by Marla Monroe
“Swat her if she won’t behave. She deserves a spanking for working herself to death and losing weight.”
“I’ll let you do that next time. I’m having too fucking much fun right now. She’s about wild, are you ready?”
Brad grinned and nodded. He sucked in both of her nipples by pushing her breasts together and sucked on them. Carmen hissed out a breath as he nipped at them while he had them together.
Kirk returned to her pussy and began to torture her with his tongue once again. She loved it when they took her places like this. She knew she would climax, but she never knew when or how hard it would be. Sometimes, they took her slow and easy, bringing her to tears with their gentleness. Sometimes it was wild like rutting animals. She loved it no matter what they had in store for her.
Kirk suddenly pinched her clit between his fingers as he stroked her G-spot with his two fingers. He licked up all her juices as she screamed out her climax. It was sudden and mind-boggling. She hadn’t expected them to send her flying so quickly. They must have something else in mind.
Kirk pulled his fingers from her weeping cunt and licked them as she watched through her lashes. She was so relaxed now that she didn’t think she could move. Brad had other ideas, though.
“Up, baby. You’re going to ride poor Kirk. He’s wanted your pussy sucking at his cock all day. Haven’t you, Kirk?”
“It’s all I’ve thought about, baby. Let me feel you ride my dick, baby.” He eased up on the bed and lay down on his back, holding his hands up to help her.
Carmen got up on her knees and took Kirk’s hands in an effort to keep from falling over on the bed. She climbed up and over him until she had straddled his waist. She sank down on him and rubbed her sopping wet pussy over his cock several times before he stopped her with a hiss.
“That’s enough. I’ll come before I’ve even gotten to feel you press around me. Take me, baby. Take all of me.”
Carmen sighed as she felt the spongy head of his cock spread her pussy lips as it tunneled up into her cunt. She slowly sank down over his thick dick until she was sitting flush with his body. She could feel him twitching inside of her. It was amazing to be so closely joined with him. He flexed his hips and bumped against her cervix. She squealed in delight.
“There you go, baby. Stop squeezing me now and bend forward so Brad can get in that hot ass. I bet it’s already puckered waiting on him, isn’t it, baby.”
“Oh, God, yes. I can’t wait, Kirk. I’ll have both of you in me. I love to have you both in me at one time.” Carmen wiggled her ass and earned herself a swat on the ass for her impertinence.
“Behave, Carmen. I need to prep this little flower before I split you open with my cock.” Brad’s husky voice belied his indifference. He couldn’t wait to get inside of her any more than she could wait for him to be there.
She felt him squeeze lube on her back hole, and then massage it into her. He added more lube then pushed in one finger and pumped it a time or two before adding more lube and twisting in two fingers. She breathed through the slight pain and resulting pinch as he pushed them in and out of her dark rosette.
After a few seconds, he added more lube and thrust in three fingers through her tight muscular ring. She whimpered as they slowly slipped inside of her. He stopped and let her breathe through the pleasure-pain before moving them around inside. First he pumped them in and out. Then he began to spread them inside of her, getting her ready for his much larger cock.
“Are you ready, baby?” he whispered as he bent over her.
“Yes, Brad. I’m ready. Please fuck my ass.” She felt him lick a long, wet line from her neck down her spine to the back of her ass before he carefully pulled out his three fingers and replaced them with his lubed-up cock.
“Push back for me, baby. Fuck yourself onto my cock.”
Chapter Fourteen
She felt Kirk circle her clit between their bodies in an attempt to distract her from some of the discomfort. She moaned and nipped at his chest with her teeth. Then she backed into the long length of Brad’s cock. He held it still for her to slowly impale her ass over his hard dick. He pushed forward some when she faltered. It burned so much, but once she managed to get the cockhead through her tight, muscular ring, it morphed into a strange, dark pleasure.
“Yes!” Brad hissed out. “So fucking tight.”
He rubbed her ass cheeks then slapped them each twice before rubbing them again. The pleasure of him spanking her had her squeezing down on his and Kirk’s dicks. Kirk groaned and shifted his hips, causing his cock to rub inside of her. She moaned and pushed back even harder in an attempt to take all of Brad’s cock so they could fuck her. She was beyond pain now. All she felt was pleasure and need. She needed them to fill her. She needed them to fuck her hard and fast.
“Careful, baby. I don’t want to hurt you. Get used to me being inside you.”
“I can’t wait. I need you to fuck me, Brad. Kirk, please.” She tried to move back and forth between them, but they were holding on to her too tightly.
“We’ve got you, babe.” Kirk wrapped his hands around her hips and began pulling out as Brad pushed in.
They shifted her back and forth between them until the rhythm was all that registered outside of the unbelievable pleasure they were giving her. One of them was always inside of her. She was never left empty of cock. Her body felt foreign to her as they eased their cocks in and out of her.
“Please, more. I need more.” They were moving so slowly.
“Baby, we don’t want to hurt you. You’re so small, so tight.” Brad’s voice was strained.
“I’m not a glass doll. Fuck me!” She nearly screamed out the words.
They immediately began tunneling in and out of her in a much faster rhythm. She groaned at the way her skin felt so tight on her body, sensitive to the touch. She could feel even the air currents slide across the sweat covering her now. Nerve endings lit up inside her ass, adding to the already-sensitive ones in her pussy. She was going to explode soon, and she knew it would kill her.
“Fuck, she’s rippling around me,” Kirk said. “She’s going to come, Brad. I can’t hold on, man. Not when she’s squeezing my dick like she is.”
Carmen lost her breath as her climax stole over her in a blinding cloud of sensation. She clamped down on the two cocks in her body and heard them call out as they lost their concentration and shot cum deep inside of her.
She heard someone scream and realized it was her. She collapsed on top of Kirk and felt Brad cover her back as he held still deep inside of her ass.
“Fuck! I’ve never come that hard before.” Brad seemed to be struggling to breathe.
“Not going to argue there.” Kirk was in the same shape.
“Carmen. Baby. You okay?” Brad slowly pulled out of her now-tender ass.
“Tired.” She couldn’t manage much else.
The men chuckled and rolled her to the side. Kirk slipped out of her pussy and curled up around her.
“I’ll be right back.” Brad walked to the bathroom but was only gone a few seconds.
“I could sleep for a week.” Carmen yawned.
“Let me clean you up some, baby, and you can get a start on that.” Brad cleaned her up with a warm, wet cloth before climbing back in bed with her.
Carmen snuggled between her two men and thanked God that she had them. They treated her like a queen and were hard workers. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
* * * *
Carmen was up and dressed cooking breakfast when the men got up the next morning. Brad poured coffee for him and Kirk then wrapped an arm around Carmen as she poured batter into the pan for pancakes.
“Morning, baby. How are you this morning?”
“Good. How did you sleep?”
“Like a brick. Finishing a house always feels good.”
“Oh, you!” She laughed and popped him on the shoulder.
“Well, good sex does that, too.” Brad laughed.
armen flipped the pancakes then slid them off on the platter for the men.
“There, that’s the last of them. Dig in, guys, before they get cold.”
The next twenty minutes were spent in relative silence except for the obvious sounds of eating. Carmen couldn’t seem to get her mouth to open to take a bite of hers. She sipped at a glass of water, but couldn’t stomach the idea of food. What was wrong with her? She hadn’t been able to eat much of anything the last few days.
She cut a tiny piece of the pancake off and shoved it in her mouth. Immediately she jumped up and ran for the garbage can. Her stomach rolled and rebelled at the little piece of food.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” Kirk held her hair back as she retched in the garbage can.
“I guess I’ve gotten a virus.” She shivered.
Brad handed her a wet cloth to wash her face.
“I think it’s more than that,” Kirk said.
“What could it be?” Carmen asked in a weak voice.
“Baby, I think you’re pregnant.”
“Aw, hell.” Brad chuckled. “That’s probably right. No wonder you haven’t been eating much.”
“Really? You really think I am?” Carmen already felt better just thinking about it.
Brad and Kirk both wrapped their arms around her.
“Honey. I’m almost a hundred percent sure, but we’ll go see the doc to be sure. Plus, you need to be on vitamins,” Brad said.
“Ugh, I don’t think I can stand the idea of taking them. I can’t stomach the idea of food as it is.” Carmen shivered again.
“Let’s clean up the kitchen and load up to go to the city.” Kirk headed for the table.
“I’m going upstairs to clean up. I’ll be back down in a few minutes.” Carmen left the men to tend to the food and dishes while she changed tops and brushed her teeth.
Brushing her teeth proved to be an ordeal. The toothpaste made her stomach rebel. She finally managed to rinse her mouth enough that she felt clean and hurried downstairs.
“I just talked to Steven on the radio. They’re going to town to the doc, too. Seems Janet has been sick as well. Looks like you two are both pregnant.” Brad laughed at her obvious excitement.
She jumped up and down until Kirk put a stop to it.
“You don’t need to be jumping around, baby. It can’t be good for you or the baby.”
“It won’t hurt either of us. I’m so excited. Janet and I will have our babies at the same time. They’ll grow up together and be friends.”
“Looks like she has it all figured out, Brad.”
“It’s going to be an interesting winter. That is for damn sure.”
“I bet I’m due in June sometime. That means I can get the garden started. You guys are going to have to help me with the harvest, though. I’ll have the baby to deal with.”
“Don’t worry about any of that right now, baby. We’ve got a long time to deal with that. Right now all you need to think about is getting plenty of rest and eating right.” Brad rubbed her back with one hand.
“A baby.” Kirk shook his head.
“What?” Carmen asked.
“I just can’t imagine being a daddy. Gonna take some getting used to, is all.”
“You’ll both make great dads,” Carmen assured them.
The men looked at each other and chuckled.
Carmen smiled to herself as the men discussed making their new addition their little helper. She didn’t bother to remind them that it might be a girl. Besides, a girl could be a carpenter’s helper just like a little boy could.
With that thought, she hugged her men and whispered that she thought she might like a nap before heading to town. Brad’s eyes grew heavy with desire as he stared into hers, and Kirk was already halfway up the stairs.
Marla Monroe lives in the southern part of the United States. She writes sexy romance from the heart and often puts a twist of suspense in her books. She is a nurse and works in a busy hospital, but finds plenty of time to follow her two passions, reading and writing. You can find her in a bookstore or a library at any given time. Marla would love for you to visit her at her blog at and leave a comment. Or you can reach her at her by email at
Also by Marla Monroe
Ménage Everlasting: The Men of Space Station One #1:
The Ranchers Take a Wife
Ménage Everlasting: The Men of Space Station One #2:
The Ranchers’ Bride
Ménage Everlasting: The Men of Space Station One #3:
The Hired Hands’ Dilemma
Ménage Everlasting: The Men of Space Station One #4:
Love Between the Hired Hands
Available at
Siren Publishing, Inc.