Sinner's Steel

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Sinner's Steel Page 32

by Sarah Castille

  “You had a knife in your back. How can you be walking around?”

  “I always wear a vest, kitten. Even to dinner. Never know who’s going to stab you in the back.”

  Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she pulled it out and saw the picture of Arianne with a little boy who looked to be just over a year old.


  “I’m leaving with Ty.” She held up the phone so Viper could see the picture of his son with Arianne. “Once we’re safe I’ll let Arianne know she can end her visit with her stepbrother … your son.”

  “I don’t have a son.”

  “You do. Doreen’s boy. He’s your son; not Axel’s. And now he doesn’t have a mother.”

  A multitude of emotions crossed his face, from disbelief to anger, but not fear. Evie’s heart sank. If he didn’t fear for his son, then he had no reason to let her or Ty go.

  “Arianne won’t hurt him.” Viper snorted a laugh. “She suffers from compassion, which is why she didn’t kill me when she had the chance.”

  Evie pushed Ty backward, step by step. There was a door leading out from the living room. If they ran fast enough, they could get outside. “You’re right,” she said. “Arianne won’t hurt him. But the Sinners can arrange for him to disappear. You lost one son. Do you want to lose another?”

  “I could say the same to you. One of my brothers is behind the door, waiting for me to tell him what to do. Stalemate, kitten.”

  “I think the word is checkmate.” Zane stepped into the room, a semiautomatic weapon in each hand, and wearing more guns than the soldiers from Ty’s video games.

  Evie heard shouts outside. Gunfire.

  “You both okay?” Zane’s gaze slid from her to Ty and back to her.

  “I knew you’d come.”

  “Sorry about the delay,” Jagger said, walking into the room behind Zane. “We were up on the mountain when you drove in. Took us longer than we thought to get down. Then we had to clean up the yard.” He looked over at Ty. “You can put down the bat, Ty. Looks like your dad has got things in hand.”

  “I’m his backup,” Ty said. “Just in case.”

  Zane’s jaw tightened and pride shone in his eyes. “Good man. You get your mom out of here. There are Sinners outside waiting with a cage. Jagger and I got this one.”

  Evie clasped Ty’s hand and tugged him toward the door. “Don’t kill him.”

  “Evie…” The square set of Zane’s shoulders told her that was exactly what he planned to do.

  “He would have let us go.” She met Viper’s implacable gaze, trying to read his face. “He has a son, too. One he hasn’t met. Arianne is with him. She’s waiting for me to call to tell her what to do. What if Ty never got to meet you?”

  “This isn’t the time for compassion,” Zane snapped. “This is our chance to win the war. If our roles were reversed, I’d already be dead. People don’t change, Evie. He is who he is, and if we don’t deal with him now, he’ll come after you.”

  “I changed. So did you.” She crossed the room toward Jagger and the exit, leading Ty by the hand. As they passed Viper she looked back over her shoulder mentally urging him to say something to save himself. But he remained silent. No assurance that he would leave Evie alone. No begging for his life. No refuting the fact he would have killed Zane if he had him under his gun. And yet she saw pain flicker across his face, so fleeting she wondered if she’d missed it.

  “Jesus Christ,” Jagger spluttered. “I knew Arianne was up to something. Damn old ladies sticking their noses into club business. But this is my call, Evie. I heard what you had to say. You take Ty out and Zane and I will—”

  Viper moved in a blur, darting around the counter as he pulled a gun from the holster beneath his vest and aimed it at Jagger. But Ty was in the way.

  “No!” Zane dove in front of Ty as the shot echoed in the room. He hit the floor hard as momentum carried him down. Viper barreled through the back door and Jagger took off in pursuit.

  “Dad!” Ty raced to Zane’s side. “Mom! Call 911.”

  “I’m okay.” Zane wrapped his arms around his son. “The bullet went over my head, and Viper won’t get far. We’ve got men all over the yard.”

  “Lean on me, Dad. I’ll help you up.”

  Zane put a hand on Ty’s shoulder, although he didn’t need the help. He looked over at Evie and smiled.

  “He called me Dad.”


  Once you figure it out, try to return the favor. Spread your repair knowledge around.


  While waiting for the preliminary hearing, Zane rented the house across the street from Evie and Ty. Although Evie said she understood why he handcuffed her to the radiator, she wasn’t quick to forgive. The stunt cost him, but as long as he could be near her and Ty, he was willing to pay the price. And it was just a matter of time. He knew this because she let him sleep at her place at least five times a week. Not that he was counting, but he’d managed to push it up from one night, undoubtedly because of his skill in bed. Yes, he could make his Evie scream.

  Of course he’d had a bit of a setback when he erected a giant fence around her property. He’d also installed a security system in her house and changed the locks, all with the landlord’s consent, of course. Evie hadn’t been pleased he’d gone over her head, yet again, and his weekly nocturnal visits were reduced to two. But now he was back up to five, so that was an improvement.

  The car had been another setback. Evie wanted her own transportation so she went out and bought an old junker from a used-car dealer without consulting Zane. He checked out her purchase while she slept and decided it was a piece of crap. The next day, while she was at work, he and Gunner hot-wired her car and drove it back to the dealer. After a brief discussion, and only two broken fingers, the dealer switched it out for a brand-new, safe, red Volvo. Evie liked the Volvo, but not the subterfuge. She also didn’t like it when he said vehicle selection was a man’s job because women didn’t know shit about vehicles.

  Arianne showed up at his house the next day with her new SIG Sauer P226.

  Zane spent the night at the clubhouse with his door locked.

  He hadn’t been invited to spend the night at Evie’s place for an entire week after that, so he’d spent his evenings sitting on his porch watching her house, wondering if she was wearing that silky nightgown she’d bought to celebrate the one-month anniversary of the opening of her new shop. Damn, he loved the feel of that silk, the way it covered her, hinting at what was underneath—which was nothing, just the way he liked it.

  Today was going to be another one of the days where his sex quota would likely be reduced, but he was ready to do what had to be done, and if he was cut back to two nightly visits, he’d just have to work his way back up.

  His closest brothers and their old ladies had arrived at his place earlier in the afternoon to get ready for the party. Tank had the barbecue going in the backyard, and Connie was helping him marinate the meat. Zane had asked Tank to bring her along, just in case things didn’t go as expected, but Connie hadn’t shared his sense of doom.

  “It’s not gonna be as bad as you think,” she said to Zane, as she brushed Tank’s secret sauce over the tray of steak. “I mean, the Ty part will be bad. But the Evie part … I don’t think you’ve got to worry. Of course you will have to worry ’cause she’ll be pissed about Ty, but I think you’ll get her to come round. I hear you can be very persuasive once you get her out of her clothes.”

  Zane didn’t want to think about what she and Connie discussed regarding his intimate time with Evie, so he stared at his watch. “Did she say what time she’s leaving the shop today?”

  “She was just waiting for a shipment of new bikes and then she was gonna pick Ty up from his friend’s house. She should be here soon. You want me to text her?”

  “Jagger’s not here yet, so no rush.”

  Where the fuck was Jagger? He was supposed to be at the part
y an hour ago and he didn’t have the Jacks as an excuse to keep him busy. Viper had managed to slither away yet again, disappearing down some kind of rabbit hole that none of the Sinners could find. They’d heard from National that Viper’s decision to kidnap Ty had earned him a stern rebuke from the Black Jack national president, and a forced cessation of hostilities between the two clubs for six months. Arianne had also come under fire for her trip up to Ennis. Jagger had managed to get her off with just a warning, and the only real rebuke she’d received had been from him. In private. Zane would have loved to have been there that night.

  He joined Arianne on the back steps, and she broke off her conversation with Dawn to greet him. “You’re looking for Jagger; I can tell from your scowl.”

  He made the mistake of sending Shooter down to the shop to pick up the order and Shooter got a little riled when it wasn’t ready. Jagger had to go make good with the owner and pay to have the bullet holes removed from the walls.”

  Dawn ruffled the hair of one of her twin girls. Zane couldn’t tell them apart, but they were around the same age as Ty and they all enjoyed playing together. Although when one of them chased Ty and tried to kiss him, Zane had to put his foot down. He knew better than anyone the dangers of eight-year-old girls and how easily they could capture a boy’s heart. “You think he’s gonna change his mind about Shooter?”

  Shooter was due to receive his cut tonight. The board had decided that despite being trigger-happy, Shooter was more an asset than a liability and, except for the occasional mess Jagger had to clean up, he had made a significant contribution to the club.

  Arianne laughed. “You know Jagger. He’ll rant, shout, and scowl, but in the end, Shooter is good for the club and he’ll get his cut. Plus, the club now has Benson as a prospect and that’s just going to be all kinds of fun. A cop as a prospect. Jagger’s got all sorts of humiliation planned for him.”

  “You hear what he’s planned for Shooter’s patch-in?” Zane gestured to a big painted target near his back fence. “He had Evie paint the Sinner’s Tribe logo on that target. I folded up an old cut to fit in the middle and pinned it there. He’s gonna tell Shooter that’s his real cut and he only gets it if he can shoot through each one of the skull’s eyes without hitting it.”

  “Bastard.” Dawn pressed her lips together. “Sometimes his sense of humor borders on cruel.”

  “He has gone a bit overboard since he tricked T-Rex with that package to get his cut.” Arianne’s smile faded. “I miss T-Rex. The party won’t be the same without him.”

  “The MC isn’t the same without him,” Zane said. Once the truce was over, Viper would face Sinner justice. Despite Evie’s plea for mercy, Zane and Jagger would have finished him off if he hadn’t escaped. Viper had been responsible for too many Sinner deaths, and kidnapping Ty wasn’t something he could ever forgive.

  Evie joined them, dressed in her favorite skintight jeans, leather boots, and a black leather jacket. She gave him a hug, and Ty ran off to play with Dax’s and Cade’s kids on the play structure Zane had built after he rented the house.

  “You look too damn sexy.” He wrapped his arms around her and leaned down to nuzzle her neck. “Might be I’ll have to drag you away from the party for a bit.”

  “Beast. This is Shooter’s patch-in party. You’re not supposed to be thinking about sex.”

  “I wouldn’t have to think about it if I had you in my bed every night.” He nipped her ear. “Man sees his woman looking so hot, he has needs.”

  “And women don’t?”

  He cupped her face between his hands. “You asking me for something, sweetheart? Because I am more than happy to blow off the party after Shooter’s got his cut.”

  “Maybe I am.” She pressed a key into his hand. “And we have a new house to try it out.”

  “What’s this?”

  “The start of our new life together, I hope.” Her smile wavered when he scowled.

  “You bought a house without me? What happened to the idea of making big purchases together?”

  Evie slid her arms around his waist. “You seemed to have trouble with the concept so I just followed your lead.”

  How could he complain when he’d just been handed the key to his dream—a life with Evie and Ty, a family and a home, and her acceptance of his brothers and his life with the MC? Only the impending court hearing loomed over his head. But if Evie wasn’t worried, then he’d put his concerns aside and deal with it when the day came.

  “Well then…” He brushed a kiss over her forehead. “I guess you won’t have a problem with the gift I got Ty.” He called Ty over and they walked toward the garage, reaching the front door just as Jagger stepped out. He gave Zane a nod to let him know everything was set and made a quick exit.

  “Now I’m really worried,” Evie said as she entered the garage. “You and Jagger together equals trouble.”

  Zane flicked on the lights, although there was enough light streaming through the open door to illuminate the space. He wanted to be sure Ty got a good view.

  “Ready, Ty?” His heart thrummed in anticipation. He couldn’t remember being this excited about giving a gift since he’d given Evie the picture frame so long ago. With one last glance over at Evie, he tugged away the sheet in the corner.

  “No way!” Ty’s eyes widened.” You got me a dirt bike? Mom’s going to kill you!”

  “Yes she is,” Evie said from the doorway, her lips pressed into a thin line.

  Zane bit back a laugh. “I got him a kick-ass helmet and safety suit so damn thick, he’s gonna bounce when he falls.”

  “When? Not if he falls?”

  “I won’t fall,” Ty said.

  “We all fall. The trick is to get back on the bike and keep riding. That lesson took me a lifetime to learn.” He gave Evie a questioning look and she sighed.

  “I guess I can’t really say no since I did buy us a house in Oak Village right next door to Ty’s best friend.”

  “This is the best day ever.” Ty raced over to hug them both, before returning to inspect his bike.

  “I got something for you, too.” Zane reached for the bag Jagger had left on the workbench in the corner, but as he pulled the zipper, memories assailed him: the frame he had worked so hard to perfect, the picture that had been so hard to part with, Evie and Jagger in the kitchen, and the pain that had sent him running into the forest. He pushed back the memories and focused on what came after: Evie’s tears when she saw the picture, their night together, and Ty. They had been through hell, but now they were back together. Loved and forgiven. A family.

  With only one thing missing.

  He pulled the cut from the bag and handed it to her, his mouth going dry when she opened it and spun it around so she could read the back.

  “Property of Zane.” A smile spread across her face. “I’ve waited eighteen years to be yours.”

  “You were always mine. Ever since that day on the playground.”

  He reached into the bag again and pulled out a second cut, then called Ty over. “We don’t usually give prospect cuts to kids, but what you did at Viper’s place—protecting your mom, and helping out your old man—Ty, you made me damn proud. The executive board agreed that showing courage like that deserves a reward.” He held out the small prospect vest with the Sinner’s Tribe logo emblazoned across the back, and slid it over Ty’s shoulders.

  A grin spread across Ty’s face and he posed in front of his new bike. “How do I look, Dad?”

  “Like my son.” He put his arm around his Evie and pulled her close. “Our son.”


  Three Months Later

  “Zane. Stop. Please.”

  Evie’s voice rang out in the forest, and Zane slowed his pace. He’d never felt such joy as he did today, save for the last time he had been to Stanton Creek.

  He stopped under the willow tree and sucked the warm Montana summer air into his lungs. He would do anything for her, even if it meant his heart bursting all over ag

  Evie heaved in a breath as she came up behind him, her steps barely audible in the soft grass. “What’s wrong? Why did you leave? Jagger said you bolted out of the courthouse and didn’t even tell him what happened. I was so worried. I didn’t know where you were. And then I figured you might come here. What did the judge say? I won’t lose you, Zane. If we have to, we’ll go on the run.”

  For a moment, he couldn’t speak. How could he explain the emotions he’d kept bottled up inside for the last few months, the hopes and dreams that had come true when the judge dismissed the case?

  “I’m free.” He braced himself, and turned to face her. “All the charges have been dropped.”

  “Oh.” She gasped and her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh Zane. I’m so happy.” She threw herself into his arms, her new riding leathers creaking. He’d bought her a full set of leathers for the trip to Stanton. And after she’d tried them on in their bedroom, he stripped them right off her. He had a wild streak when it came to his old lady, and the sight of her in leather had given him all sorts of ideas.

  He was having those ideas right now. His Evie was beautiful in the twilight, her hair shining to gold, almost the same color as the late summer leaves of the willow tree.

  “Come sit with me.” She pulled away. “Here by the creek like we used to do. Tell me all about it.”

  Zane shook his head. “I promised if this day came, I would give you a choice. I need to know, Evie. Do we live or leave the life? It’s up to you.”

  Her beautiful face softened. “I made my choice a long time ago. Wherever you go, whatever you do, however you live your life, I want to be with you”

  Zane’s heart squeezed in his chest. He was nothing and came from nothing. And yet, he had made something of his life. He had a family now, and enough money that assured they would want for nothing. He had his brothers, a home, a kick-ass bike, and an embarrassing, but safe, Volvo. And he had dared to hope. Twenty-eight years old and he still wanted the girl he’d met when he was ten.


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