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Secrets Page 8

by Terry Towers

  “Thank you.” She tugged at the lapel of my pale blue button-down shirt. “You’re not looking so bad yourself.” Releasing my shirt she looked back onto the lake. She stopped walking and tugging my hand, forcing me to stop as well. “Can I tell you a secret?”

  A secret? Yes, please! Any knowledge about her or her past was welcomed, even if it was a brief snippet. She was like a puzzle I was desperately trying to assemble and get a peek at the image, while missing half the pieces.

  “Of course.” On bated breath, I waited.

  “I’ve never been on a date.”

  I laughed – loud and hard. Her expression sobered and I immediately cut off the laughter. Once again, I was an inconsiderate prick. “I’m sorry. It’s just hard to grasp.”

  “My parents died in a car crash when I was fifteen, leaving me alone. Our family wasn’t exactly poor, but also wasn’t wealthy. I had no family after they passed so I was put in foster care. Foster care isn’t the same there as here. It’s bad, so bad. They treated me like a maid. Like a slave.”

  I wanted to interrupt. I wanted to ask one of the million questions plaguing me, but refrained, scared she’d clam up. So I remained silent. There would be time for questions later – if she allowed it.

  “I met someone. He offered me a way out. Freedom. A job… Less than a year later I was pregnant.” With each word her accent became more intense. At one point I was concerned she was going to continue her thoughts in Ukrainian, but she didn’t.

  “So that guy is Ura’s?”

  She shook her head. “No. I don’t think so.” She seemed to ponder the possibility a moment and shook her head a second time. “No. He’s not.” She let out a loud huff. “So I work. I work a lot to care for Ura. Save money. I would do anything for Ura, so he is safe and cared for.”

  “So all that time, you never dated anyone?”

  “No. No one. I didn’t live a life of a normal girl. I grew from girl to a mother. There was no in between for me.”

  “So how did your husband come into your life?”

  She looked up at me. I could see the indecision in her eyes. “He knew my boss. They had business together and he noticed me. He offered me and Ura a new life in America if I marry him. I didn’t know what type of man he was.” She frowned and tears welled up into her eyes.

  No longer caring if my actions would make her shut down, but only interested in giving her comfort, I gently urged her into my arms, wrapping her securely in my embrace. The action caused her to give in to the sobs that she’d been attempting to hold back.


  Cuddling tight to Jaxson’s side, stretched out on the blanket he’d laid out on the beach I felt something I rarely felt – happiness and contentment.

  “What are you thinking?” Jaxson brushed his lips across my temple, causing a wide smile to spread across my lips.

  “I’m thinking I couldn’t have had a better first date, starting with a nice romantic dinner at that nice, quiet Italian place and now here on the beach. It was worth waiting for.”

  He returned my grin, his eyes taking on a smoldering look that caused a tremble to vibrate through me. His smile faded and concern became etched in his expression. “Are you cold? We can –”

  Jaxson attempted to fold the blanket over us, but I stopped him and rose to my feet. “I’m not cold.” Pulling my lower lip between my teeth, I gave him my best seduction look as I took a few steps backward, toward the ocean.

  Cocking his head to the side, he braced his elbows behind him and watched me.

  “Do you want to swim?”

  A smile emerged on his lips as he sat up fully. “We don’t have any suits.”

  Reaching behind my back I pulled the zipper down on my dress, keeping my eyes locked onto his as I did. “Who said we needed suits?” Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe I was starting something that never should be started. Shit, I was still technically married, although if things were any different and if I weren’t running from my husband I’d have filed for divorce and happily signed the papers long ago. Jaxson was my landlord, my boss, my friend. And there were so many secrets between us, from both our ends. Should I be jeopardizing that for a night? Were things moving too quickly?

  The voice at the back of my head scoffed at me. It’s been over two months, Anastasia! it screamed. I knew it was right.

  As Jaxson rose to his feet and began to approach me, undoing the buttons of his shirt, all doubts that had crept into my mind dissolved. I wanted this man. I needed him. And despite his trying to hide it, I knew he needed me too. We were two lost and empty people needing a connection to move on from the past.

  I matched his steps backward as he approached. His steps paused as I slipped my dress from my shoulders and then pushed it down past my breasts. His eyes lowered to my breasts and while I couldn’t see into his eyes, I knew the passion was there, I could see it in the tension in his body and the urgency he seemed to have as he yanked off his shirt and began working on his belt buckle. Another wave of need rushed through me, igniting a pulsing between my legs.

  “You know, someone could show up,” Jaxson said.

  A wide mischievous grin spread across my lips. “That just adds to the excitement, don’t you think?”

  Pushing my dress down fully, I stepped out of it, spun and sprinted for the water, my hair flying out and around my face. As I raced into the water, I spun back to face him, pushing my panties down my hips and chucking them onto the sand.

  Slowly, I backed into the water, watching Jaxson as he finished disrobing. My gaze lowered down his chest, to his stomach and paused at his groin, watching as his shaft began to grow thick and long. The heat between my legs increased to the point I had to fight to keep from going to him; instead I continued to back up into the water until the cool lake covered my nipples, which were turning into tight, long peaks. Each time the water brushed at my nipples it would send a ripple of pleasure through me.

  He closed the distance between us, walking swiftly and with determination. If I wanted to stop this I had to do it now. In ten minutes, heck five, we’d be well past the point of no return and things would be changed between us forever.

  “This will change things,” he warned. It was clear he knew my intentions of luring him into the water.

  “Things have already changed,” I replied, using the reasoning he’d used on me previously.

  He came to me and just as he was about to pull me into his arms, I ducked under his arm, and remaining under the water, swam off a few feet. When I re-emerged he was staring at me, his cocky grin firmly in place on his lips. Then he lunged, diving under the water. With a squeal, I began to swim.

  Our little cat and mouse game, which included bouts of giggles from me and laughter from him, didn’t last quite ten minutes; he was way too strong and fast for me to escape. He toyed with me for as long as he could handle. I was at the platform several yards off shore when he caught me and pulled me into his arms; oh my, did I welcome being caught! His lips came crashing down on mine in a much anticipated kiss. My body felt like jelly as I pressed up against him, gripping tight to his shoulders for support. The heat of his body in beautiful contrast to the coolness of the water surrounding us urged me closer to him, to share in his warmth.

  I sighed against his lips, parting mine and inviting him in to explore. As our tongues touched something snapped within me and the only thought in my mind was getting closer, touching every inch of his stunning body, feeling him enter me and giving me the satisfaction my body desperately craved.

  Jaxson’s erection pressed against my stomach, taunting and teasing. Holding tight to him, I slipped my legs around his waist, opening myself for him. Jaxson’s hands immediately went to my ass, helping to support me on his hips. His cock slid between my legs, nestling between my folds and intensifying my desire. Pulling my lips from his I rocked against him, causing his dick to slide back and forth along my slit.

  He groaned a deep and gravelly sound. “Fuck, Anna, we’ve
gotta stop this before it’s too late.”

  My lips grazed the side of his neck, periodically nipping at the skin. Another loud groan escaped his lips, his fingers digging tighter into my ass, pulling me tighter to him. The feel of his cock between my folds continued to tease and my pussy began throbbing so badly I was tempted to spear myself onto his rod to end my misery – and by the tension in his body against me it would end his as well.

  Pulling back in his arms, but keeping my legs tight around his waist I looked him deep into the eyes. “I don’t want to stop.”

  “Dammit.” He placed a hand on my cheek, brushing his thumb along my lower lip. The look of desire in his dark eyes was so intense it sent a shiver through me. “Don’t say that if you don’t mean it, Anna.”

  “I want you. I’ve never wanted someone so bad, Jax.” Unwrapping my legs from his waist I pulled myself up onto the floating platform. Flipping over to my back, I spread my legs, enticing him with my bald pussy – his for the taking, if he wanted it. I was grateful for the darkness of night surrounding us, otherwise he’d see the blush heating my cheeks at my behavior. If he turned me down right now, I’d be humiliated.

  He didn’t turn me down. Placing his palms on the platform on the insides of my feet he pulled himself out of the water with one swift movement. As he emerged the droplets of water glistened under the moonlight as they slithered along the hard curves of muscle.

  As the water dripped from my body, the wetness between my legs was replaced with my own juices causing me to squirm in anticipation, attempting to relieve the building tension that was filling every part of my body. “Jax…” I managed to gasp seconds before his lips came crashing down on mine, his body settling over mine. He placed a hand on either side of my head, protecting my smaller body from being crushed by his.

  “Fuck, I’ve wanted you from the day I laid eyes on you Anna,” he murmured, his lips leaving mine and beginning to work their way along my jawline and down the side of my neck, then across my collarbone and heading lower.

  “Me too.” Closing my eyes, memories of the previous night flooded my mind and my body instinctively moved against him, my back arching as his tongue swirled around my first nipple. Wrapping my arms around his back I urged him on, crying out when his teeth gently nipped at my rosy bud. “I’ve thought of this so many times. Dreamed of it happening.”

  “So have I, baby.” His lips left my nipple and captured the second, flicking it with his tongue and making my head spin from the pleasure.

  Slipping one hand between our bodies, I grasped his thick cock in my hand. His body froze at the feel of my hand grasping him and he let out a low, feral groan before sucking harder on my nipple and sending a jolt of pleasure though me. I moaned with him as I began to stroke his shaft, tightening my grasp and quickening the motions until he was bucking against my hand. I slipped his cock to the apex between my legs, rubbing it against my soft, moist folds.

  Feeling his eyes on me, I opened my eyes to catch his gaze. The look he gave me carried so much intensity goosebumps began to emerge on my skin, but there was also another look in his eyes – concern.

  “I want this.” When the concern didn’t fade from his eyes I stressed, “I need this.” Which is another first, I mused but kept those thoughts to myself. I didn’t want questions, not now, not when every nerve ending in my body needed him.

  He paused a moment longer, but then the concern faded and pure animal lust was all that remained in his eyes. The familiar cocky grin spread across his lips. His cock jerked in my hand. “Anything you want, baby.”

  Brushing my hand away from his member he lined himself up with my entrance and my breath caught in my throat, my body freezing as I waited. Seconds felt like hours, but when he finally slid into me, filling me slowly it felt like heaven on earth. A soft series of anxious moans passed my lips as he took me inch by inch, so slowly I had to bite down on my lower lip to keep from crying out my frustration. Once he was fully embedded within my heated core he remained there, not moving, no doubt intent on torturing me, until I gripped his ass cheeks in my hands and bucked up against him.

  “You’re in control, baby.” Holding onto me, Jaxson flipped onto his back, taking me with him until I was straddling him, with him remaining deep within me. His hands remained on my hips, but not urging me to move, giving me complete control.

  “I’m in control,” I whispered, keeping my eyes locked on his. He didn’t respond, but didn’t need to.

  I liked that – a lot. It not only turned me on, but clenched my heart. This was all me, my decision, my pace, my pleasure. Me…

  Placing my hands on his chest, I began to move on him, slowly at first, savouring the feel of his cock as it slid in and out, rubbing against my clit with each motion. Closing my eyes I began to move faster on him, rotating my hips in a circular motion as I moved up and down, so the head of his cock stroked my clit with each inward thrust.

  Moans echoed into the night, a combination of me and Jaxson indulging in each other. Even though Jaxson stated I was in control, I knew different. I was his as much as he was mine.

  “Oh Jax. Oh yesyesyes,” I moaned, closing my eyes and arching my back, basking in the pleasure that washed over me in waves, each one more intense than the last until I was rocking and bouncing on him with abandon. My fingers dug into his shoulders as I grew closer and closer to the brink. Knots formed in my stomach and my pussy began to throb; I needed to come.

  He began to thrust up into me, meeting each of my thrusts with his own. Opening my eyes, I looked down at him; his body looked even more amazing under the moonlight. His left hand moved from my bottom to the back of my head and he pulled me down to him, forcing my lips to his. The kiss, so heated, so intense in combination with the feel of his cock within me sent me spiralling over the edge. My pussy clenched around his cock, milking it as I released, flooding his dick with my juices.

  Jaxson groaned against my lips, his cock throbbing within me. Suddenly he held me tight and in one swift, fluid motion I was on my back with his muscular body hovering over mine. He began to thrust into me, slamming into me hard and fast. Sweet and tender was gone and raw, feral need was what remained as he came barrelling toward his own orgasm.

  “Oh fuck Anna,” he growled, pulling his lips from mine and placing his lips against my neck. His body began to tense as his cock throbbed. Holding tight to him, my legs wrapped around his waist, I met his every thrust.

  “Yes. Please wait for me,” I begged, as my body was demanding another orgasm. Even with our bodies united, I couldn’t seem to get him close enough.

  He let out another groan and I trembled under him. I was at the edge, ready to be pushed off. My moans mixed with his groans in a symphony of pleasure that filled the night air around us. My fingernails dug into his back and shoulders, no doubt leaving deep, red gashes, but he didn’t seem to notice.

  “Oh shit, Anna.” He lifted his head from my shoulder as he thrust in a final time. There was a look of panic in his eyes and I immediately knew what was causing the panic, but it was too late and at that moment I didn’t care. The panic was replaced with a look of unrefined pleasure as he spilled his seed within me. The feel of him filling me with his warm cum sent me spiralling over the edge, pleasure radiated throughout my body and I pulled him down to me, clinging tight to his broad shoulders.

  Chapter 10


  I groaned when a knock sounded at the door, interrupting the blow job I’d been receiving from the young, stunning, dark-haired Russian woman who was on her knees under my desk, in front of me sucking my cock with expert ease. I’d decided that morning the woman servicing me was going to be my new wife, once Anastasia was found. She’d arrived from Russia the previous morning. She was a good, respectful, grateful Russian woman. She knew her place and I was confident she would fit the role of my wife well.

  A second knock came at the door and my new bride-to-be lifted her head to look at me, waiting for instruction. Fisting her dar
k hair in my hand I forced her head back to my lap. “Did I tell you to stop?” I growled. Wordlessly, she resumed licking and teasing.

  “Come in.” Boris couldn’t see her and even if he could, what did I give a shit? He’d seen me do a lot worse with hundreds of others – Anastasia included. “The news had better be good Boris, or so help me, I’ll put a bullet in your fucking head right here and now,” I snapped, as Boris entered my office. I was at the end of my rope with this cat and mouse game. I wanted Anastasia and I wanted her NOW!

  Boris proceeded across the room and halted halfway to my desk, upon realizing what was going on under my desk. His face reddened and he cleared his throat, averting his gaze, pretending to examine a painting over my upper left shoulder.

  “Well, what is it?”

  “She’s in Bangor. We were able to acquire the surveillance footage and she definitely exited the bus terminal and never returned. We’ve gone through over a week of footage. She’s there.”

  “Then why haven’t you found her yet?”

  “I was hoping you’d authorize a few more men to the task. We could each take a section of the city and start door-to-door. Someone was bound to see or know her and have an idea of where she is.”

  My erection throbbed in my bride-to-be’s mouth at the thought of having Anastasia again, preparing to explode into her mouth. Oh, the pain I’d inflict. It was going to be so sweet. So sweet indeed. The image was so vivid in my mind I could literally hear her screams echoing in my ears. I closed my eyes and groaned. When my eyes reopened, a grin formed on my lips watching Boris shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot, looking everywhere but at me.

  “Do what you have to. Just get it done.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Spinning around abruptly Boris hurried faster than I’d ever seen him across the room and out of the door, closing it behind him.

  As the door slammed shut, I thrust up into the dark-haired Russian’s mouth and released. She moaned and swallowed the treat I’d bestowed upon her.


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