead of the surly young man. “Do you have any messages for Sheriff Abe West?”

  She quickly checked and then gave him a small smile. “No, there’s nothing here.”

  “Thanks for checking. Can we get some fried chicken for lunch?”

  “Yes, sir. That won’t be a problem.”

  “Great, have three dinners delivered to room 214 as soon as possible.”

  “I’ll get right on it.” She walked toward the dining room.

  He nodded toward Ike and Sarah. “Let’s go.”

  “Any messages?” asked Ike.

  “Not yet.” Abe smiled at Sarah. “Are you hungry?” They started up the long staircase.


  “Then come on, darlin’. Lunch is on its way.” Abe led them to their room, pulled out his key, and opened the door. He glanced inside and immediately pushed Sarah roughly into Ike’s arms.

  “Abe, what are you doing?” Sarah’s arms flailed as she caught onto Ike’s sleeve.

  Abe pulled his gun. “Ike, get her back.”

  “What’s wrong?” Ike grabbed Sarah around the waist and pulled her down the hall past a couple of doors.

  Abe ignored his brother and pushed the door all the way open. He looked around to make sure nobody was there. The drawers on the armoire were open, the clothes strewn about the floor. The mattress had been pulled off the bed, one of the pillows torn completely open with feathers floating around from the breeze coming through the open window. Both Sarah’s valise and his carpetbag were lying in the floor, both open and both empty.

  He looked at the door. “There’s no sign of forced entry.” Walking over to the window, he glanced out. It was two stories down and he didn’t see any way for someone to have climbed up to their room.

  “Ike, let me go.”

  Abe walked to the door and looked out when he heard Sarah’s voice. “Let her go, Ike. Whoever did this is long gone.” He stepped back to let Sarah walk in.

  “What on earth happened here?” She walked around the room and began picking up her things, her eyes vacant, her lips pressed into a thin line.

  Abe walked over and pulled her into his arms. “Not now, Sarah. We can’t touch anything until Sheriff Watson sees it.”

  She looked up, her wide eyes filling with tears. “Why not?”

  “Sarah, somebody broke in here looking for something, and the sheriff needs to know about it.” He turned and gently pushed her into Ike’s arms. “Look out for her. I’m going to send for the sheriff.” He turned toward the door. Right before he walked out, he glanced back to see Sarah weeping softly while Ike rubbed up and down her back, whispering into her ear. If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll find out who did this and make them pay.

  Abe hurried downstairs and found the same girl behind the desk. “Would you please call the manager for me? And, I need you to send a messenger for the sheriff.”

  The girl’s eyes widened, and she took a quick step back. “Boy,” she called out.

  When the young man came running up, Abe grabbed him by the shoulder. He tossed him a dollar coin. “Run fetch the sheriff, boy, and be quick about it. Tell him Sheriff West needs him.”

  “Right away, sir.”

  Abe watched the boy race out the door and turned back to the counter in time to see the young girl walking back with a short, heavyset man with a ruddy complexion.

  Sweating profusely, the man mopped his face with a wrinkled handkerchief. I’m Oliver Monet, the manager. Is there a problem I can help you with?”

  “I’ve sent for the sheriff because someone broke into our room while we were out this morning.”

  Oliver turned even redder. “Oh, my, was anything of value stolen? We tell our guests up front that if they have valuables they should leave them here with us in our safe.”

  Abe flinched at Oliver’s nasal tone. “No, there doesn’t appear to be anything missing, but someone went through our things and pretty much tore up the room.”

  Oliver mopped his sweaty brow again. “Oh, dear, oh, dear.”

  “Now listen…”

  “Sheriff West.”

  Abe looked up to see Sheriff Watson rushing through the door, Deputy Ellis hot on his heels. He glared for a moment at the hotel manager and then motioned for Sheriff Watson to follow him up the stairs. “Thanks for getting here so fast.”

  “What’s going on?” asked Sheriff Watson.

  “Did that female give you and your brother the slip?” asked Deputy Ellis.

  Abe turned and looked at the deputy. He stared, without a word, until the man paled, and backed down two steps. He turned and looked at Sheriff Watson. “You need to see our room.” On the way
up he explained what they’d found when they came back from their walk. He opened the door and saw Sarah in a chair by the window. Ike was on his knees in front of her holding on to both of her hands. When she glanced toward the door, she pulled her hands free and wiped at the tears on her cheeks.

  Ike got to his feet and held out his hand. “Sheriff Watson, good to see you again.”

  The sheriff shook his hand. “Likewise, Ike. You look like life’s been treating you well, but I can’t say the same for this room.” He took a step toward Sarah, and then pulled off his hat. “Miss Keevers, I’m sorry we have to meet like this. Are you okay?”

  Deputy Ellis walked further into the room. “Sheriff, she’s the one that’s wanted for robbery and kidnapping. You want me to take her in?”

  Sarah sank further back into her chair, her face going pale. Abe moved forward to stand in front of the deputy, blocking his view of Sarah.

  Sheriff Watson sighed. “Deputy Ellis, why don’t you go wait in the hall? Or better yet, knock on some doors and see if anyone saw anybody go in this room this morning.”

  “But, Sheriff, it don’t seem right to just walk away when she’s sitting right here. Maybe she’s the one who trashed the room and stole from these men.”

  The sheriff took a step toward his deputy. “You have your orders, Ellis. If you want to keep your job, I advise you to get moving.” The deputy walked out the door, slamming it behind him. Sheriff Watson turned to Abe. “I’m sorry, but there’s not a lot I can do about the boy.”

  Abe bit back what he wanted to say. “No apologies necessary. Just keep him the hell away from me.”

  The sheriff looked around and whistled. “What were they after?”

  Abe shrugged. “We have no idea. Nothing appears to be missing.”

  The sheriff turned to look at Sarah. “Are you sure you don’t have something in your possession that could prove your innocence, or maybe prove somebody else’s guilt?”

  She sniffed, and looked up. “No, the only thing that proves what I’ve told Abe is the ledger in Miss Rivers’s desk and I left it where I found it so they wouldn’t come after me. I figured they wouldn’t be sure whether I saw it or not.”

  He looked around the room again. “Well, somebody thinks you have something of value.” He glanced at Ike. “Unless it’s related to one of your cases and somebody wants some evidence you’ve got.”

  “No way, Sheriff. I’m out of the bounty hunting business. I’m just a plain Kansas farmer now. He moved to put his arm across the back of Sarah’s chair.

  “Well, we have to assume they believe Miss Keevers has something they want back. Who else knows that she’s here?”

  “Nobody, except the people in your office. I doubt if anybody would even recognize her on the street.” Ike looked at Abe. “Did you find any evidence of someone breaking in?”

  “No, whoever came in had to have a key.”

  “Then that throws the hotel employees into the mix. You’re going to have to watch her close for at least two more days until the judge gets back. I can leave the deputy to watch outside the hall if you like.”

  Abe shook his head. “No, thanks, we’ll take care of it. We won’t leave her alone for a second until this thing is done.”

  Sheriff Watson put his hat back on his head. “Have you heard from that New York attorney yet?”

  “No, at least that’s what they told me downstairs.”

  “You might want to send another wire. Without having him to prove the money belonged to Miss Keevers, she’s going to have real problems with the judge.”

  Abe nodded. “That’s a good idea. I’ll take care of it right away.”

  The sheriff walked toward the door and then turned back. “Miss Keevers, you be sure and stick close to your men and don’t be wandering off by yourself. I’d hate to see anything happen to you.” He nodded to the men and then walked out.

  Abe closed and locked the door behind him. He watched Sarah get up and begin picking up her clothes.

  Ike pulled her back to the chair and onto his lap. “Sarah, you’ve got to settle down and let us take care of you.”

  “Darlin’, you do what Ike says and take it easy for awhile. You’ve had a good fright and you need to rest. We’ll help you pick up everything in a little while.” Abe walked closer and put his hand on her cheek. I’m gonna run on down to the telegraph office and send another wire. Maybe we can get an answer tonight.” He pressed a kiss against her cheek. “I’ll be back quick. You don’t open the door for anybody while I’m gone.” He waited for Ike to nod and then left. Somebody’s running scared and it’s high time I find out who it is.

  Chapter 9

  As Raymond walked into her office, Hannah Rivers smiled and waved the letter she held in the air. “I think I’ve found a home for David Minton.”

  He walked straight to the cabinet and pulled out the whiskey bottle. “Oh, yeah. Who’d want that scrawny boy?”

  “A rancher down in Texas who’s a neighbor of the family that took the Dalton boy. He liked the looks of the Dalton kid and he wants one for himself. He’s got a couple thousand head of cattle to keep track of, and he says hands are hard to find.” She looked up and grinned. “He says he’ll pay top dollar.”

  Raymond tossed back his drink and slammed the glass down on the desk. “It might not matter. We might not be in the business long enough to deliver the boy.”

  “What are you babbling about?”

  “I went to the hotel and searched their room to see if I could find the ledger.”

  Hannah leaned forward. “So, did you find it?”

  “No, there wasn’t anything. No letters, no ledger, nothing. Either they’ve got it hid somewhere or they’re going on that girl’s word alone.” He glared at Hannah. “It’s possible that she hasn’t given it to them yet and plans to surprise the judge with it when they call us for a hearing.”

  Hannah leaned back in her chair. “What do you think we should do?”

  He poured himself another drink. “I think we need to make sure she can’t tell her story to the judge.” He threw back the drink and looked at Hannah. “I think it’s time we wrapped up things here and started over somewhere else.”

  Hannah shook her head. “We can’t just disappear.”

  “Why not? We’ve only got four children here now. Seems like the state hasn’t trusted you much lately, at least not enough to send you any new children.”

  “Are we supposed to just up and go and take those boys with us?”

  “Why not? We can find good homes for them wherever we end up.”

  “How do we explain leaving here before the hearing for that Keevers girl?”

  He shrugged, and picked up the whiskey bottle. “If she ain’t around anymore, there won’t be any hearing.”

  * * * *

  “What time do we have to be in court tomorrow?” Sarah walked to the window and looked out. They’d just come from having supper in the dining room.

  “Sheriff Watson told me to have you at the courthouse at nine tomorrow morning.” Abe walked over and massaged her shoulders.

  “Did you check to see if you had any wires from New York?” she asked.

  Abe sighed. “Yeah, darlin’, I checked. I even walked down to the telegraph office to make sure.” He’d sent another wire to New York two days before and, still, no response from Ike’s bounty hunter friend. “The sheriff did say you’ll be first on the docket so we won’t have to stand around all day getting nervous.”

  Sarah took a deep breath. “So this could be our last night together.”

  “Darlin’, no.” Abe turned her around and lifted her chin with his hand. “We’re going to have a lifetime together.”

  Sarah blinked back her tears and stared up at one of the men she loved. “Abe, I want you and Ike to do something for me tonight.”

  Abe pressed a kiss against her forehead. “Anything, darlin’, just name it.”

  She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “I want the two of
you to take me together.”

  Abe froze and pulled away to look into her eyes. “Are you sure?”

  The door flew open and Ike came walking in. “I’ve got a bath coming any minute and I ordered our breakfast to be delivered by seven in the morning.” He looked over at Abe and Sarah. “What’s wrong?”

  Sarah looked up at Abe. “I don’t think anything is wrong. Do you?”

  He shook his head. “Not a thing. Brother, get ready. Tonight we make Sarah ours in all ways.”

  “You mean—”

  A knock sounded at the door. “We’ve got your tub.”

  Sarah moved back to the chair by the fire and sat quietly while the boys made several trips filling the tub with warm water. When they finally walked out the door for the last time, Abe reached down and adjusted the bulge in his pants. He walked over and hauled Sarah out of the chair, scooped her up into his arms, and then carried her over to stand her next to the steaming tub. His hand slid from her hair, his fingertips trailing down her cheek, sliding down the curve of her throat to flick at the buttons of her blouse.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, and felt a second pair of hands under her skirt, the callused fingers caressing her thighs.

  Abe grinned as he peeled the blouse from her shoulders. “Wanna see how much fun we can have being naked, wet, and soapy together?” He glanced down as Ike pulled her skirts to the floor.

  Sarah squealed when Abe slung her over his shoulder, her naked ass thrust high in the air. Before she could voice a complaint, he’d stood her in the warm water. Ike tore off his clothes and stepped over the side of the tub. The steam from the hot water caressed her back while Ike’s brawny, naked body pressed against her front.

  He smoothed his mouth over hers, his tongue sweeping inside, while her breasts rested against his chest.

  “Hey, let me in on this party.” Abe pulled her back and cupped the sides of her breasts, sliding beneath their swells to cup their full weight in his palms. He leaned in close and licked around the outside of her ear. “Let’s make this a fast bath. I wanna get you on the bed where we’ll all be comfortable.”


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