Claimed (The Women of Wintercrest #3)

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Claimed (The Women of Wintercrest #3) Page 7

by Maggie Ryan

  “You…you spanked me!” she said hotly. “I’m not Lady…” she attempted, but was interrupted when he barked out a laugh.

  “I’d say I must agree,” he said, enjoying the flash of anger directed at him. He found he preferred her spirit to her fear. “Ladies do not go about striking their guests. I should spank you properly for that alone.” Lucy was furious, but suddenly feared he might decide to do just that.

  “I said I was sorry. Now, please put me down,” she asked, her jaw clamped tightly. She felt as if she were nothing more than a doll he was playing with. He slowly lowered her until her feet felt the floor and then even more slowly released his hold on her tiny waist. Once free, Lucy took several steps backwards and unconsciously rubbed the back of her dress. He was the largest man she had ever seen in her life. He was both taller and broader than Edward, who towered over the girls.

  “Who…who are you?” Lucy said, “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m your house guest, Lady Wintercrest,” he said, and saw her shaking her head vigorously. He misinterpreted her movement. “I assure you that I am,” he continued. “I would think you would have been expecting me or does Edward find it unnecessary to inform his little wife when he invites old friends to visit? You may not be aware that I was coming, but I promise I have no plans to harm you.”

  “Harm me? Sir, you just spanked me! Do you believe it is correct to spank another man’s wife?” she hissed, even as her heart pounded and her blood seemed to be rushing through her veins. She could easily remember the feel of his huge hand slapping at her bottom, his palm almost covering her entire bottom with each hard smack.

  “If you think that was a spanking, little one, then Edward has grown quite soft,” he said with a grin. “I barely even tapped your bottom.”

  Lucy slowly backed away until she was pressed up against the bookcases. Suddenly she realized that he truly believed her to be Edward’s wife and yet still had no problem tending to her as if she were nothing more than a naughty child. She understood that whoever he was, he was a man of Edward’s ilk.

  He reached out to gently place his hand on her arm. Lucy started and felt her entire body shudder at the contact, her stomach fluttering. Her face must have shown her distress because he quickly had his hands on her shoulders.

  “Breathe, Lady Wintercrest, just breathe. You are safe. Nothing is going to happen to you,” he said, concerned about how pale she had become. She really was a beautiful thing and he found he wanted to pick her up and offer her his comfort. He stepped closer and heard her moan. He found himself wondering what was causing her reaction and remembered she was another man’s wife. Of course she was distressed. He was about to speak again when another person joined the conversation.

  “What on earth have you done now?” Mrs. Bremmer said, as she and Molly came running into the room. “Why were you screaming?” When she realized who the man was, her entire attitude changed.

  “Lucas?” she said, and then squealed like a young girl. Lucas Huntington released his hold on the small woman and turned to Anna. She flung her arms around him and squealed again as he lifted her off her feet and twirled her around. Both Molly’s and Lucy’s mouths dropped open at the sight. Anna laughed and finally demanded to be put down. Lucy watched as he gently placed her onto her feet and wondered why he hadn’t immediately done the same for her when she demanded it. Her mouth snapped closed and she crossed her arms across her chest.

  “Lucas, you’re days early,” Anna semi-scolded. Lucas smiled and then laughed.

  “Don’t be angry, Miss Anna,” he said. “I finished my business early and found I couldn’t wait to come and meet the young woman Edward wrote me about. If she is anything like Lady Wintercrest here, I’m sure he has his hands quite full.” Lucy felt her face heat and wished she could simply disappear. Mrs. Bremmer looked confused.

  “Lady Wintercrest?” she said and then turned to Lucy. Her eyes narrowed slightly. “Missy, have you been passing yourself off as your sister again?” she demanded. Lucy shook her head.

  “No, Ma’am. He didn’t give me a chance to explain,” she said as her eyes pinned the man. “He grabbed me off the ladder and scared me to death. He…he even…” she couldn’t admit the spanking. “This is all his fault,” she said even as her anger grew. She just knew she would be punished for something that was not her fault. Lucas looked confused and the confusion escalated when he heard Edward’s voice.

  “Lucas Huntington,” Edward called, as he and Louisa walked into the library. Louisa felt him release her hand as he strode across the room. The two men were soon wrapped in a bear hug. All four women watched in amazement as they pounded each other on the back. Louisa walked to her sister and wondered at the look on her face.

  “What happened?” she whispered. Lucy shook her head, which was beginning to pound with everything that had occurred. Edward and Lucas finally separated, both grinning.

  “Come, I want you to meet my wife,” Edward said and pulled the man towards the girls. Lucas took a step and then froze. Standing next to the girl he had plucked from the ladder was another girl. Edward had never mentioned the girls were identical twins. Despite the difference in their attire, Lucas knew they were mirror images of each other. Edward grinned, as his surprise seemed to have worked well.

  “Lucas, may I present my wife, Louisa,” Edward said taking her hand and pulling her to him. Lucas looked down at the tiny girl and made a small bow.

  “The pleasure is mine, Lady Wintercrest,” he said and bent to kiss her cheek. Edward gave him a gentle push.

  “She’s mine, Lucas, so no more kissing my wife. You may address her as Louisa,” Edward said, reminding his friend of his wife’s station. “Louisa, this huge oaf is my childhood friend, Lord Lucas Huntington.” Louisa smiled and made a small curtsey. Lucas thought her smile was beautiful and welcoming.

  “Welcome to Wintercrest, Lord Huntington,” Louisa said. “I know Papa has been looking forward to your arrival. It is a delight to have you visit our home.” He heard her address and knew that Edward had finally fulfilled his dreams of finding his perfect child bride. He gave her a smile and another small bow. She had been warm and welcoming, her voice soft. He then turned to Lucille remembering her voice as she gasped and hissed and then practically growled at him.

  “Then you must be Miss Furniss,” Lucas said, and was amused to see her eyes still flashed. “I owe you an apology,” he said, and smiled. “I didn’t mean to either scare you or embarrass you.” Edward’s eyebrow lifted at the confusing conversation.

  “Can someone please enlighten me? What happened, Lucille?” Edward asked. Lucy took a deep breath, noticing the man had not apologized for spanking her!

  “I was just getting a book, Sir,” she began. “He…he yanked me off the ladder and wouldn’t put me down. I…I never said I was Louisa…he…he just wouldn’t listen!” Lucy said in a rush. Edward saw Anna shaking her head and turned to her as well.

  “She was screaming, Sir, liked to scare me to death,” Anna said. Lucas was grinning, quite aware the little thing had not admitted to his spanking her.

  “Edward, I take full blame. I wanted to surprise you. I didn’t knock; I just came in. I found this little one hanging from a ladder and decided to rescue her….”

  “I was not hanging!” Lucy declared, rolling her eyes and then stamping her foot. Suddenly she realized she had just interrupted a very important guest of Edward’s. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she said seeing Edward’s eyes give her a warning. “I…I didn’t mean to interrupt.” She knew she should quit but couldn’t seem to stop herself. “But, I was not hanging! I was just getting my book when he…he grabbed me and wouldn’t put me down!” Edward heard his friend laugh loudly.

  “Edward, your little ward is the size of a kitten, but I assure you she can fight like a lioness. She even showed her claws and slapped me when all I was doing was saving her from breaking an arm or a leg or even worse,” Lucas said, not aware that Lucy’s color had paled
or that her hands were twisting in the fabric of her dress. He simply continued: “Of course, if I’d known she was capable of clinging to shelves with those claws, I suppose I would have simply stood back and watched the show.” Lucy felt her face burn as a flush rose up her neck. He made her sound like a silly, stupid girl. She had climbed the ladder hundreds of times without all this drama. Edward had looked at her when Lucas said she had slapped him. Lucy found herself waiting for him to give her an appointment or simply decide to spank her right where she stood. Edward shocked her when he laughed loudly.

  “It’s about time someone took you to task, Lucas. You can’t think you are in true danger. As you’ve mentioned, Lucille is a tiny little thing. Perhaps if you had been your usual charming self, you would have been able to make her purr instead of hiss with fright.” Lucas laughed and made a show of bowing to Lucy.

  “Forgive me, little kitten, I concede you are correct.” Lucy looked up and then between the two friends. She saw Edward’s smile and saw that his friend was still bent in an exaggerated bow.

  “Please, I…I forgive you,” she said softly, her face heating anew. She was most definitely not accustomed to hearing someone other than herself ask for forgiveness. She felt her insides twist as she tried to understand what she was feeling. Despite Lucy’s discomfort, the rest of the group seemed amused. Mrs. Bremmer, nowhere near as forgiving as her employer, walked up to Lucy.

  “I would think a hand slapped against your bottom would serve you much better than all this bowing, Lucille,” she said sternly. “Imagine what Lord Huntington must truly think about your behavior. He is simply being polite. We all know that proper young ladies do not go about screeching like banshees or slapping houseguests.” Lucy dropped her eyes, her stomach twisting even further praying no one ever learned about all that had happened. “Before I decide to turn you over my knee, I suggest you get upstairs and change your dress, Lucille. Your antics ripped your skirt. Lord Wintercrest does not need to waste his money on fine dresses if you are so careless with them. You will spend this evening repairing the damage,” she said, and motioned for Molly to escort Lucy to her room. Lucas watched as Lucy’s face heated, but saw that she immediately obeyed Anna’s order.

  “Yes, Ma’am, I’m sorry,” the girl said quietly, before turning to follow Molly from the room. Lucas found he was very intrigued by her and was glad he had decided to accept his friend’s invitation.

  “Don’t be upset with the little thing, Miss Anna,” Lucas implored, as he hugged her to his side. “It truly was my fault.” Anna shook her head and looked up at him with a disapproving stare.

  “Well, young man, unless you wish to learn to mend, I suggest you let me decide what is needed. You’ve obviously grown soft in your travels,” she said, and saw him grin. She slapped her own hand against his chest. “Don’t forget, I’ve known you since you were in short pants, Lucas. I just pray that you come to your senses soon.” Lucas laughed, and after bending to kiss her cheek again, he bowed to her as well.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” he said with a smile. “I’m sure Edward won’t hesitate to remind me of my duties.” Anna shook her head.

  “Dinner will be ready soon,” she said, and left the three to ensure that every detail of dinner would be perfect. After all, it wasn’t often that her second-favorite young man came to visit.

  Lucy walked slowly downstairs. She had changed into another dress and was holding the torn one in her arms. Expecting everyone to be seated for dinner, she was surprised to see that the dining room was empty. Hearing voices, she turned and walked towards the library. She stepped into the room with the intention of placing her dress in her sewing basket. Before she took another step, she froze. Professor Lloyds was standing at the fireplace opposite her, in conversation with Lord Huntington. She must have made some sound because his head turned and his gaze found hers. She felt her face heat, remembering the last time she had seen him. Lucas followed the direction of Lloyds’ gaze and saw Lucille seemingly frozen in mid-step.

  “Ah, there’s the little kitten,” Lucas said. Lucy’s eyes moved to his and her color heightened. Louisa, standing by her husband, swiveled her head between her sister and the two men. No one was aware of her smile. She could practically feel the battle for her sister beginning, though neither man was yet aware of it. Edward, seeing that his ward had not moved into the room, beckoned to her.

  “Come, Lucy, I’d like you to meet my guest,” Edward said. Her guardian’s voice broke the spell and Lucy moved her gaze to him. She walked over to him and only then realized that a beautiful woman was standing beside Edward. Edward reached out and took her arm, pulling her closer.

  “Lucille, may I present Miss Eleanor Summers,” Edward said. “Miss Summers is a dear friend of mine,” he added. Lucy gave the woman an awkward curtsey, as one arm was holding her dress and Edward hadn’t yet released her other.

  Eleanor smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lucille. Your guardian speaks highly of you and I can see why,” she said, immediately recognizing the girl’s potential. She was beautiful even with her face flushed, her eyes clouded with insecurity. “You didn’t exaggerate, Edward. You are a very lucky man. Your wife and ward are both just adorable.” Louisa watched her sister’s face redden further and knew she was embarrassed. As the woman spoke, Charles left the fireplace and came to stand close to Lucy.

  “Good evening, Miss Furniss,” he said quietly. “I trust you are well?” Lucy was grateful for his interruption but could only nod for a moment before remembering her manners.

  “I’m fine, thank you, Professor Lloyds,” she said, and managed a more respectful curtsey as Edward had released her arm. Lucas leaned against the mantel. He might appear casual but his every sense was evaluating the scene. It was obvious that the Professor was infatuated with Edward’s ward, and yet didn’t seem to know how to handle himself. Eleanor was no stranger to Lucas as he had visited her establishment many times before he left the country. He had learned quite a bit under her guidance and fondly remembered quite a few of her students. His eyes raked up and down Lucy’s form before doing the same to Louisa’s. He had been correct about their size. Though twins, he could tell that the girls were dressed differently and yet both far below their correct age. He found he couldn’t wait to speak with his old friend in private and discover all that had happened in his absence. Meanwhile, he would be quiet and simply observe.

  Molly appeared in the doorway and announced that dinner was served. Charles stepped forward and offered his arm to Lucy. She glanced at Edward and saw him nod. She took the offered arm and then had to release it when she realized she was still clutching her mending.

  “Allow me,” Lucas said stepping forward and plucking the dress from her hand. Lucy’s mouth dropped open and she flushed again at his action. “I feel responsible, after all, it is I that caused your dress to rip.” Charles gasped and looked at the two.

  “What does he mean, Miss Furniss? He ripped your dress?’ Charles said, and actually took a step towards the much larger man. Edward chuckled.

  “It was an accident, Charles,” Edward said. “There is no need to call Lucas out for it. He was simply keeping Lucille from taking a tumble from the library ladder. Come, Mrs. Bremmer will not be happy if we spoil all her efforts by being late to the table.” Charles tucked Lucy’s hand firmly into the crook of his arm and nodded. Lucas grinned, and after dropping the ripped garment into what appeared to him a sewing basket, turned and offered his arm to Eleanor.

  “Shall we?” he asked. She looked up at him with a knowing smile.

  “Do I sense the little one has already captured your attention, Lucas?” Eleanor asked quietly.

  “How can anyone’s interest not be captured, Eleanor? How often have you seen identical beauties under one roof?” Lucas said, and then chuckled, “…although one seems to be a lamb and the other a lioness.” Eleanor’s eyebrow quirked at his words. Lucas might have appeared to be just teasing, but Eleanor was very experienced with men a
nd their interests. She smiled and squeezed his arm.

  “Hmm, not ever before but it shall be educational I do believe,” she said. Lucas just grinned and followed the others from the room. Edward seated his wife and waited until Lucy and Eleanor had been seated as well. With Lucas’ unexpected arrival, he had totally forgotten he had guests arriving for dinner. He found himself very grateful for such an experienced housekeeper. It appeared Anna was unflappable in all matters, whether she be preparing dinner for additional guests or keeping his girls in line. Wine was being poured and sampled.

  “I believe you will enjoy this wine,” Charles said to Lucy as he tasted the full-bodied red. “Shall I pour you a glass, or would you prefer to try the white?” he asked. Lucy flushed and shook her head.

  “No, thank you. I’m not allow…um…I usually just drink milk,” she confessed. Charles could have kicked himself for his faux pas. He should have known that. Not only had he been a dinner guest at Wintercrest before this evening, his tutoring under Eleanor had also been an example. Every one of her girls drank milk with their meals. He felt his face flush, but quickly set down the wine bottle and picked up the pitcher of milk. Lucy glanced up to see Edward’s friend watching her. She quickly dropped her eyes. Lucas grinned.

  “Charles, it is well known that kittens prefer cream,” he said after Lucy’s glass was full. She lifted her head and shot him a glance that was very unlike a loveable kitten. He watched as she turned to address Charles.

  “Thank you, Professor,” she said sweetly, and gave him a smile. “I’m sure it is as delicious as any wine.” Lucas thought her ruse might have worked if she hadn’t picked up her glass to take a sip. Although she attempted to hide her grimace, it was very clear that milk was not her first choice. Lucy heard Lord Huntington chuckle and her face flushed.


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