Cuckolded by the Football Team, complete series, #1–3 (Bride, first time, fertile, cheating, forbidden)

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Cuckolded by the Football Team, complete series, #1–3 (Bride, first time, fertile, cheating, forbidden) Page 1

by Anya Aurelie

  Cuckolded by the Football Team

  The complete series — three stories in one!

  (Virgin bride, cheating, threesome, gangbang, creampie, interracial [in stories 2 and 3])


  Anya Aurelie

  #1: Sacked by the Quarterback

  #2: Taken by the Tight Ends

  #3: Too Tight for the Team

  Copyright © 2015 by Anya Aurelie

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


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  #1: Sacked by the Quarterback

  I rubbed at my slippery clit with increasing ferocity, pushing a single finger inside myself and spreading my legs wide.

  “Oh, Chase,” I moaned. “I mean — oh, Johnny,” I quickly corrected myself.

  I returned to my fantasy. The huge, broad-shouldered man pushed inside of me, stretching me open around his thick cock and taking control of my body. I grabbed at my own breasts, squeezing the nipples hard like I imagined he would do, then wetting my finger with the slick moisture from my cunt and painting my breasts with it.

  My breathing got shallow, and I was completely lost in the fantasy, my moans and cries getting louder. I didn’t care. It felt too good.

  But not half as good as I imagined the real thing would feel.

  The feeling in my clit intensified as my jagged breathing continued. “Oh yes, oh please, fuck me, fuck me, Chase!” I cried. “Crap — Johnny. Fuck me, Johnny!”

  But to my chagrin, a face appeared on the built male figure in my fantasy. It was not the face of my fiancé, Johnny. No — it was clearly the face of his younger brother and the team’s star quarterback, Chase, the football world’s sexy bad boy.

  Chase fucked into me, glancing up at me with that panty-melting smile of his, dimples beaming. I tried to stop him, tried to replace him in my mind with Johnny, but as I grew closer and closer to orgasm, it was futile. I gave in, allowed myself to fantasize about the most forbidden fruit of all.

  “Oh god, your cock — it feels so good, Chase.”

  And then, appearing out of nowhere, other players on the team entered my fantasy, touching my naked body, grabbing my breasts, shoving their hard cocks deep down my throat. I thrashed from side to side on the armchair, imagining their gleaming muscles, the way they would use me.

  My heart was pounding as though it were about to explode, and all my senses were focused exclusively on my aching pussy. I moaned and rubbed, giving in totally to the fantasy, and it was only moments before the cascade of pleasure pounded through my body.

  “Chase! Yes! Everyone! Oh god, fuck me, fuck me, cover me in your cum!” I yelled, my orgasm coursing through me in what felt like endless waves.

  As I started to come down from the orgasm, I removed my soaking hand from my pussy and felt a little sad. This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, and I was excited, to be sure. After all, I’d been planning this wedding for months, and I almost couldn’t believe it was finally here. After all this work, I’d finally get to see my ideas come to fruition, get to taste the delicious meal I’d chosen and the cut into the beautiful cake I’d ordered. I’d finally get to wear that incredible gown I’d spent weeks searching for and multiple fittings getting just right.

  And best of all, I’d finally get to have sex. After twenty-three years of waiting, it was finally going to happen, and I was literally overflowing with horniness in anticipation. I was also nervous as hell.

  But still, there was that sadness. It was sadness, I think, for what no longer was — I’d been a cheerleader for the team for five years, after all, and in all that time, today’s was the first game I’d missed, and it was a big one. It was also sadness for what could have been, for the fact that now my decision had been made, and there was no turning back. I wondered suddenly if I’d made the right choice to remain a virgin all these years.

  It wasn’t as though I hadn’t had the opportunity to have sex. Hell, I’d had the opportunity to fuck some of the hottest, most sought-after names in the world. But during the five years I’d worked as a cheerleader for the Cougars professional football team, I’d resisted getting into bed with any of the players. I’d watched so many of my fellow cheerleaders having relationships, affairs, and one-night stands with these big hunks of men, yet I’d resisted. I’d saved myself.

  Why? I’d thought I knew, but now, sitting in an easy chair in my living room on the afternoon of my wedding, it all felt murky and unclear.

  I’d always had a strong sexual appetite, and it hadn’t been easy to remain a virgin, that was for sure. I thought of the time Mitch, the former runningback who’d been traded three years ago, had offered to pay me $10,000 to take my virginity. I’d pretended to be shocked and appalled when I turned him down, but I never told anyone how feverishly I’d masturbated imagining the scenario. For a year I thought about it incessantly, rubbing myself raw imagining every detail of how it would go down.

  I thought of the time Clayton, the self-assured, smooth-talking tight end, had had one too many drinks at the end-of-season party last year. He didn’t drink during the season, so it didn’t take much to send him over the edge. He and one of the other players were taking one of the cheerleaders to a back room together, and he’d stopped to ask me if I wanted to join. He’d sat down beside me and his fingers had ventured up my skirt, feeling for my pussy. My cunt throbbed and moistened, and my natural inclination had been to spread my legs open to him and follow him back. But instead I’d laughed him off and rolled my eyes.

  But the biggest fantasy of all had always been Chase. Chase Kilroy had signed on with the Cougars the same year I’d started with them as a cheerleader, and he’d caught my eye immediately. He had boyish charm and all-American good looks — not to mention the kind of skill with a football that could only be attributed to a deal with the devil. My jaw had practically dropped the first time he’d said hi to me and flashed that famous smile, but I wasn’t the only one who had noticed his good looks — he was rumored to have a pretty active sex life, tweeting photos of himself half-naked with porn stars and often making it onto the gossip websites for getting caught having sex in public places. Still, I couldn’t stop thinking about him, and and every time I got on the field to cheer, I imagined I was cheering for him alone.

  But I convinced myself he was too good for me, that he’d never be interested in someone like me. And so I never even tried. And then, when his brother Johnny had come into town a couple years back and been a special guest of Chase’s at a game and the after-party, I’d fallen for him instead. And now we were getting married.

  I tried to tell myself that I hadn’t just agreed to go out with Johnny because he was Chase’s brother. I tried to tell myself that I truly liked him for him. And we certainly had our moments. But what if my recurring fantasies were more indicative about how I truly felt than were my wedding vows?

  And now I would never have the chance to find out what it was li
ke to be with Chase, who was going to be the best man at my wedding — or with anyone else, for that matter. That door was shutting for good, and my fantasies about the players on the team — about taking them all deep inside of me and letting them use my strong, sculpted cheerleader body, the more of them the better — would have to remain fantasies forever.

  I hoped I had made the right choice.

  But I didn’t have long to contemplate whether I should’ve slutted it up. Half an hour later, it was time to start getting ready for the wedding. I hadn’t wanted to be rushed, so I’d planned to get ready several hours before the start of the actual ceremony. My wedding planner and hair and makeup artists had reassured me that I wouldn’t need nearly so long, but I just hadn’t wanted to risk it.

  I arrived at the reception venue, a beautiful old hotel, and found the room where my hair and makeup artists would be setting up. My mom met me there.

  “Holly, I am so excited for you!” she gushed in her Southern accent. “Today you are truly a woman.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “I thought moms say that when their daughters get their period for the first time,” I said, and she glared at me. My mom and I don’t have the best relationship. I shut my mouth to avoid getting into a fight before my wedding.

  I glanced at my phone. The game would probably be in the third quarter right about now, and I longed to know how the Cougars were doing. This game was for their chance at the playoffs, and I knew that Chase and all the others had been working hard in preparation for it. I quickly checked the score online and was disappointed to see that they were behind.

  My mom helped me into my dress, and then we stood together in front of the mirror, admiring it. It was beautiful. It was the perfect dress. I loved everything about it — the sweetheart neckline, the embroidery, the crystals sewn into the sash, all the intricate details.

  “You look stunning,” my mother breathed. “I hope your groom knows how lucky he is.”

  “Thanks, mom,” I said uncomfortably. “So…where are Susan and Riley?” Susan and Riley were the hair and makeup artists, who were driving in from a town about 100 miles away.

  Just as I spoke the words out loud, the door to the room opened and my wedding planner entered. Kaylie was an overly effusive woman who wore too much blush, a trait that was even more pronounced because her cheeks were currently flushed. I could tell right away that something was wrong.

  “Oh, don’t you look daaaaarling,” she said distractedly. “Now, Holly, I don’t want you to worry.” I immediately began worrying.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Well,” Kaylie said, “we did plan for plenty of extra time today.”

  “What’s going on?” I asked again, a little more sharply.

  “There’s been a small accident. Susan and Riley left the salon together about an hour ago, and it seems that they got into a little car wreck.”

  “Oh my god, are they okay?” I asked.

  “They’re fine,” she assured me. “But unfortunately, the car is not. And it’s going to take a little while to get everything sorted out and find a new way into town.”

  “Okay…” I said. “So how long?”

  “Well…” Kaylie hesitated. “Again, we did plan for extra time, so we’re going to be absolutely fine. But it’s looking like they’ll be at least another two hours.”

  “Two hours?!” I said, starting to freak out.

  “Maybe three.”

  I could feel myself hyperventilating, and my mom steered me to a chair to sit down. “We’ll be fine,” she assured me.

  “Grab a cocktail, take some time to relax with your bridesmaids,” Kaylie advised, then glanced around. “Are your bridesmaids here?”

  “No, my bridesmaids are all Cougars cheerleaders,” I told her for what felt like the tenth time. “They’re all at the game still.”

  Then I perked up. “Hey, if we have some extra time, is there somewhere I can watch the game?”

  Kaylie frowned. “I haven’t seen a single TV in this hotel,” she said. “You know, everything has this lovely vintage theme. But there’s a radio in your wedding suite.”

  Fucking vintage, I thought. Why had I insisted on a vintage theme for the wedding, and chosen a hotel accordingly? What kind of hotel didn’t have a TV? My mom excused herself to go home while we waited — she couldn’t stand football, but I couldn’t say I was sad to see her go.

  I headed up to the wedding suite, which was huge and gorgeous, but I was much more interested in getting the radio on than in admiring the room. There would be plenty of time for that later. I flipped through the radio stations until I heard an announcer say, “The last chance for the Cougars is right here, right now!”

  “Oh my god!” I said out loud. “This is it!” I was disappointed to have missed the whole rest of the game, but couldn’t believe my luck to get to hear the end. I held my breath as the announcer continued, “It’s fourth and goal, from the eleven yard line. With four seconds on the clock, the Cougars are down by five.”

  I squealed. I could almost imagine being out there with my fellow cheerleaders, the excitement, the anticipation. I wished so badly I could see what was happening right now instead of just listening to it.

  “If the Cougars are gonna pull this one out, it’s probably going to have to come from Chase Kilroy,” the announcer continued. My pussy spasmed in response to hearing his name, and I pictured him, all six-feet-three of beautiful muscle, out there on the field, that look of concentration he got whenever he was about to make an important play.

  “Kilroy drops back to pass, looks, fires into the end zone….It’s caught! Touchdown Cougars!” the announcer screamed, and I screamed too, alone in my suite, and began jumping up and down in my wedding dress. I couldn’t help myself.

  “He’s done it again!” the announcer yelled. “Chase Kilroy has done it again! The Cougars win and are going to the playoffs!”

  “Go Chase!” I yelled. I couldn’t have been more excited. I wanted more than anything to be with my team in that moment.

  Instead, I stretched out on the big king bed, imagining what they’d be doing right now, and what I’d be doing if I were out there with them. The one thing I wasn’t thinking about, I realized guiltily, was my soon-to-be-husband.

  I must’ve drifted off to sleep, because the next thing I remember was my cell phone buzzing. Chase Kilroy, the phone announced. I sat up straight in bed, the layers of tulle and lace spread around me.

  “Hello?” I asked, trying to pretend I hadn’t been sleeping.

  “Holly!” his voice shouted, and my pussy throbbed at the sound of him. It sounded like he was somewhere loud.

  “Chase, congratulations! I heard the very end of the game on the radio…”

  “It was fantastic!” he said, sounding elated. “After-party at Matty’s, right now. Come join us!”

  “After-party?” I asked, confused. “It’s my wedding tonight! You have to come to my wedding. You’re the best man.”

  “There’s plenty of time!” he said. “It’s still early, but we’re all so excited for the play-offs, and we want to celebrate a little! And then keep celebrating with your wedding, of course,” he added quickly. “But we need you here. You’ve been with us for so long, it feels wrong not to have you around. I know you’re probably busy, but I just wanted you to know we’re missing you.”

  My heart melted a little to hear him speak those words, and I felt myself get wet. “At Matt’s, you said?” My mind did some quick calculations, and I pulled the phone away from my ear to check the time. How could it have been less than an hour since I’d talked with Kaylie? The hotel was in the swanky part of town, where — no surprise — many of the players lived too, including Matt, a defensive linebacker. I’d been to his house a few times in the past, and it was incredible.

  “I can be over in ten minutes,” I said.

  “Really?” Chase asked, sounding surprised.

  “Really,” I said, jumping out of bed. What else was
I going to do while I waited for the hair and makeup artists to arrive? Sit here by myself, just waiting for everything to happen?


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