Breath of the Titans: The False Titanbringer: Complete Trilogy

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Breath of the Titans: The False Titanbringer: Complete Trilogy Page 49

by Riley Westbrook

He was amazed at the plants he saw growing, seeing tomatoes the size of his head, and corn ears the size of a scythe blade. He had to circle around a pumpkin that blocked his path as he hacked his way through the vines, hoping that he was heading in the right direction.

  He caught himself before he walked into the canal that separated the city from the temple grounds. It was a twenty foot drop to the water below, and Lov couldn't tell how swiftly the water was moving. He took a moment to collect himself, placing the sword in its scabbard, then dove from the drop, feet first. He felt his feet connect with the bottom of the canal, and he squatted to take the impact. Lov launched himself from deep in the water, shooting out onto an outcropping surrounding the cliffs of the island.

  No Titans were in sight, though Lov could hear sounds of battle coming from the city gates. He hoped his people were doing alright.

  Lov slowly worked his way around the island. He climbed over rocks and wooden scaffolding, looking for a sewer exit, or anywhere that might lead him into the temple. He climbed the wall several times, searching likely spots that proved to be unfruitful, or natural formations which animals lived in. None appeared to head into the complex.

  Lov was thinking of turning back to a spot that looked promising to climb, when he rounded a corner coming face to face with Sanche hanging by his wrists over the canal. A post extended out from the wall, and ropes were tied crudely around the old elf's wrists. Sanche's shoulders appeared to have been pulled from the sockets, and his feet looked mangled, as if they were smashed by a hammer. Lov thought his friend was dead, and felt a hole open in his heart. His dragonhunger roared inside of him, demanding justice for this atrocity.

  Lov calmed himself, working his way up to the post, and shimmying out to pull Sanche up to him. But as the young half-elf reached for the ropes and pulled them, Sanche let out a yelp of pain. “Sanche, I've got you, old man. I'll get you out of here.” Lov said frantically, trying to think of a way to lift his friend without hurting him.

  Sanche's vision cleared and he glared up at his young friend. “Don't you dare deny me this, Lovonian. I'm getting ready to join my family again, don't you take that away from me.” Sanche's head drooped against his chest, as the elder elf had lost consciousness again. Lov reached down to the rope again, determined to pull his friend up and save him, no matter if it cost him his friendship. The young half-dragon still had a problem imagining a world without stalwart Sanche.

  A voice issued from the mouth of the body below him. “Don't, my son.” It said, and Lov was taken aback. Sanche's voice had shifted, becoming more of a baritone, deeper than Sanche's normal voice. “Let him go. He's done his part, and besides, you aren't the one really keeping him here. I saw my chance in the river of souls, choosing to latch onto Sanche when Primara summoned him back. I saw a chance to see you and your mother again, and I selfishly took it.” Sanche's normal voice came through with a shout of pain, then the other returned. “Tell your mother I love her, that even in death she is my treasure.” Lov saw the elf below him take his last breath, felt the life force within him dissipate.

  The young elf pulled the body of his mentor and friend from its torturous position, hugging the body close to himself as tears streamed down his face. Lov let himself feel the pain and the anguish of losing not just Sanche again, but his father as well. Lov clutched the body tighter to his chest, struggling to not let out the pain inside. He fought himself to keep his anguish from shouting out and giving away his position to any guards who may be in the temple complex.

  The young half-dragon released the body from his perch, watching as it was dragged away by the current before turning back to the cliff face. Someone would pay for his pain.

  Jaxon felt the wheels bounce off the ground as he landed the glider, needing to force it down before he could hit the brakes and come to a complete stop. He took a couple of divots from the grass, trying to force his contraption down, so he could join the battle. The front wheel snapped under the pressure, but the new reinforced frame of these gliders managed to hold together long enough for him to come to a complete stop. He caused a long gouge through the terrain, dirt spraying into the passing army so they opened a wider berth for his passing. Jaxon unbuckled his straps, climbing out onto the wing, watching the army stream past him. The orcs were all letting loose war cries, and Jaxon was glad to be on their side.

  He was just considering how he could extract himself from his perch, when someone grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and jacket, dragging him through the press of warriors as they charged the hole. Several weapons of the surrounding orcs came close to hitting him as whoever carried him juggled the halfling for a better grip. He heard Nord's voice from behind him, while feeling the adrenaline surge through his veins. “I need time to finish setting up, Jaxon. You and Lov finished your runs too quickly.” The grass passed beneath Jaxon's feet, and Nord waved him as if he were a sack of potatoes. Jaxon's feet tapped the ground as his tall friend pulled him back. “Oops, I'll pull up a bit.” Nord said as they neared the opening in the wall. Jaxon felt his friend wind him up for an underhand toss. “Buy me time. Or this battle is lost.” Jaxon spotted his friend out of the corner of his eye as Nord finished his wind up, before throwing him as hard as possible through the air. “Cause havoc!” Nord shouted after the flying halfling, “Show these tin heads we're not afraid of them!”

  Jaxon landed in the hole of the fountain Lov had destroyed, the rock cut smooth like marble by the blue bulb. Titans swarmed around him towards the hole in the wall. They were fighting to keep the orcs free from the city, and it appeared they hadn't noticed Jaxon land in their midst. The halfling heard the grunts and shouts as the orcs took up positions, trying to find a way to force a wedge through the opening. The Titans were master defenders, silently driving the orcs back where ever they tried to force their way into the city.

  Jaxon took a second to straighten his hat, quickly rubbing his bald head for luck, and pulled his ancient tools from his belt. He turned them into war hammers, they looked like ancient dwarven hammers of old. One side had a solid head, ready to beat the opposition into scrap metal. The backsides of the hammers had two long spikes that stuck out. The halfling took three deep breaths before jumping from the hole with a war cry. The Titans hardly reacted to his presence, believing him a resident of the city and no threat to them. Jaxon felt his face flush with anger as he considered how to get their attention. He thought of the most annoying thing he could do. He ran through the Titans hooting and hollering, smacking the constructs on the back of their legs, and screaming obscenities at them.

  They reacted quickly, turning on the little man, and forcing him to change directions. He had been heading for his own army's lines, but they forced him to run in circles, and soon he was lost in the confusion as they chased after him. The Titans cut and hacked at the little man, but only manged to clip each other as he ran circles up, down, and around them.

  Jaxon felt his heart sink a little as the wide opening he had bombed from his glider disappeared from his sight, the Titans hot on his heels. The ground shook under their thundering stampede, and they cut gouges from the stone every time they attempted to strike the man they chased. But they only ended up doing more damage to themselves. The halfling was quick, it was easy for him to dodge between legs and duck beneath stomping feet. He managed to open a little space between himself and the Titans, and he started to look for an escape route. Nothing really presented itself though, the signs all appeared damaged already.

  “Damn it, I'll never step on an innocent bug again!” Jaxon called out to the gods as he jumped and ran through the town, watching as the Titans tore through any obstacles he used to avoid them. He tried to use a sign to climb onto a rooftop, but the constructs behind him just ripped it down beneath his feet. Jaxon barely managed a handhold on the wall, scrambling with fear to reach the roof, as he heard the Titans below him climbing the building, their armor clanging against the stone. He looked down when he reached the top, seeing that t
hey created their own handholds in the wall, thrusting their fingers through the rock. They swarmed up all the buildings around the one Jaxon was on, and the halfling thought he may have made a mistake.

  He closed his eyes, thinking for a second on his options, considering the environment around him, then reacting on the first one that seemed feasible. He ran to the edge of the building, stepping on a Titan's head as it crested the top, to jump to the building across the way. Jaxon landed on an awning over the shop, and it creaked under the halfling's weight, but he found himself able to run across it with no danger of it breaking. He managed to land in an opening in the street, heading down what seemed an empty alley. A wrought iron gate blocked Jaxon's way, the bars too close together for the little man to slip through. He turned back towards his assailants, weapons ready and prepared to die.

  The Titans seemed to rejoice and cheer, pumping their fists in the air. They finally had him cornered, happy to end his life, when a hole opened beneath his feet. They managed to clip a piece of his hat as he dropped through the black opening and seemed to disappear into nothingness.

  Jaxon didn't even have a chance to scream before he landed on the stone road of the city, finding himself standing before his best friend. Nord stood with a huge smile on his face. They were just inside the gate, the orcs trying to push a larger buffer through the press of the Titans. The orcs and Anuunaki seemed to be holding their own, paired together in their formations. The Titans however were an immobile wall of destruction, and the halfling knew soon their army would tire.

  Missy floated next to his tall friend's shoulder, giggling in his ear. Nord laughed a little before saying, “You know, it's that kind of shit that makes me say I hate fairies.” The general told her, turning his eye back to his short friend. “She said to tell you that you cleaned out a nice spot about ten minutes ago, gave us a broad foothold to start with, but she felt it was just too much fun watching you get chased. She couldn't look away. I gotta say, if the look on your face says anything, I think I agree.”

  “You two are assholes. Where's my stuff? I need a new pair of pants.” Jaxon stripped his britches off in front of his two leaders, tossing them so that he caught Missy as well as Nord, brown stain first. He covered his manhood, giggling a little at the brown on Missy's cheek as she worked her way out of them. “Seriously, someone give me some pants.”

  The fairy roared in a fury, disappearing into the press of the army, and the two friends watched as she flew through the constructs. “I think we let loose a beast of hell.” Jaxon told his tall friend as her yellow light disappeared into the city.

  Chapter Thirty Six

  The temple grounds were empty as Lov climbed onto the top of the island. The stone seemed lifeless, with vegetation stacked up brown and dead against the walls. Fungus looked to be moving in as well. The young half-elf was behind the forges. Inside he could still hear the sounds of the acolytes working to make new Titans. Even now, in the midst of a battle for the city, the forges worked nonstop to pump out new soldiers. None of the armored constructs appeared to be around though. The courtyards seemed devoid of any kind of presence besides the stone dragons. Lov worked his way past the two towering statues of a Wyrm and a dragon facing each other, hands outstretched to grapple. While the Wyrm seemed to be screaming in rage, Dalanar seemed to be filled with calm. Lov got the sense that Dalanar was not an offensive presence until he had created Heart. This insight changed the way that Lov looked at the city, and the way he approached this war. A part of him wished he could go back in the past and change what he had done to reach this point. The people he had lost, the people he was still losing.

  He bowed his head in deference to his ancestor, then turned to the other statue. Lov's dragonhunger wanted him to disrespect the Wyrm by spitting at it, but the young half-dragon held himself in better esteem in that. He settled on a prayer for the end to the Wyrms in this world, before charging through the temple.

  Lov pulled his bow from his infinity pouch, and strapped his sword to his side, keeping an arrow knocked and at the ready. The corridors were devoid of life, nothing stirred. Not even a draft. The green and blue tapestries hung limp, and the flames on the torches didn't waver until Lov passed them. He came into the large central chamber that services were given from, finding the first Titan he had seen since entering the temple grounds.

  This Titan was unusual. It was slightly larger than your normal Titan, and had no runes anywhere upon it. The construct seemed to flow and move differently as it approached the young half-dragon. Love felt his dragonhunger hiss in anger. He felt the sense that this thing was an abomination, something evil that needed to be destroyed. He pulled back his bowstring, loosing the arrow in a head shot at this monstrosity. The arrow landed with a solid plink, sinking into the skull of the Titan. It reached up and snapped the shaft before charging at Lov. Rocks chipped from under its steps as it thundered after Lov, and he could feel the ground shaking even at this distance. The young man struggled to pull his sword free, then had to fight it for a moment, trying to bend it to his will. The sword seemed to sense the battle to come and began to fight Lov for control again.

  The young half-dragon sensed he was over matched in this opponent, and closed his eyes, surrendering to his sword. He let it control him completely, channeling his dragonhunger into it, attempting to increase its power. The sword charged towards the construct, and Lov questioned whether he had made the right choice, until he felt his sword ring off the Titan's. He struck with a quickness and fury he'd never felt in his life, and before he knew it they were dancing amongst the benches of the chamber. The sword was a formidable warrior. As he fought with this sword, he questioned whether he would ever be able to beat it himself in a fight. The only reason he held onto it now was out of fear that it would turn upon him.

  The sword punched and stabbed for the Titan, aiming for the joints of the armor, looking to take off hands or legs. Lov thought he was getting the upper hand for a moment, as the Titan seemed back on its heels.

  Then the construct began its own assault. It began to strike with such powerful blows, it was driving through Lov's guard. He felt himself driven to the ground by its powerful swings. Lov opened his eyes, refusing to accept death.

  The Titan raised its sword high, preparing to drive it down in an overhead chop and execute this young pretender. It reached the full extent of its back swing, and Lov growled at it in defiance. A yellow ball of light zipped in, hitting the construct on its armpit. The Titan jumped a little, and let out a deep rumbling giggle. It tried to swing down at Lov again, but Missy hit the Titan again, this time in the knee. The Titan jumped and laughed some more.

  Lov seized the moment, shooting to his feet and swinging his sword with all his might at one of the Titan's forearms. He sliced through it, burying his sword in the other arm. Blood squirted from the wound, hitting the ceiling and arcing down to hit the young half-elf in the face. Lov stepped back in shock at the wetness, barely keeping his grip on his sword. Missy continued to poke and tickle it, causing the Titan to jump and rip Lov's sword from his hand. He used the time to get space and recover his bow.

  The sword began to jerk back and forth, trying to free itself from the armor that held it. Lov found Kotaled Oloc, caressing the marbled wood lovingly before knocking an arrow and taking careful aim. He should have seen it as he fought the Titan. Blood trickled from the broken arrow that had pierced the helm, and the normally vacant eye slot had the tell tale color of a brow. He fired as fast as he could, attempting to keep the Titan preoccupied while his sword worked free. More blood began to work its way through the newly pierced armor.

  The blue sword pulled itself out of the Titan, then began to hack and chop at the legs of it. Blood was running down the inside of the thing's thighs. The construct finally managed to slap Missy from the air, and the fairy went flying into the wall. She hit it with a solid crack, audible from where Lov was at the entrance to the room.

  The construct moved quickly towards L
ov as the floating sword continued to hack and chop at the Titan's leg, finally managing to chop one off at the knee. Blood spurted all over the floor, spraying the sword and saturating it in even more of the sticky gore. The Titan continued to hobble towards the young general on one leg, eating the ground in large hops.

  Lov aimed for the thing's chest, hoping to knock it off balance. But it was relentless, pressing through the sword's onslaught and his barrage of arrows.

  When the construct was in reach of the young half-dragon, it swung its sword, hoping to connect, but it missed. It took another hop towards Lov, getting into better range, and chopped down with its sword.

  Lov danced to the side, as his floating companion managed to chop through the other armored leg. The Titan fell on its face as it lost its balance, flailing its sword uselessly against the ground. Lov's sword continued to attack it, stabbing and slicing it over and over before finally burying itself deeply into its back.

  Lov ran to Missy, wanting to make sure his fairy friend was okay. He picked her up gently from the ground, rubbing her cheek softly. “Are you hurt?” Lov asked, a quiver in his voice. He felt he had lost enough friends today.

  Missy opened one eye, looking up at him. “I'm fine, but I think I broke a rib. I need time to heal. Here, take my pouch, then put me into yours.” Lov removed her pouch, placing it next to his, then opened the other. “Don't worry, I'll work my way out when I can.” Lov nodded to her as he placed her inside, pulling the cinch tight.

  He approached his sword cautiously, he'd learned to never expect anything from it. It always acted unpredictably. He slipped a little in the puddle that surrounded the armored being. He pulled it free from the body of the Titan which continued to struggle. The sword didn't fight him, and his dragonhunger gave him the sense that he and the sword were of the same mission right now. Removing this threat to the world. Lov looked down on the pitiful being on the ground, wanting to take its life. He felt unsure how to go about it though, deciding instead to disable it. The young general carefully removed the Titan's remaining arm, then chopped its stumps off at the hips. He propped it up against a wall saying, “I'll be back for you later.” And continued into the temple. He found the lift, pulling the lever that would lead him higher into the structure. The young half-dragon was sure he'd find the Titanbringer on the top floor.


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