Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1)

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Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1) Page 2

by Dawn, Taylor

  “Fine.” She stepped back toward him and his yummy man smell intensified.

  “Everything okay?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Just dandy. Do you want me to finish your hair?” Ava held up the comb and shears.

  “Only if you promise not to slice and dice me.”

  “I promise.” Grabbing the back of the chair, she spun it around until it was facing the mirror once more.

  “Some women are ugly when they’re pissed, but not you. You’re kinda cute when someone ruffles your feathers.”

  Was that some sort of compliment? “Thanks,” she mumbled.

  Silenced surrounded her once again as she finished up his haircut. Being around Luke was half torture and half pleasure. She needed him out of her shop before she either tackled him to the floor and fucked him six ways to Sunday, or slammed his head in the shampoo bowl and drowned him. The first option was for sure the best one, but number two was looking mighty tempting as well.

  Her fingers couldn’t unsnap the buttons to the cape fast enough when she finished with him. Whipping the cloth from his body she turned to hang it on its hook on the wall.

  “How much do I owe ya?” He pulled his wallet from his back pocket and began riffling through some bills.

  “No charge.”

  “Is it free haircut day and I didn’t know?” Luke’s attempt at a joke did nothing to lighten Ava’s mood.

  “No. I just figured since I called you an asshole I wouldn’t charge you. Again, I apologize.”

  “Sweetheart, if that’s the worst thing you ever call me, we’ll be just fine. Here.” He held out a fifty dollar bill.

  “I don’t have change for that.” She flashed an apologetic smile.

  “Keep the change.” He tossed it on the counter beside a stack of tips.

  “That’s a $40 tip!” Her voice cracked as the words left her mouth.

  “Glad to see you have math skills.” He snickered.

  “I can’t take that big of a tip, it wouldn’t be right.”

  “Jesus. Okay, how about this, you keep it and maybe one night you can buy me a drink?” Luke began to bargain.

  “Are you sure?” Ava looked at the money and back to Luke and his magnificent eyes.

  “More than sure.”

  “Okay. Deal.” She extended her hand for him to shake.

  Luke did the same and when his calloused fingers and palm roughed over her smoother skin, it caused a ripple effect of awareness throughout her entire body. Her hand jerked out of his almost on its own accord, her palm now feeling like it’d been singed in three thousand degree flames.

  “See ya round, Ava.” Luke threw his ball cap on his head and issued a wink in her direction.

  “Bye,” she whispered as he exited the shop.

  Watching him walk out the door was painful in a way. Yeah, he was rough around the edges in the personality department, but underneath he seemed like a nice enough guy. Everyone had flaws, right? Ava grabbed the broom and began sweeping up the small piles of Luke’s freshly cut hair. She sighed as she looked up into the mirror stationed on the wall. “Why can’t my life be normal with someone like him?” She voiced the question aloud to the empty room. “Why do I have to be on the run from criminals like this?”

  Chapter Two

  Luke left the small salon and headed for his pickup truck. It was instinct to glance at his surroundings but nothing had seemed out of sorts in this town since he’d moved here. Using the story of a dead grandmother’s estate was working for his cover, but he knew the real reason for him being in Biloxi would eventually come to light. And after meeting that reason today, he wasn’t sure he wanted this job at all. Either way, he had a phone call to make.

  He reached for the burner phone in the console of his truck and dialed the one number that was saved.

  Holding it up to his ear, Luke listened as it began to ring on the other end.

  “Yeah,” a familiar gruff voice answered.

  “Found her,” Luke affirmed.

  “Where the fuck is she?” The guy on the other end seemed equal parts relieved and pissed.

  “What do you want with her?” Luke suddenly became curious what someone like his employer would want with a gorgeous blonde like Ava. Besides the obvious of course.

  “Look, you son-of-a-bitch, I pay you to find people and do your goddamned job. Not to ask me fucking questions.” It sounded like the guy took a drag off his cigarette through the line. Luke then heard him exhale the smoke and let out a slight cough. “I’ll ask you again, where the fuck is she?”

  There was really only one reason someone would hire him. They wanted someone dead. His best guess was that these people didn’t just want Ava found like they’d originally said, they wanted her to disappear. But why? Luke made a split-second decision. “She’s in Phoenix.” His voice was steady as he lied.

  “Don’t be lying to me.”

  “What reason would I have to lie? You paid me half a mil to find this chick.” Luke laughed.

  “Fair enough.”

  “So, what now?” he asked, but knew the answer.

  “I want you to keep tabs on her for a few weeks. Document where she goes, who she’s with and when she wipes her fucking ass. Report back to me a few times a week.”

  “My job isn’t to play detective, my job is to…”

  “Your job is to do what I tell you to. So fucking do it!” The guy screamed into the phone and abruptly hung up.

  Luke lifted the console and tossed the phone back inside. He sat back in the truck seat and wiped his hands over his face. If they didn’t want her dead, then that meant she was of some importance to them alive. So what secret was Ava hiding that made her so damn valuable? Seemed he was going to be hanging around Biloxi for a while to find out what secrets Ava held.


  “Over here!” Ava heard her friend Brandi shout as she walked through the doors of Bo’s Beer Bonanza. It wasn’t the trendiest of bars, but it was local and quaint. It was a survival tactic to stay away from chain restaurants and bars that had security cameras. Being seen on camera somewhere could’ve resulted in her past catching up with her quicker than she wanted it to. It was bound to happen eventually, but by taking simple measures like trying to not be captured on film, it might draw things out just a bit more.

  Brandi was sitting at a pub table near the bar so Ava went over and took a seat in an empty chair. “Hey.” Picking up the laminated menu she scanned the list of drinks even though she already knew what she wanted. She slid the sticky menu across the small table and let out a hefty sigh.

  “You look wiped. Busy day?” Brandi patted her arm and gave a look of sympathy.

  “It was steady but not swamped.”

  “How you stand on your feet all day and throw hair around is beyond me.”

  “I love doing hair. It’s all I’ve ever known since I graduated high school.”

  “Yeah, but why on earth did you move from California to the south to do hair?”

  Ever since Ava moved to Mississippi, Brandi was full of questions. Truth was, she didn’t move from California. It was actually Chicago. But telling everyone her real story wasn’t an option. She hated lying, but it was another necessary piece of her puzzle. Her life had been amazing in Chi Town. A top stylist at the Paul Mitchell Academy, a clientele that any stylist would die for and a rent-controlled apartment. What more could you ask for in life? Ava’s move to Mississippi wasn’t really a fall from grace though, it was an OMG I tripped over grace and landed right in a steaming pile of shit.

  “Just wanted a change of scenery.” She gave another bullshit answer to the person who’d become her best friend in Biloxi.

  “You’re out of your mind. I know I tell you that every time I see you, but I’m just gonna say it again.” She smiled.

  “And I love your honesty.” Glancing around the semi-crowded bar, Ava tried to spot a waitress. “Where’s the damn wait staff tonight? I need a drink.”

  Brandi began to wave h
er arms in the air to get someone’s attention. “Here comes Jeannie.”

  “Hey, girls. What can I get ya?” Jennie was a buxom redhead who had the assets all the men went for. Huge knockers. She also sported a perky ass, and legs that were sixteen miles long. How one human being could have so many checkmarks in the positive column was beyond Ava. Some people got the short end of the stick when it came to looks and others were given the whole damn orchard.

  “I’ll have an apple martini and keep them coming please,” Ava placed her order while trying not to think what it would be like to own a set of twins like Jeannie had.

  “Do you want another beer, Brandi?” Jeannie asked.

  “Sure thing, sugar.” Brandi winked at Jeannie.

  The sexpot waitress sauntered off and Ava gawked at Brandi. “What is wrong with you?”

  “What? I was only being friendly.”

  “Sugar? Really? Why don’t you ask her to sit on your lap while you’re at it?” Ava shook her head. She’d bet money that Brandi was already halfway to a good buzz.

  “You know I only go for the toad stools, not the lily pads,” Brandi hooted.

  “Here ya go, ladies.” Jeannie was back in record time, setting the drinks on flimsy paper napkins. Was it too much to ask for paper coasters? Ava shouldn’t have expected more than that, though, after all, the bathroom stalls were constructed of particle board and latched closed with coat hangers. High class.

  Taking a sip from the edge of her martini glass, Ava cringed a bit as the alcohol slipped past her tongue and down her throat. One thing about it, Bo’s sure gave you your money’s worth when you ordered a drink. Two martinis and Ava could very well be on the floor singing the alphabet in a Russian accent.

  “So, how’s the new digs coming along?” Brandi pulled Ava from her thoughts of her drink’s potency.

  “Good, I guess. I have a ton of painting that needs done but other than that I think I’ll like it.”

  “I’m jealous. I wish I would’ve found a steal like that on the beach.” She was referring to the two-bedroom beach home Ava had found. Only, it wasn’t a steal. “Thirty-five thousand for something in that location is crazy.” One more thing Ava hadn’t told the truth about. She really paid two hundred grand but no one needed to know that piece of information.

  “I guess I got lucky.” She raised her glass and took another sip of the burning drink. No one knew her, not personally anyway. They didn’t know where she came from or what she was really doing in Biloxi. The truth was, she was running. Two years so far and her past hadn’t come back to bite her in the ass, yet. For now she was staying. It seemed to be safe and pretty much low-key. Perfect for someone trying to flee from a dangerous former life.

  “I can come help you paint if you want,” Brandi offered.

  “Oh, I think I can handle it.”

  “Well, if you change your mind, let me know.”

  Ava scanned the bar once more. It was habit. She wanted to know who was there, what they were up to and more importantly, how to make her exit quickly if the need arose. She did one full pass and then back again. Once the room scan was complete she looked down at her now empty drink. Sensing someone behind her, Ava’s head shot up, her entire body on full alert. She was ready to run if need be.

  “Evening, ladies.” A man came around and sat a drink on the table in front of her.

  “Luke Daughtry,” Ava said and rolled her eyes.

  “Thought you could use a new drink.” He pointed to the low tumbler of dark amber liquid on the table.

  “I thought I was supposed to buy you a drink?” she pointed out, looking around him. “Aren’t you supposed to be on a date?”

  “Got stood up.” He shrugged, causing his manly shoulders to strain the fabric of his short-sleeved plaid shirt. Not the most stylish of clothing, but somehow Luke made it look sexy.

  “That’s a bummer.” She frowned even though she was secretly glad he’d ended up not going on a date.

  “Just wasn’t meant to be, I guess. Mind if I hang with you ladies tonight?” He pointed to the empty stool at the table.

  “Uh, sure,” she agreed.

  “Might as well drink that.” He pushed the glass closer and the scent of it mixed with Luke was beyond intoxicating.

  “What is it, anyway?” She held it up, studying the tumbler like it was a beaker filled with flesh-devouring acid.

  “Whiskey.” His mouth quirked up on one side as he flashed her a semi-cheeky grin.

  She slid it back to him. “No, thanks. I don’t do hard stuff.”

  “I’m sure that chick drink you’ve been sipping has hard shit in it.”

  “Yes, but it’s mixed with other stuff.”

  “Come on, just give it a try.” He shoved the glass back in her direction.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk, Luke?” Why did it feel so damn good to say his name? It rolled off her tongue and sweetened the palate like a spoonful of sherbet during the dog days of summer.

  “Maybe.” He flashed a sly grin.

  That partial smile did it for her; she grabbed the glass and tipped it back. The pungent alcohol hit every taste bud full force as it became a struggle to swallow the wretched liquid. After it went down with a fight, she began sputtering and coughing. “That,” Cough. “Was,” Cough. “Awful,” Cough.

  “It’ll put hair on your chest.” He laughed hysterically while Brandi only sat in shock.

  “I don’t think females are supposed to have a hairy chest.” Ava held her hand to her chest trying to keep the fiery liquid from coming back to make an encore appearance.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I don’t have much on mine, either. Guess I need to drink more whiskey.” Luke winked.

  Damn that wink of his.

  Brandi finally piped up. “Let’s see it.” Ava looked over to see a twinkle in her eyes. Brandi was all about the guys. If there was a hot one in the room, he was most certainly on her radar. Or her Guy-Dar as Brandi liked to call it.

  Clearly Luke didn’t mind a challenge either. He grabbed the hem of his button-down shirt and lifted it up. “Here ya go.”

  Oh, holy hell. Not only was the guy packing guns that would put a shooting range to shame, he was ripped with a stomach that could be a brail treasure map to the goods below. Hell, there was even an arrow in the form of a V pointing directly where she knew X marked the spot. Ava’s cheeks warmed and she turned her head away. Every woman in the place was peering toward the action at their table. This wasn’t good. She didn’t need this sort of attention.

  “Yeah, not much hair there.” Brandi giggled.

  “Okay, He-man. I think you’ve displayed your manliness enough for one night.” Ava motioned for Luke to pull his shirt back down.

  He did just that, leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear, “I think you liked it though.”

  She turned her head to look at him and it just so happened that their faces were mere inches apart.

  What would it be like to kiss someone like him? To move the rest of the way in, put my lips on his and go for it? she thought. “You haven’t the slightest idea about what I like.” Ava decided to do the smart thing and pull away.

  “You’re probably right. But I could take you out maybe get to know you a little better,” he offered.

  “Luke, I’m sure you’re a super nice southern guy and all, but I’m not looking for a relationship.”

  “I didn’t say I wanted to marry you. I just want to take you out. Have a little fun.”

  “I think I’ll leave you two alone.” Brandi grabbed her drink and fled the table.

  “Lovely,” Ava huffed.

  “Scared to be alone with me?” Luke asked in a teasing tone.

  “I’m not scared of much.”

  “I doubt that.”

  Yeah, she was attracted to Luke with his southern drawl, his slightly forward behavior and his earthy/manly scent. But starting anything with a man wasn’t a good idea. She needed to keep her focus on her business and staying sa
fe for the time being. It wasn’t even a guarantee that she’d be around a week from now. Ava decided it was time to put him in his place.

  “Here’s the deal. I don’t date guys who refuse to tell me about themselves. You seem to fall in that category. So if you think pouring whiskey down my throat will get me to have a romp in the sheets with you…you’re wrong.”

  “Fair enough.” He stood and began to walk away.

  Damn it. Hurting his feelings wasn’t on the agenda. She only wanted him to back off a little. Ava threw some bills on the table to pay for her drinks and tossed her purse strap over her shoulder. She followed Luke out the door and tried to catch up as he stomped through the gravel parking lot ahead of her.

  “Luke, wait.” She jogged up next to him but he kept walking. “I’m sorry.” Ava stopped, out of breath.

  “Hey, no big deal. You made it clear you have zero interest in me. So it was nice meeting you, Ava.” He walked over to a jacked-up Chevy pickup truck.

  “I never said I wasn’t interested in you!” she yelled while throwing her hands in the air.

  He turned around and looked at her with a serious expression. “Do you think I’m sexy?” He did a little hip wiggle.

  “Are you joking right now?”

  “Do you want to kiss me?”

  “Now you’re just being ridiculous.”

  “Have a good night, Ava.” He did that cutesy wink thing again and climbed inside the truck.

  Oh, hell no. No one walked away from her like that. She’d show him. She ran forward and went to the passenger side of the truck. After flinging open the door she hopped in the cab with him.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing in my truck?”

  “This.” She scooted over to him and grabbed the back of his head. Her lips crushed to his as she waited for him to relax. When he did, their mouths melded together like they’d been kissing each other their entire lives. Wow. Ava felt the kiss all the way to her freaking DNA. Time seemed to halt as they became tangled in the kiss together. Unfortunately it ended abruptly when Luke pulled away with a look of shock on his face.

  “Jesus, woman.” His breathing was uneven and he grabbed his chest.


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