Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1)

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Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1) Page 20

by Dawn, Taylor

  “I wouldn’t believe it either if I weren’t living it.”

  “Okay, but what do you need me to do?”

  Ava reached into her purse and pulled out the item she’d taken and tossed it on the desk. “Luke’s wallet was sitting on the nightstand. I took his driver’s license. Don’t you have a friend at the DMV?”

  “Yeah, Eddie Perkins.”

  “Can you have him run that? I want to know if it’s real. If it’s not, I have to get the hell out of here.”

  “So you’re going to keep running?”

  “I have to. If they’ve found me, then I’m as good as dead.”

  “I’ll take it to Eddie on my lunch break. You need to go home and watch your back, Ava. Lock your doors and don’t let anyone in. I’ll call you when I hear from Eddie.” Brandi plucked a tissue from a box nearby and carefully wrapped the plastic card in it without touching it with her own fingers. “I also know someone at the sheriff’s department. I’ll have them run the prints on here; it might tell us who we’re dealing with.”

  “Thank you. Please don’t tell anyone why you need this info. I need to keep as few people involved in this as humanly possible.” Ava breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Go home and be safe.” Brandi stood and walked around the desk once more. She hugged Ava.

  Ava grabbed her bags from the corner and headed out the door. The next stop was her hair salon so she could pick up her car. After that, she was going home, packing her things and getting ready to run once more. It wasn’t what she wanted to do, especially after having her heart freshly crushed. But if Luke was what she’d suspected, it was a good thing things didn’t work out with them.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Did you have to be so harsh?” Cole asked Luke as they made their way to the basement.

  “What other choice did I have?”

  “I don’t know, maybe you could’ve told her you needed some space. Telling her that you love her and then saying you used it to get in her pants? Even I know better than that, and I’m an asshole.”

  “Look, it was the best I could come up with at the time. Was it the right thing to do? Hell no. I wish I could’ve come up with something that didn’t crush her like that. But what’s done is done.” Luke started tossing equipment into a backpack.

  “What happens when this is all over with?” Cole grabbed the binoculars and tossed them in the bag.

  “Fuck if I know. She’ll never talk to me again, that’s for damn sure.” Luke hated that fact. If he’d have just thought things through a bit more, he wouldn’t have had to see Ava leave with that look on her face. The one that made his heart stop beating.

  “Did you mean it, though?”

  “Mean what?” Luke pinned Cole with a stare and braced his hands on the workbench.

  “Do you love her?” Cole mirrored his stance on the opposite side of the table. Luke stood up straight and folded his muscled arms over his chest. One hand reached up and scrubbed across the beard that was way out of control at this point. “Just answer the question, man,” Cole prodded.

  “Yes, goddamn it! I love her!” His voice rose and had Cole stepping back a foot or so. “And I fucked it up.” He hated to admit it aloud; it made it more real when he heard those words come from his own mouth.

  “What are your plans? Are you gonna walk away when this is all over?”

  “Why the hell are you asking me so many questions?”

  “I don’t know, maybe because I had to sit in a vehicle with a woman and could hear her damn heart breaking over the road noise.” Cole looked pissed.

  “What would you know about relationships anyway? You’re only good for one night stands and booty calls. You’ve no right to judge me.”

  Cole held up his hands in surrender. “You know what, you’re right. I know nothing about any of this. But I do know that even though she never got the chance to tell you, that woman loves the hell out of you. So you can finish your job here and walk away, or you can try to make it right. It’s up to you.”

  “How about we shut the hell up about this subject and focus on the task at hand. You need to get your ass down to that beach and start surveillance.”

  “You’re the boss,” Cole said as he snatched up the pack with the supplies in it.

  Luke watched him tromp up the steps and out of the house. Damn it he felt like total shit for what he’d done to Ava. Why did he have to go and be a complete bastard? He wasn’t sure what the hell he was gonna do when this was all over, but for now, the main priority was keeping her safe. If he could pull that off and get his job done, he’d figure the rest out later.


  “Are you home now?” Ava didn’t even have time to say ‘hello’ when she picked up Brandi’s call.

  “Not yet, I’m still at the salon.” Ava looked around trying to figure out if there was anything she needed to take with her.

  “Ava, you need to get home. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be out gallivanting around,” Brandi scolded.

  “I’m just grabbing a few things from the shop. I won’t be long, I promise.”

  “Okay. Be sure to call me when you get home safe though.”

  “I will,” Ava assured her friend.

  Once they hung up, Ava still stood in the middle of her shop wondering what she needed to take with her. She’d come in here for something but her brain wasn’t working properly with all the stress mounting around her. She spun around, hoping something would give her a reminder. When she faced her styling chair, it finally hit her, “My shears,” Ava breathed. “Definitely not leaving without these.”

  She picked up the glittering steel and slipped her ring finger and thumb into the finger holes. There was zero certainty as to when she’d be able to do her job again, so for old time sake, Ava moved her fingers and listened to the smooth glide of the blades as they opened and closed. What a beautiful sound. The whooshing of the steel coming together was like listening to a slight breeze blowing across the ocean’s surface. It was in a word…perfect. But perfection never lasted long. So Ava tossed the shears into their leather pouch and dropped it into her purse.

  She took one last look around the shop that’d been her home for the past two years and said her goodbyes. There would be no coming back to this place once she took that final step out the door. The only thing that was in her future was more running. A life that had no guarantees and no emotion once more. It saddened her to think that it took Luke to make her feel something for life again. He’d brought out the best and worst in her but she loved him all the same for it. As much as it hurt to think about him, she was thankful for the time she’d had with him. He’d showed her that being happy was possible, even if it was only for a brief moment in time.


  “Do you see her?” Luke talked in a hushed voice into his walkie-talkie.

  “That’s a negative,” Cole responded instantly.

  “Where the hell is she?”

  “No clue. Want me to take a closer look?”

  “No. Hold back. If she happens to come home, I don’t want you discovered.”

  “Rodger that.”

  The sun was setting over the ocean and Luke was holed up in the house next to Ava’s. Everything was quiet so far, almost too quiet. Something seemed off but Luke couldn’t quite put his finger on it. He’d been peering out the scope of his rifle for what seemed like hours now and he’d seen nothing but seagulls and a scraggly stray cat. Not to mention, Ava wasn’t even home yet. It was going to be tough catching a shark when the chum wasn’t even in the water.

  Minutes ticked by and finally Luke caught the glow of a set of headlight approaching Ava’s house. He made sure his gun was set firmly on its bi-pod and picked up his night-vision binoculars to take a look. It wasn’t quite dark yet but the handy tool helped him secure a clear vision of whom or what was coming. Scanning the area, Luke radioed Cole, “She’s home,” he said through the crackle of the receiver.

  “Yup, just got a visual
.” Cole’s voice came out of the speaker with minimal static.

  “Don’t get too close, she has a watchful eye.”

  “I can’t imagine why,” Cole chuckled into the device.

  “How about you lay off the smartass comments and keep your eye on the bait,” Luke bit out.

  “Rodger dodger,” Cole laughed again causing Luke to roll his eyes. If Cole wasn’t such a good partner, he’d have kicked him to the curb a long time ago. But as fate would have it, they were stuck like glue after Cole managed to save his ass in Bogotá.

  “We’ve got company,” his partner relayed. “Get behind your scope, I think this’s him.” There was an urgency in Cole’s voice that Luke recognized immediately.

  He tossed the binoculars down and grabbed the butt of the gun, fitting it in the perfect crevice between his shoulder and chest. Once more he scanned the vicinity and then landed on a shadowy figure that seemed to be sneaking around the property. “I’ve got a bogie near the side of the garage. Do you copy?”

  “Copy that. I’m going in for a closer look.”

  Luke brushed the barrel back and forth until his sites landed on Cole. Sneaking around just as the other guy was, he came up behind the man—and in one fluid motion, reached up and snapped his neck. Cole held onto the body until it softly hit the ground. Suddenly Cole’s head jerked up and he took off running.

  “Got another one. Can’t see him but he’s firing on me.” Cole’s voice came out breathless as he darted around the now dark property.

  “Get to cover. I’m trying to find him.” Luke searched frantically through his scope and finally spotted a glint of something about fifty yards away. “I got you, you son-of-a-bitch.” He adjusted the wind gauge slightly, lined up his shot and squeezed the trigger with maximum precision. The only sound was the slight ‘ping’ as the bullet left the suppressor on the way to its target. “Bogie number 2 is down,” Luke said confidentially through the walkie-talkie.

  “I’m hit,” Cole bit out.

  “Fuck.” Luke took one more pass of the area and determined they’d taken out the threat for now. “How bad?” he asked as he quickly broke down his weapon and shoved the pieces into the black carrying case nearby.

  “Just my lower leg. No major arteries but it stings like a motherfucker,” Cole chortled.

  Luke relaxed a bit, but this was far from over. “I think you’re the only person on the planet who laughs at getting shot.”

  “The ladies love scars. The more scars, the more ass you get.” Cole cracked up laughing.

  “If you say so. Meet me on the beach past Ava’s house when you’re finished mentally scheduling booty calls for the next five years.”

  “I think I can milk this injury for at least six years, maybe even six and a half,” Cole threw back.

  Luke couldn’t help but chuckle a little at Cole’s positive outlook on the situation. The poor guy had been grazed too many times to count. Getting a hunk of metal slashed through your skin was just another day in paradise for his partner.


  Ava hurried around her house packing essentials into a few bags. Just like Chicago, she’d have to leave most of it behind. She wondered for half a second why she’d even attempted to gather things and build any sort of life in Mississippi; it wasn’t like it was going to be permanent or anything. There was always a timestamp on this part of her life. She’d come to terms with that fact when she’d boarded the bus in Chicago two years ago. But this was the way things had to be. If she wanted to continue breathing for any length of time, she had to get the hell out of here.

  Once a few bags were packed and placed by the front door, Ava hustled into the garage to grab her other stash. Just as she did before, she spun the combination until the lock popped free and then she tossed the hunk of metal to the side. There was no putting it back in place this time; this was the very last time she’d go into this hiding place.

  Sliding back the metal door she took two steps at a time until she was standing in front of the black duffle. The thought of protecting herself crossed her mind as she unzipped the bag and dug around for the gun stashed underneath the stacks of money. The solid chill of the firearm touched her fingers and Ava grasped it while trying to calm her overwrought nerves.

  “I can do this,” the chant fell from her lips several times while she pulled the gun free. It wasn’t like the words could calm her in any way, but being alone while knowing people were after you was one thing that made her want to lock herself in the hiding place and never come out. But she’d gained so much strength over the past couple years. She’d learned to trust people and had some happy memories to get her through the rough times she was headed for. Even the terrible things Luke had said to her didn’t dampen the way she felt about him. But knowing there was a good chance he was the one after her didn’t sit well at all. It was time to go.

  Ava grabbed the handles of the heavy bag and hoisted them over her small shoulder. The weight caused her body to lean to the left a bit but she wanted to keep her right arm free in case she needed to use the gun. She hoped against hope that wouldn’t happen, but if it did, she’d be ready. Her body was trembling as she padded through the garage and into the kitchen. Hiking the bag further up on her shoulder she turned the corner and froze. The bag slipped off her arm and landed with a thud on the hardwood floor. Adrenaline racked her body as she raised her other arm and pointed the gun at the person standing in her living room.

  “Ava, put the gun down,” Luke held a similar weapon in his hand.

  “No.” Her heart began to beat loud in her ears as it pumped the adrenaline through her veins.

  Luke raised his gun and pointed it at her. “Ava, please lower your weapon.”

  She shook her head and moved her finger closer to the trigger. “I said no!” she shouted, hoping he would hear the seriousness in her voice.

  “Fine. I’m putting mine down.” Luke began to lower his weapon and then crouched to the floor. He placed the black metal in front of him and stood with both hands raised in front of him.

  “Kick it over here,” she blurted out. “Now.”

  “Okay.” Luke put his foot over the gun and slid it across the floor. The scraping sound echoing in the room around them.

  Ava kept hers trained on his broad chest as she crouched to retrieve the gun he’d slid over. When she stood, she tucked the extra weapon in the waistband of her jeans. “Do you have any other weapons on you?” she asked.

  “No.” He didn’t seem at all phased by having the barrel of a deadly weapon aimed at his chest.

  “Good. I’m going to grab my stuff and leave. If you try to follow me, I will fucking shoot you, Luke.”

  “Ava,” Luke’s voice held warning.

  “Don’t try to stop me. I know why you’re here.”

  “Why am I here?” Luke asked, cocking his head to the side.

  “You were hired by Frankie to take me out. Well I have news for you, I won’t go down without a fight.” Ava raised her chin in defiance.

  “Jesus. Ava, before you leave, I need to explain a few things.”

  “I don’t want to hear anything from you, Luke. You’re full of lies.”

  “Fine. But at least let me show you something before you go.” He began to reach around to his back pocket.

  “Hands where I can see them!” she shouted.

  “I already told you I don’t have another weapon. I have something to show you and I need you to see it.”

  Ava nodded. “Pull it out slowly and toss it over here.”

  Luke grabbed ahold of something and brought his arm back around to the front of his body. It looked like he was holding some sort of wallet. With a flick of his wrist, the item was at her feet. Ava held her gun on him while she picked up the black leather item. She turned it over several time in her hands.

  “Open it,” Luke said.

  “I am.” With one hand Ava unfolded it and gasped as three bold letters and the unmistakable gold emblem stared back at her. “
This isn’t real.” She tossed it to the floor and gawked at Luke.

  “It’s as real as they come, Ava.” Luke ran a hand over his face, the sound of his beard rasping against his fingers. “And you’re holding a weapon on me.” He began to step forward.

  “Back up,” she demanded but he kept taking steps, coming closer and closer.

  “I think you know deep down that it’s real. So ask yourself what the repercussions are if you shoot me. Do you think they’ll go easy on you?”

  “Please don’t do this, Luke.” Ava felt the hot sting of tears fill her eyes.

  Luke held out his hand. “Then give me the gun.”

  “How do I know you’re telling the truth?” The salty liquid began to stream down her face.

  “He is telling the truth,” Cole said as he stepped into the room. He then whipped out the same black bi-folded item Luke had tossed to her. “See?”

  Ava’s back hit the wall behind her. She was trapped. Her head dropped forward and her arm went limp. Before the gun could fall from her fingers to the floor, it was gingerly taken by Luke’s bigger hand. Emotions flooded her as she tried to hold herself upright.

  “I think she’s in shock,” Cole pointed out.

  “Ava, sweetheart, I need you to look at me.” Luke placed a finger under her chin to make eye contact. Ava’s vision was blurred from the mass tears bleeding from her eyes. She nodded but her head felt like it was floating and her legs seemed like they were made from Jell-O.

  “I don’t feel so good.” Her stomach roiled.

  Luke stepped out of the way just as she doubled over and vomited. He grabbed her hair and pulled it back in one hand as she heaved. Her stomach muscles protested as she straightened.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up.” Luke put an arm around her waist and led her down the hall to the bathroom. “Here, have a seat.” He helped her sit on the side of the bathtub. He worked around the small room and was soon crouched in front of her with a damp washcloth. He pressed it to her forehead and she sighed in response.

  “Are you going to arrest me?” she asked.


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