For Sparrow (The Dream Dominant Collection Book 3)

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For Sparrow (The Dream Dominant Collection Book 3) Page 20

by Pandora Spocks

  “Um, okay, green...I suppose...Eeek!” she giggled.

  “That’s my girl,” Judd smiled. “Now, just lay back on the bed, and we’ll slide this thing in.”

  Jessi did as she was told, expecting to feel cold plastic between her legs. Instead, Judd buried his face between her thighs, devouring her with his mouth, alternating between long, languid licks and sucking her lips.

  “Holy...shit!” Jessi gasped, gripping the covers beside her for dear life.

  Leaning back, Judd used his fingers to check her slit. “Nice and lubed,” he murmured. “You’re ready.” He pressed the device into her opening, sliding it easily into place. “Are you ready, Angel?”

  Jessi nodded and immediately gasped as she felt a buzzing sensation in her sex. She continued to grip the covers as her hips started to buck. “Put your hands down there, Angel. Touch yourself. I want to watch you make yourself come.”

  Judd moved one of the wing-back chairs to the foot of the bed and watched as Jessi worked her clit with her fingers, moving ever faster in small circles. He pressed the remote, changing the motion of the vibration, and Jessi came unglued, screaming out unintelligibly as her orgasm coursed through her body.

  “Well, we’ll avoid that mode during dinner,” Judd quipped with a chuckle. Slowly he lowered the speed of the vibrator until finally it stopped. Jessi lay panting on the bed as he slid next to her, pulling her into his chest. He kissed her lightly.

  “What did you think?”

  Jessi laughed. “Think? Who can think? That thing is amazing. And knowing that you were watching? Seriously? I’m not sure I can walk.”

  “You realize that was just Round 1, right? Round 2 comes after dinner.”

  “Oh, my God!”

  PREPARING TO MEET ALEX and Trish for dinner, Jessi dressed in a blue sundress she’d brought, while Judd put on a pale blue dress shirt and a dark pair of skinny jeans. As Jessi touched up her makeup in the mirror, Judd unbuckled the collar and placed it on the dresser. “I don’t suppose you can wear that out to dinner.”

  She turned to him and smiled sadly. “No, I guess not.”

  He cocked his head to the left and gazed at her thoughtfully. “Something seems to be missing, though.”

  Jessi looked down, scanning herself, then checked her image in the mirror again. Her red hair was swept up in a messy bun. Was she missing earrings? No. Shoes? No, those were alright, too.

  In the mirror, she watched as Judd approached her from behind, using both hands to lower something in front of her. She felt the touch of cool metal dangling just to her collar bone as he slipped something around her neck. When he moved his hands, she saw a delicate silver chain, fastened in front with a tiny heart-shaped padlock. Her eyes met his in the mirror.

  “It’s a day collar, Angel. To the world, it’s a pretty necklace. To you and me? Well, it’s more special than that. It’s a reminder,” he turned her to face him, “that you belong to me.”

  She smiled at him, eyes shining. “It’s beautiful. I love it, Judd, I absolutely love it. I’m so glad to belong to you.”

  Chapter 35

  Alex and Trish were already seated when Judd and Jessi entered the resort’s restaurant. Alex stood as Judd slid out Jessi’s chair, and sat again to Jessi’s right as Judd took his seat across the table from her.

  “Ooh, what a beautiful necklace!” Trish commented. “Did you have that on earlier?”

  Jessi smiled. “No, it’s new. It was a gift from Judd.”

  “May it never be said that I don’t know how to spoil my girl,” Judd said, winking at Jessi.

  “Yeah, but too bad it’s not a left-hand ring,” Alex laughed.

  Jessi blushed and busied herself with checking the menu.

  “Baby, don’t do that. Don’t push like that,” Trish quietly admonished.

  “I’m just having fun. Farris knows I’m busting his balls.”

  “The mahi sounds good. What do you think, Jessi?” Judd asked, changing the subject.

  “Yes, I saw that,” Jessi replied. She looked across the table. Judd’s eyes twinkled with mischief. A sudden buzzing in her nether regions caused her to catch her breath. The corner of Judd’s lips curled ever so slightly. Jessi shifted in her seat and balled her napkin in her lap. The buzzing stopped as quickly as it had started.

  Throughout dinner, with their companions completely unaware, Jessi and Judd continued their foreplay, with Judd sending random pulses though Jessi’s core, bringing her to the edge only to stop.

  She could see the heat in his eyes and wondered if he was aware of how aroused she was. It had been a given that she wouldn’t wear panties, and she dreaded the moment when she’d have to leave her seat, fearing the puddle she’d be leaving there.

  So she was surprised when it was Judd who proposed that they should head to the tiki bar on the beach for cocktails. As Alex and Trish walked ahead, Judd pulled Jessi close to his side. “How are we doing, Angel?” He gave the egg a little buzz for emphasis.

  Jessi gritted her teeth. “My pussy is about to explode. I need to come, Sir.”

  Judd laughed lightly. “I still have very decadent plans for you. Have patience.”

  They found a table at the edge of the open-air bar, close to where the waves gently lapped over the sand. The moon was high overhead now, its fullness reflecting silver on the water.

  A server delivered a large pitcher of margaritas and four glasses, and Alex did the honors, pouring for each of them. “I have a toast,” he announced, and everyone held their glasses, eyes on Alex.

  “We’re here in this beautiful place, Farris and me, the luckiest two bastards in the Caribbean right now. We’re here with two beautiful ladies,” he glanced at Trish, “one of whom has consented to be my wife.” Cheers went up from the table.

  “I just want to say,” he looked to Judd, “thank you. Thank you for your friendship, thank you for being my partner all these years, and...” He paused for a moment, looking down at the table. “And I’d be honored if you’d be my Best Man.”

  Unconsciously, Judd brought his hand to his chest. “I don’t know what to say, man. The honor would be all mine.”

  “Yeah?” Alex asked.

  Judd nodded. “Yeah. Absolutely.” He moved around the table, and the men embraced.

  “I was wondering,” Trish began, placing a hand on Jessi’s forearm, “I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I’m hoping you’ll be one of my bridesmaids.”

  Jessi’s eyes widened. “Oh, Trish. I’d be happy to help you celebrate your day. Yes, thank you.”

  “No, thank you. For everything.” Trish hugged Jessi, kissing her cheek lightly.

  Over the next hour, they drained the pitcher of margaritas and chatted excitedly about the following day’s dives. Alex and Judd spun tales of their adventures at Sherwood Forest and Delaine’s Reef, two of the locations they intended to visit.

  At one point, Jessi glanced toward the bar where a pair of flat-screened televisions droned unheard over a background of island music, the conversations of dozens of patrons, and the gentle sound of the surf. The screen showed video of emergency lights flashing, then cut to emergency workers guiding a gurney into an ambulance. Jessi squinted to read the crawl at the bottom of the screen.

  Fifth incident of shooting of first responders in as many months. Ballistics evidence links shootings from across the country.

  “Are you seeing this?” Jessi asked. “I remember seeing something like this before.”

  The others turned in the direction she indicated.

  “Yeah, I pointed that out to Farris once. They say it’s the same shooter in all the incidents, from San Francisco to Oklahoma and now in Indiana.” Alex’s tone was grim.

  Judd shrugged. “Same gun, anyway. I don’t guess there’s any way of knowing it’s the same person.”

  “Why?” Trish wondered. “Why would anybody shoot at cops and firefighters?”

  Alex shook his head. “There’s a lot of sick fuck
s out there. I don’t know...”

  Jessi turned to Judd, and he saw the worry in her eyes. He squeezed her hand reassuringly.

  “I think,” Judd said, standing, “we’d better call it a night. We’ll meet you at the boat at, what time, 9:00?”

  Alex shook his head. “Nah, man, better make it 10:00. We’ve stayed out late. And Farris? If the boat’s a-rockin’, don’t come a-knockin’,” he laughed.

  Trish playfully slapped his arm. “Alex, seriously, you’re such a pain.”

  “But you know you love me, baby,” he smiled, arms wide.

  She laughed, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Come on, let’s go.” To Jessi and Judd, she waved. “Good night. See you guys tomorrow.”

  Judd slipped his arm around Jessi and waved back. “Good night.” As Alex and Trish made their way back toward the marina, Judd looked down at Jessi. “So, Angel, are you ready for Round 2?”

  Chapter 36

  Tealight candles bathed the room in a soft glow as Judd refastened the purple leather collar around Jessi’s neck. He’d unlocked the delicate silver chain and placed it on the dresser. Now, he turned her to face him, his deep brown eyes all molten heat.

  “Just give yourself over to the moment, Angel.” Roughly, he claimed her lips, pouring out the desire that had been building all day. Images of Jessi flashed through his mind...on the boat, her new bikini showcasing her luscious curves, and later, making herself come as he controlled the device in her pussy. He’d seen the desire in her eyes as they made their way through dinner. Stopping at the bar had prolonged the anticipation, and he knew she was teetering on the edge of a thunderous climax.

  Keeping his lips locked on hers, he unzipped the back of her dress and slid it off her shoulders, leaving it where it fell. He scooped her up and deposited her on the bed, standing back to shuck his shirt, pants, and boxer briefs. Grinning, he held up the control to the egg and gave it a zap. Jessi bucked her hips high, crying out a loud whine.

  “I want to take your ass, Angel,” he growled, turning her over and pulling her up to her hands and knees. Again, he upped the intensity of the vibrator, then used his thumbs to peel open her ass cheeks. He buried his face there, assaulting her rim with his tongue while using his right hand to work her clit. Finding her core sopping wet, he rubbed his cock back and forth to coat it with her juices before parking its head at her puckered entrance. Slowly but insistently, he pushed against the tight ring of muscles until it gave way and he pushed himself inside.

  Jessi raised her head and moaned. “Color, Angel,” Judd muttered through gritted teeth.

  “Oh, God, green! Please, Judd, please fuck me!”

  It was all the signal he needed. Gripping her hips, he plunged himself to the root into her forbidden hole. She was tight, and he felt the vibration of the egg, a mere membrane away. Pulling nearly all the way back out, he forcefully plunged back in. “Don’t wait for permission to come, Angel. You’ve earned this one and then some.”

  With Judd pounding her ass and the egg at its maximum intensity in her pussy, Jessi let go, shrieking as the waves of pleasure washed over her like a tsunami.

  Her release splashed all over Judd’s thighs, pushing him over his edge, and he grunted out her name. “Jessi!”

  As soon as he’d recovered his senses, he dialed down the vibrator as Jessi continued to spasm and moan. When the device was off, she collapsed in a heap on the bed. Judd gathered her up and held her on his lap, kissing her sweat-drenched forehead and murmuring against her hair. “Good girl, such a good girl.”

  When he felt sufficiently recovered, he carried Jessi into the bathroom and perched on the edge of the jetted tub, Jessi still on his lap, as he filled the bath with steaming water. Gently he lowered her into the tub and slid in behind her, pulling her back against his chest. Her eyes were closed and she wasn’t saying anything.

  He worried a bit. “Jessi? Come back to me, babe. I need to know you’re alright.”

  He gave her a sip of ice water and she drank thirstily. “Talk to me, Jessi. What’s going on?”

  Jessi sighed deeply. “I’m just...very tired.” She forced her eyes open. Judd could see they were glassy.

  He kissed her cheek. “You found subspace, didn’t you. You scared me for a minute.” He held her tightly.

  Jessi smiled dreamily. “I’m okay. Better than okay. That was...” She sighed again. “I’ve never known anything like that before.”

  “It was amazing, wasn’t it?”

  Gently, Judd washed Jessi, and then himself. He released the water from the tub, and stood, wrapping a bath sheet around his waist, and taking a second one for Jessi. Tenderly, he dried her, and carried her back to the bed, where he tucked her in.

  Assured that she was comfortable, he slid under the covers on his own side. “Get some sleep, Angel. We have a big day tomorrow.”

  GOLDEN SUNLIGHT BLAZED down on the boat bobbing gently just offshore from a tiny spit of sand. Judd helped Jessi zip the back of her new pink and black shortie wetsuit over her bikini. It had been a gift from him when she’d finished her dive certification. Next, he helped her shrug into her BCD, air cylinder already attached.

  Mask perched on her forehead, she tested the regulator with a few puffs and flashed the ‘okay’ signal. Gingerly, she sat on the edge of the boat and waited for Judd to gear up.

  “A little sore, Angel?” he asked quietly as he shrugged into his own BCD.

  She smiled fondly. “A little.”

  “Good,” he growled, planting a light kiss on her lips.

  “Hey, you two, get a room, will ya?” Alex called from across the stern where he was helping Trish into her gear. “Don’t make me sorry I volunteered for first watch.”

  “You volunteered. Don’t get all pissy about it now,” Judd laughed. “Besides, I’ll take the next one.”

  Alex placed a blue and silver alpha flag on the side of the bridge, and tossed a red and white dive flag on a white float into the water. “You guys take care down there. Be back in thirty.”

  “Will do, my brother,” Judd agreed. Then he tipped backwards into the water. As he surfaced, he signaled ‘okay’ to everyone. Trish splashed in second, followed by Jessi. Alex gave them a final salute and the trio began to descend.

  Jessi was amazed by the clarity of the water. She’d thought it had been clear off Jupiter, but nothing had prepared her for the dazzling sight on the reef she now swam over. It was shallow, probably no more than twenty feet, and teeming with life.

  She swam to Judd’s side and slipped her hand into his. He turned his head and winked at her as they swam over the reef together. Trish stayed close, and pointed out a green moray eel watching them warily from the safety of a crevice. As they crossed over the top of the reef and to the other side, a loggerhead turtle soared lazily past. Their half hour was over more quickly than Jessi could have imagined.

  Back on board, they enjoyed a lunch of ham and turkey slices, with various kinds of cheeses, on artisan whole-grain crackers. Jessi sipped a chilled passionfruit La Croix while Judd described for Alex all that they’d seen on their dive.

  When lunch was cleared away, Alex piloted the boat to the opposite side of the island and anchored in the sand just off the reef. This time, Judd helped everyone gear up. Alex hit the water first, followed by Trish.

  Judd tucked a stray strand of hair behind Jessi’s ear and kissed her tenderly. “Be careful down there. And have fun.”

  He watched her tumble into the water and join the others, waving as they descended below the surface. Alone on the boat, Judd grabbed a cold Coke and climbed to the fly bridge. From his vantage point, he could see the dive flag bobbing on the water. There were no other boats in sight, and the only sound was the water gently lapping the side of the boat and the breeze that ruffled his hair. His thoughts drifted to the previous night.

  Jessi had responded even better to his play than he’d hoped. Graham had said that she was passionate, that he’d been unable to keep up with her
enthusiasm and desire. What Judd wanted more than anything was to give her the space to be as sexual as she wanted to be. And so far, keeping up with her hadn’t been a problem. Before he and Jessi had given in to mutual desire, he’d had a dry spell, his craving building up over time. Now, she eagerly took his unleashed beast, matching his heat with unbridled lust. He wondered if she’d enjoy playing scenes with him at the club down in Key West.

  He checked his watch. They’d been down for about 25 minutes, so he scanned the water for signs that they were ascending. Off the port stern, he saw bubbles breaking the surface. Climbing down to the deck, he grabbed the GoPro from his bag, hit record, aimed it toward the stern, and wedged the hand-grip into a rod holder on the side of the flybridge.

  Alex was up first, followed by Jessi, and finally Trish. “How was it?” Judd asked, reaching to take Alex’s tank. He placed it on the deck as Alex hoisted himself onto the dive platform. From his seated position, he took Trish’s tank and handed it to Judd before reaching for Jessi’s, as Trish climbed out of the water.

  “It was amazing!” Jessi gushed, pushing up her mask. “You should have seen it.” She kicked over to the dive platform and allowed Alex and Trish to pull her up. “This huge reef shark swam right under me, and I was freaking out. I was so tweaked, I think I used up all my air!” She beamed excitedly. “Just amazing!”

  Unable to resist, Judd swept her up in a huge bear hug. “But did you have fun, Jessi?”

  The others laughed. “It was a great dive, Farris. What do you think, we do one more before we head in for the day?”

  STILL DRESSED IN THE dark jeans and black dress shirt he’d worn to dinner, Judd leaned back in one of the wingback chairs facing the French doors to the terrace of their suite. He sighed deeply, absorbing the tranquil view of the moderate breakers hitting the beach beyond the building. Then he glanced down. Nude, save for the purple leather collar, Jessi knelt at his feet.

  Tenderly, he caressed her head. “It’s been a great day, Angel. How about you take out my cock and use that luscious mouth of yours to make it even better?”


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