The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series)

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The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series) Page 114

by Hadley Quinn

  “No, I’m telling you that I haven’t dismissed Max as a piece of shit like you guys have!” she answered angrily. “And I want everyone to know why, okay? I want everything out in the open because at this point, I don’t think anyone has anything to lose.”

  “I can’t do this, Kell,” Max said quietly, shaking his head. “I really don’t think I can.”

  “Yes. You can,” she told him softly. “Max, you need to.”

  “No, not right now,” he sighed. He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the head as he stood. “I’ll go ahead and leave Chase here for the night if you guys want. I have a bag for him by the gate.”

  He was waiting for an answer from Teague, but it was Camryn that answered, “Yes, that would be so nice, Max. Thank you.”

  Max walked to the gate to retrieve a little green backpack while Kellie entered the house to bring Chase outside to say goodbye. Tate felt like the whole scene was just strange, like Max was not about to go inside Teague’s house.

  When Max left and Kellie took Chase back inside, Jay let out a huge breath of air and said, “Seriously, what the hell is going on?”

  “Exactly what she said,” Tyse answered, finally showing some impatience. “She’s sick and tired of being in the middle of everyone. You guys have your beef with Max; what, you automatically expected her to hate him too?”

  “That’s not how it is,” Teague frowned. “She’s never shown any kind of opinion on it. That’s why I’m so fucking confused.”

  “Perhaps the new family member has to spell it out for you?” Tyse shrugged sarcastically. “She keeps all of that inside of her. It has literally built to a point where she can’t take it anymore. She spends time with him, did you know that?” he asked, just as Kellie came out of the house.

  She sat down again, fully aware of what was just said. She looked Teague straight in the eye and said, “Yes, I hang out with your brother a few times a month.”

  “And why don’t I know this?” he asked.

  “So I don’t cause any problems like this,” she waved between them. “But I can’t do this anymore. Something happened a few months ago, something in me that just…snapped. I feel like it’s a combination of Tyse arriving, marriages and babies, maybe my fucking hormones… I don’t know. I’m just tired of keeping it all to myself. I can’t do it anymore. I’m starting to care too much and I think something needs to change.”

  Jay was the one that looked at Tate and asked, “And what is your part in all of this. The timing seems a little coincidental, you know? You show up at a family dinner and all hell breaks loose.”

  “Stop it,” Kellie spat at him. “He has nothing to do with what’s going on with Max.”

  “Well how do they know each other?” Jay asked, obviously having caught on to that exchange earlier.

  Tate leaned on the table to meet whatever Jay was accusing him of. “I’ve met him before. Why is that your concern?”

  Jay stood. “Whoa, man, now that’s—”

  “Knock it off!” Kellie yelled.

  “What?” Jay asked. “Are they friends? What the fuck is this, some kind of—”

  “Just stop,” Kellie growled, standing up as well. “I’m done here. I just want you guys to know that I’m gonna be friends with whoever I want and date whoever I want. And when it comes to Max, you need to realize that he’s trying to rebuild bridges, okay? And until you fully hear him out, I suggest that you guys stop thinking the worst of him.”

  “And what is your part in all of this, cuz?” Teague turned to Tyse, who was sitting there in observation mode again. “Are you in this alliance as well?”

  “Alliance?” Tyse repeated. “Come on, man. I’m not against anyone, got it? What you need to focus on is exactly what she’s telling you. She’s giving Max a chance, and she doesn’t want any opposition from you guys. Don’t give her any shit for it, okay?”

  Tate wasn’t sure what to think at this point, especially when Kellie came around the table and gave Teague a hug from behind. “Love you guys, but I’m gonna head out.” She gave Jay a hug too, and then Tyse, who was the only one that stood to hug her back.

  “Text me about next weekend, okay?” Tyse asked her.

  “Yeah, I will. Bye everyone,” she waved to the entire table.

  Tate stood, but he specifically thanked Camryn for opening her home to him.

  “You’re very welcome,” she smiled. “And please, don’t let one dinner scare you away, okay?”

  Tate lightly laughed but shook his head. “I don’t scare easily. Still trying to understand facts, that’s all.”

  “Good luck,” he heard Jay mumble.

  Teague stood and said, “It was nice to meet you. Really. I don’t even… I’m not even sure…”

  “No worries,” Tate answered as he took Kellie’s hand to walk with her through the house. She headed straight for the front door and right for his truck. Realizing her car wasn’t anywhere to be seen he assumed she’d come with someone else, so he unlocked the passenger’s door for her.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. She slid her arms around him and dropped her forehead to his chest. “I’m such a dumbass.”

  “Wait, what? No,” he smiled, holding her tight. “Why would you say that? Sounded like something difficult needed to be said and you said it. I’m proud of you. I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I hope you’re feeling a little relieved. Are you?”

  She pulled her head away and looked him in the eyes. “Yes, actually I am. It’s something I should have done a long time ago. That’s why I feel like a dumbass; I should’ve done it sooner. I guess there are some things that just don’t mix, and Teague and Max are two of those things. I’m not going to interfere, but I just wanted them both to hear where I stood.”

  “And I commend you for it.”

  “I was going to warn you but… I wasn’t sure he was actually going to come,” she shrugged. “I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it for nothing, you know? I was already pretty worried.”

  “Well hey, it’s over with. So now I think you and I should unwind for a bit, huh? Can I take you home and have my way with you?”

  She laughed at his deliberately goofy smile and squeezed his chin. “You don’t even have to ask. And I love that you can make me smile so easily.”

  “It’s in my unwritten ‘Make Kellie Mine’ plan.”

  “Oh?” she grinned.

  “Mmhmm. I hope it’s not too painful, but I’m up for the challenge.”

  “Well I’m not going to bust your balls or anything, but I look forward to some effort.”

  He cringed and placed a hand over his junk. “Yeah, no ball busting please. You can be physically rough with me all you want, but only if you’re naked.”

  She bit her lip in thought. Tate wanted to kiss her damn face off while he waited for an answer, but she finally smiled and gave a classic reply of, “Maybe.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “This is my pace,” Kellie sighed, watching the waves crash one by one.

  The beach had always been so peaceful for her, even though she didn’t utilize it like most of her family did. The guys always went surfing, but Kellie just liked to sit and listen to the ocean. Even today, after taking the motorcycles for a ride to Malibu, she and her brother just sat there along the edge of the road observing nature.

  “Yeah, it’s nice,” Tyse replied. “I kinda wish I lived on the beach, but then sometimes I’m glad I don’t. At least not this area. Too many people.”

  “Yeah, exactly,” Kellie agreed. “Oh, here’s Mr. Malibu himself,” she added as a Ducati rolled up behind Tyse’s.

  Max flipped his visor up and glanced around. “Yeah, can’t get any more public than this,” he joked as car after car passed by on the highway behind him.

  “Meh, I wanna witness a fan mobbing today,” she joked.

  Max shrugged. “Suit yourself, but are we riding or what?” he grinned.

  Kellie and Tyse stood from where they sat. Brush
ing off her ass she replied, “Let’s roll.”

  She and Tyse had planned this day a couple weeks back. She knew she had that Saturday off, and since Sarah was busy for the day with a family commitment, Tyse accepted the invite instantly. Max’s inclusion had come about from a brief texting conversation that morning, and since he didn’t have anything planned, she begged him to come along. She’d wanted him to spend time with Tyse anyway, and even though they weren’t going to be too social while riding along the coastline, Kellie was so happy they were all together.

  Two hours later, they pulled up at Las Brisas in Laguna Beach as a stopping point. Kellie was starving, but she thought maybe Max could use a little VIP treatment for lunch. She wasn’t so sure about the openness of this place.

  “You guys hungry?” Max asked as he pulled off his helmet.

  “I am,” Kellie answered. “But we can find somewhere you feel more comfortable…”

  Max was already sticking a pair of sunglasses on his face and replaced the helmet with a ball cap. “This place is just fine. I like eating outside.”

  Kellie wasn’t so sure it was the best decision, but she went along with it. It wasn’t like Max was super fixed on his own fame that he had to have special treatment any place he showed up, but the truth was that the guy was recognized everywhere he went. He’d been stuck in some interesting situations over the years and had to be pretty careful sometimes.

  But lunch was enjoyable for the most part. The view was beautiful and the food was great, and most importantly, Tyse and Max got along pretty well. It was funny to pick out some of Tyse’s characteristics and compare them to other family members. Over the last few months she’d realized that he could carry on a conversation with just about anyone he was around, just like Max. It wasn’t any sort of chameleon quality; it was just the mere fact that they were both so rounded by their interests and experiences in life, they could converse over just about anything.

  In a way it made her feel like a third wheel today, but since she’d been thinking about Tate for the past hour through lunch, she was kind of glad she didn’t have to contribute to the conversation too much. She just kept eating and fantasizing about her man. She couldn’t wait to see him after he got off work.

  By the time they were ready to head north again, their private lunch had turned not-so-private anymore. It never took long, but it was obvious Max had been pointed out by several people that were dining on the patio too. A few photos had even been taken from a distance, which was nothing new, but it was always nice when fans respected a celebrity’s privacy and didn’t interrupt their meal. But when a few people stood at the same time Max stood to leave, Kellie knew what was coming next.

  “Wait or dash,” she quickly said to Max.

  He had insisted on paying for lunch, so while he dropped several bills onto the table, he shrugged. “I don’t want to make you wait—”

  “Oh my God, can I- can I have your autograph?” a female interrupted, just as they were about to leave. She was probably in her late teens or early twenties, and she had three other girls with her. “I’m so sorry for invading your privacy but the second you sat down, I knew who you were. We just watched The Declan Factor last night for, like, the fifteenth time,” she giggled, nudging the girl closest to her.

  They all giggled and nodded, the other three seeming unable to speak or just willing to let the one make a fool of herself for them.

  “Nice,” Max smiled politely. “Um, what would you like me to sign?” he asked tentatively.

  Kellie held back a laugh. She knew he could get an array of answers, including asses and tits.

  “This is—this is all I have,” she mumbled, holding out the receipt to their lunch. Her hand was shaking, and as soon as Max took the paper from her, she practically threw a pen at him too.

  “What’s your name?” he asked her.

  “M-Marissa,” she stammered.

  He’d leaned down onto the table, but glanced up again before he put the pen to the paper. Kellie knew why. This girl was so fucking nervous and it made Max nervous too. No one would actually know this about him, but he was extremely uncomfortable around fans.

  He was also one of the few celebrities of his same status who would ask for a person’s name when he could. Usually a bombardment of hands and pens meant just a quick scribble of his name, but when he had a chance to think straight, he would personalize an autograph now and then.

  “Are you Kellie?” another voice asked meekly while Max continued to sign whatever else they handed him one by one.

  Kellie looked at the girl that was staring at her, and then the other girls did the same as recognition began to settle in.

  “Yes, I am,” Kellie nodded. But she didn’t do autographs. There was no flipping point. Occasionally she was asked to but she’d always gotten out of it somehow or flat out declined. Like Jay, she was also known as a McCallan that apparently hated the public. If it was the younger generation or she was making an appearance for a charity fundraiser, then yes, she would certainly take the time to write a short inspirational message for someone that asked. But random autographs… She wouldn’t get dragged into that.

  After hearing them whisper Tyse’s name several times amongst each other, and realizing that more people were starting to corner them on the outdoor deck, Kellie gradually inched for the exit. It was getting to be too much. She didn’t do crowds and even though Max had to all the time, she never understood how he could, either. But he was polite and gracious like always, even handing the check to the waitress on his way out and informing her that he was paying everyone else’s tabs that day. He asked that it be anonymous, but Kellie assumed that was now a fat chance.

  A crowd had basically followed them out to their bikes, and as the three of them put their helmets on and left the parking lot, Kellie noticed a few people hurrying to their cars.

  “Oh shit,” she murmured.

  She nodded for Max and Tyse to notice too, and without another word, the three of them took off onto the highway with Max in the lead. He expertly weaved through a few streets to lose any stalkers, and fifteen minutes later, pulled into a store parking lot.

  “I think we’re good,” Kellie told him when they all flipped their visors up.

  She smiled to keep things light, and even though Max returned the smile, she knew he was a bit down at that moment.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she told him. “We made it out pretty quickly.”

  “I know,” he sighed. “But still… I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” she practically yelled at him. “No biggie whatsoever. And Tyse and I are just glad it’s you and not us,” she added as a joke.

  Max laughed, but she knew how he really felt about that being the truth.


  When Kellie got home a few hours later, she was exhausted. She loved riding bikes with the guys, but there was something about it that made her body fatigued.

  She showered and changed right away, glad it was almost five o’clock because she knew Tate was on his way. She couldn’t wait to kiss that man, cuddle up with him, make love to him…whatever she could. Just the thought of him did things to her body that she wasn’t used to. She’d never allowed anyone to have that kind of affect on her. He’d gradually put feeling back into her numb heart, which only meant one thing.

  She was falling in love with him.

  After only knowing him a couple months, Kellie didn’t want to overlook the significance of that. There had been instant attraction, yes. And following that, some kind of automatic desire to be around him. A time and a place for everything? Yes, she believed in that. She’d never been ready for a relationship before, but now she definitely was. She could very well crash and burn this time, but it was a risk she was willing to take. She would do that for Tate. Anyone else? Nope. But for Tate she would try. How he had made the cut she wasn’t sure, but right now, because of the way she felt about him, she was glad that he had.

  As soon as Tate ar
rived, he wanted to shower. He always did after work and Kellie expected it, but after a very deep, passionate hello kiss, he suggested she join him in there. It wasn’t the first time he’d made the hint, but this time he flat out asked.

  And like usual, she hesitated.

  He studied her features for a few seconds as he held her face and ran a thumb over her cheekbone. Finally he smiled and kissed her nose.

  “Well you know where to find me.” He headed down the hallway but cast a glance over his shoulder when he stopped in front of the bathroom door. “You know where to find me completely naked, wet and lathered, and definitely hard for you if you join me.”

  Good. Lord.

  Gahhh! She sighed to herself as she watched the bathroom door partially shut behind him. If only she could… She wasn’t ready yet, was she?

  Kellie made her way down the hall and paused at the bathroom. The shower was already running, and through the few inches the door was cracked open, she could see him in the mirror. She wasn’t sure if she was thankful or not for the mostly transparent shower curtain because the second she saw his muscular frame standing on the other side of it, she felt that familiar twinge between her legs whenever she was turned on.

  She pushed the door open wider, which caught Tate’s attention.

  “There’s my gorgeous girl,” his deep voice greeted her.

  The shower curtain opened about two feet and Kellie was able to admire everything that was Tate Sullivan. There he was, standing buck-naked with all the confidence in the world. Chiseled body, tattoos, scars…everything that made him the man that he was. Kellie wished she could feel as comfortable and self-assured with her body like he obviously was with his, but she couldn’t. All of the bright light and being completely exposed in it…


  He placed a forearm against the shower wall with a sexy half-smile on his face. “C’mon, beautiful. I want you to join me.”

  She gave him a sassy smile and stepped into the bathroom to lean against the wall. “I already showered,” she arched an eyebrow at him.


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