The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series)

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The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series) Page 36

by Hadley Quinn

  Camryn smiled and said, “Teague, if it makes any difference, I think you made the best choice you could. I don’t really know if there’s a ‘right’ choice.”

  “Chase was my only priority. He still is. I chose to keep the secret and I’ll still keep the secret for now because I don’t want to be the one to make things worse. The grownups need to get their shit together first. I just want them to figure this out without the rest of the world interfering. I’m keeping the fucking secret because I want them to do the right thing on their own.” He sighed and shook his head. “Does that even make sense?”

  “Absolutely,” Camryn nodded. “Teague, you’ve done what most people wouldn’t be able to do. You’ve put someone else before yourself, even with how bad it’s made you look or how much it has hurt you. That is the ultimate sacrifice, baby. You have endured this to give people a chance to do the right thing when it would have been easier to expose everyone.”

  “Oh I was tempted,” he chuckled bitterly. “Trust me, I felt vengeful plenty of times.”

  “I can understand that. But you focused on Chase instead.”

  “After I wallowed in self-pity for a while. I didn’t make the best decisions back then. I started smoking again, got carried away with alcohol for a couple of months… I didn’t plan on being up north that long. I hoped that things would go to shit for Kate and she’d realize she messed up by cutting me off like that. She went back to Las Vegas and wouldn’t talk to me. She wouldn’t even let me see Chase. I needed time away, somewhere new. I couldn’t even imagine my life turning around anytime soon but…”

  Teague took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, Camryn could see an immediate change come over him. The tropical storm had ceased and the waters were calm.

  “Ten months later I met you,” he barely whispered.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Teague tucked a strand of hair behind Camryn’s ear and softly touched her face. He took another deep breath as the breeze blew her scent into his system, calming him with a sense of purpose and reassuring him with the future that he wanted.

  “You came into my life and everything seemed to change,” he said softly, studying her closely. “You were the hope that I needed; the person that was meant to show me there were better things in life. I felt things for you that I never felt before, Camryn. Maybe I had to break like that to understand what it was that I needed, but I didn’t want to look back again. I just wanted to take the lesson learned and make something good of it. I love you. So much. You’ve made me a better person, and even though I don’t like to think about it, the mess with Kate made me a better person for you. I’m not so sure the previous Teague would have won you over,” he partially smiled.

  She chuckled and said, “He was one of those cocky assholes that I might’ve decked.”

  “Maybe,” he laughed. God, it felt so good to get all of that off his chest. He still had a lot to face, and nothing was resolved with Max either, but moving forward was all he wanted to do at this point and he couldn’t do it without Camryn’s trust.

  “So answer me one more thing and we can put this behind us,” she said softly.

  His heart pounded in his chest because of the serious expression on her face. “Okay. I’ll answer anything you ask.”

  “Have you been seeing Kate lately?”

  “Hell no, not in that way,” he said quickly, scooting closer to her. He linked his hands around her waist and shook his head. “I will never give her any part of me, not even as a friend. But she came to LA and finally let me see Chase again. I’ve only seen her three times since I’ve been back. It’s always in public, though. She kept trying to get me to come to her hotel but I refused.”

  Camryn narrowed her eyes. “So help me God, if she’s trying to get you back after what she did…”

  “There’s no way in hell, Camryn. I barely talk to her when I see Chase.”

  Camryn released a slow breath of air. “So…what’s it going to be like for you and Chase in the future?”

  He shook his head with a frown. “I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “That’s why I didn’t feel it was necessary to tell you yet. I didn’t know what to even say about it. She introduced me to him by my first name, which was… God, that killed me,” he sighed, shaking his head. “I want to be around Chase but…I can’t be around Kate. I don’t even want to look at her. I spent almost a year being shut out of his life, and then she decides to come to town and change that. I want nothing to do with her and I don’t feel sorry for her and her problems with my brother, but I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel when it comes to Chase.”

  He looked at Camryn, hoping for some insight.

  “I don’t either,” she shrugged sympathetically. “You love him and care about his wellbeing; that’s about all you can do for now. When does Max turn twenty-six?”

  “March 15th.”

  “And do you think he’s going to step up?”

  Teague took a moment to measure his response. “Not by choice, but because he has to. I think Kate will have him by the balls if he doesn’t. He knows that. I wish they could resolve this with Chase in mind and not a damn legal agreement. Right now Max is dying for a piece of my dad’s company and it’ll be another month before that happens. But now he’s worried about you,” he smiled.

  “Because he thought I already knew his dirty little secret? Ha. Maybe I should make him piss his pants for a while.”

  Teague laughed at the prospect of it. “That would be kind of fun. But I’d rather you not be involved, sweetheart. Dealing with my family isn’t pretty. Just let Max trudge through this on his own. He’ll have my dad to deal with if he ever finds out how long Max has known about Chase. But even if Max does claim Chase, it doesn’t mean he’s going to be a dad to him.”

  “That breaks my heart.”

  “I know. Mine too. I’m just his uncle, but I’ll be there for him if he needs me.”

  “Teague, you are not second best. And I have no doubt that when Chase grows up, he’ll see what kind of person you are and want you in his life.” She paused to wait for a response, but he was too desolate to offer one. Finally she asked, “Is Kate a good mom?”

  With a nod he answered, “Yeah, she takes care of him, I guess. But what about in the long run when Chase gets older? God, I feel like I’m looking at my own life when I was that age,” he groaned. “I was conceived in a lie as well, and I don’t know what circumstances played the biggest role, but I never felt like I belonged anywhere. I never felt like my dad took me in because he wanted to. And yeah, I turned out to be trouble—whether it was naturally a part of me or I was a product of my environment, I have no clue. But I don’t want to watch Chase go through the same thing.”

  She sighed and placed her hand lovingly against his cheek. “Can I be very candid with you?”

  He leaned his face against her hand and then softly kissed it before holding it to his chest. “Please.”

  “You are incredible, Teague. But when I first met you, I was cautious. You know why, but it wasn’t entirely because of losing Zach. I was cautious just because you were a guy. I’ve been around so many people over the last two years, but there hasn’t been anyone like you. I do believe in meeting the right person at the right time, and I know that was the case with us. It took us a while to trust each other, but what we’ve built with one another is so strong right now and it’s only going to get stronger.”

  “I agree one hundred percent,” Teague nodded. “I know I’ll be a stupid ass on more than one occasion, but as long as you let me kiss you goodnight each and every time I climb into bed next to you—no matter how upset you are with me—I promise it will make me a better man for you.”

  “Oh Teague,” she laughed softly.

  “And then you know I’ll use my euphoric whisper voice and you’ll be such a goner you won’t even remember what we were fighting about in the first place.”

  “Very true.”

we have a deal? No matter how pissed you are with me, you always let me kiss you goodnight, Camryn. Always.”

  She thought for a moment and then slowly nodded her head. “Deal. But that’s the only thing I’m agreeing to. A kiss goodnight. The panty-melting whispers will have to be taken into consideration one grovel at a time.”

  “Normally I’d have this smug smile on my face because my ego would totally be disputing that, but unfortunately…I know you’re right.”

  When Camryn laughed, he wanted to kiss her senseless. Her laugh did inexplicable things to him, and it came from those beautiful lips that he couldn’t get enough of. He leaned forward, but Camryn sighed and said, “Teague, let me just say that I’m so sorry for everything that happened with Chase. I can’t even imagine how much you’ve been through. Actually I can because what happened to you was basically like losing a child. I know what it’s like to lose someone—my dad, and then Zach—so I understand why you’ve kept this bottled up like you have. I did the same thing, and I would go into Tim’s gym and beat the shit out of things.”

  Teague smiled and said, “And also the cocky pride of the male species.”

  “Yes,” she agreed with an embarrassed smile. “I did do that. I didn’t want to love again. I didn’t want to lose again. I didn’t want anyone to be good enough to take Zach’s place.”

  “Oh, baby,” he sighed, taking her chin in his hand. “I would never take his place.”

  “I know. But you’ve completely moved into parts of my heart that had never been touched before,” she admitted meekly. “You’re the only man to have me entirely, Teague. Every single piece of me.”

  He took her face in his hands and sent his lips home to hers. That single moment was the start of a new chapter together, and instead of just loving each other and hoping that was enough, the relationship groundwork had not only been set but also reinforced.

  Teague pulled Camryn onto his lap, his hands gripping her possessively. She took his face and kissed the hell out of him right there on Brandon’s front porch.

  Finally Teague pulled away, gasping for air. “Come somewhere with me for the day. Night. Please?”

  She only nodded, way too breathless to answer with words.


  While Camryn gathered her things from Brandon’s bathroom, Teague waited uncomfortably in the front entry. The two men stood in silence assessing the other, but also trying to decide what to say.

  After a few awkward motions—glances away to avoid eye contact, arms folded across chests and then unfolded to shove into pockets instead—Brandon finally spoke first.

  “If you hurt her again I will fucking kill you. You understand me? It will probably have to be in your sleep so it’s fair, but don’t underestimate me, Teague.”

  Teague had to laugh and Brandon eventually broke into a smile.

  “Deal,” Teague said, stepping forward to hold out his fist.

  Brandon bumped it just as Camryn appeared from the hall. “Oh no, what are you two up to?”

  Both men grinned and Teague answered, “It’s caveman business. You don’t want to know.”

  She looked the two of them over for a moment and then shook her head. “Yeah, I really don’t.” Smiling, she turned to Brandon and gave him a hug. “Thank you. I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”

  “Yeah, you better,” he replied, patting her back. Then he pushed her away and said, “Get out of my sight. I’ve got more exciting things to deal with today, like laundry.”

  Camryn smiled, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and a final wave as she headed out the door with Teague.

  Once they were in the Mustang together, Teague relaxed. Everything felt right. He held her hand as they headed out of Fresno and nothing in the world could bring him down. Camryn’s love and sharing a life with her was all he needed, and as they pulled into a beautiful Inn at Monterey Bay two hours later, nothing else mattered.

  After acquiring a room, Teague carried her to their waterfront suite and didn’t care about the stares and smiles thrown their direction. The rest of the world could take a damn backseat because there was some serious making up to do.

  They were kissing the second the door shut behind them; passionate, knee-weakening kisses that would crumble the walls of the toughest heart. The need to touch each other was like needing air to breathe—between Camryn’s desire to handle Teague’s shoulders, arms, neck, and chest, and Teague’s craving for contact with her hair, face, back, and ass—it was a mutual mauling of sorts.

  “Okay, switch, I get your butt,” Camryn advised breathlessly.

  “Honey, you can touch my ass any time you want.”

  “Your arms keep getting in my way because you keep grabbing my ass.”

  He smiled against her lips. “Not my fault that I’m bigger, faster, and stronger than you.”

  “No, you’re just greedier and hornier than I am.”

  He chuckled and replied, “Horny, yes, but if I were being greedy right now, you would be naked with my cock inside you. And I suggest you not lie about your libido because you’re pretty damn aggressive sometimes.”

  “Well maybe I should make you suffer for a while this time.”

  He pulled back and raised an eyebrow as they both caught their breath. “You’ve pretty much sucked my lips off, sweetheart. That doesn’t seem like a woman that wants to take her time.”

  “Pssh,” she scoffed playfully. “I think I almost lost my tongue a few times.”

  “Then maybe we should move on and abuse other body parts instead.”

  She held back a laugh that time, but barely. “I’m in no hurry. I think we should talk about our feelings for a while.”

  His face deadpanned, but the gleam in Camryn’s eye betrayed her and then a cocky smile appeared on his lips instead. “You wouldn’t make yourself suffer that long. It has been about eighteen hours since you’ve last had me inside you.”

  “Good lord, you count the hours?”

  “Mmm, sometimes minutes since we go at it all the time. We’re both horny sex fiends.”

  “You are. I just try to please you.”

  “Bullshit! You’re always seducing me.”

  “It’s not that tough.”

  “I didn’t say it was. But it’s a minimum two-times-a-day hump fest for us. And when we’re apart for more than a day, we make up for it plenty to average it out again.”

  “That’s pathetic.”

  “That’s fucking awesome.”

  That time she couldn’t help it when she laughed, and just seeing Teague’s ocean-eyed smirk was glorious. The man was gorgeous and he was right. She couldn’t get enough of him.

  “Okay, I admit it,” she smiled coyly. “You’re addicting.”

  “So are you, more than you know. And whenever I hear that laugh of yours, my heart goes into a damn cage fight in my chest. You’re beautiful, Camryn. Everything about you.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him at the corner of his mouth. “You own my heart, Teague McCallan. Every single fragment of it.”

  He scooped her up without words and carried her to the king-sized bed in the middle of the room. He removed his shirt to make her happy, and her eager hands were all over his skin. Teague slid his hands under her shoulders and supported himself on his elbows. He kissed her, deep and purposeful, and as Camryn’s fingers grazed over every inch of his skin she could reach.

  After a minute, Teague pulled himself to his knees as he slowly slid her shirt up. “Time to even the skin show,” he smiled. When her shirt was removed, his hands moved toward her back, but then he stopped. He eyed her bra for a second and slowly smiled again, using a finger to tap the clasp at the front.

  “Good boy,” she winked.

  He unhooked it in one motion, releasing her breasts at the same time he released a breath of gratitude. “This is taking me back to a very unforgettable movie night,” he whispered, resting his forehead against her chest.

  She smiled but didn’t speak as she
ran her fingers through his hair. His hands were already softly holding her breasts, and then he moved his mouth to lick and suck each nipple.

  “The first time I opened this bra,” he said quietly, “I thought I was gonna spooge in my pants.”

  Her body lightly shook with quiet laughter.

  “I’m not kidding,” he smiled. “Just seeing you like that blew me away. There was just something about that particular style of…first time unveiling.”

  “I was kinda nervous.”

  With a slight nod he replied, “Yeah, I could tell.”

  “You could?”

  “Yeah. That’s what made me start falling for you.”


  “One of the many things. You were different and it intrigued me. But honestly, that time with you was just…amazing. We didn’t need to do anything more than that because you totally won me over.”

  As he kissed her again, Camryn opened his jeans and slid them over his boxer briefs. She splayed her hands over his ass and across his waistband to his sides, savoring the feel of his body.

  “I need you naked,” she smiled against his lips.

  He pulled away but first removed her pants entirely. He kissed up her thigh but moved to her stomach, softly placing kisses around her diamond piercing. When he pulled away again, he stood at the foot of the bed and dropped his pants to his ankles. He loved the way she propped up on her elbows to watch him take off his underwear, and then she reached down to shimmy her panties off at the same time.


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