by Scott Walker
Hintz, Gordon, 106
Hopper, Randy, 137
Huebsch, Mike, 11, 12, 13–14, 27, 29, 42, 44, 45, 124
Huffington Post, 127
Hulsey, Brett, 69
Democratic senators flee to, during Act 10 passage fight, 7, 9–10, 69–71
Walker campaigning in and comparing Wisconsin to, 175–81
Illinois Chamber of Commerce, 176, 180
Indianapolis Star, 156
inmate mowing program, 98–99, 101
involuntary dues, 113, 128, 131
Jackson, Jesse, 14, 63
Janesville Gazette, 77–78
Jauch, Bob, 39, 110, 112–14, 118–19
Jindal, Bobby, 4
jobs, 41, 184–87
“John Doe” attack ads, 185
Johnson, R. J., 83, 91, 183, 187, 188, 189
Juneau County Star-Times, 146
Jursik, Pat, 80–81
Kamp, Chuck, 96–97
Kapanke, Dan, 134–37, 189
Kapanke, Ruth, 135
Karger, Brad, 146
Kasich, John, 156–57
Kedzie, Neal, 207
Kind, Ron, 136
Kleefisch, Rebecca, 57, 190
Klett, Stephanie, 208
Kloppenburg, JoAnne, 123, 125–27
Knilans, Joe, 105
Koch, Charles, 90–91
Koch, David, 90–91
Kramer, Bill, 14
Krugman, Paul, 62, 63
LaCroix, Kristi, 158–59
La Crosse Loggers, 134–35, 137
La Crosse Tribune, 143
Ladwig, Jim, 99
La Follette, Doug, 123–24
Larson, Chris, 16
layoffs, 42
in Milwaukee County, 20, 21, 22–23
leadership, winning the center with, 231–32
Legislative Reference Bureau, 123, 124
lemons, 151
lessons of Wisconsin for battle over future of America, 225–40
austerity, alternatives to, 229–30
boldness, benefits of, 231
changing polls, not principles, 225–26
crisis as opportunity to do big things, 228–29
decency, 234–36
entitlement reforms, tackling, 229
fairness fight, winning, 238–40
false choices, rejection of, 227–28
leadership, winning the center with, 231–32
mistakes, admitting, 236
reforms, continuing, 237
relevance, 237–38
vulnerable in society, championing, 232–34
willingness to compromise, but not on principles, 226–27
Letterman, Dave, 116
Lidbury, Jessie, 170
Litjens, Michelle, 14, 106
local government
Act 10 tools, savings resulting from, 146–48
savings from eliminating collective bargaining, 43–44
Walker’s experience in Milwaukee County, 19–26
Los Angeles Times, 6
Mahoney, David, 14
Marchant, Rob, 120
Martinez, Susana, 4
Maslin, Paul, 17
Mason, Corey, 12, 121
Matejov, Scott, 15
Maxwell, John, 93–94
McCain, John, 184
McCallum, Scott, 39
McCormack, John, 153
McLinn, Robert, 36–37
Meany, George, 25
Medicaid reforms, 227–28
Merryfield, Troy, 125–26
Messmer Preparatory School, protester vandalism at, 209–10
Miller, Mark, 56–57, 69, 112–14, 119, 126–27
Miller, Steve, 99
Milwaukee County, 19–26
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 38, 90, 101, 127, 130, 145, 146, 147, 158, 164, 172
Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association (META), 99
mistakes, admitting, 236
Moody’s, 176–77
Moore, Michael, 248
Moore, Shelley, 138
Mother Jones, 166, 127
MSNBC, 111, 139
Murphy, Ian, 91–92
Murray, Ryan, 42, 44
Muskego-Norway school district, 143
Nardelli, Tom, 185
National Journal, 17
National Review, 157
NBC, 188
New York Times, 62, 72, 176
Nusbaum, Nancy, 138
Obama, Barack, 1, 6, 28, 63, 134, 139, 184, 219, 231, 232, 242–43
failure to campaign against Walker in recall election, 167–73
fairness debate and, 239
green energy program of and cronyism, 234
presidential campaign of 2012, 195, 202, 203
Republican motives, questioning, 234–35
state election results during presidency of, 2–3, 204
Obamacare, 1, 219
Obama-Walker voters, 172, 231–32, 235
Occupy movement, 6, 65
Olsen, Luther, 137, 138–39
Organizing for America, 169–70
Ott, Al, 105
Otter, Butch, 4
overtime abuses, 96–98, 101
Ozaukee Press, 142–43
Palmer, Jim, 160–61
parks workers, 97–98
Parrett, Jim, 160
Pasch, Sandy, 139
paycheck protection provision, Act 10, 128–29, 131
Peanuts (comic strip), 114
Act 10 proposed increase in cost paid by public employees, 5, 29
fully funded pension system, in Wisconsin, 5
union acceptance of increases in contributions to, 76–77
pension scandal, Milwaukee County, 19
Perry, Mark, 97
Peterson, Al, 146
Petre, Gary, 147
phony David Koch call, 90–93, 236
Plale, Jeff, 38
Planned Parenthood funding, elimination of, 216
exemption from Act 10, 47, 131, 156
union’s threatening letter to business, during recall elections, 160–61
Portage Daily Register, The, 146
Port Washington-Saukville school district, 142–43
prank “Koch” phone call, 89–94
Priebus, Reince, 188
priest sexual abuse ad run against Prosser, 125–26
principles, 225–27
property taxes, 162, 217
Prosser, David, 123–28, 133, 235
cost to Wisconsin taxpayers of, 206–7
at Gateway Technical College centennial, 208
Messmer Preparatory School, protester vandalism at, 209–10
overshadowing of other reforms, 215
during passage of Act 10, 6–7, 10–15, 57–69, 86–87, 111, 115–16, 117
reasons protests backfired, 206–13
during recall election, 159–62
at Special Olympics ceremony, 209
unifying effect on Republicans of, 207
Walker’s response to, 211–12
public sector unions, 5–7
Act 10 passage and (See Act 10 (Budget Repair Bill))
collective bargaining as racket of, 79–82
contract negotiations in Illinois, 177–79
contracts negotiated with Doyle administration, 36–40
intimidation tactics of (See also protests)
during passage of Act 10, 6–7, 206–13
during recall election of Walker, 159–62
involuntary dues, automatic collection of, 113, 129, 131
membership declines after passage of Act 10, 128–31
in Milwaukee county, 21–23
offer to accept increases in health and pension contributions, 76–77
rush to settle contracts before passage of Act 10, 77–79
senate recall elections financed by, 133–39
Quagliana, Charles, 67
Quinn, Pat, 176, 179
Racine Journal Times, 99
Reagan, Ronald, 53, 58, 197–200, 203, 225, 233
recall election, of Walker, 7, 141, 153, 155–93
Beer and Brats Summit, 191–92
campaigning in and comparing Wisconsin to Illinois, 175–81
donations received for, 212
effect of Act 10 reforms and, 141–54, 157–58, 162
Election Day and results of, 187–91
“Forward” campaign slogan, 202
jobs as issue in, 184–87
“John Doe” attack ads, 185
national implications of, 183–84
Obama’s failure to campaign against Walker, 167–73
Republican voter turnout for, 164–65
teachers supportive of, 158–60
union’s intimidation tactics during, 159–62
Walker’s ad addressing voters, 162–63
recall elections
of state Senate, 7, 133–39
of Walker (See recall election, of Walker)
relevance, 237–38
Republican Governors Association, 31
Republicans, 83
lessons for (See lessons of Wisconsin for battle over future of America)
state elections won by, 2–3
unifying effects of protests, 207
Risser, Fred, 121
Robinson, Eugene, 72
Romney, Mitt, 171, 173, 188, 195–204
47 percent comment of, 198, 202
lack of positive vision for future of, 196–200
self-deportation comment of, 199–200
Walker’s letter to, 200–2
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 25, 168
Rules for Radicals (Alinsky), 208
Ryan, Janna, 207
Ryan, Paul, 183–84, 195–96, 207
safety net, 199
Sampson, Megan, 100–1, 145, 152, 239
Sargent, Greg, 170
school choice, 216, 217–18
school crossing guard, 99
schools/school districts
charter schools, 149–50, 153, 216
education reforms and improvements after passage of, 149–54
health insurance and other savings, after passage of Act 10, 141–46
savings from eliminating collective bargaining, 43–44
shutdown of, during protests of Act 10, 72–73
union versus non-union contracts, 150–51
Schrimpf, Chris, 58
Schroeder, Joe, 143
Schuller, Kurt, 209
Schultz, Dale, 121
Schultz, Ed, 139
Schutt, Eric, 9, 11, 13–14, 112–14
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 177
Seemeyer, Linda, 25
SEIU, 69
self-deportation, 199–200
Seville Staffing, 177
sick leave stacking, 97, 101
Smith, Bob, 209–10
Snyder, Rick, 4
Special Olympics ceremony, protests at, 209
Sprecher Brewery, 192
state assembly, 103–7
state of the state address, 2013, 205–6
stimulus spending, 29, 35–36
Suder, Scott, 15–16
Sumi, Maryann, 124, 127–28
Supreme Court of Wisconsin
Act 10 upheld by, 127–28
Prosser’s re-election to, 123–27
Sykes, Charlie, 160, 161, 209, 210
Tarantino, Geri, 87
Tarantino, Tony, 87–88
Tate, Mike, 139, 166
Tax Foundation, 176
tax relief measures, 217
Taylor, Lena, 63, 70
“Cadillac” health care plan of, 101
Chicago school system contracts and, 177–78
merit versus seniority in layoffs, 100–2
protests by, 72–73
support for Walker in recall election, 158–60
tenure, 151
union versus non-union contracts, 150–51
Tea Party, 109
tenure, 151
Thatcher, Margaret, 241–42
Thomas B. Fordham Institute, 146
Thompson, Tommy, 34, 110, 114
Time, 17, 63
Tramburg, John, 146
Tubbs, Charles, 103
UFCW, 69
unemployment assistance program reforms, 221
unemployment rate, 41
unions. See public sector unions
Van Hollen, J. B., 68–69
Viagra, 99
Villa, Jim, 25
Vos, Robin, 15–16, 48, 49, 66, 104, 105, 106, 235
voter ID bill, 215
Vrakas, Dan, 97
vulnerable in society, championing, 232–34
Wagner, Alan, 144
Waiting for Superman (movie), 149–50, 151
Walker, Alex, 59, 60, 61, 115, 152, 189, 210, 211, 247, 248
Walker, David, 71–72, 249
Walker, Eva, 249
Walker, Isabella, 249
Walker, Llew, 247–48
Walker, Maria, 71–72, 249
Walker, Matt, 60, 61, 115, 144, 152, 189, 210, 211, 248–49
Walker, Pat, 246–47
Walker, Scott
approval ratings, 16–17
budget deficit and, 27–30
on conservative principles, and presidential election of 2012, 203–4
continuing reform agenda of, 215–23
as county executive of Milwaukee County, 19–26
Daniels advice for, 31–34
eliminating collective bargaining, formulating legislation for, 42–51
faith of, 245
family support and strength, 246–50
initial failure to explain importance of collective bargaining reform, 83–88
lessons learned in Wisconsin (See lessons of Wisconsin for battle over future of America)
letter to Romney of, 200–2
meetings prior to introducing Act 10, 53–57
negotiations with Senate Democrats in Illinois, 112–14, 118–19
phony David Koch call and, 90–93, 236
prank “Koch” phone call and aftermath, 89–94
protests at home of, and death threats against, 57–63, 210–11
public support for, 75–76
recall election of (See recall election, of Walker)
reforms and initiatives passed in addition to Act 10, 215–23
response to protesters, 211–12
signing of Act 10, 15–16, 121
state assembly GOP caucus, meeting with, 104–6
state of the state address, 2013, 205–6
stimulus spending and, 35–36
vision for America, 241–44
Walker, Tonette, 7, 58, 59, 60, 61, 76, 84, 86–88, 109, 139, 183, 187, 188–89, 190, 191, 200, 210, 211, 246, 249
Wall, Ed, 14–15, 68
Wall Street Journal, 71, 128–29, 160, 161–62, 165, 176, 177, 178, 179
Wanggaard, Van, 190, 207
Washington Examiner, 129–
Washington Post, 72
Wassau Daily Herald, 146
Weekly Standard, 153, 165
Whitburn, Jerry, 112
Will, George, 80
Williams, Brian, 115
Act 10, passage of (See Act 10 (Budget Repair Bill))
as birthplace of public sector unions, 5–6
budget deficit (See budget deficit)
cost of protests, 206–7
job losses in, 41
reforms in, since 2011, 4–5
unemployment rate, 41
Wisconsin Education Association (WEA) Trust, 79–80, 90, 142, 143
Wisconsin Professional Police Association, 160–61
Wisconsin Radio Network, 78
Wisconsin Reporter, 129
Wisconsin State Journal, 73, 96, 123, 124, 128, 144, 147, 192–93
Wisconsin Taxpayer Alliance, 143
Wisconsin teachers union, 76, 128
Wood, Jeff, 38