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The Abduction: MFM Menage Alien Romance

Page 22

by Nichole Allen

  Chloe raised an eyebrow, and Alex said, “I was told you could help me find the papers for the Boston division?” Chloe took her seat and turned on her computer as she said, “I’m sorry, but to access those papers you’d need direct permission from Mr. Alexander Bennett.” He smiled and it suddenly dawned on her that Alex was short for Alexander. “Oh my Lord, you’re his son? I’m so sorry- I had no idea. Yes- I’ll get the papers for you right away.” She started to type furiously but Alex laughed and said, “Relax, I’m here all day, it’s not urgent- I’m just waiting for my dad.” He drummed his hands on her table and then glanced at the clock as he said, “When does he get in usually?” Chloe was trying not to have a nervous breakdown as she typed as fast as she could, and without glancing up she said, “He’s here by 10:30 usually, I can open up the conference room for you to wait in.” She found the file he was looking for and sent it to the printer as he said, “Nah, I’ll wait here, the view’s nice.”

  She glanced up and saw look straight at her, and she blushed. “Would you like anything- some coffee, maybe?” Alex shook his head and took a seat opposite from her, in the waiting area. “Thanks but I’m good. Please- I don’t want to disturb you, I’ll just wait, no worries.” The files were done printing and Chloe got up to collect them as she said, “Your papers are ready, let me just-” but before she could get out from behind the desk, Alex had already reached for the printer and he said, “I got it, don’t worry.” She sat back down and bit her lip, watching him pore over the papers intently. God, he was so handsome with his thick brown hair falling onto his eyes and a muscle twitching behind his sharp jawline as he concentrated on the numbers in front of him. His bright hazel eyes moved from the papers and onto her, and she suddenly looked away, embarrassed at having gotten caught staring at him like that.

  “So I hear my dad’s thrown all the wedding responsibility onto you- how’s that going for you?” She knew he was just trying to make pleasant conversation, humoring her with his small talk, but she still felt something flutter in her stomach every time he smiled at her. She laughed nervously and said, “You’ll think I’m a freak, but I absolutely love planning the wedding- it’s just so much fun. I’m going cake tasting tomorrow, that’s literally a dream come true.” She stopped talking suddenly, embarrassed but Alex seemed to think she was a riot, because he started laughing. He had the nicest laugh, even when he was laughing at her it didn’t sound mocking.

  He stopped and said, “That does sound pretty great- can I come with you?” She turned bright red at the thought of going somewhere alone with him but before she could answer, a loud boisterous voice sounded from the elevator, “Hey there early bird- I see you’ve caught the worm.” She looked up to see a man walking towards them, grinning at Alex. He was so breathtakingly handsome that she forgave him for calling her a worm. He stopped in front of her desk and held his hand out to her, “Hi there, I’m Dan.”


  Within minutes, Dan was sitting on Chloe’s desk, making her laugh at his ridiculous jokes. Alex tried not to think about it too much, but he felt a twinge of annoyance with his brother- clearly Dan knew that he was already interested in talking to the secretary, but the competitive spirit in his little brother seemed to have awoken. He looked at Chloe; she was very pretty with blonde beach waves, large blue eyes and a killer body. Even sitting down, her long tanned legs were clearly visible and her blouse fit snugly around her spectacular breasts. She was laughing at something Dan said, and even her laugh was lovely. Alex tried not to sulk in a corner, but it was difficult to see Dan get away with everything just because he was charming. Alex sat up a little straighter - if Dan wanted to play, then so could he.

  He stood up and ambled over to the desk, and immediately Chloe turned to face him. “You know, when Mr. Bennett mentioned his sons, I thought they would be a lot older, and very serious, boring men who ran their businesses.” Dan laughed and said, “That’s just Alex here, I’m the fun one.” Chloe, however, shook her head and quietly said, “I don’t think Alex is boring.” Alex seemed to swell to pride and Dan looked at him with a curious expression on his face. He opened his mouth as though he were about to say something, but then seemed to reconsider. The elevator dinged open and a booming voice called out, “Chloe, my sons said they’d be coming in today, have they- oh.” Stephen Bennett stopped speaking when he saw Dan sitting on Chloe’s desk and Alex leaning over him. “Hey Dad,” Dan chuckled nervously as he quickly slid off the desk and Alex put on a serious face and held the papers more visibly in his hand.

  Stephen stood there for a second, blinking at them before he sighed and shook his head, heading for his office. “Get in here, you two,” he said before pushing through the door. Dan pulled a face and then winked at Chloe before going after his father, and Alex sighed. He caught Chloe’s eye and he smiled warmly; she smiled back and said, “Your brother must have been quite a handful while growing up.” Alex rolled his eyes and said, “Oh you have no idea.” He grinned at her quickly and then gathered up the papers before following Dan into Stephen’s office. His father looked up as he entered and said, “Oh, Alex- good, you have the papers. Sit down, both of you. Dan, stop ogling that painting and get over here. We have some serious things to discuss.”

  Outside, Chloe stared at the door they had just disappeared through and she shook her head. She returned to work but suddenly, she felt her stomach drop. She stood up and steadied herself, when she realized she was about to throw up. “Oh God,” she whispered before she ran towards the bathroom, praying nobody else would be in there. She burst in to find it empty thankfully and she went straight towards a stall, falling to her knees and clutching the toilet bowl just in time. She hurled and grabbed the bowl tightly, steadying herself before she threw up again. She groaned miserably just as she heard the bathroom door swing open. She clutched the toilet bowl silently and hoped whoever it was would either leave her alone or not notice, but before she could stop herself, she was vomiting again. “Chloe?” She heard a voice say, “Are you alright?”

  Chloe yanked at some toilet paper and wiped her mouth as she turned to see who it was. Maria, one of the women from the finance department was standing there, staring at her. Chloe got up slowly, careful not to slip and flushes the toilet as she staggered towards the sink and nodded. She rinsed her mouth out with water and said, “I’m fine, really- just had a wild night that’s all. I’m probably still hung-over, that’s all.” Maria knitted her brows with concern as she peered at Chloe’s face and then said, “Are you sure- because I passed by you earlier and you didn’t seem hung-over.” Suddenly, she didn’t know whether it was the puking or Maria’s kind face, but Chloe began to cry. Maria hurried over and grabber her in a tight hug, letting Chloe cry all over her blazer. “I’m sorry,” Chloe bawled, but Maria just stroked her hair and said, “It’s alright- you’re fine, I’ve got you.”

  After a few minutes of solid crying, Chloe broke out of Maria’s grip and grabbed some more tissue, dabbing at her eyes as she said, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” Maria patted her arm gently and sympathetically said, “But you do know, don’t you?” Chloe hiccupped and stared at Maria, who shrugged and said, “I noticed earlier how well your blouse fit you, and now that I’m seeing you throw up- I can put two and two together, sweetie. I had my Eric less than two years ago- I remember it all vividly.” Chloe sniffled and looked away as she said, “I haven’t told anyone yet.” Maria gasped and said, “Chloe, you can’t be carrying all this stress on your own- have you told the father?” Chloe shook her head and Maria softly said, “Ah, understood.” Chloe leaned against the sink and hung her head as she quietly said “It was just a one-night stand- we used a condom.”

  Maria touched her shoulder sympathetically and said, “These things happen- look, you have options if you don’t want to go through with it.” Chloe shook her head quickly and said, “No- I- I think I want to keep the baby.” This was the first time she had said it, perhaps even the first time she conside
red it, but she felt confident in her decision. Maria nodded and said, “Well, I’m here to help you, in any way you want. Here,” she fished in her purse and pulled out a business card, “Take my number, and call me whenever you need anything. You don’t have to go through it alone, okay?” Chloe nodded and looked at her gratefully. “Thank you, Maria- I can’t tell you how much this-” but Maria shook her head and hugged her quickly as she said, “Don’t mention it. I’ve got to get back to work- will you be okay?” Chloe nodded and said, “Yeah- yeah I think I will be.”


  By the time Chloe emerged from the bathroom, having rinsed out her mouth and reapplied her lipstick, Stephen’s meeting with his sons seemed to have developed into something very serious. She shakily carried a tray of coffee cups and biscuits, and balancing it all in one hand, she knocked nervously on the door with the other. “Yes?” Stephen called out gruffly and Chloe pushed open the door, carrying the tray. “Oh- right, thanks Chloe.” She set it down and glanced up to see Dan smiling at her. She smiled back and turned around to leave, closing the door behind her, but not before she heard Stephen sigh impatiently and say, “Can you pay attention, Daniel? This is important.”

  Dan jumped a little at the sound of his father’s scolding and hastily said, “Yeah Dad, I’m listening- what’s up.” Stephen sighed again and said, “Look, I’m marrying Janine in less than a month, and since your mother passed, I gave everything I had to you boys and this company. But I’m old now, I don’t want to keep this up- ambition and drive, those are young men’s games.” Alex and Dan glanced at each other before they looked back at their father. “What are you saying, Dad?” Alex asked slowly, and Stephen shrugged as he said, “I’m saying that I want to retire.”

  Dan, who had just taken a large gulp of coffee, nearly choked as he said, “Retire?” Alex sat forward and urgently said, “Dad- you can’t be serious. I mean, Bennett Industries is your life’s work- it’s your legacy.” Stephen nodded and said, “Legacy, exactly. One that I’m leaving for you.” Dan slowly put down his coffee cup and chose his words carefully as he said, “You’re leaving us your company?” Stephen nodded and said, “Well- one of you. Can’t have two CEOs, right? That’s why I’ve been monitoring the LA and Boston divisions carefully- if I’m going to entrust my company to one of you, I need to know that you won’t run it into the ground.” Dan leaned forward and furrowed his brows. “Let me get this straight- you’ll make one of us head of all of Bennett Industries? And what about the other one?”

  Stephen waved a hand dismissively, “Well obviously the two of you will be working together- you’re both Bennetts, but one of you will be CEO, that’s all.” Dan sat back in his seat and folded his arms over his chest while Alex quietly sipped his coffee. “Dad- I don’t understand why the two of us can’t be equal partners,” Dan was on the verge of shouting, and Alex knew he had to interceded so he said, “I think Dan’s right, Dad- I mean why make us battle it out like some King Arthur crap?” Stephen held a hand up and both his sons fell quiet immediately. “One of you will lead Bennett Industries forward, and it will be the one who proves himself to me. I’ve made my decision, and it’s final.”

  Alex glanced at his brother, who was slowly turning purple in the face and he quickly said, “Well, if we’re done here, I’d like to go please.” Stephen put on his glasses and waved his hands to dismiss the boys. They both got up to leave when their father called out, “And remember, dinner with Janine tonight. You two had better be on your best behavior- remember, business stays here in the office, and at home we’re family.” Dan stormed out of the office without another word and Alex lingered behind for a bit, considering talking to his father, but then he decided against it and followed his brother out. He decided to find Dan and calm him down- there was no way he would fight his own brother for a position at the company. He stepped out of Stephen’s office, looking around for his little brother when he caught sight of him leaning over Chloe’s desk again. She was laughing at another one of his stupid jokes, and suddenly, something inside of Alex snapped.

  Why should he be fair to his brother when his brother hadn’t ever thought that for him? No- Alex would beat Dan at his own game. Since Dan loved to compete with him, Alex would give him a run for his money- Stephen had said he would leave the company to the son who proved he was more capable. To Alex, the answer was simple- it was him. He was the one who worked hard, pouring all his strength, time, and energy into his division of the company while Dan just sailed through life on his looks and charm alone. No- he had something to prove now. He walked over to the two of them and casually interrupted Dan, who was in the middle of another one of his jokes. “So- Chloe, yes to the cake tasting tomorrow?” Chloe looked up, surprised as she said, “Oh- sure. It’s at 12:30 at the Crown Hotel.” Alex smiled and said “I’ll pick you up from here at 12.” Dan stared at his brother, unable to believe that he would do that- didn’t he see that Dan had been trying to chat up the secretary all day? He narrowed his eyes- it was just like Alex to be competitive like that. And if he was acting this way over a girl, Dan could only imagine what Alex would do for the company. Well, Dan wasn’t going to stand for it- if a competition is what Alex wanted, then that’s what he was going to get.


  After leaving the office building, Dan was in no mood to back home and face either Alex or Stephen. Instead, he rounded the corner and visited what used to be his favorite bar back when he lived in the city. As he walked towards it, he realized with a small sigh of disappointment that the bar was no longer there- it had been replaced by a fancy little atelier. He shook his head and then walked back towards the office, calling his chauffeur to come pick him up. “Sorry sir, I’m with Mister Alex- I didn’t think you’d be joining us.” Dan closed his fist tightly and then said, “That’s okay, Freddy- you just get Alex home; I’ll find my way.” He kept walking till he reached a sad little diner and stepped in, ordering some pie and coffee as he sat down heavily. The truth was he was tired of the constant act he put up. He was exhausted from being the funny, charming one- it was a mask he had learned to put on in high school when everybody would compare him to Alex, and since then, it had been a little hard to take that mask off.

  His food arrived and he smiled widely at the waitress, flirting a little to get some extra whipped cream with his slice. She happily obliged, and once she left, Dan’s face fell again. He hated being home- he had been looking forward to meeting his brother after years, but Alex was just the same. Dan gloomily tucked into his pie, scooping a large forkful into his mouth. He was just tired of always competing with Alex, but somehow he got sucked into every time. Earlier that morning, Alex had seemed more interested in his papers than he had been in the secretary, but when he saw Dan making her laugh, he just had to butt in. He had noticed Alex hanging back to talk to Chloe once Dan had stepped into Stephen’s office. Dan sighed- he knew he often acted the fool, but sometimes he really thought that he was the more mature one, and that Alex was a competitive little child running around in an adult body.

  Dan was getting angrier and angrier by the minute, just thinking about all the shit Alex had pulled since he had arrived in New York. Dan had heard the tone of resentment in Alex’s voice when he heard that Dan had arrived in the private jet. He had ignored it, but he had also felt annoyed- what was stopping Alex from doing the same thing? He could have easily gotten the jet for himself, but he didn’t, and now he resented Dan for it. Similarly, Alex hadn’t woken Dan up when he knew both of them had to be at Bennett Industries in the morning, leaving Dan to make his way on his own. Dan had been ready to brush these little things aside, ready to forgive his older brother and move on- but what he had done today was unacceptable.

  When Stephen had announced that one of them would rise to the CEO seat, Dan had tried to change his father’s mind to make sure both brothers got an equal share- yet Alex had simply just sat back and watched the show quietly. Dan shook his head in disgust- he couldn’t believe that Alex
was so selfish. He thought about Chloe then, and suddenly, his vision clouded over with rage. He paid the bill and left, feeling angrier and angrier at Alex as he walked home, his shoes covered in grime from the streets. As he made his way, he hatched a plan to take down Alex, once and for all. Once he got home, he avoided lunch with his father and brother and went straight up to his childhood bedroom. It felt too much like old times, when he would fight with Alex over petty things and then shut himself up in his room- except this time they weren’t nine years old.

  He next emerged from his room when it was time for dinner. Janine was due to arrive any minute, and Stephen was pacing anxiously around the living room. When he saw his father nervously glance at the door every few minutes, some of his anger melted away. “Hey Dad, you okay?” Dan called out softly from the stairs. Stephen jumped and said, “I’m fine, I’m fine- well, truth be told I’m a little nervous about you guys meeting her.” Dan stared at his dad- he looked just like a kid about to go on his first date and involuntarily, Dan smiled. “It’ll be okay, I’m sure we’ll all get along really well.” Just then, the doorbell rang and Stephen jumped again. Dan grinned and said, “Relax.” To his surprise, Stephen grinned back.

  When the butler opened the door, a tall graceful woman stood on the porch. She greeted the butler with a warm smile before turning to Stephen and saying, “Hi darling.” Stephen walked over and hugged her before he said, “Jan, sweetie- meet Dan.” Janine swept into the room and embraced Dan, catching him by surprise. As she moved away he smiled widely at her and said, “So you’re the one who’s making my father so ecstatic. It’s very nice to meet you.” Stephen grinned happily at Dan, and then they heard footsteps on the staircase. A second later, Alex walked in and shyly said, “Hi, I’m Alex.” Janine hugged him too and said, “I’m so glad to finally meet you two- look at the both of you; you’re so handsome just like your father.” Stephen took Janine’s coat and said, “Shall we move into the dining room?” Before they did, the doorbell rang again and when the butler answered it, he opened the door to reveal Chloe standing there nervously, “Sorry- am I late?”


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