Crosstown Crush

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Crosstown Crush Page 24

by Cara McKenna

  And what she really wanted, deep down, was for their cuckolding dynamics to burn away, just for one night, and for each of these men to reveal themselves for who they were. She wanted Bern to watch Mike fuck her as he did when it was only the two of them. She wanted her husband rough, and smug, and showing off to Bern as boldly as their guest did to Mike. She wanted both of them baring what they actually felt, openly. Two excited men, eager to please her, and no callous-wife part to play. No parts at all. Just for one night.

  Ask them. They’ll give that to you.

  “Now you’re ready,” Bern whispered, dipping inside her, his fingers surely touching Mike’s. Arousal flashed the length of her body at the idea. And he was right – she was wet, and from her own thoughts as much as from their two pampering hands.

  “Show me what you want,” he said.

  Sam slid her hand between their bodies to stroke him, her touch sloppy with distraction from what both men were doing.

  Bern’s lips were at her forehead, and he exhaled in a huff. “Yeah, you want that, don’t you?”


  “Maybe your husband would like to help me give it to you.”

  Sam wasn’t entirely sure what he was implying, but she liked where this was going.

  “What d’you think?” Bern asked Mike. “You wanna give me a hand?”

  And between her legs, Sam discovered what Bern meant. She felt him take Mike’s hand and put it to his cock, making him guide it to Sam’s lips. She wanted to see it all, so badly, but her raised leg blocked the view. She pictured it instead, feeling hazy.

  The butt of Mike’s hand stroked her just before Bern’s smooth crown found her folds.

  “Yeah,” Bern breathed.

  “You let him do this?” Mike asked, barely louder than a whisper. “Fuck you, unprotected?”

  I do now. “I need to feel him. With nothing in the way.”

  Bern moaned, his hips driving him deeper. “Yeah, you need to feel this.”

  While the actual absence of the condom was negligible, Sam felt the difference starkly.

  You’re mine, she thought, kissing Bern’s throat. Maybe not forever, but for now. She felt his silent groan against her lips as he began to thrust.

  “She loves it bare,” he said to Mike. “She loves my come.”

  Sam blushed, the sensation winding her tighter.

  “I’ll get rid of you the second you’re gone,” Mike said.

  “Oh yeah?” Bern was panting. “Bet I can guess exactly how. Bet you know how I taste even better than your wife does, don’t you?”

  “Fuck you.”

  Bern laughed softly. He held Sam’s hip, taking her deeper. She longed for Mike’s hand on that same spot, and for their fingers to touch. Anything that united them physically. Anything that further merged the three of them – that was what Sam craved. Mike hungered for the threat of a rival, Bern for an audience. Sam wanted more. An enmeshment. A bond. She’d ventured into this situation intimidated but hopeful, prepared to pay much more than mere lip service to Mike’s kink. Now here she was, sealed between these two men’s bodies, feeling consumed and adoring it.

  She’d never seen this coming. Not for a second.

  Mike shifted and his hands closed around her breasts, the sensation curling her spine, driving her ass against him. Sometimes he’d take her from behind, on their sides just like this, and those fingertips teasing and toying could make Sam come without her clit ever being touched.

  Tonight it was a different man’s cock rushing in and out of her, and the experience was electric. Bern’s shaft rubbed her clit as Mike spoiled her breasts, and they were everywhere – their scents in her nose and their groans in her ears, their hard bodies framing her soft one. Pleasure, multiplied, and like a flame doubled by the presence of a mirror, Sam burned brighter than she ever had before. She stroked Bern’s back with one hand and laid the other over Mike’s fingers, feeling his knuckles dance as he teased her nipple. Moans were rising in her throat, and she let them flow.

  “You like this?” Bern murmured. He said it softly, but Mike could hear it as easily as Sam could. “Two men?”

  “It’s amazing.” So amazing she could be drunk, or high. Too good to believe.

  “You deserve it,” he told her.

  “And you spoil me.”

  “Every chance I get.”

  “I like…”

  “You like what?” Bern prompted.

  Sam turned her head to look at Mike, then back to Bern. “I like the both of you. Having both of you, as you really are. All games aside.”

  And that was the reality she wanted to be in when she came tonight. Plugged in and present with these two men, all pretense and drama stripped away. No more barriers, not of any kind.

  I just fucked with Mike’s script.

  Yeah, she had. But in a way, she felt they’d role-played as far as they could. Mike could only “catch” them so many times. If simply getting to watch Bern fuck her still ate him alive in that way he so loved, the theatrics seemed a formality.

  “Just as we are?” Bern echoed, slowing.

  “Yeah.” Again, she looked to Mike, needing reassurance. If she’d wrecked his fantasy, she couldn’t tell – he looked stoned on arousal, and his cock was as stiff and ready as ever.

  Bern stilled completely. “You mean I finally get to find out how you guys fuck, just with each other?”

  Sam blinked, surprised the exhibitionist was so eager to watch. She couldn’t guess his reasons – simple curiosity, or maybe a touch of that insecurity that got Mike so hot? Did he want to see what his dirty texts and photos and videos and real-life performances drove them to, when he wasn’t around? She couldn’t say for sure, but there was no denying the eagerness in his voice. “If that’s something you want, I’m game. Mike?”

  “Is that what you want?” he asked her.

  “Yeah. It is.” She’d seen Bern fake a dozen things for them – cruelty and cockiness and every mean shade in between. She’d love to see what else that gorgeous face might project, with the artifice set aside. Would she see fascination there, as he watched them, or blind lust? Even a touch of jealousy? That would be a reversal indeed.

  Bern slid out. “Show me, then.”



  ern sat up, kneeling on the bed. Sam’s heart was beating hard, and from more than just lust. She turned over and looked into Mike’s eyes, seeking any sign that she’d steered them too far from the heart of his kink. None greeted her; only the intensity of sexual excitement.

  She kissed her husband – the man she’d kissed thousands of times before, yet never like this. She made it deep, and fierce, and grateful, her teeth catching his lip and her palms curling with possession around his neck. His hair brushed her fingertips, so soft and subtle after Bern’s longer waves. He tasted different – he’d had a swallow of whiskey when he’d come in.

  “You feel good,” she said, hooking her leg around his hip, welcoming the stiff press of his erection still trapped behind his shorts.

  “Not half as good as you.” He dragged his palm lightly over her breast, drawing her nipple tight and her breath short.

  “I want you.”

  “Tell me how.”

  She smiled at those three little words, ones he’d whispered and moaned and used to order her any number of times these past five years. Ones she’d gotten very used to reading in Bern’s texts as well.

  “On your knees, with your hand.”

  Mike knew what she meant. Sam rolled onto her back as he shed his underwear. He knelt between her thighs, allowing only three eager strokes of her hand before he moved it aside and slid deep. She shut her eyes and smiled, loving this familiar moment, and when they opened, she held Mike’s gaze, then Bern’s. Their guest’s lips were parted; he licked them as though thirsty.

  She looked to Mike. “Show him what I like.” A frisson moved through the room at that order, everything inverting in one hot moment.
/>   Mike took her at a taut, controlled pace, with that rough little slap each time their bodies met. This was Sam’s favorite view during sex – Mike’s gorgeous torso, upright, clenched and undulating as he thrust. He laid a hand across her mound, thumb on her clit, and the contact arched her back and curled her toes.

  “Good.” She squeezed his arms, just as she might Bern’s, and feasted on the sight of her husband’s body. It was the most free she’d felt since these three-way games had begun, letting her new lover finally glimpse behind the scenes, and see her husband for who he really was.

  Bern’s gaze was on her, moving from her face to her breasts to the point where their bodies met.

  “Can I touch myself?” he asked.

  “Of course.” Let him be watched, even as he was the audience.

  Sam was burning up, and from so much more than the friction of Mike’s fingers or the rush of his driving cock. From everything her eyes could take in, every sound in her ears and every scent suffusing the room. From the flex of Mike’s abs and the tops of his thighs as he owned her; from the spectacle of Bern’s fist making slow work of his startling cock. From the reality of her own sex life, in this bright, blazing moment.

  Her hands were on her breasts, deepening the pleasure. “I’m close, baby.” She said it to Mike, but it was meant for the both of them.

  “What do you need?”

  “Just this. Don’t stop.”



  He delivered, his thrusts racing, body meeting hers with a force that had her orgasm intensifying to a foregone conclusion. She looked to Bern, finding fire in those blue eyes.

  He told her, “You’re so fucking hot.”

  “You, too.” She dropped her attention to his pumping hand. “Keep on giving me that show.”

  “Whatever you need.”

  She looked to Mike, finding his expression absent – from arousal, not dispassion. He was too close to stay plugged in without losing himself. She knew that hazy, far-off look so well.

  “Get me there, baby,” she said, already on the brink.

  A dozen hard thrusts did the job, and when the crescendo struck he dropped to his forearms, pushing his dick deep as she rode the spasms.


  She came back to reality to find her fingers denting his biceps, and felt the crazed expression plastered across her face. She sighed loudly, then glanced at each man in turn with a smile.

  Mike lowered, as though doing a push-up, and kissed her forehead. “That’s my girl.”

  She nodded, utterly wasted. “That’s me.”

  “What now?” Mike whispered, loud enough for Bern to hear.

  She swallowed, struggling for clarity and considering the logistics. Bern had to come next, if she wanted to indulge Mike’s reclamation fantasies. “Him,” she said.

  Mike eased out, that slick friction tensing her anew. In a breath, Bern was in his place. His cock felt cool as he pushed in deep, taking her breath away. Never had the fact that she was with two men struck her so hard.

  “How do you want me?” he asked, taking her slow and steady.

  “However you like it.”

  He gathered her legs, holding her crossed ankles to his shoulder. His hips bumped her ass with every thrust. He liked this position especially, she bet. Him upright, performing, holding her like an instrument. She liked it as well. Liked feeling mastered.

  Mike was at her side, stroking her arm with his fingertips. He had to be close, if he didn’t dare touch himself. Sam leaned over to kiss him, then moved his hand to her breast – more for Bern’s benefit than hers.

  A thought struck her. Good God, this is on tape.

  The uncontestably hottest night of her life, and she had the homemade porn to prove it. She nearly laughed aloud, giddy at the thought.

  Bern swore through a moan. “I shouldn’t be this close already.”

  Her heart danced at that proclamation. The thing she wanted most had both of these men teetering on the edge.

  “I want you close,” she said, and urged his thrusts with a hand on his side. “I want you to lose it, inside me.”

  His eyes shut and his head dropped back, a sign Sam could recognize well, now. “Yeah.”

  When’s the last time you got to do this? she wondered. With his last serious girlfriend, likely, but that had been months ago. She selfishly hoped he hated condoms, and had suffered through the necessity of them with any interim lovers. She hoped this was a treat for him, a gift worthy of his fidelity.

  “Fuck, I’m coming. I’m coming, honey.”

  “Do it.”

  “Get ready. Get ready for me.” He dropped her legs and Sam gripped his shoulders, drawing him down. He raced into his pleasure, eyes blazing, hips furious. With the deepest groan, he froze, buried to the root. His body rocked in three clenching waves, and Sam was lost in the moment. His skin shone, slick in the lamplight, and she doubted he’d ever looked so sexy. She smiled and touched his face, letting her fondness show – letting both men see it.

  Bern pulled out and sat beside her, expression dazed. She wondered if he’d go now, too sobered by his orgasm to want to watch what came next. But no.

  “Let me see.” He spoke to Sam, but she knew the words were meant for Mike. He wanted to know what went down after he normally took his leave.

  Sam was curious herself, how Mike might want to remedy the violation. She expected his mouth, and was surprised when he knelt between her legs once more and slid inside. That moment was beyond explicit – she was wet from so much more than her own arousal and climax. She felt Bern’s spoils slicking the space between them, and Mike had to as well.

  “You feel me?” Bern muttered – that was the only word for it. Nearly derisive, the way he asked it.

  Mike shut his eyes, fucking hard and fast. “Yeah.”

  “Just try to get rid of me,” Bern said, and his attention was on Sam’s face.

  Mike was there inside a minute, his orgasm rocking him as a punch might, shock on his face as surely as relief. He closed his panting body over Sam’s, moaning softly into her hair.

  She stroked his back and head, and breathed the both of them in, those pungent, mismatched smells that now marked her sex life.

  Mike caught his breath and moved to the side. Bern mirrored him and Sam sighed loudly into the air between them, then giggled.

  “Holy shit,” she whispered.

  “Oh good,” Bern said.

  Mike added nothing, just kissed her throat and hummed a happy noise. She kissed his temple in reply, then turned to look at Bern. “Thank you.”

  “You are so fucking welcome.”

  She grinned. “That was awesome.”

  “Good. You deserved every second of it.”

  Only one orgasm, yet she felt completely annihilated, spent to the point of oblivion.

  “I’m gonna leave you two alone,” Bern whispered. “I’ll show myself out.”


  He kissed her lips one last time and left the bed. Sam listened to him dressing and traced Mike’s face with a fingertip.

  Muted footsteps grew faint, then disappeared down the stairs. The click of the dead bolt, then the lock as he shut the door behind him.

  She buried her face against Mike’s neck. “Mmmm…”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Oh fuck yeah.”

  He laughed, and they fell into a peaceful silence. Sam felt sleep creeping up on her, until Mike drew her back into his orbit.

  “Was it different?” he asked, sounding perfectly awake himself. “Having him inside you? Bare?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. It was sexy. Felt extra forbidden. Sort of… dangerous. And dirty.”

  “Could you feel it when he came?”

  “Yeah.” That was a lie, of course. But Sam’s mother had always said a kind lie made a fine compliment, so surely a lie that turned your lover’s crank was a valentine. “I felt it. It felt hot when he came.”

swallowed. “What was the hottest thing for you tonight?”

  She stroked the swell of his shoulder. “Having both of you, just as you were. It felt like I was the one getting indulged this time…” She frowned. “That’s not quite the right wording. I get indulged plenty when we’re acting out your fantasies.”


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