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The Abduction: MFM Menage Alien Romance

Page 46

by Nichole Allen

  I splashed water on my face to ease the minor headache I had from the previous night’s drinks. I had to thank Chris for stopping my drinking spell when he did or I’d be nursing a much worse headache. I also had to thank him for keeping a stash of extra toothbrushes in his bathroom closet; at least I’d be able to freshen up a bit. A part of me thought I’d wake up terrified of what I had agreed to the night before but I actually felt sort of relieved. Chris was a great guy and James seemed just as fun. I had never been in a relationship with more than one guy, though, which explained why I still felt a little nervous about everything.

  With a racing heart and fresh outlook, I made my way back into the bedroom and settled between Chris and James on the mattress.

  “Can we just stay in bed all day?” I asked.

  Chris rolled onto his side to face me and wrapped one arm around my middle. “I was actually thinking we could go out again tonight and sleep all day tomorrow.”

  “You two can sleep all day tomorrow,” James said from the other side. “I haven’t had a crazy schedule for the past few months so I’m going to try to be productive.”

  “Will you still go out with us tonight?” I asked, rolling over so my back was to Chris and I was facing James.

  He huffed but smiled when he looked over at me. “I guess.”

  “Maybe you two should spend today actually getting to know each other,” Chris suggested. His arm left my waist as he stood and headed to the bathroom to get ready for an eventless day. “I can find something else to do.”

  I looked over to James, sprawled out on his stomach with his dark hair sticking up in all directions. This was exactly what I hoped to wake up to when I went to the bar; I just didn’t expect Chris to be there too.

  “Good idea.” I turned to Chris still standing in the doorway of the bathroom with his clothes in his hand. “But what are you going to do?”

  He shrugged and stepped backwards through the door. “Probably go to the gym, maybe wait at the bar for you two.”

  “What?” James asked, pushing himself to sit up in bed. “Dude, it’s like…” He looked at the clock beside him and we both gaped at how long we had all slept. “Three in the afternoon.”

  James looked down at the comforter, seemingly confused at how he could’ve slept through breakfast and lunch. I couldn’t fight back a laugh at how lost he looked from simply sleeping in so late. “Chris and I have been working 60 hours a week for the past three months. What’s your excuse?”

  An hour later, James and I were sitting in the living room watching When Harry Met Sally, mostly because of me but I could tell he enjoyed it. We were like high schoolers again with a large pizza on the coffee table and romantic comedy on TV, except this time we had wine in our glasses instead of vodka stolen from some kid’s parents’ basement.

  “So you’re a lawyer?” I said, taking another bite of the last piece of pizza, graciously forfeited by James.

  He nodded as he took a drink of his wine. “Mostly divorce cases and custody battles. I’ve even had a few couples come in fighting for custody of the dog,” he laughed.

  “Well, of course! I would fight tooth and nail for an animal,” I smiled.

  James really was a lot like Chris. We got along just as easily and there was hardly a pause in conversation. Once we got past our histories, we both felt more at ease with each other. So much so that by the time we started James’s movie of choice, we were shamelessly cuddled up on the couch together.

  Somehow, Chris managed to stay out of his own apartment until seven o’clock, presumably spending most (if not, all) of his time at the gym judging by his still slightly-wet hair when he walked in.

  “How did today go?” he asked, as if the scene before him didn’t explain enough.

  “It went well,” I smiled, slinging both of my legs over James’s and wrapping my arms around his middle. He rested on hand on the small of my back and pressed a kiss to the top of my head in return.

  “Well don’t get too comfortable. We still have to stop by both of your places before we head out tonight,” Chris said. He tossed his gym bag into his room and met us back in the living room.

  “Are we going to a bar or club tonight?” I asked.

  Chris shrugged, something he had a horrible habit of doing every other sentence, and said, “Whichever. Why?”

  I sighed and moved myself from James’s lap to stand. “I just feel more comfortable at clubs. People judge me less.”

  “What do you mean?” James asked, leaning his elbows on his knees as he gave me a worried expression.

  “Bars are just a different environment, you know? Club-goers are usually more…diverse, to put it simply.”

  James opened his mouth to argue but was cut off by Chris. “Club, it is. Let me get changed and we can head over to James’s place first.”

  Once Chris left the room, James stood and wrapped me up in a hug. It was a little unexpected but I snuggled against his chest anyway. I may have only known him for about a day but he still treated me with the same care and respect Chris did after five years of knowing each other.

  “You’re beautiful. You know that, right?” James said, gently pulling away to look me in the eyes.

  I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. “You’re my boyfriend, you’re supposed to say that.” It was going to take a while to get used to having more than one boyfriend.

  “That doesn’t mean I’m not telling the truth,” he defended.

  Before I could say more, Chris walked out from his room and headed for the front door. “You two ready?”

  It was almost eight o’clock by the time we got to my place and I still had to shower and get ready for the night. Chris had been to my place before so he made himself comfortable on the couch. James simply followed suit.

  “I’ll try to be out by 9:30,” I shouted as I ran into my room before either man could argue.

  All I had to do after my shower was straighten my hair and put on my makeup, but the real challenge was finding something to wear. I wasn’t sure how the night would end, so I grabbed my favorite white pantie/bra set and rummaged through my closet for something remotely attractive.

  Black dress, red dress, black skinny jeans maybe? There were too many options and even though I only had to impress my boyfriends, I wanted to look hot as hell. But damn, looking hot started getting more difficult when my closet turned into pantsuits and flats.

  I grabbed two black dresses, black skinny jeans, and a grey crop top, all of which would go with the black pumps I had sitting on the top shelf of my closet, which I couldn’t reach. In my defense, I hadn’t worn them in ages, mostly because I had a bundle of smaller heels for work.

  Just as I was about to bring down my entire closet, my bedroom door swung open and Chris walked in. I dropped back onto my flat feet and smirked when he just stared wide-eyed at what I was wearing.

  “Hey,” I snapped, catching him off-guard. “Want to help me get my shoes?” Instead of being embarrassed at being caught staring, he laughed and grabbed my shoes effortlessly and handed the heels to me.

  “Can’t wait to see what you look like in just those heels,” he said with a wink. It was my turn to be flustered at his actions. I felt my cheeks heat up as he left my room so I could get dressed.

  It took twenty minutes to choose which outfit to go with but I finally stepped into the living room in my black, splice-cut dress, little sections of lace covering my sides. Both guys looked up at me, Chris with a wide smile and James with wide eyes.

  “Damn,” was all James said.

  I laughed and shrugged at his comment. “Are you ready to go?”

  Instead of an answer, Chris held his hand out for me to hold. James moved to my right and they led me outside to a waiting cab.

  “So we’re staying at my place tonight?”


  We showed up at the club before it got too busy and found a booth in the back corner. For a while, we just sat and talked, downing a few drinks in the hour we
spent on our own. Once it got busier, though, it was time to get up and dance.

  James pulled me to the dance floor while I pulled Chris along behind me. We pushed our way through the crowd until James stopped and turned to face me, Chris pressed against my back and James holding me to his chest. With both of them guiding my movements, all I had to do was swivel my hips against both of them. Chris kept his hands tight on my hips while James moved his down to grip my ass, pulling my body closer to his.

  Chris’s lips pressed to the side of my neck and my eyes fell shut when he gently bit a mark onto my skin. With just a few minutes on the floor with these two, I was drunker from the men around me than the alcohol in my veins. I moved one hand to Chris’s shoulder and ran the other up James’s arm, cradling the back of his neck and pulling him closer.

  Chris and I had drunkenly kissed before, but kissing James was different. Even with the alcohol, his lips were soft and gentle on mine, countered by the scratch of his scruff on my cheeks. It was only when James’s hands moved to my waist that I noticed Chris had left our dance group. But with James holding me close and moving his lips with mine, he was the only thing on my mind.

  The pounding bass of the music vibrated through my bones, tequila rushed through my veins, and what I wanted to do with James and Chris later ran through my mind.

  It was going to be a good night.

  I pulled back from James and stared up at him, his blue eyes glazed over and his lips swollen.

  “Do you want to get out of here?”

  All I could do was nod and pull him off the dance floor. I looked around as we started to leave, hoping to find Chris sitting at the bar or a table but found him dancing with another girl. James saw as well but instead of standing and watching in jealousy, he walked over and whispered or, more likely, yelled in Chris’s ear that we were leaving. James walked back to me and pulled me out of the crowd while Chris said goodbye to his mystery friend and followed us.

  By the time we got in a cab, Chris’s friend was barely a thought in my mind. Maybe it was his hand sliding up my thigh or James’s mouth on my neck, but my mind was in a haze again. I almost felt bad for the cab driver.

  When we pulled up outside my place, Chris tossed some cash in the front seat and ushered all of us into my building and towards the elevator. Unfortunately, we weren’t the only people waiting for the lift so we had to keep our hands off each other for the two minutes it took to get to my apartment. We already knew what was going to happen, though, so an extra two minutes didn’t make much difference.

  Once my front door shut, the boys had kicked off their shoes and Chris immediately tugged his shirt over his head. I couldn’t help but stare at how toned he managed to stay, even with the same hectic schedule as me. When I felt James move to stand behind me, I looked over my shoulder at him and noticed he had taken his shirt off as well and damn, he challenged Chris for hottest in this relationship.

  “Fuck me,” I muttered under my breath.

  Apparently James heard because he mumbled a quiet, “Oh, I plan to,” in response.

  I pulled his mouth to mine for the second time that night but this one was cut short by Chris sliding the zip of my dress down and letting the fabric fall to my feet. Thankfully both men helped steady me as I stepped out of the dress, stumbling slightly in my heels.

  I followed Chris towards my own bedroom and grabbed his arm once we neared the bed. Pulling him towards me, I bit my lip and smirked, “Now you know what I look like in just the heels.”

  I swear I heard a growl rumble through his chest as he picked me up effortlessly and tossed me onto the bed.

  “Not true. You’re still wearing these,” he said, snapping the waistband of my panties, “and this,” squeezing my breasts through my bra. Over his shoulder, I saw James messing with his belt buckle and pushing his jeans down his legs. I smirked at the sight until Chris unclasped my bra and tossed it across the room, his lips attaching to my breasts and leaving bruises I would still be feeling in the morning. Thank God I wouldn’t have to try to hide them.

  The bed beside me dipped a bit as James sat beside us in his boxers, biting his lip as he watched Chris kiss down my body. He slowly pulled my panties down my legs and slipped them over my heels, gently pressing his lips to my ankle in appreciation. He stood from the end of the bed and repeated James’s actions of undoing his belt buckle, taking it a bit further and stripping down to nothing.

  Chris kneeled at the end of the bed and looked over at James.

  “What are you thinking? You want to go first?” he asked.

  James shook his head and smiled. “Go for it. I’ll wait.”

  Those five words sent Chris back over my body as he kissed me hard, all tongues and teeth and hot as hell. I reached between us to grip his length at the same time he reached down to run a finger over my heat, bringing a quiet sigh to my lips.

  “Baby, you’re already so wet,” he smirked, adding pressure to make me squirm underneath him.

  “Please, Chris,” I practically begged.

  “What do you want, baby girl?”

  I bit my lip, mostly because I was apprehensive to ask him for this, but his eyes flicked down to my mouth and grew a shade darker at the sight.

  “I want to ride you,” I finally murmured.

  Chris’s jaw clenched at my request but he quickly rolled us over so I was on top straddling his thighs, both of my hands resting on his chest to stabilize myself.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you to say that to me,” he smiled. I looked to the other side of the bed at James palming himself over his boxers and nodded for him to join us.

  I started grinding my heat over Chris and let James watch for a second before snapping his gaze back to me. “Kiss him.” That’s all it took for James to latch his mouth to Chris’s, giving me the perfect opportunity to position Chris at my entrance and slide down. It had admittedly been a while but, fuck, he felt so good.

  He quietly moaned when I started riding his dick and James deepened his kisses. Chris moved his hands down James’s body and slapped his hand away to squeeze and palm him over his boxers.

  Chris gently pushed James away, breathless from the kiss and my body bouncing on him and said, “Take these off,” tugging on James’s boxers.

  I bit my lip at the sight but moaned when Chris pushed himself up on his hands and attached his lips to my right breast. He moved his legs, pushing mine further apart, and gained his balance so he could grab my hips and move me on his own. I grabbed his shoulders as he moved me on his dick, jutting his hips up to aid the movements.

  “Oh, fuck,” I moaned quietly, leaning forward to bite at his shoulder. I swear I heard a second growl from him that night as he quickened his movements before his hips jerked and faltered, accompanied with a long, low moan falling from his sinful mouth.

  He let his body fall back on the bed as I climbed off of him, a sated smile on his lips as he watched me move over to James.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” I smiled at the dark-haired man.

  “Hey,” he smiled back, grabbing my thighs to pull me towards him and maneuver us so he was on top. “Sorry, Chris knows I like being on top.”

  I glanced over at Chris on the other side of the bed, only to find the space unoccupied. “Where…?” I asked.

  “Don’t worry about it,” James said, shaking his head. “He’ll be back in time for bed.”

  James pressed his lips to mine, just as gentle and soft as when we were in the club, and ran one hand up my right thigh to push my legs apart further. I looked up at him with parted lips as he positioned himself and slowly pushed inside. My teeth instinctively bit at my lip to muffle a moan at the feeling of him stretching me, but James wasn’t having it.

  “If you’re going to make a sound, I want to hear it,” he demanded, bringing one finger up to release my lip from my teeth. This time when he kissed me, it was more forceful than the previous ones and he started pulling his hips away from mine before snapping them for
ward again.

  Something between a moan and a shout fell from my mouth as he moved his lips to my neck. “That’s more like it,” he mumbled. He continued a fast, steady pace with his hips slapping against mine and his dick grazing against my g-spot.

  “James, please,” I whimpered, digging my nails into his shoulders as he pushed me closer to the edge. He shifted his weight to move one hand between us and circle my clit with his thumb. My head fell back against the pillows as he pushed me closer and closer, the knot in my stomach coiling tighter and tighter until it finally unraveled with a loud moan of four-letter words and “James.”

  “Fuck, Alisha, I’m almost there,” he groaned. At his confirmation, I did the one thing my previous lovers always enjoyed. I pushed him back by his hips, forcing him to sit back on his heels. An angry, confused expression crossed his face until I leaned forward, my ass in the air and my thick lips wrapping around his cock.

  He half-laughed as I took him as far as I could, my right hand coming up to cover what I couldn’t and my left moving to scratch down his thigh. One of his hands tangled in my untamed hair so he could have a little control over my movements and I realized both of these men loved being in charge.

  I opened my throat as best I could when James pushed me a little further down on his impressive length and sealed my lips tight when he mumbled, “Fuck.” I swallowed what I could and pulled off of him to wipe the excess from my lips, sucking it off my finger as I looked up at James with dazed eyes.

  “Chris never told me you were so naughty,” he smirked, grabbing my hands and pulling down onto the bed with him.

  “Chris didn’t know until today,” I replied. It was true. We may have made out a few times, but this was the first time we took it any further.

  “I didn’t know what until today?” Both of us looked up to see Chris walking in from the bathroom, his hair still damp as he climbed in my bed behind me.


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