Vicious Royals

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Vicious Royals Page 12

by Margo Ryerkerk

  I found out what Mei and her cronies had been talking about at dinner when Lily and I entered the cafeteria. Lily had her notebook clutched to her chest as we scooped out our dinner and took our usual spot near the edge of the dining hall, under the painting of a sunlit autumn park.

  Lady Cardinal strode into the room, Mei by her side. I tensed at first, but the headmistress wasn’t focusing on me. Instead, she straightened and tapped her stick on her palm to gain everyone’s attention.

  “Attention, all students,” she said. “We have a special assignment for all of you tonight.”

  Mutters floated through the cafeteria. I breathed a sigh of relief. So this wasn’t about me and Thorsten.

  “We have completed our investigation into the disappearance of Preston Kallan and turned up no leads,” she continued. “We must go to the next step and investigate our vampire students and staff. The Elites have commanded it.”

  I knew why. Even they didn’t want a war with a bunch of pureblood fae. The Elites needed a culprit before more Petras arrived from the Summer Court. And since the royals wouldn’t be satisfied with a fake scapegoat, the vamps had to launch a full-on investigation. “To investigate the vampire students, we will need a stronger blood crystal,” Lady Cardinal continued as the silent students all watched. “Mei has had a wonderful idea. Our school will have a competition tonight. You will split into teams, two fae and one vampire to each team. Your job tonight is to go off campus and purchase a large blood crystal for the lowest possible price. Each team will have a tentative contract for a seller to sign. Return by daybreak, and the team able to secure the best deal will be awarded with premium meals, improved marks in all of your classes, and for fae students, a chance to go off campus for one night with a vampire escort to further socialize with potential employers.”

  I gripped my skirt. A chance to go off campus? That was unheard of. My mind wandered to Thorsten and I breathed out, pulling myself back to business mode. This might be a trap, to see who would hesitate obtaining a blood crystal or a way to test Thorsten. Any outing would be supervised and spied on. I glanced across the room to Virgie, and she flashed me another sneaky grin. She had probably been the one to convince Mei to go to Lady Cardinal with the outing idea.

  “There is a large business meeting in Denver tonight,” Lady Cardinal said. “It begins in two hours and many Elites will be there. Do not disappoint Nocturnal Academy.”

  The headmistress swept out of the room. People muttered. A few fae nearby grumbled about us being free labor, but quieted as the vamp guards, including Thorsten, entered the room and lined up. They waved the vamp students out of their chairs to stand beside them. The guards and students spoke amongst themselves, Thorsten keeping his back to me. I realized they were deciding which fae to take with them. The twins eyed Virgie with disgust and turned away.

  Lily shrunk in her chair.

  “It shouldn’t be as bad as it was last time,” I whispered to her. But no color rose in her face. “This might be your chance to talk about your business plan. You’re better prepared now.”

  “Peony will ruin it for me. If she weren’t going to the same meeting we are—”

  “Just tell them your ideas. You’ve got a chance.” I patted her on the shoulder, urging her to breathe. Despite Virgie’s two-faced behavior lately, I owed her one. Even if this outing turned out to be dangerous.

  Mei motioned for Peony and Kristen to join her. I gripped the side of the table, digging my nails into the white cloth as the three of them huddled and whispered. Virgie was left sitting out. I watched as the other vamps scattered around the room, at Mei’s direction, picking out fae and motioning for them to stand. Some guards checked cards they drew from their pockets, reading names and searching faces. Partners had been assigned, it seemed.

  And slowly, Thorsten walked over to me with a glare.

  “Up,” he said. “Both of you. And this time, not cooperating when they bring in the drug will earn you both a whipping.” Though his face remained hard, Thorsten’s eyes shifted, constantly monitoring the room. Clearly, he too was aware of the danger that more alone time with me presented.

  “Bring the two of them this way,” Mei said, appearing behind Thorsten. A hint of a smile teased her lips. “We will be taking the same car. Two groups per limo, by Lady Cardinal’s orders.”

  Every muscle in my body tensed. They had paired him with us, and with a sinking feeling and weakness in my knees, I realized this wasn’t just Mei borrowing Virgie’s idea for an outing. We were going to the Elites. And she was waiting for a chance for Thorsten to slip up, whether it be with Peony or me.

  Chapter 17

  The night was cold. I might be a Winter fae, and the temperature didn’t seem to get to me as much as it did the other fae, but even I shivered in the back of the limo when I came to from the drug, blinking the sleep from my eyes.

  The bitter taste of the clear liquid I drank remained in my mouth, adding a nasty hint to the evening. Outside the tinted glass, the city of Denver rolled past along with ordinary humans whose breath spiraled into the night. Ahead of me, the limo stretched forward, with the guard who had been assigned to me last time. What was her name again? McKenna, I believed.

  Between me and the driver was a row of two seats facing each other. They held Peony, Kristen, and Mei. Peony and Kristen still slumped back over their tan seats, and Peony was snoring while Mei watched in disgust.

  I slowly turned my head to find Thorsten sitting between me and Lily. The three of us had been crammed into the back seat. Lily blinked, barely awake, and Thorsten stared straight ahead, eyes fixed on nothing, while his right hand was balled into a fist, his knuckles white.

  Mei had arranged this trap for him behind the scenes. I was certain. My heart raced for him. Three people who wanted to out him were seated in front of us. Did Mei suspect anything about me or had I simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time?

  “You are to appear in uniform at the meeting,” Thorsten said, letting a growl creep into his voice. “This is not a party, but a place of business deals.”

  Though I knew I shouldn’t, I let my gaze sneak to Mei to see what effect Thorsten’s words had on her. She was doing something on her cell or at least pretending to. Would I ever have such privileges like a cell phone again?

  I shoved aside the desperation rising within me and played my role.

  “Want to get the best deal and kiss Lady Cardinal’s ass?” I blurted. The vamps would want to improve their ranking, too, and if I could make it look like Thorsten was desperately trying to crawl to the top, I’d help his case. We were on dangerous ground.

  Mei snickered. It was working.

  Thorsten’s eyes flickered with split-second relief before hardening. He gripped my wrist. “You should have learned to respect staff by now. How are those lash wounds?”

  “Does it even matter at this point?” I asked, forcing a nasty grin as Lily lifted her head.

  “Vulthus will have fun breaking you,” Thorsten said, playing his part to a T.

  “He most certainly will,” Mei said, turning her head to look back at us. “He loves the feisty ones. You’ll provide him with centuries of entertainment.”

  My stomach dropped as Mei’s words washed over us. Was she addressing us both?

  Tense silence dragged out as Thorsten released my arm. Lily groaned as she came into full consciousness, and then Kristen and Peony slowly woke, too. The streets were clear and dry tonight. The driver drove us past a fancy hotel and down an alley toward an attached building that looked fit only to be used to store heavy equipment. Another secret area, away from prying eyes.

  Mei jabbed Peony in the ribs. “I sent it. Happy?”

  Peony pulled a cell phone out of her bra and I felt sick. She smiled. “Perfect. Thanks.”

  Mei raised an eyebrow.

  “All done.” Peony smiled.

  A wave of sickness roiled through me, and a sense of dread slammed into my chest. But certainly, if whate
ver transaction the two had made was about me, they wouldn’t flaunt it in my face. Or would they? They had all the power.

  We parked beside several other limos of various colors, telling me that several Elite families were gathered here tonight. Mei nodded, and Kristen opened the door for her mistress, ever the obedient lackey. Cold air rushed into the car and filled the space as the girls exited. Thorsten gave me and Lily a shove.

  “Ouch!” I shouted for Mei’s benefit who was adjusting her fur-trimmed coat. I watched her for any indication she’d heard me, but instead, she took out her phone and smiled at whatever she saw on her screen.

  I leaned forward to see what it was, and my heart stopped.

  The video was my nightmare come true. It showed me and Thorsten embracing against a shelf of books in the library, taken from a position deep in the bookshelves. Peony must’ve recorded us and now Thorsten’s fate and mine were in her and Mei’s dainty, hateful hands.

  I moved forward to lunge for Mei and Peony’s phones, to send out my magic, but Kristen and the guard created a protective barrier behind the two, backs to me, and more limo doors around us opened. Too many witnesses. I couldn’t do anything here.

  I let the little group of four stride toward the building and turned to Thorsten.

  “What is it?” Lily asked next to me, wide-eyed.

  Thorsten motioned for us to go. “No dawdling. And don’t even think about running. It won’t get you far.” His gaze drilled into me, full of unspoken questions.

  “Mei has a video we need to destroy. Peony filmed it,” I whispered and then broke out into a near jog to catch up with her and Peony before they could show it to anyone else.

  Thorsten let down his mask, eyes widening. “She saw—”

  “What’s going on?” Lily asked.

  “Later.” I hurried toward the metal doors that read Authorized Personnel Only, through which Mei and her troop had vanished a few seconds earlier.

  “Onyx…,” Lily tried again as Thorsten reached around me and opened the door.

  I shook my head and pushed her forward. “Go. Impress them!” The last thing I wanted was for her to get wrapped up in this or to get herself into danger when she was close to breaking out of her predicament.

  I swallowed as I followed Lily inside, realizing immediately that finding Mei in here would be impossible.

  The room beyond wasn’t a storage area for heavy equipment, but an amphitheater with round tables and a curtained stage. Were the vamps getting ready to watch an opera or a ballet? It sure looked like it. Globe lights hung everywhere and vamps in business suits sat at the tables, sipping goblets of blood and picking at expensive-looking fish. I scanned the room and the fae pairs shifting between the tables, holding tentative contracts while their vampire escorts watched. The air smelled of pressed suits, wealth, and fear. I spotted the Wus at one table, and Mr. Wu was shuffling a bunch of business cards as Virgie stood over them, talking, contract in hand. A fae guy was next to her while a guard watched them. Clearly, our limo had been one of the later ones to arrive. Where the hell was Mei? Why hadn’t she gone straight to her family with the video?

  “Onyx?” Lily asked, but I waved her away. “Please, go, mingle.”

  She opened her mouth, then closed it and finally left. I breathed a sigh of relief. Good, I didn’t need to drag her into my mess.

  I searched the area for the Hong Kong heiress. Every table had fae and vampire guards who were busy making sales pitches. Was Griffin Steinberg here? Somehow, I doubted it. He hadn’t been at our previous outing, and while he had judged our Placement Tests performances, which showed that he still had a high standing at Nocturnal Academy, the Elites seemed to have pushed him aside for this event. He’d only reclaim his position if Thorsten proved himself, making up for the mistakes of his vamp brother.

  My gaze landed on a table where a lone figure sat, drumming his fingers on the cloth with one hand and dabbing his lip with the other. Gregory Vulthus. My stomach clenched at the sight of him.

  Mei walked out from behind a curtain dividing the room with Peony and Kristen following her. She held her phone. It was clear the three had just had a short meeting about how to approach one of the Elites...and they were heading straight for Vulthus’s table. The monster who had outed Jason Steinberg to the rest of the Elites. The one best able to ensure the Steinbergs fell permanently and the Wus got to stay in their elevated position forever.

  How were we supposed to stop them?

  Thorsten’s mountain air scent wrapped around me as he stepped closer, tension vibrating off him. Mei inclined her head respectfully to Vulthus, Peony and Kristen standing behind her.

  “We have to stop them,” I whispered, gathering the ice that had formed within me as a response to my panic rising. “Mei is about to show Vulthus the video of us in the library.”

  Vulthus gave Mei a bored look and finished his goblet of blood. Mei motioned for him to follow her to talk in private. She’d probably manage to net the best contract for a blood crystal, too, snatching away the one chance we fae had to shine.

  Vulthus rose and followed Mei. Peony and Kristen brought up the rear of their little group, their shoulders hiked up with what looked like tension.

  Thorsten grabbed my hand and pulled me forward, weaving through the tables quickly. A few vamps turned to watch us, but showed no signs of surprise, considering it normal for a guard to drag a fae around the room.

  My mind spun, and panic laced my throat shut. Thorsten pushed the curtain back carefully. Satisfied with what he found, he pulled me past it and into a dark corridor, which I guessed led behind the stage. Footfalls echoed ahead, then grew fainter. Vulthus and the girls had turned a corner. Thorsten and I followed as silently as we could. There was no water here except for perhaps some pipes running overhead. I prayed for a sprinkler system backstage. Otherwise, I didn’t know where I’d draw my ice from. I never had this problem before since water was pretty much available everywhere, but I might have an issue this time.

  A door banged shut, and we reached a room marked Backstage. Before Thorsten could stop me, I opened it a crack and peeked through.

  The backstage area held a few old couches, electronic equipment, and yes, a sprinkler system.

  Pipes burst when frozen. I had experienced this firsthand in an old apartment Mom and I used to rent.

  The backstage area was drafty, with a few fae servants standing near some doors that led outside. I swallowed as my eyes adjusted to the sodium lights overhead. There were three fae servants, two women and one man. They wore gray uniforms and had iron cuffs around their arms and legs. The man had a long scar across his face. The women carried that same dead look Blair had, and they bowed their heads as Vulthus strode to the center of the room. Clearly, they were his servants. Why they were here, I didn’t know.

  Vulthus snapped his fingers at them and whistled as if they were dogs. The three fae stepped forward, one of them grabbing a chair for Vulthus and another fetching one for Mei. Peony and Kristen were left standing, expressionless, as the fae stepped back to wait near the door. Vulthus was even more disgusting and egocentric than I thought if he kept his servants permanently in chains and was incapable of pulling up a chair himself.

  “Now, Mei Wu, tell me what was this important matter that you had to drag me out of the theater for?” His voice sizzled like hot oil on a pan, ready to burn. He didn't even sit down.

  My pulse roared. The black ice of rage hardened around my heart. Thorsten tensed beside me as Mei pulled out her phone, swiping to activate it. “I have a video for you.”

  Vulthus put his arms behind his back and rocked on his heels as if Mei amused him to no end. But then he stopped rocking, his eyes narrowing to slits. “If you waste my time again—”

  “Oh, no. This is exactly what you’re looking for.” Clearly, she’d been doing extracurricular activities for some time now. But why not give the evidence to her family? Did she want all the glory for herself? Probably. She sure seemed
like the greedy type.

  Well, I’d make sure that her greed would become her downfall.

  I shot a quick glance at Thorsten, whose jaw was clenched with tension. “I got this,” I mouthed. Hopefully, after this, he might consider me an equal. He had done so much for me. It was time for me to help him.

  I pointed to the pipes above Mei’s head and unleashed a frigid blast that swept over her head and wrapped around the pipe. Frost formed, thin at first, then it coated the pipe just beyond where Mei stood. She was tapping at her phone, muttering, “Stupid reception. It needs a moment to load.”

  I had seconds left. I focused on freezing more and more of the pipe, on thickening the ice inside, and at last, metal groaned and burst, dropping ice and a stream of water right down on Mei.

  Mei screamed as the shower struck, soaking the front of her uniform and her phone. She dropped it in shock, where it landed in an expanding puddle. The screen glowed, blinked off, came on again, and went dead.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Vulthus turned to his servants, who came to life only to shrink back against the door. Fear bloomed in the male fae’s eyes as he raised his hands to shield himself, but Gregory grinned, clearly, glad for the excuse to punish, and backhanded the guy so hard he fell back, taking one of the women with him. Blood sprayed, and a tooth flew to the ground.

  I stared in horror.

  Thorsten pulled on my sleeve. “We’ve got to go.”

  “No.” I gritted my teeth as Peony and Kristen gathered their contracts and ran out through another stage door. Mei eyed the phone Peony had given her, eyes widening in horror. She’d lost her chance to bust us, and Vulthus’s patience for her was running thin. He might even turn his aggression on her next. Mei gathered her ruined phone and followed her minions out the other door, leaving Vulthus and his servants alone.

  “Why did you allow this to happen? You’re careless,” he said, advancing on the male fae as he curled into a protective ball. Vulthus raised his foot to kick.


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