High-Stakes Passion

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High-Stakes Passion Page 11

by Juliet Burns

  Mark snored softly into her neck, still holding her breast. Glancing lower, she grinned. His jeans were gathered around his knees. She stifled the urge to giggle. Maybe she should wake him to remove them. Her eyelids grew heavy, and she, too, drifted into a contented sleep.

  She was awakened by a movement at the bottom of the bed. Why had she left the bedside lamp on? She blinked. Her legs were gently pushed apart by big, warm hands. Mark! She rose onto her elbows. “What are you doing?”

  “Shhh, just relax.” He licked the inside of her thigh, kissing and nibbling his way higher. “You should’ve told me this was your first time, darlin’.” Stroking her with his thumb, he ran his fingers through her blond curls. He drew back and whispered, “A true blonde, huh?”

  Mark had removed his clothes. Gloriously naked, he crawled up, still under the sheet, trailing kisses along the way. He grabbed the bottom of her gown and pulled it over her head, ignoring her gasp of protest.

  Audrey crossed her arms over her body and turned away, staring at the nightstand beside them.

  “Move your arms, Audrey.” He grabbed her wrists and held them to her sides.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and held her breath. Oh, God. If he said something about losing weight, she’d die.

  Agonizing seconds later, her eyes shot open as she felt his stubbled cheek rub back and forth over her less-than-flat stomach.

  “Your little belly turns me on, babe.” He eased up the rest of the way and lowered himself on his forearms above her, cupping her face in his palms. “Audrey, look at me.”

  She forced herself to raise her eyes to his.

  “You’re beautiful just the way you are, darlin’,” he said.

  She looked at the ceiling, and couldn’t stop the tears that welled up and rolled down her cheeks.

  He gently wiped them away with his thumbs. “Why don’t you realize how beautiful you are?”

  “Beautiful?” She shook her head. “My sisters are beautiful. I’m the plain one. I guess growing up around Claire and Miranda, I learned to rely on my personality.”

  He picked up a strand of her hair, rubbed it under his nose and kissed it. “Your eyes are a gorgeous green that remind me of pastures in spring.” He kissed her. “Sexy lips.” His hand traveled down to caress her hip, moved up to her waist and stopped at her breast to squeeze. “And you’re soft and full, not all bony and sharp like some anorexic model.”

  No one had ever spoken to her this way. His eyes pleaded with her to believe him, desire smoldering in their cobalt depths. She was almost convinced he actually thought her beautiful. Unable to help herself, she’d whispered her love after she was sure he’d fallen asleep. But this time the urge to say she loved him out loud was so strong she ached with it. She could just picture the look of pity—or worse, amusement—on his face. It was less risky to show him her love.

  Audrey wanted to explore his body. She pushed at his chest.

  He frowned. “What are you doin’?”

  “Roll over. It’s my turn to kiss you everywhere,” she said with more determination than she felt.

  Then it happened. His face broke into that glorious smile Audrey had seen that long-ago night when he’d rescued her. For a moment, she couldn’t breathe.

  Still smiling, he flipped obediently onto his back and put his hands behind his head. “Kiss away, darlin’.”

  She rose to her knees, forgetting her nakedness, and began with his lips. She opened her mouth and kissed him deeply, smiling at his groan. Despite his protest, she moved her lips to his eyes and the tip of his nose. She nibbled down the line of his jaw to his throat, and ran her hands through his curly chest hair as she kissed his nipples. He gripped the sides of her head.

  Moving lower, she kissed his flat, taut stomach, pausing to dip her tongue playfully into his belly button. He moaned again, this time deep in his throat. She traveled farther down and explored with her lips and hands down each muscled thigh to the edge of the sheet.

  He tensed, grabbed her hand and guided it to his rigid shaft.

  She glanced at his face, afraid she’d hurt his leg, but he only smiled and pressed her fingers tighter. Captivated, she gladly encircled him. She’d never felt anything like it before, so soft and warm, yet so solid and alive. She kissed and licked just the tip of him before he gave a strangled choke and reared up to roll her beneath him.

  “No more, Audrey!” he gasped.

  He kissed her soundly and then raised his head, looking into her eyes. “I need you again, baby.” He grinned. “Let’s see if I can last longer than eight seconds this time.” He brought his lips back to hers and pushed into her with one long, sensuous stroke.

  Audrey felt the pressure building inside her with each thrust. The sharp ache between her legs intensified until his rhythmic pressure pushed her over the edge.

  Mark watched with pure male pride as her whole body tightened and she practically bucked him off. But he held on tight and thrust one more time. Burying his face in her neck, he stiffened and stilled, enjoying the lingering sensations. He whispered her name before relaxing against her, exhaling a long sigh.

  Before Mark fell asleep, he waited to hear her say that she loved him again. A teardrop hit his forehead. He lifted his head. “Did I hurt you?”

  She smiled and tightened her arms around his neck. “No. It’s just that, you smiled!”

  He shook his head, puzzled. “You say that like it was some miraculous event. My smilin’ makes you cry?”

  She chuckled, and rolled her eyes at him, pushing his head back onto her shoulder. “Oh, never mind.” She gave a big sigh as he pulled her close to snuggle.

  He laid his head on her chest and drifted off to sleep.


  The sun was just creeping past the horizon when Audrey slowly opened her eyes. She knew she should get up, shower and start breakfast, but she wasn’t ready to step back into reality yet. She wanted this dream to last just a few more minutes. To relish all the details in her mind.

  Waking up wrapped in Mark’s warm, strong arms, hearing his heartbeat as she lay with her head on his chest, smelling his unique odor, her naked skin touching his from head to toe, was true bliss. She’d remember last night forever. And Mark’s beautiful smile.

  He stirred beside her and kissed the top of her head. “Mmm, I haven’t slept this good since I quit drinkin’,” he mumbled.

  I guess that was kind of romantic.

  “I wish I didn’t have to get up. I love lyin’ in your arms, darlin’.” He rolled her over and kissed her thoroughly.

  Now, that was more like it! She met his tongue with her own and heard him moan softly. His male scent, his hard body, even the rough scratch of his morning stubble, intensified the ache of all her lonely mornings to come.

  “I want you,” he whispered into her throat.

  “Mmm, I really should get breakfast started.” But she said it halfheartedly, even as she wrapped her legs over his. A twinge of pain shot through her thigh muscles. She was sore in places this morning she didn’t know a person could be sore in, but it didn’t stop her from wanting him again. Did Mark’s bad leg ache, too?

  Mark groaned and slipped inside her.

  One more time, then he really would have to get going. He’d loved waking up with her draped across his chest, her breasts pressed against him. He could spend all day with her in his arms, even if his leg was cramping up. She ran her fingers through his hair and down his back, and he had to suppress the urge to push into her hand like a cat craving a rub.

  “Mark, is this hurting your leg?”

  Mark stilled in midthrust. Why had she asked him that? Had he favored his injured leg last night and not realized it? Was she feeling sorry for the poor crip? Trying to get a glimpse of the freak’s mutilated leg? No. Audrey wouldn’t do that to him.

  “Mark?” She sounded worried. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to talk about it, okay?”

  “Uh, yeah. I mean, no. I—you’re right. It’s getting late.
I’ve got chores to see to.” He refused to look at her as he rolled off and scooted to the edge of the bed. He reached for his underwear and jeans and slipped them on.

  He’d completely forgotten about his leg after he’d made love with Audrey. All he’d cared about was tasting her and pleasuring her. Feeling her skin against his. What was the matter with him?

  Muttering to himself, he located his shirt and grabbed his boots. As he reached the door, the silence hit him. He turned around and glanced at her.

  She looked so beautiful with her hair falling over her shoulders and the sheet outlining her magnificent breasts. He expected anger, screaming, accusations. She was scowling—or trying to. But what he saw in her eyes was pain and embarrassment.

  What the hell could he say? I don’t want your pity? He didn’t want to bring it up. Not with Audrey.


  He cleared his throat and tried again. “I—”

  “It’s getting late. We’ve both got a lot to do today.” She smiled, but it was a pretty dismal attempt. “So, if you wouldn’t mind?” She actually made a little shooing motion with her hand.

  She was shooing him out?

  He knew she was only trying to save her pride. And who could blame her? He didn’t want to leave it like this, but he had no idea what to say. This may have started as a physical need, a mutual attraction, but…she’d said she loved him.

  He swallowed. “Audrey, last night was…”

  “Yeah, um, me, too. I really need a shower before breakfast.”

  “Damn it, Audrey!” She was going to hear him out if he had to tape her mouth shut! He strode over to the bed, leaned down and took her face between his hands, forcing her to look at him.

  “Just listen a minute! Last night was damn good and—aw, hell!” He grabbed her shoulders, pulled her up to her knees and took her mouth in a deep, passionate kiss.

  Straightening slowly, he headed for the door. “I’ll see you this afternoon.”

  When he turned back to look at her, she stared at him, her brow creased in confusion.

  Mark’s leg throbbed all day. Driving the tractor probably didn’t help, but, as with riding Lone Star, he had something to prove. And his leg wasn’t the only thing throbbing.

  Right after dinner, he’d get things straight with Audrey. He couldn’t keep his mind on work. Visions of last night brought phantom twinges of pleasure coursing through his body. Just thinking about her made his heart speed up. How perfect they’d been together. He’d never had a woman fill his thoughts so completely. He smiled as he remembered her whispered confession.

  She’d said he didn’t have to talk about his leg. So he wouldn’t. He had some paperwork he really ought to finish, but to hell with that. He’d take Audrey to his room and make sure she was too occupied to think about anything but pleasure.

  He ached to be with her right now. He didn’t know when or how she’d become so important to him. She was interfering and stubborn and, damn it, he liked her that way! He grinned remembering how she’d poured his beer down the sink. And he’d been her first lover! His throat tightened up. He should feel guilty that she’d wasted her virginity on him. But he didn’t. He reveled in the fact that she hadn’t slept around.


  The thought of Audrey being with another man made him feel sick. But it was inevitable. The best he could hope for was a couple of weeks. Maybe a month. Would she stay that long?

  He hoped so.

  If someone had told him a couple of weeks ago that he’d want more than a good time with a woman, he’d have thought they’d landed on their head once too often. But now, he longed for it. Someone who wanted him, thought she loved him. Course, she didn’t really love him, Mark Malone. She loved the Lone Cowboy. The legend. The hero. But he might as well enjoy it while it lasted.

  “Mark! Watch out!” Jim shouted from his horse. He waved his hat in Mark’s face as if he was hazing a calf.

  Mark braked with his left foot, pulled his bandanna from his pocket and wiped his face. He’d almost run into Jim.

  “You looked like you were in another world for a minute there. Still worried about the drought?”

  “Uh, yeah.” What else could he say? No, I was dreaming of how Audrey’s beautiful breasts overflow my palms.

  “Want me to finish up here?” Jim offered.

  Mark realized he was rubbing his leg. He straightened and adjusted his hat. “No. See you back at the house.”

  “Nice meeting your brother yesterday.” Jim turned his horse to ride away.

  Mark nodded. Was it only yesterday he’d quarreled with Keith? Only last night he’d made Audrey his? Each incident seemed like a lifetime ago.

  He shook himself. What was he doing sitting here mooning over the woman like a lovesick fool? The blazing afternoon sun must have given him heatstroke. He put the tractor in gear and tried to concentrate on planting grass seed.

  With Devon gone for the day Audrey completed her tasks by rote, her mind lost in sensual memories and her heart crumbling like the top on the Dutch apple pie she’d prepared that day.

  You will not cry, Audrey Alyse Tyson! You knew how it would be when you made your decision. You wanted the “experience,” remember? And what an experience it had been.

  She snapped green beans and heaved a big sigh. Making love with Mark was worth it. Even if the pain did equal the pleasure. For a little while, he’d been her magic mirror, reflecting a beautiful, alluring woman.

  And she had made him smile!

  No, she would never regret last night. She’d known all along that this was just a physical release for him. He probably made every woman he slept with feel special.

  Why had she asked him about his leg? That was obviously a touchy subject. But after feeling so close to him last night, she’d longed to know all of him. His past, his dreams, his childhood… What had he said yesterday? Something about leaving Keith to fend for himself? Against whom? His mother? Well, she’d never know. Certainly Mark would never tell her.

  That was the painful part—knowing he would never let her get really close to him. Lovers didn’t just have sex; they shared the deepest part of themselves with each other. Or at least that’s what Audrey thought they should do. But whenever she’d asked personal questions, he’d pushed her away.

  Audrey was leaning into the fridge for lettuce when footsteps sounded behind her. She barely had time to turn before a masculine arm stole around her waist.

  It wasn’t Mark’s arm.

  Pete brought his other arm around her back and squeezed the breath from her lungs as he pressed her to him. “I’ll show that damn crip he can’t scare me off.” His fetid breath offended Audrey’s nostrils as he leaned over her and forced his mouth over hers. Struggling made no difference. She was cornered against the refrigerator, its door between her and the block of knives.

  Finally, he came up for air. “I’ve been dreamin’ of gettin’ you naked ever since I saw you.”

  Audrey sucked in a short breath and turned her head, avoiding his persistent lips. “Pete, I can’t breathe.”

  The minute he loosened his grip behind her back, she shoved hard.

  Pete fell back and knocked into the table. His face contorted in rage. “You witch!” he roared, lunging for her throat.

  Audrey made a dive to the right, hoping to reach the drawer containing the ice pick.

  He captured her arms and pinned them behind her back.

  Audrey kicked out behind her, hitting his shin, but Pete only tightened his arm around her waist. He grabbed her hair, yanked her head back and planted his wet lips on her neck. “Don’t fight me, Audrey. You won’t win.”

  Mark was still smiling when he drove the tractor into the shed and saw John heading his way.

  John greeted him with a nod. “I’m glad you and Keith worked things out.”

  “Me, too. Hey, did you know he’s getting married? I can’t believe my little brother’s fool enough to ask for that kind of grief.” Mark held his
hands up and smirked. “Uh, no offense to Helen.”

  Mark expected John to commiserate, but he gave him a serious look. “Marrying Helen was the best thing I ever did.”

  Mark shrugged. “I just hope he knows what he’s gettin’ himself into, that’s all.”

  “What about you? You ever think about taking the bull by the horns?”

  “Me? Hell, no!” John might as well have proposed he strip naked and run through the streets of Quitman.

  John shook his head. “Well, I’m eatin’ with my wife tonight. See you tomorrow.”

  And Mark was eating dinner with Audrey tonight.

  After washing up at the bunkhouse, Mark headed for the kitchen, trying to tamp down his potent anticipation by reminding himself this was only temporary.

  As he stepped in the back door, his heart stopped and all thoughts of seduction vanished.

  Pete had Audrey cornered between the stove and refrigerator. He had one hand around her throat, the other behind her head, forcing his mouth on hers.

  Audrey fought him, yanking on his hair, terror etched on her face.

  Rage clouded his vision. He swung Pete around by the shoulder, reared back and punched him in the jaw.

  Pete landed hard, several feet away, with a satisfying thud.

  Mark wanted to wrap his hands around Pete’s scrawny neck! “Get up, you bastard.”

  Pete stayed on the floor, his palms up. “She asked for it, man.”

  Mark blinked, clenching his fists to keep from dragging the punk up by his shirt and beating him to a bloody pulp. “I’ll give you thirty seconds to get your butt off my property before I call the sheriff. You set foot on this ranch again, I’ll make you wish you were dead.”

  Pete scrambled up, swiping the blood from his nose. He sneered as he kicked open the back door and strode off.

  Mark turned to Audrey and she flew into his arms. “Did he hurt you, darlin’?” he whispered, pulling her close and stroking her tangled hair.


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