The Abduction: MFM Menage Alien Romance

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The Abduction: MFM Menage Alien Romance Page 43

by Nichole Allen

  “I'm just glad that you still have your appetite after drinking nonstop for the last couple of days,” she said to him, noting just how handsome he looked, and especially now that he had taken a shower and looked fresh.

  “So, what long journey is this that you were talking about, because if you know me at all, you should know by now that I hate travelling?” he said to her as he forked in some pepper steak.

  “You and I are taking the yacht out for a couple of days. They say that an ocean breeze is one of the best ways of calming a person down, and I'm hoping that it is going to work for you so that your life can get back to normal,” she said to him, trying to choose her words as carefully as possible.

  “That is pretty thoughtful of you, but what I don’t understand is why you would want to do that for me,” he said to her, eying her with curiosity and reminding her of the way that he had been looking at her lustfully just before she sent him off to the shower. It had actually made her body cream up in all the right places, her body becoming excited at the wrong time.

  “Well, how do I put this? Let’s just say that at least there are still some good-hearted people left in this world, and I was hoping to make that list,” she said to him, pulling out a seat opposite him and settling onto it as she looked at him, noting the way that his eyes shot to her breasts.

  “You're a very beautiful woman, Sandra, and right now I am asking myself why I had to fall in love with another woman and not a woman as kind as you are,” he said to her sadly, and she could see that he was probably thinking about Macy again.

  “It is time for you to move on with your life, just like Macy did. If she did not find you good enough, then I'm pretty sure that the right fit for you is out there, and that you are going to find her very soon,” she said, referring to herself, of course.

  “Thanks, Sandra, you don’t know just how much those words mean to me,” he said to her as she got up. “Wait a minute, aren’t you going to join me in eating?”

  “I actually just got off lunch before I came here. I figured that you were too busy feeling sorry for yourself to eat,” she smiled at him as he frowned. “I did see some ice cream in the fridge, and maybe that could work for me. I'll just get that and then go up to your room to pack up a couple of clothes for you. We will be gone for just a couple of days while I'm off work, and I'm hoping that it is going to be enough time for you to get back to your normal self.”

  “I didn’t know that someone could care so much for another person even though we have nothing going between us. Maybe this whole trip idea isn’t such a good idea, Sandra. I don’t want to waste your time. I don’t think that I'm ever going to get over Macy, I think that chick is etched into my flesh. She is in a place so deep, I don’t think that I will be able to get her out and forget about her just like that,” he said, the words hurting Sandra, but Sandra was determined to win him over by the end of the trip.

  “Nothing is impossible, Duke, and you of all people, having studied business, should know that golden saying by now,” she smiled at him as she scooped some ice cream from the carton and headed out of the room, off to pack some clothes for him.


  “Preparing to engage the descending gear,” Sean said into the microphone as he hit a couple of buttons in the control cabin of the flying saucer that he was manning.

  “Go right ahead,” a voice from the command on their planet said to him, giving him the go ahead to begin going lower.

  Down in the galaxy, he could see earth on the huge screen before him, and it was there that he was headed. He was on a mission to go and capture some human beings so that they could use them for experiments on their planet, and then maybe later on sell them off as slaves to another planet. There was always constant demand for human beings in the universe and this was Sean's first time to go out to look for them.

  He looked at his green reflection in the mirror as the flying saucer moved lower and lower towards his destination. To avoid being detected, he would use a space craft to go right down to the Earth’s once he was near enough. This way the humans would not suspect any unusual activity in Earth’s airspace. He raked through his mind to see if he could remember the drill that he had been put through. There was a chip that had been implanted into his throat and ear that enabled him to hear the human dialect and also to talk it, and then there was the fact that he could transform himself into any human being that he wanted. He could make himself look like whoever he wanted without the human beings ever suspecting it. He was pretty excited actually especially since command had entrusted him to come alone. This sort of honor was only given to the very trusted lieutenants although his was a different case. He was the son of their ruler and the heir to their kingdom.

  “Preparing to change into shuttle. I will leave the saucer in idle mode,” he said into the microphone.

  “Affirmative,” was the response.

  He tapped a number of buttons, before he finally got up from his seat and made his way out of the cockpit.

  Sean headed to the elevator, where he took it down to the dock where the space shuttle was. This was the vehicle that would take him down to Earth undetected and bring him along with the human beings back. It was going to be a nice and quick job and he intended to be back on Mars within a couple of alien hours.

  Before he boarded the shuttle, he transformed his body into that of a human being, the human shell forming on top of his regular body. As he donned his new body, he noticed the way that there was a huge protrusion coming from the crotch and he wondered what that was. It had to be some sort of sexual organ, but it looked pretty huge compared to the ones that he and his kind had. His own dick fit into it nicely, the shell fitting him nicely and consuming his body to become one.

  “Make sure that you do not have sex with the human beings, okay, because if you do, it will make you weak,” his instructor had told him before he had left, but he had been too proud to ask him what sex was.

  There were quite a number of do’s and don’ts that he had been given, although he had barely paid any attention as he was being reminded of them. Right from the time that he had been a young alien male, Sean had the habit of not taking things seriously. He believed that if you were too serious, life became dull and you might as well just die early. Right now as he boarded the shuttle, he had forgotten half of the things that he had been told to do and not to do. The only thing that he remembered was how to prepare to treat the human bodies so that they could adapt to their new environment. There were some enzymes that he was to inject them with so that their bodies would not degenerate when they got to Mars. These were enzymes that the aliens had spent years trying to develop, and they could even enable the human beings to understand their language and all manner of other things. Being merchants of the universe, it was important that the humans adapted to their new surroundings if the aliens were to sell them for profit as slaves and lab rats.

  He strapped on his safety belt and hit the dislodge button, and the space shuttle fell away from the flying saucer, beginning to make its fall towards Earth. Sean let the shuttle drift downwards at a high speed, estimating his time of landing to be within a couple of hours. He was ready for this, and he could not hide the excitement that he was feeling. This was actually his first time off their planet of Mars. Normally, they would never let a newbie go all by himself, and especially due to the danger that was on some of the other planets, but earth was pretty much the safest place for any alien since the aliens had way more sophisticated material and technology than the humans, although the humans could not totally be disregarded. It seemed like an eternity before he finally felt the space craft splashing into what had to be water. Sean braced himself for the landing, steering the craft towards the land and taking it just beneath the surface of the water so that it would not be seen by the naked eyes of the humans. As soon as the craft came to a stop, Sean got out and swam to the shore, ready to get to work. He was not really sure on what part of the earth he had landed, because he could n
ot see the tall buildings that the other aliens always talked about, but he hoped to catch some human beings pretty soon.


  “Oh fuck, I think that there is a storm brewing, Duke,” Sandra shouted above the roar of the thunder as the yacht swayed from side to side.

  She struggled to steer the craft, but it was becoming more and more difficult, and she was starting to panic. It had rained quite a lot and darkness had come over the whole land. She had lost compass of where they were and so she was relying on the moon to tell the direction in which they were going, but now even the moon had disappeared, covered by the clouds.

  It had been three days since she and Duke had embarked on their trip and so far, things had gone great. On their way down to the Caribbean, they had made numerous stops at various cities and today they had decided to make it for some private island that they’d heard about. They had steered away from the safe waters, and now Sandra was beginning to regret her movements. She reached for the radio to see if she could call in for help, but when she turned it on, there seemed to be no signal.

  “Would you like me to help you, what should I do?” Duke said, walking up to her and taking the steering wheel from her.

  “Just try and keep her on a straight course while I see if we can radio for some help,” she said above the roar of the waves.

  She stood in between him and the steering wheel, her lean body squeezed there with his hands at her sides, clinging to the steering wheel and the throttle. Sandra fumbled with the radio, searching for another channel, but there was nothing doing. They were in the control cabin and despite their situation, she could not help how her body felt with Duke's body so close to hers, his heat radiating all over her.

  “Fuck, the damn thing is not working,” she said, putting the radio away and turning on the huge screen so that she could check the GPS map to see if she could identify their location. She looked through the map before pointing to a location. “I think that this is where we are, and that means that there has got to be an island not far away from here. I don’t understand why the signal here is so poor.”

  “Must be the storm,” he said to her, his mouth near her ear, and the heat of his breath making her senses do somersaults as a wave of excitement made its way through her body. “Why don’t we see if we can get to the island that you're talking about. Maybe we could dock there until the weather becomes better, most likely by tomorrow morning?”

  “That is the same thing that I was thinking,” she said, looking at the compass to know their exact coordinates. “Here, let me help you with this.”

  She took the steering wheel and the throttle from him, although he did not move from his place behind her. She turned the steering wheel swiftly, the boat swerving to once side dangerously, just as a wave cut under them. Sandra had been on the sea for a good number of trips, but she had never come across such severe weather conditions. The night was now pitch dark and it was raining as if tomorrow would never come. She wished that they could just find a place to dock so that she could lie in Duke's arms as he held her safe all night. A dream is what that was because they did not even share the same room on the yacht.

  There was a sudden jerking of the boat followed by a loud noise, and the boat suddenly ground to a halt. Sandra quickly killed the engines of the boat to avoid damaging anything as both of them dashed down into the cabin below.

  “I think that we might have hit some rocks or something. We had better get out the anchor just in case the waves wash us away. We should be safe here for the meantime,” she said as they headed for the stern of the craft.

  The rain pelted on them as they dashed out of the cabin, heading for the anchor, which they released into the water, before dashing back into the craft.

  “I must say, it has been quite a while since I went on such a trip and it is pretty scary although the best trip that I have been on,” Duke said as Sandra tried to hide the fear that she was feeling inside.

  “Really, I'm glad that you are enjoying it despite what we are going through right now. The good thing is that I think that we just might have hit on the island that I was talking about, which means that we should be safe for the meantime,” she said to him. “I'm going to take a warm bath and I think that you should do the same.”

  She could feel his eyes on her back as she made her way to her room. It was as if she was finally beginning to get through to Duke although she had not quite yet cracked where she wanted to be. She did not want him to just look at her as a sex symbol the way that he was right now, although she had to admit that it had her wet as hell, in between her thighs. Sandra wanted Duke to look at her as a woman that he could love, a woman that he could look forward to seeing to every single day for the rest of their lives. She desperately wanted him to love her and appreciate her for who she was, and that is what she intended to get by the time that their trip was coming to an end.

  Her whole body was on fire by the time that she removed her clothes and made her way into the bathroom. The sensitive spot in between her thighs was on fire and she was wetter than she could ever remember being in her life. She needed Duke more than he would ever realize, but she was not going to give in to him unless he actually wanted more from her than just sex. She stepped into the bathtub hoping that the water would make her feel better and cool off the extreme lust that was burning within her. Never had she felt so much lust for a man before, so much desire. This was definitely a sign that Duke was indeed meant to be hers.


  Light glowed through the screen before him as he opened his eyes, the sound of the radio sputtering before him waking him up from his deep slumber.

  “Sean, do you read. Are you alright or should we send you backup?” a voice from the control tower back home said.

  He picked up the radio and spoke into it. “Yes, I'm alright, and no, there won't be a need for backup. I have everything under control. I landed safely and will execute my duty today.”

  “Copied, over. Let us know if there is anything else, should anything arise,” the operator said, before the line went dead.


  He removed the safety belt and then stood up, walking to the back of the shuttle. The shuttle was leaning backwards, meaning that the tail was probably touching the bottom of the sea, while the tip peeked just above the surface of the water. Wondering for how long he had been asleep, Sean got out his fake identification documents, documents that human beings used, stuffing them in the back pocket of his pants. These would be essential in getting around on Earth, although there was not much that humans could do to him even if they discovered that he had no documents. He could easily fight off a whole army without getting a scratch on himself. Not even their weapons had any effect on him. Carrying the documents was just to avoid many things and to play it cool. Raising suspicions that there were aliens on earth was the last thing that Sean and his type wanted, as it would put the humans on guard.

  He put on a waterproof outfit and then made his way to the front of the shuttle, stepping out into the sun as he stood on the top. He was at least half a mile from the shore and so he pulled a lifeboat off the shuttle, inflating it with air before he jumped into it and began oaring himself to the land. He could not hide the excitement that he felt within as he finally brought the boat to the shore, hiding it amongst some bushes, before proceeding to try and find out where he was.

  He could not see any buildings in the vicinity and not a soul in sight. What if he had landed in the wrong place, because according to the tales that he’d heard from others that had made the trip, Earth was a place that was full of tall buildings, many vehicles and even more people. This place where he was just seemed surrounded by vegetation. It looked as if he had landed on an island of sorts, and if he did not find any human beings here, he was going to have to wait for the dark before he took off to another part of the earth. He had walked almost around the whole island when he thought he spotted something stuck in a cove. It was a white vessel and there was
some sort of movement on it. He stood still and adjusted the lenses in his eyes, zooming in to see a male and a female on the craft. Bingo, at least he had hit home. They seemed to be waving at him or something, and so he raised his hand and waved back at them. The craft was also at least a half a mile from the shore, and it looked like it was stuck on some boulders jutting out of the sea.

  “Help us, we are stuck,” a voice shouted, the chip translating the cords and making him understand that they were in distress.

  “Come on, swim over here,” he shouted back at them, his voice sounding strange since the alien way of communication was much more different.

  “It is too far,” said a male voice this time.

  “What sort of cowards are these?” he said to himself under his breath as he dashed into the water and began wading through the water, heading towards the yacht. More and more of his body disappeared into the water, until just his head was above the surface by the time that he came to one of the boulders in the water that was blocking the craft.

  “We didn’t know that it was so shallow. Sorry for making you come all this way, dude,” Duke said, looking at Sean with gratitude.

  “Not at all.”

  “I think that we are shipwrecked here and the boat can't get out of this situation until the tide comes back,” Sandra said. “But boy, are we glad to see you.”

  “Wait a minute, aren’t you Sean Masters, the famous movie star?” the man asked as Sean looked at him, his eyes filled with confusion as he wondered what the human being was talking about.

  “Yeah, this is Sean Masters, the movies Flaming, Speed and so many more. What are you doing here, Sean? Don’t tell us that we are just in time to witness a photo shoot?” Sandra said excitedly, and it was then that Sean remembered that he had been given the identity of a celebrity so that it would make it easier for him to lure his captives.

  “Yes, that is me. I was just passing by here and the weather became a mess, and so I stopped by for a little,” he said to them, unable to take his eyes off the man.


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