Irish's Destiny

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Irish's Destiny Page 19

by Erin Osborne

  “What’s up Irish?” Rage asks when he finally opens the door.

  “She in here?” I ask, not hesitating to find out.

  “Yeah. She doesn’t want anyone to see her right now though.”

  “Why not?” I ask, getting more and more confused.

  “She’s in rough shape right now and needs some help. I’ve already let Grim know so he’s callin’ a doctor in to look her over. Please, give her this?”

  “You know I’m not goin’ to be able to hold Whit off. She wants to see her now. Keegan can you please come out here? I won’t let anyone else see you, I promise,” I tell her, trying to convince her to come out of hiding.

  After a few minutes, I hear the bathroom door creak open and I know that she’s decided to come out. I patiently wait to see what is wrong with this girl before I make a decision as to what I’m going to do about Whitney. When she takes her first step through the door, I see that she looks a lot like Whitney. They have the same color hair and eyes, some of the facial features are the same too. The main difference is that Keegan is covered in bruises from what looks to be head to toe. Someone really worked her over.

  Keegan is barely moving and I’m guessing she has some broken bones. Her ribs are for sure fucked up from the way she’s holding herself. One of her eyes is almost completely swollen shut, and her lips are both split open. I can’t believe the shape that this woman is in. Not to mention that she is skinny enough that she looks like it’s been months since she’s eaten a bit of food. Yeah, Rage was right in making sure a doctor is called in to look her over. She’s also made my decision easier about putting my house for use for the domestic violence homes we’re doing.

  “Well, Keegan, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Irish and I’m with your cousin Whitney,” I tell her, not even bothering to stick my hand out so I don’t scare her.

  “Whitney? She’s here?” Keegan speaks softly, but filled with hope.

  “She is. She’s downstairs and she wants to see you right now,” I tell her.

  “Can you send her up here? I need to know that she’s okay.”

  “I’ll get her right now. Rage, I’ll be right back with her. I’ll text you so that you can let us in.”

  Heading back in the main room, I see Whitney sitting on one of the couches. Her foot is tapping and she’s downing a bottle of water. Basically, she’s waiting impatiently. I chuckle knowing that she’s been waiting for me to come back with news on her cousin and I’m surprised that she hasn’t started tearing the place apart yet in search of her.

  “Whit!” I call out. “Wanna come with me?”

  “You found her?” she asks, her voice full of hope.

  “I did. She doesn’t want anyone else to see her though. So, for right now, only you can come up.”

  Whitney doesn’t hesitate to almost run to me. I put my arm up so she knows to slow down a little bit. There’s no way I’m not going to warn her about what kind of shape Keegan is in. So, as gently as I can, I tell her what I saw of her cousin. I can see the tears filling her eyes. At one point in time, I’m sure she remembers looking exactly like I explained Keegan looks right now.

  “Take me to her. Now!” Whitney tells me. There’s no room for argument in her voice, she’s serious about wanting to see her right this second. So, I text Rage and let him know to open the door.

  As soon as we enter the room, Whitney about collapses. She’s crying hysterically, and I don’t know if it’s because of the way Keegan looks or because she’s finally seeing her after so long. Hell, it’s probably a combination of the two things. My arms are around her as I lead her to sit on the edge of Rage’s bed. Keegan is also in tears and I know it’s from seeing Whitney after so long.

  “Keegan, is that really you?” Whitney asks.

  “Yes. I’ve been so scared for you Whitney. I couldn’t end up the way you did though. I ran away, and I’ve been on the run ever since.”

  “Okay, but who did this to you?” Whitney asks.

  The two girls share a look and I know that Whitney already knows who beat the shit out of her cousin. I’ll get her to tell me when we’re alone. Although I have a feeling that it was Whitney’s dad that made Keegan look like this. But, we’ll figure it out later on. Because I know without a doubt that we’re not done with her dad. He’ll be back, and we’ll deal with him properly at that point in time.

  We left Whitney and Keegan in Rage’s room for a little bit to talk alone. It’s been a very long time since they’ve seen one another, and I didn’t think they’d be comfortable talking in front of us. So, we waited right outside his door in case there were any problems.

  All we heard was muffled conversation and crying a few times. It was hard as hell for me to stay in the hallway when I heard my girl crying. But, I know that they needed this time. So, I’ll wait for my girl to come out and then we’ll go back to the cookout. I know I could be out there now and Whitney would find me, but I need to make sure that she’s okay. Today has been a lot on her emotionally and I know it’s taking a toll on her.

  “Are you the one that got her out of the car?” I ask Rage.

  “Yeah. I saw her poundin’ on the windows as hard as she could. Not that it was all that hard considerin’ how beat up she is.”

  “Why did you think to bring her in your room and not in one of the empty rooms? Especially with Kasey here?”

  “She was clingin’ to me and didn’t want to be left alone. I tried to tell her I’d stay with her, but she wanted to come to my room. There was no way I could deny her what she wanted when she was already scared shitless.”

  I nod my head because I completely understand where he’s coming from. If Whitney were looking the way her cousin is right now, I wouldn’t be able to deny her a single thing she wanted either. Hell, she doesn’t look like that and I can’t seem to deny her whatever her heart desires. I wouldn’t have it any other way either.

  Finally, Whit emerges from Rage’s room and her eyes are glossy and red-rimmed. You can definitely tell she’s been crying. Honestly, I’ve never seen her look more gorgeous in the entire time I’ve known her. Whitney has always been pure and never one to wear make-up and things like that. Right in this moment, Whitney is as pure as she can be. There’s nothing fake about her and she’s not hiding the emotions she’s feeling or going through.

  “I’m ready to go back outside now,” she says, holding me close to her for a few minutes.

  “Are you sure? We can go in my room and you can lay down for a little bit.”

  “I’m sure. I need to see Sami and talk to her for a few minutes. And, I really need to get something to eat. I’m starving.”

  I lead her down a different set of steps and out the back door of the clubhouse. The cookout is in full swing and the smells coming from the grill are enough to make my mouth water. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Whitney. Based on the look gracing her face right now, she’s ready to find the nearest bathroom. I keep an eye on her to see what her move is going to be. She stands still for a few minutes before I see her swallow another sip or two of water. Then, she turns and heads a little bit further away from the grill and finds a table to sit at. It’s not long before she’s surrounded by Pops, Joker, Bailey, Sami, Goose, and Grim. Everyone else is giving her some space and I appreciate it.

  As they all sit and talk, I walk around and talk to a few of my brothers. Gage and Steel stop me to talk and I know that they’re going to be asking about Whitney and what I’m doing with her. I can see it written plainly all over their faces. Before they can begin, I need to ask a question though.

  “Um, if Pops is up here, who’s with Whitney’s mom?” I ask, looking around to try to see who’s missing.


  Nothing else needs to be said. I know that he’s not going to let any games she may attempt to play get past him. Killer is a strong brother even though he’s with the Phantom Bastards. He takes his job seriously, and he’ll find out what her end game is. Killer is one of those
guys that can read a person better than most and I have a feeling his military career is to thank for that. I relax a little bit and let myself start to have a good time.

  “So, are you sure about this girl?” Steel asks me.

  “I am. You don’t even understand the connection we have, and it’s been that way from the first time I saw her. After spendin’ time with her and bein’ with her I know it without a doubt.”

  “I’m happy for you then,” Gage tells me. “Does she know about Caydence and everythin’ that happened there?”

  “I told her the condensed version of it. Sami and her are amazin’ with Cassidy and Cassidy loves them.”

  “I can see that she loves you. She hasn’t taken her eyes off you since you all came out here,” Steel says.

  I glance over my shoulder and see that Whitney is in fact looking my way. This makes me break out in a smile and I know the guys can see it. I don’t even give a fuck. They can say whatever they need to say about it, because you know that I’m going to be there saying the same shit to them when it happens to them. It’s just a matter of time.

  Deciding I need to go get Whitney a plate, I walk away and get in the food line. Catching her eye, I let her know that the plate is for her and see her nod her head in acknowledgment. I’m glad that she’s not fighting me on this right now. She said she was starving and I’m going to make sure the baby and her are fed.

  Not knowing what she wants to eat and what may make her sick, I just grab a little bit of everything. I end up making her two plates and I get Goose, who’s doing the same thing for Sami, to grab the drinks. Instead of more water, he grabs them juice from the kid’s drink table. That way we know for sure it’s not spiked with anything.

  “Here you go Whit,” I tell her, setting the plates down in front of her.

  She looks up at me and I’m waiting for her to say something about the amount of food I got her. Instead, she picks up her fork and starts eating. After a few minutes, she asks me where my food is, and I go make myself a plate. I join them at the table and soon everyone else is getting their food and separating off to eat with their family. Everyone other than Pops that is. He stays sitting with us. I know he wants to talk to the girls. He’ll get his chance at some point.

  We’ve eaten, talked with friends, started talking to Rage about building the house, and now I’m about to get my girl to dance with me for the first time. I don’t know if she dances, and typically I don’t, but I want to dance with Whitney. Goose and Sami are already dancing along with several other people. With You by Emerson Drive is playing as I lead her to the make-shift dance floor. Whitney goes willingly into my arms and we move slowly to the song. Sami and Goose are close by us and I know that she’s sensing the same thing that I am. My girl is getting worn out and will want to be leaving soon. She won’t say anything to any of us, but I know she’ll want to get to bed soon. After today, I’m not going to be anywhere other than in bed with her.

  “Babe, when the song is done, I’m goin’ to talk to Grim for a few minutes. Then we’re goin’ back to your house and goin’ to bed.”

  “That sounds good,” she tells me, leaning closer into my body.

  Yeah, my girl is tired, and I don’t want to keep her on the dance floor, but I don’t want to let her out of my arms just yet either. Finally, the song ends, and I walk Whitney over to Pops so she can start saying her goodbyes. Grim is standing with Bailey over by the make-shift bar. I let her know that we’re gonna be heading out so she can make her way over there while I have this conversation.

  “What’s up Irish?” he asks me.

  “I bought a house with Caydence before everythin’ happened. There’s no way that I’m goin’ to be able to live there now. And, there’s no sense in passin’ it down to Cassidy because we never lived there. So, I want to use it as another house for domestic violence victims.”

  “Are you sure?” Grim asks after a few minutes.

  “Yeah. I’ve been thinkin’ about this a long time now. I’ll get the keys to you tomorrow. Right now, my concern is gettin’ my girls back to Whit’s house so that she can go to bed. Have someone call and let us know how Keegan is doin’.”

  “I will. I’m about to go check on her and Whitney’s mom now. I want to know what Killer’s managed to get from her. Hopefully she’s tellin’ the truth and truly wants away from that sick fuck.”

  I give Grim our standard man hug and make my way back towards Whitney, Sami, and Cassidy. Goose is already standing with them and I know he’ll be making the trip back with us. Even if his bike wasn’t still there. Sami and him have been watching at least one movie a night together, and tonight will be no different. All I want to do is get everyone back to the house and climb in bed with my girl. I want to hold her close and make sure she knows that no one will ever hurt her as long as I’m around.

  Chapter Fourteen


  IT’S BEEN A FEW WEEKS and I haven’t been able to see my cousin Keegan. I’ve been talking to my mom about going to meet her and I think that today is finally the day that she’s taking me there. All that I’ve been told up to this point is that Keegan hasn’t been up to meeting me yet. She wants to, she just isn’t ready. I know that something is going on and that she had the crap beat out of her. Yes, I’ve heard things here and there about the shape she was in when Rage took her out of my grandparent’s car.

  “Sami, are you about ready to head to the clubhouse?” I hear my mom call from the living room.

  “Yeah. I’m coming now,” I holler back to her.

  “We’ll be in the car waiting on you.”

  I make sure I have my phone before I make my way outside. Goose is waiting for me in the living room and he makes sure the door is locked up tight. Irish is on his bike, Cassidy is in her car seat, and Goose is heading over to his bike. So, I take my seat in the front of mom’s car and we head out.

  We talk about me being nervous to meet Keegan on the way over there. I know mom has been a few times a week to visit with her and she tells me that there’s nothing to worry about. Keegan is just like us and they’re actually getting ready to move her into her own house. The house that Irish told Grim to use for victims wanting to get away and start their life over again. My mom also tells me that Keegan is looking much better than when she first got here, but I will still see some bruises here and there. She also tells me not to hug her too tight or anything because her ribs do still bother her. It’s going to be a while before they’re done healing.

  When we finally pull into the clubhouse, I can see everyone is here and I wonder what’s going on. No one told us anything about a party or anything like that. Most of the other times we’ve been here, you really only see a few people milling about. Maybe it’s just because it’s the weekend. Or maybe they’re here to help Keegan like they helped us.

  “I’ll take you up and introduce you to Keegan. Then, Irish and I are going to see how the house is coming,” my mom tells me, finding a parking spot.

  “Are you going to let me see the house before we move in?” I ask, knowing that I’m going to get the same answer as usual.

  “No. It’s too covered in equipment and not safe for a lot of us to be in there at one time,” Irish tells me, having opened the door and heard my question.

  There’s definitely something else going on here. My mom typically doesn’t keep things from me, but she’s sticking with Irish on this. Eventually I’ll find out, but until then I’ll wait impatiently. It shouldn’t be too much longer until the house is done anyway. Rage doesn’t mess around when it comes to building houses for the members of the club. At least from what I’ve seen.

  Mom and I walk in the clubhouse and are greeted by everyone in the main room. We say our hellos as we make our way to Rage’s room. I’m not sure how everything worked out since he has a daughter, but Keegan hasn’t wanted to leave his room here at the clubhouse. Hell, I don’t even know if Rage has his own house or anything like that. It’s not my business.

p; Knocking on the door, we hear a muffled response before pushing the door open. Just taking one look at Keegan is all I need to know that we’re related. She has the same chestnut colored hair as my mom and I along with eyes the color of chocolate. The only difference I can see at first glance is that she’s almost skin and bones still while mom and I are curvy.

  “Sami, this is our cousin Keegan,” my mom says introducing us. “Keegan, this is my daughter Sami.”

  Keegan wraps me in a hug and I remember my mom’s warning not to squeeze her back too tight. Keeping me at arm’s length, Keegan takes a good long look at me. I see her look at mom and I know that they’re sharing communication of some sort. Eventually I’ll know what they’re looks mean, but until then, I’ll let them have this.

  “I’m so glad she didn’t get any of her looks from Carl,” Keegan says, leading me over to the bed to sit down.

  “Me too. Sami here is all me.”

  “Okay, now, we’re going to catch up and get to know one another. You guys go do your thing and I’ll see you all later on,” Keegan says, shooing my mom out of the room to Irish waiting in the hallway.

  As soon as they’re gone, Keegan sits down and gets comfortable. For the first few minutes, we sit in silence just taking one another in. I’m not nervous or uncomfortable, I just typically don’t meet relatives I haven’t known about before. Pops, Joker, and Bailey made it easy because they didn’t let us hide. They made it known that they were going to be in our lives and put themselves there. I don’t think Keegan knows what she’s going to be doing just yet.

  “So, Sami, how do you like living here?” she asks me.

  “I love it! It’s a small town, but the people from the club are amazing. They’ll pull you in and make you feel wanted and loved. Are you thinking about staying here?”

  “I don’t know yet. For the last sixteen years I’ve been in more places than I can count on both hands. It wasn’t safe for me to stay in one place for too long.”


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