The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series)

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The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series) Page 101

by Hadley Quinn

  Grinning, Tyse shook his head with pride.

  He loved his crazy family.


  Two months later…

  “Looks like we’re a couple now, Tyse,” Anna smiled as she entered the therapy room. She dropped a tabloid on the counter and faced me.

  “Oh yeah?” I laughed, trekking over to check it out. “Is this the work of paparazzi or my family,” I scoffed somewhat jokingly.

  “Mmm, I’m not quite sure,” she shrugged as she dropped her belongings onto a shelf. “I think the other story from your family the first time kind of fueled this one and everyone’s running with it. My mom drilled me with twenty questions. She still doesn’t believe it’s not true.”

  I was amused. But I didn’t believe any McCallans had anything to do with the newest story. I couldn’t imagine them wanting to start any more trouble, and it was most likely exactly how Anna assumed.

  “So how are things with your parents?” I asked as Anna slid onto the recumbent bike to warm up.

  “It’s better. I took your advice and told them how I felt. They weren’t too happy that I don’t want to compete anymore, but they can’t make me. I’ve made my decision and I’m happy with it, so they’re just going to have to deal with it.”

  “And are they handling it okay?” I smirked.

  “Not really,” she laughed. “It’s been a tough couple of days but I’ll get through it. If I can get through your rehab sessions, I think I can survive anything.”

  “Ha,” I smiled. “Just wait until we get into more cardio.”

  Her face deadpanned as she slowed her motion on the bike. “See if I ever come back,” she replied dryly.

  “Suit yourself,” I shrugged. “I still have fifty bucks that you can’t outrun my mile.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me. I was getting used to that obstinate look on her face. “I could outrun your mile on the beach, in the sand.”

  I laughed out loud. “Well I love a good challenge, so bring it on.”

  “You and Sarah get married first, and then we have a deal.”

  I raised an eyebrow at her. “Why is that a factor?”

  She grinned at me and answered, “Because you’re too chicken to get to that point, which means I have plenty of time to train!”

  I laughed again and shook my head. “I ain’t scared,” I informed her.

  “No? Then what’s the hold up?”

  I studied her for a few seconds to decide if she was serious or not.

  She totally was.

  “You do realize that I’ve only known Sarah for a few months, right?”

  “So?” she shrugged. “Don’t you believe in true love? Insta-love?”

  I had to think about that for a moment. I’d felt an instant pull toward Sarah the first time I saw her. Was that considered insta-love? After that, I hadn’t been able to let her go.

  “It’s a tough one to figure out?” she asked, seeming surprised.

  “I’ve just never actually thought about it,” I answered. “From the very beginning I felt like there was nothing about her that would deter me. I haven’t been disappointed yet.”

  “You’re a good guy, Tyse,” Anna said as the timer beeped on the bike. She stepped off and headed for the weights. “Any girl would be very lucky to have a guy that is so forgiving and understanding like you are, but to fight like hell for her, too. It’s a rarity. And to be honest, I actually don’t believe in love at first sight. I have to learn things about people before I’m sure. You, on the other hand, feel things. Love at first sight isn’t really a visual sort of thing. It comes from here,” she tapped her chest. “You can lust at first sight, but to truly know you love someone…it’s the heart that tells you when it’s been hit full force, not your brain.”

  I smiled as I remembered my conversation with Sarah on our first date. “I agree with that one hundred percent.”

  “So you, my friend,” she smiled at me, “have found your soul mate.”

  “I already know that, genius,” I smirked. “I’m one lucky bastard. Literally,” I added with a candid shrug.

  She only smiled again before continuing with her therapy session. She could basically coach herself after three months of therapy, but I’d been giving her more challenges beyond the usual exercises. Even though Anna didn’t want to compete anymore, she was still working hard to get herself back in top-notch condition. I was actually going to miss working with her after next week, but it wasn’t going to be the last I’d see of her. She and Sarah had become pretty good friends, and Anna was even set on teaching Sarah how to surf.

  When she left an hour later, I had two more patients before I headed home for the day. It was only three o’clock and Sarah wasn’t home from work yet, so I made my way to the end of the hall to the room that had been converted into a studio.

  Making the decision to complete the project had been a no brainer. Coming home from work each day to my paid hobby was a dream come true. After my grandfather’s and Max’s visits to the McCallan studio, I undeniably felt the idea take root in my head. Convert a room in my house for an in-home studio?

  Why not?

  When I’d mentioned the thought to Jay, my brother was completely on board. Especially because writing music for other artists was also Melanie’s dream come true, so Jay’s idea to help fund our own production label as a side investment worked for everyone. Together we purchased the equipment needed and converted a room to make the process function well, and I took care of all the legalities on my own. One day I’ll have a bigger house and a better setup, but I know those aspirations will be successful. Why?

  Because I have an amazing woman who supports me one hundred percent.

  As I sat in a corner chair with my guitar, I studied some of the lyrics that Melanie had given me. She’d asked me to play it at her wedding—whenever that would be—and even though it wasn’t exactly something that I would agree to, I couldn’t not agree to it. It was for Melanie and Jay. There’s no way I could say no.

  I had written music to her “Tame This” lyrics, and even I had to admit that it was an amazing song. Maybe one of these days I’d have to convince her of that and sign it to the perfect artist to make it all that it deserved to be. That’s what I wanted this studio to be all about. I wanted the best experiences possible, from start to finish. I truly believe that we reap what we sow, and as long as our intentions are pure of heart, things will work out for the best.

  That’s why Sarah designed our label the way she did. Because of my incessant belief that the sky’s the limit when you go for something you want, she’d implemented that idea in the business name, as well. Only This Productions was still a work in progress, but we had a website up and running, a logo that Sarah was still perfecting, a lineup of actual clients, and I still had a secretary because Melanie took calls on her own business line from wherever she was.

  And hey, we even had custom stationary. You can’t beat that.

  As I finished up the chorus one last time, I glanced up and noticed the door was fully open. Not only that, but my beautiful girl was standing there with a smile on her face.

  “Sorry, you didn’t have it shut all the way, so I knew you weren’t recording,” Sarah explained.

  “Baby, you can interrupt any time you want.” I stood as I set my guitar down. “And for the record, it’s not interrupting me. My muse is only appearing to give me the lift I need for the moment.”

  “Muse, huh?” she smiled at me as I came across the room and pulled her close.

  “Muse, among other things,” I kissed her lips. “How was your day?”

  “Mm, kinda busy, actually.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?”

  “Yes, definitely.”

  I led Sarah out of the studio and we walked down the hall.

  “Where’s your little monster?” I asked, glancing around the living room. She’d been taking the puppy to work with her each day, which I thought was funny. Sarah insisted it was pretty e
asy since all it did was sleep most of the time.

  “She’s in the kitchen eating.”

  Sarah released a heavy sigh as we sat on the couch together.

  “I’m nervous,” she admitted.

  I gave her an understanding smile and pulled her close to me, laying her head against my chest. “Don’t be. I told you, my mom is a breeze compared to my dad’s side of the family.”

  She laughed and said, “I think that’s an understatement.”

  “For sure,” I agreed, just as a knock sounded on the door.

  I heard Sarah take another deep breath as I got up to answer it. I wasn’t worried about them meeting for the first time, but I certainly respected Sarah’s worry. I still hadn’t even met her dad, and even though she had expressed his desire to meet me, I wasn’t in a hurry to get to that point. I knew that he was still good friends with my uncle and I wasn’t quite sure if I cared for that association.

  “Hey, Mom,” I said as I pulled open the door.

  She appeared neutral at first but then smiled and gave me a big hug. “Oh, it’s so good to finally see you again, honey. It’s been way too long. I’m not okay with that.”

  She pulled back and looked me over, and I motioned her inside. “I know you’re not,” I answered. “I’m glad you came, though. Come meet Sarah.”

  My mom had this thing about her where she pretty much loves anyone instantly, but it doesn’t mean she’s not cautious of people. She’d seen what I went through before leaving Arizona and she somehow compared my coming to L.A. to find my family as some sort of early midlife crisis. It didn’t matter how many times I explained to her on the phone that I was here because I wanted to be, not because I was trying to punish myself even more.

  But after thirty minutes with Sarah, I could tell that my mom truly liked her. I knew that she would, and I had assured Sarah of that too, but they were talking about everything from breastfeeding babies to the strengths in the Broncos’ defense. My mom was a huge football fan too, and although she didn’t have a favorite team, she knew plenty about Sarah’s.

  I just let them talk for the most part, unless I was brought into it somehow. But when there was a natural lull in the conversation, my mom looked at me and said, “I want to talk to you about your dad.”

  Well that caught me off guard. I’d received her side of the story before I left Arizona, but she’d been reluctant to ever talk about any of it since.

  “What about him?” I asked.

  She glanced at Sarah and offered a pleasant smile with the pause.

  “Whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of Sarah too,” I added. “She knows as much as I do and I don’t keep anything from her.”

  “Okay,” my mom nodded. “I wasn’t going to say anything about him, though. He is, however, here too. He’s out in the truck.”

  I could only stare at her. I literally stared at her because I had no thoughts in my head.

  “I thought I would come in and talk to you first, meet Sarah, and then see what you thought about meeting him,” she continued. “He understands if you don’t want to, but wanted you to know that he’s willing.”

  I had no idea what to think. He didn’t want to see me before, so I wasn’t sure why he did now.

  “Is this your doing?” I finally asked. “Did you give him a guilt trip or something and—?”

  “No, nothing like that. I called him last week and offered him the opportunity to talk about things that happened in the past between he and I, and after he found out I was coming for a visit, he decided to do the same.”

  “Wait a minute, you two aren’t—?”

  “No,” she scoffed, shaking her head with a smile. “I just felt I should make my own amends with the past, seeing as you’re here against my wishes anyway. But we came here separately. He’s parked on the street in the white truck if you want to see him.”

  I took a deep silent breath as I stared at the floor. I could feel both Sarah and my mom watching me, and after Sarah softly took my hand and squeezed it, I made up my mind.

  I stood without a word and headed for the front door. This was something I never expected, but I would rather face it than not know.

  As I made my way to the truck, the driver’s door opened and Clint stepped onto the pavement. I knew what he looked like, but I’d never seen him in person before. So I took my time with my thoughts while he stepped onto the sidewalk. He and I were the same height, so we were facing each other equally.

  Finally he spoke first. “Hi, Tyse.”

  I honestly didn’t know what to say. Hi, dad? Hey, Clint? How’s it going? What the hell do you want?

  I just didn’t respond at all.

  He cleared his throat and said, “I know this is probably hard for you. It’s sure as hell hard for me.” He paused and glanced at the space across the yard. Focusing on me again he added, “Your mom’s a good woman. She didn’t deserve all that happened to her back then and I’m truly sorry for it. I just wanted to admit that to you and be on my way.”

  He gave me a curt nod and then turned for his truck. As I watched him walk away it felt good that I hadn’t spoken to him or given him a single word of my thoughts. He hadn’t even apologized to me for being a deadbeat dad, or hell, just being a shitty person overall. I wanted him to feel punished somehow, unwanted, and to know how it felt to be completely disregarded as a person.

  But I couldn’t do it. My conscience wouldn’t let me. As much as I wanted to let him drive away and stay out of my life for good, I just couldn’t do it.

  “Do Jay and Kellie know you’re here?” I finally asked.

  He stopped in the street as he was about to round his truck and turned around. Shaking his head he answered, “No, not yet.”

  I took a moment to measure my response. “You plan on seeing them?”

  He nodded his head just slightly. “Yeah, if they’re willing to let me.”

  We both stood there in silence for another ten seconds before I said, “Well we can talk sometime too if you want.”

  I couldn’t read his reaction. That damn McCallan front could mask almost anything if it needed to.

  “I’d like that,” he said at last. He gave me a meek smile and a nod, and then turned for his truck again. I watched him slide inside, start the engine, and drive away.

  I wasn’t sure at that moment if I’d just made the biggest mistake of my life or not. But life was about doing the best you can with what you’re given, and I didn’t have it in me to not at least hear someone out. If it became necessary to cut my losses and walk away at a later time, then I would. I was happy and my life was already filled with things that were important to me.

  I knew better than to let other things that didn’t matter get in the way of that.

  Upon entering the house, I found Sarah and my mom in the kitchen starting something for dinner. Neither of them said a word about my dad at that time, but later on, in the privacy of our bedroom after my mom left, I recounted the experience to Sarah and shared how I felt. I could always count on her to be my best friend when I needed her to be, and I never felt the need to hold anything back. We were pretty honest with each other in everything and I cherished that.

  “I have a surprise for you,” I told her suddenly. We’d both been lying across the bed with the window open, enjoying the peaceful evening while the sun went down.

  “You do?” she asked with a curious smile.

  “Mmhmm,” I nodded. I left her on the bed and traveled across the room to the dresser.

  While I reached into a drawer to pull something out, Sarah asked, “What’s the occasion?”

  “The occasion?” I repeated, facing her as I held her gift behind my back. I returned to the bed and sat on the edge. “The occasion is that you’re my best friend, an amazing lover, and the holder of my heart. What’s more occasion than that?”

  She smiled at me with that gorgeous Sarah Douglas smile. I wanted to kiss her face off right then but I made myself wait. I handed her a
n envelope and she glanced at it before looking at me with hesitation.

  “Open it,” I instructed.

  She carefully slid her fingers inside the envelope to pull out travel itinerary for the Bahamas. I enjoyed every second of watching her face as she discovered what it was.

  “Are you kidding me?” she finally whispered. “Oh my gosh, this is amazing! Oh wow! But it’s next week. I have to make sure Rayne can—”

  “She’s got it taken care of,” I smiled. “I already talked to her. I got this, okay?” I added arrogantly.

  She studied me for a moment while she bit back a smile. “Yeah, I’m sure you do,” she agreed with a nod.

  “Yeah, I do,” I also nodded.

  “You already know you’re a keeper, right?” she asked, giving me the biggest hug possible.

  I let her hold me for as long as she wanted to, squeezing her back just as tightly. It was the best feeling in the world.

  Then she pulled back and gave me the sweetest kiss with tears in her eyes. “I love you so much. Thank you for always making life special for me.”

  “It’s my pleasure,” I answered. Because it was. Just seeing how happy she was any time I surprised her with even just the smallest thing now and then was the most rewarding privilege ever.

  She reached over to her nightstand and pulled out a little box. Taking the lid off she said, “Take your pick.”

  I raised an eyebrow at her. “What’s this?”

  With a sexy smile she replied, “Your fantasies coming true, one by one.”

  Well that had me fully hooked. “I’m sold. What do I do?”

  “Pull an idea out of the box and I’ll make it come true.”

  I stared at her for several seconds, and I automatically wondered if these were my fantasies or hers. We’d talked about them the other day, so this could get pretty interesting. Either way, I didn’t even care.

  Her smile was such a turn on already, but I couldn’t wait to see where this would lead.

  “Go ahead, pick a piece of paper.”

  “Just one?” I tried my luck.

  “Yes, just one!” she laughed, giving me a shove. “Greedy little bastard.”


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