A Different Reflection

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A Different Reflection Page 20

by Jane L Gibson

  It brought me great pleasure just sitting and reading and laughing with James, and then George came to see what all the fun was about. We were laughing about the witch in Sleeping Beauty and the fact that her spell – making everyone sleep – was far fairer than the one cast upon James. It took him a short while to see the funny side, but then he laughed along with me for some time. I almost ended up with tears running down my cheeks, and as I explained why to George I started again.

  “Well, you’re always one to see the lighter and funnier side of things. It is lovely to hear you both laughing!” George then said as he laughed a little more.

  Time flew by, I served our pasta and we sat and ate, amusing ourselves as we sucked up the long spaghetti. It was tasty and the three of us left no morsel on our plates

  “That was delicious, Katharina. You can stay as long as you like if you cook like that for us!” George stated as he rubbed his tummy.

  “Indeed!” James agreed. I was happy that I was appreciated and that my cooking had been enjoyed.

  “It’s my pleasure; I do enjoy cooking. I am just not that great at it and I never seem to have the time!” I replied.

  “I think you should make time! You are very good at it!” James then stated. I smiled contentedly as I cleared the plates, then stared at them in my hand for a moment.

  “Plates – that is one thing I do not understand. If you receive a real version of each meal in your side of the mirror, you must have hundreds of plates stacked up in there somewhere. What do you do with them?” I asked curiously.

  “I do not know!” James replied. “I wash them and dry them and place them in the cupboard, but when I go back in the next day, there is only the original amount that I started with! It is quite perplexing!” he finished as he placed his plate in his sink.

  “This is quite a complex spell, yet it seems simple enough to break!” I commented.

  “Not that simple; he’s still bloody stuck there, stubborn as he is!” George then answered. I laughed a little.

  “I think that I have mellowed a little over the years, George, do you not agree?” James asked.

  “Mellowed, yes, but managed to find someone to love you – no! I am not sure if we will ever hear those words!” George remarked.

  “Thank you for your positivity George!” James then sarcastically remarked as he sat and folded his arms across his chest.

  “Look boys, I know that you have had many, many years of this to endure, but I do not think that I am doing too badly. I have managed to get some potential girlfriends here for you to meet; it’s just a shame that no one can see you yet. I promise that we will find you someone!” I replied as I washed up.

  “I have no doubt in your ability to do anything that you set your mind to!” James then complimented me. I turned and smiled at him.

  “Why thank you James. I honestly never start anything that I know I cannot finish!” I remarked.

  “Well, that’s good enough for me!” George said as he started to dry the crockery. I smiled at him and he gave me a wink back.

  “Shall we retire to your day room, George?” James then asked as we finished.

  “Yes, we shall. I think it would be nice to sit and talk before we retire for the night,” George then stated.

  I curled up in my usual large armchair near the fire and James sat opposite me. George served us mugs of tea in his lounge, and I was starting to feel more relaxed than I had in some time. It then occurred to me that the last time I had felt this relaxed was when I had last been here. I asked them to continue their stories from many years ago, and they made me laugh with many of them. They had a knack in particular of describing people; they created the most vivid characters in my mind.

  After nearly two hours of tales from days gone by, I could hardly keep my eyes open and suggested that I should retire; sleep was much needed. James offered to walk with me to my room, and I was becoming more used to his image accompanying me now. He stopped in the mirror beside my door.

  “Are you sure that you are well, Katharina? I have not known you very long, but it seems that you are like me, and are good at hiding the truth about how you really feel!”

  “You are very perceptive, James. I am merely disappointed. I never expected to find myself in the position of having to decide about my relationship. I always daydreamed about the fact that when I entered into a relationship it would be forever and I would love that person wholeheartedly and want to spend every day with them. It seems that this is not the case; I have allowed my love of fairy tales to make me believe that!” I answered honestly.

  “Maybe the problem lies in the fact that you have not met the correct person to have a relationship with that will last forever?” he replied, smiling sincerely. “Do not give up so easily on love; after all, look where my disbelief got me!” he then said as he gestured at himself.

  “I haven’t given up on love, James, and I am sure that you are correct. Thank you, I find it very easy to talk with you,” I truthfully replied.

  “And I like to converse with you!” he then said as he stepped back. “I will bid you good night; sleep well and we shall see you in the morning,” he then stated as I nodded and simply said:

  “Good night James, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.” I went into my room and closed the door.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I woke feeling refreshed and as I stretched my phone bleeped. It was a text from John: ‘Hey babe, have you come to your senses yet? The bed was empty without you here last night, call me!’ I sighed and threw my phone onto the bed. It didn’t surprise me that he was still blaming me for this whole problem; yes, I admit that buying this house was an impulse buy, but I love it and it was mine. The whole Nadine situation, however, was entirely down to him. Even if he hadn’t slept with her, his intentions showed that he wanted to, which meant that he cannot be completely happy with our relationship.

  I did not want to face ringing him yet, or texting. He had spoilt my refreshed feeling this morning and that in itself irritated me. I brushed my hair and teeth, then put my slippers on and went downstairs. As I approached George’s kitchen door, I could hear him talking to James.

  “Well I think it is a fabulous idea, James – let’s ask her. If anything it will certainly cheer her up!” George said.

  “I agree, and she has saved our home and us in more ways than one. I find her company most stimulating and the more I spend time with her the more I admire her!” James then replied. I raised my eyebrows in surprise; I had not expected to hear those words.

  “She is quite something, isn’t she? Well, do you want to see if she is awake? I have breakfast almost finished and then we can have a day of keeping her happy!” George replied.

  “Of course!” James answered.

  I panicked; I knew that James would be on the move and I did not want them to think that I had been listening in on them. I turned and ran back to the hall and then turned around and walked back as if I had just come down the stairs. James suddenly appeared and I think that I startled him more than he me!

  “Katharina, I was just coming to let you know that breakfast was ready!” he informed me as I stretched and let out a little yawn, trying to look like I had just woken.

  “Lovely, that was good timing then wasn’t it!” I remarked as he gestured for me to walk toward the kitchen.

  As I walked past him, I quickly glanced at his attire. He had very simple jersey pyjamas on and his feet were bare. I smiled at the fact that he looked quite normal. I like him looking slightly dishevelled; it gave him a relaxed look. I couldn’t help but say something.

  “Nice pyjamas!” I commented. He blushed and checked that they were straight.

  “Likewise!” he replied as I then looked down at my silk pyjamas.

  “Thanks!” I smiled as I walked to George’s kitchen. I glanced back at him and he was smiling too!

  “Ah, we look happy this morning!” George remarked as I entered with a grin on my face.

“I was just commenting how nice James’ pyjamas were! I have to admit they were not quite as I expected,” I informed him.

  “One thing we have learned over the years is that the clothing is much easier to wear – in particular bed clothes. They are far more comfortable than what we used to wear, although James does still like to wear his original shirts and trousers!” George commented.

  “They make me remember who I am sometimes!” James quietly commented.

  “I like your original clothing, particularly the shirts – I think that we have Colin Firth to thank for that in his role as Mr Darcy!” I answered.

  “Jane Austen – yes, fine novels; she was a very interesting woman by all accounts!” George then commented.

  “I would have loved to have met her!” I replied.

  “Never met her, but James had friends that knew her!” George replied.

  “Really? Wow, I bet that you have had the possibility of knowing some amazing people!” I replied.

  “The possibility, and also the reality, of knowing some very interesting people,” James then confirmed as George placed the biggest plate of breakfast that I had ever seen in front of me.

  “Gosh, thank you George, this looks delicious.”

  “Well, after breakfast we can take a little walk around the garden and then we can have a day of game playing. Perhaps both James and I can teach you some new games that are old games?” George then commented.

  “I like the idea of that. I’m not usually very good at games!” I replied.

  “Before that, James has something that he would like to propose to you!” George then said as he looked across at the mirror. I took a sip of my tea and waited to hear what he had to say. For some reason, my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest.

  “Yes, both George and I would like you to invite your friends and colleagues for a party here at Northfield for your birthday. It is very soon, is it not?” James enquired. I looked at them both.

  “Really? I don’t know what to say!” I replied with excitement.

  “Say yes! It would be nice to see you enjoy yourself, and for once be the centre of attention. Besides, this house has been too quiet for far too long; some music and laughter would be well received,” James finished.

  “I would love to. It will be amazing to have a party here – but are you sure that you can cope with the newer music and the number of people in your home?” I quizzed them.

  “It will be no problem, Katharina; we have held many parties here in years gone by and we can do it again. It would be our pleasure to do this for you. Besides, this is your home too, don’t forget!” George then replied.

  “Alright, it’s a deal then. I cannot wait! Perhaps we should discuss when and then we can make all the necessary arrangements. I do not want this to be too much trouble for you, George,” I then insisted.

  “We can make some decisions today and then invite your guests. I am looking forward to the house being alive again!” George remarked. I turned and looked at James.

  “Thank you. It has been many years since I celebrated my birthday so elaborately!” I told him.

  “Again, it is our pleasure!” James then said. “I am looking forward to it a great deal!” he then announced. George smiled and took another sip of his tea.

  As I finished eating and left to get dressed, I felt happier than ever. Who would have thought that I would part own a place like this, and be holding my own party in such a place? Whilst I dressed, I started to imagine all the things I would like to do; my head swirled with possibilities. Suddenly I heard my phone beep again. It was a snap back to reality; I knew it was bound to be John, and it was. ‘You have not called me yet. I think we need to speak Kat, ring me please!’ I scowled as I read and decided that it would be better to call him now, then I could spend the rest of the day enjoying the company of my friends and planning my party without any interruptions. As the phone rang, I sighed. I was not looking forward to this.

  “Kat, hey babe. Why didn’t you call me?” John asked.

  “I’m calling now. I was sleeping!” I replied.

  “So, how are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Not particularly bloody great John, quite honestly. The more I think about us, the more I do not see where we are going. I know that I keep bringing Nadine up, but the way you look at her with lust is not the way you look at me. I just don’t think that you are happy with us anymore and this purchase of mine has highlighted this all the more!” I honestly told him. I heard him sigh.

  “Alright, maybe I need to come clean and be honest. I do find Nadine attractive, and we have been working together a lot recently and spending more time together. I do not know what is wrong with me, my head is telling me it’s wrong –” he started, but I jumped in.

  “But your nether region is telling you it’s right?” I snapped.

  “I know that she has feelings for me, and she keeps throwing herself at me. I am so sorry Kat, it only happened once!” he then said very quietly.

  “WHAT? What only happened once?” I shouted.

  “That night you quizzed me about – I spent some of the evening at her place. I was very drunk and it meant nothing, I swear,” he then confessed. By now I was furious.

  “You made me out to be jealous, unfair and suspicious, and yet I had every reason to be! I cannot believe that you would betray me like that, you complete hypocritical jerk – and you have the nerve to tell me how to spend my money! I really do not think that there is any point in talking anymore; I have nothing to say to you right now. I will come and collect my things,” I confirmed as I started to cry.

  “I’m sorry Kat, I really am – I never wanted this to happen, it just did!” he was quick to reply.

  “This proves how little you thought of us! Please don’t call me; I do not want to talk to you ever again. You have hurt me in the worst possible way and I cannot forgive you John. We are finished!” I said as I then burst into hysterical, angry tears.

  As I ended the call, I turned and hurled my phone at the wall without thinking. It broke into pieces. I leant against the mirror, slid to the floor and pulled my knees up tight to my chest. I placed my head on my hands and sobbed. Well at least I knew the truth now, and I was right – I did have reasons to worry. How could he do this to me? I knew that James and George must have heard me shouting, and I did not have to wait long for confirmation.

  “Katharina?” a voice behind me whispered. “Katharina?” it asked nervously again. I turned and leant my head against the mirror and found James kneeling at my level. He was concerned. “What happened?” he asked. I laughed lightly and then replied:

  “Well, right now I wish that I was a witch, because I would turn that ex-fiancé of mine into the rat that he deserves to be!” I replied as I continued to sob.

  “What has he done?” he asked me, looking angry.

  “Admitted what I thought. He has been having a relationship with a work colleague – a very intimate one! I can never forgive him. I have told him that it is over!” I replied. James held his head low and sighed, then placed his hand on the mirror close to me.

  “If I could I would beat the scoundrel for hurting you! He does not deserve you, Katharina; he has no right to hurt you and treat you so. I am sorry that I cannot do anything more to help you, but one day he will feel the fury of my fist – I assure you of that!” he kindly said, then shouted for George. He appeared in quick time, so I knew that he had been nearby.

  Before I stood up, I placed my hand opposite his on the mirror and looked at him.

  “Thank you. You are nothing but compassionate toward me, and whatever your past faults were, I only see you as you are now!” I replied as George handed me a soft cotton handkerchief and helped me to my feet. James rose up at the same time and looked sad at my misfortune; I knew it was because he was seeing first-hand how betrayal from a man affected a woman. I felt sorry for him, having to relive bad past experiences through me.

  “Right young lady, le
t us get you downstairs. You need a stiff brandy, a coffee and a slice of chocolate cake!” George then said, as a father would to a daughter.

  It made me smile; he felt slightly like a father to me, and I knew that he felt like one to James, too, which is why James was so grateful for him.

  They sat and watched me as I quickly drank the brandy that was put in front of me and then I picked at the cake. I had all sorts of things running through my mind that I wished I had said to him, but I realised that I had said quite enough for now. I looked up at them both and realised that they did not know what to say, and suddenly I felt guilty.

  “Gosh… I seem to be nothing but trouble. I am sorry that you had to witness that!” I said gently.

  “Trouble? You certainly are not, I do not want to hear you say that about yourself! You are a bright, kind and generous young lady who we love to spend time with. That fool should have treated you with the respect and love that you deserve… he is in all honesty a complete and utter imbecile!” George then stated with force. “Good riddance I say, what an idiot!” he then carried on, before James stepped in.

  “Alright George, I think you have made your point!” he said as he looked at me and mimed ‘Sorry’. “I do have to agree with you, though, which is not usual George – well said!” he then finished, and without warning I started to laugh.

  They looked at me and then each other, shrugged their shoulders and then looked at me again. I stopped and bit my lip.

  “I am laughing because I agree with you too! He has lost the most important thing in his life by not thinking with his brain. He is an imbecile and although this hurts and I still feel raw, maybe this is for the best?” I stated as I stood with force. “Anyway, I started this day feeling excited and happy and I will be damned if he is going to spoil it. I will make it my duty to try and go to bed feeling in a similar mood!” I finished as I swigged the last of my coffee. James jumped up and George straightened himself.


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