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Gone Page 22

by Rebecca Muddiman

  Adam shook his head. ‘But what if she didn’t run? What if someone took her? What if whoever killed that girl came after her? That could’ve been who broke in.’

  Gardner sighed again. ‘Maybe. But I think Emma had plenty of reasons to run on her own.’

  Chapter 73

  17 December 2010

  Lucas sat in the pub watching some idiot lose all his money in the fruit machine. He could wait for the muppet to leave and then get up and empty the machine into his own pocket, easy. But he wasn’t in the mood. The buzz he’d felt with Ben had been immense. He hadn’t felt that way for a long time. But it soon faded away when he realised he was no closer to getting what he really wanted.

  He wondered who’d called the cops – whether Emma had shown up and seen him there or if it was some nosy neighbour. Either way, he’d scarpered. Didn’t need the police on to him now. He didn’t know what to do. If Emma was yet to show up, the best place to be would be Ben’s house. But it was likely the cops would still be there, sniffing around. If Emma had been the one to call them, though, maybe she’d be at the hospital with Ben. He couldn’t go onto the ward, Ben would kick up a stink for sure. Maybe he should wait elsewhere, see if she showed.

  He drained the pint of Coke he’d been nursing for the last hour and ignored the fools on the fruit machine.

  He pulled up the hood on the coat he’d nicked from the stool beside him. It looked a lot warmer than his jacket. He fished around in the pockets, hoping for a wallet or something. But all he found was a used bus ticket and an empty cigarette packet. He threw them both in the bin and walked across the road towards the hospital.

  He was going to find her if it was the last thing he did. The bitch had fucked him over one too many times. She’d dared to leave him. Killed his baby. And now she’d tried to frame him for murder. He wasn’t going to stop until she’d paid for what she’d done.

  Chapter 74

  17 December 2010

  Freeman found Ben’s street and slowed down as she saw the police car in front of the house. She pulled over and jumped out. The house across the street from Ben’s had turned on their Christmas lights and the whole street had an eerie glow.

  ‘What’s going on?’ Freeman said, approaching a frozen-looking uniform. She flashed her ID and he looked her up and down as if he didn’t quite believe her. Cheeky bastard. ‘Who’s in charge?’ she asked and he nodded to a man in a crappy suit coming out of Ben’s house. Freeman walked over and showed him her ID too.

  ‘DC French,’ he said and stuck out his hand. Freeman shook it and then asked what was happening.

  ‘Got a call about an assault taking place. Arrived to find the guy on the kitchen floor. Pretty fucked up.’

  ‘Ben Swales?’

  French nodded. ‘I think so. You know him?’ It was Freeman’s turn to nod. ‘He wasn’t really up to saying much. No sign of the assailant.’

  ‘Who called it in?’

  French shrugged. ‘No idea. Anonymous call made from a phone box.’ Someone behind them shouted to him. ‘Excuse me,’ he said to Freeman.

  A middle-aged woman came out from next door, an oversized sweater wrapped around her. ‘You lot caught someone yet?’

  Freeman stepped closer to the woman and held out her hand. ‘I’m DS Freeman; did you see what happened?’

  The woman looked at her hand but didn’t make a move to shake it. ‘Maggie Paulson,’ she said. ‘Terrible thing. I just saw them take him out on the stretcher. Looked awful. His mother too,’ she said, shaking her head.

  ‘Shit,’ muttered Freeman. So much for Williams doing her a favour.

  ‘Probably one of those smackheads he worked with. I don’t know why he bothers with them,’ Maggie said.

  ‘You saw who did it?’ Freeman asked, but Maggie shook her head. Didn’t matter, she knew who it was. ‘But you saw them take Ben and his mother to hospital? Do you know which one?’

  ‘Infirmary, it’d be,’ Maggie said.

  ‘Thank you.’ Freeman turned to go back to her car before stopping. ‘Wait,’ she said as Maggie was just about to close the door. ‘When you saw them take Ben away, was there anyone else here? Did anyone go with him? A woman?’

  Maggie shook her head. ‘No.’

  Before Freeman walked back to the car, she gave DC French Lucas’s name and bet him twenty quid he’d find his prints in Ben’s house. French looked at her like she was mental but she knew if Lucas was still hanging around, he’d be arrested fairly soon. In the meantime she was going to speak to Ben and find out what was going on.

  Chapter 75

  17 December 2010

  Gardner excused himself as his phone rang. ‘What’s going on? Have you spoken to Ben?’ he asked as he answered Freeman.

  ‘Nope,’ she said. ‘Ben’s in hospital. I’m just heading over there now.’

  ‘What happened?’ Gardner asked.

  ‘I don’t have the proof yet, but I’d say Lucas Yates happened. No sign of Emma so far. How’s it going down there?’

  ‘Well, I’ve just broken the news to Adam Quinn that his girlfriend’s been lying to him for four years.’

  ‘He had no idea who she really was?’

  ‘Not a clue,’ Gardner said. ‘We’re running prints on the broken window here. You think that was Yates’ handiwork too?’

  ‘Probably. Looks like he’s on a roll.’

  Gardner glanced through the gap in the door at Adam sitting there with Lawton and Lloyd. No one was saying anything any more. At least not anything important. Adam was in shock. Lloyd was talking about the weather.

  ‘Listen,’ he said. ‘I think I’ve got everything I’m going to get from Adam for now. I could head back up there. That seems to be where all the action is.’

  ‘Sure,’ Freeman replied. ‘Meet me at the hospital. Alnwick Infirmary.’

  ‘I’ll be as quick as I can.’ He hung up, opened the door and the three of them looked up at him expectantly.

  ‘Lloyd? Lawton? Can I have a word?’

  They followed him into the hallway. ‘Lloyd, can you take me back to the station? I’m going to head up to Alnwick and meet Freeman.’

  ‘I could take you up there,’ Lloyd said.

  ‘No, no, then you’d have to bring me back later. Just drop me at the station and I’ll get my car. Lawton,’ he said. ‘Can you stay here with Adam? I think it’s unlikely but just in case Emma turns up I’d like someone to be here.’

  Lawton nodded. ‘Sure,’ she said.

  They went back into the living room and Gardner almost ran into Adam, who’d been standing by the door, listening.

  ‘You know where she is?’ Adam asked.

  ‘No,’ Gardner told him. ‘But we will find her. I promise. PC Lawton’s going to wait with you. I’ll let you know as soon as we hear anything.’ He nodded to Lloyd and they went to the door.

  ‘You think she’s in Alnwick?’ Adam said. ‘Why?’

  Gardner just looked at Adam. If he really had no idea about Emma then he’d have no idea why she’d be up there.

  ‘We’ll be in touch,’ he said and closed the door.

  Chapter 76

  17 December 2010

  Freeman’s head lolled against the back of the cracked plastic chair. She’d arrived at the hospital full of hell, ready to get the truth from Ben Swales by any means necessary. Instead she’d been told he had just gone into surgery. Apparently Lucas had really gone to town on him.

  She’d called Williams and asked in a not-too-charming manner why the hell no one had been watching Ben’s house. Resources, she’d been told. It always came down to bloody resources. She’d spoken to French again but they still hadn’t run the prints. She could’ve saved them time if they’d just accepted it was Yates but things didn’t work like that. There’d be no conviction without some proper evidence.

  So now she was waiting for Gardner, and for Ben. She’d drunk two cups of vile canteen coffee and wished she hadn’t. She’d dialled her GP twice and then hung up. Sh
e’d called Williams back and apologised and asked if she could put an APB out on Emma as well as Lucas. Just in case.

  She’d almost fallen asleep when Gardner’s call woke her up.

  ‘Where are you?’ he said.

  ‘Waiting outside theatre. Where are you?’


  ‘I’ll come down,’ she said and dragged herself to her feet.

  Gardner was on the phone again when she found him. ‘How long ago?’ he asked and then sighed. ‘All right, let me know if he comes back.’

  ‘Now what?’ Freeman asked.

  ‘Adam’s disappeared. Lawton went to the bathroom, came back and he was gone.’


  Gardner shrugged. ‘She said he’d been on his laptop but she’s checked it and he wiped his browsing history. She’s tried calling him but he’s not picking up. Left about half an hour ago.’

  ‘Maybe he needed some space,’ Freeman said.

  ‘Maybe. Anyway, what’s happening here? Have you seen Ben?’

  ‘No. They’d just taken him into surgery when I got here.’

  ‘Surgery?’ Gardner said.

  ‘Yeah. So let’s hope Lucas doesn’t run into Emma before we do.’

  Chapter 77

  17 December 2010

  Adam felt a little sorry for PC Lawton. She’d been kind to him and now she’d probably get into trouble. But he couldn’t just sit there, waiting.

  Before leaving, he’d Googled street names in Alnwick. He remembered the address began with M and the number, but that was it. Fortunately there were only a few streets beginning with M in Alnwick. It didn’t take long. He just had to wait for Lawton to leave him alone for a minute.

  After what felt like hours of driving around, he finally found it. He parked the car and started walking towards the house, but stopped. What if she was here? What would he say to her? ‘I know you’re not who you say you are’? ‘I know the police think you killed someone’?

  Maybe DI Gardner was right. He should’ve stayed at home and waited for her to come back.

  He walked up the drive to the door and knocked. When there was no reply after a few moments he tried again. He walked up to the window and tried to look in but between the net curtains and lack of light, he couldn’t see anything. There was a car on the drive.

  He stepped back to see if there was any movement upstairs. Nothing. And then he noticed someone watching him from the house next door. He was about to go and knock on her door when he saw someone heading his way.

  Lucas couldn’t feel his feet. He needed to move. He’d been hanging around the hospital for hours and still she hadn’t come. He pushed his sleeve up with stiff hands and checked the time. He was starving as well as freezing. There was probably a cafe of some kind but the idea of hospital food made his stomach turn. He remembered the stuff they’d served up to his nan when she was in. You couldn’t identify it by sight or taste. It probably wasn’t food at all. But more than a desire not to eat that crap he thought maybe he should check the house again. Maybe the police would’ve gone by now.

  He pulled the collar up on his coat and walked out of the hospital grounds. He’d check the house, find somewhere to eat, and then come back. What else was he going to do? He had to find her. He’d been so close, he couldn’t give up now.

  He turned the corner into Ben’s street and thought about what he’d do when he found her.

  As he approached the house he stopped. There was someone there. Just not who he was expecting.

  Adam saw the man walking quickly with his head down, battling against the cold wind. But there was something about him. Adam stopped and stared. The man looked up, caught his eye. Adam suddenly realised who he was. Gardner had showed him his photograph. This guy knew Louise. Her ex-boyfriend, he’d said. Lucas something.

  ‘Hey,’ Adam shouted and the man looked both ways before turning to run, back the way he’d come, back towards the town centre. ‘Hey,’ Adam shouted again and ran across the road, almost slipping on the icy surface.

  A woman with a pushchair watched them run past, Adam barely missing her as he passed her. But he couldn’t stop, couldn’t slow down. He’d just found the man who’d taken Louise.

  He struggled to find his phone in his pocket as he ran. He felt his feet go from under him and put his hands out to break his fall, his phone skittering across the pavement. He cursed as the pain shot through him, up his arms to his shoulders. A couple of people stopped and looked and a man came over, bending to pick him up.

  ‘Are you all right, son?’ he asked. Adam nodded, picked up his phone and started to walk away, too breathless to thank him. He saw Lucas further down the street, getting away from him. He started to run again but he felt a stitch in his side, slowing him down. He was running towards the town centre, towards the crowds.

  Adam tried to ignore the pain and picked up his pace. He couldn’t lose him. This was the only way he was going to find her. The only way he’d find out what was going on.

  He kept his eyes on Lucas as he darted in and out of groups of people. He had no idea what he’d do if he caught him. Sit on him until the police came? Twist his arm until he told him where she was? He knew he couldn’t beat it out of him. He’d never even been in a fight. Not a proper one anyway. A scuffle at school that was stopped before it ever started, that was it.

  He kept running. His chest was burning. He tried dialling Gardner as he ran, getting it wrong twice before he finally managed it. He could barely hear anything. The phone just kept ringing. Why wasn’t he picking up? He had to be somewhere in Alnwick, somewhere close by.

  He looked ahead and realised Lucas had turned a corner. He sped up, ignoring his heart, which was almost bursting out of his chest. He couldn’t lose him. He turned the corner and scanned the street. There were too many people, he couldn’t take them all in.

  He was gone.

  Adam bent over, trying to catch his breath. The wind was stinging his eyes and his legs felt like jelly. He couldn’t run any more. Gardner’s voicemail kicked in.

  ‘DI Gardner, it’s Adam Quinn. I’m in Alnwick and I just ran into that guy. Lucas whateverhisnameis. He’s here.’ He walked to the side of the street and leaned against a wall. Shoppers passed by and some looked at him, but most ignored him, too busy navigating the streets and trying to work their way through the rest of the crowd. He kept walking and found a quiet spot. There were no shops, just the backs of buildings and piles of rubbish waiting for collection.

  ‘I’m somewhere in the town centre now. I lost him but—’ His phone was knocked out of his hand. He started to turn and felt an arm around his neck, someone grabbing him from behind.

  Chapter 78

  17 December 2010

  Emma sat huddled over the Formica table in the hospital cafe, her hands cradling a cup of coffee. She was freezing. As she’d run from Ben’s it had started to sleet and she was soaked again. She’d now spent the last of her money on coffee and she didn’t know what to do. She had no money, no ideas. Nowhere to go. She felt like she had all those years ago when she’d left for the last time. When she’d left her dad for the last time.

  Her chest felt tight at the thought of him. She’d seen his name in the paper when they thought it was her who’d been buried in the woods. What must he be going through? What had she put him through all these years? She’d never wanted to leave. After the abortion she’d come back thinking everything would be okay. That she’d go back to school and at least try to make up for lost time. That she’d rebuild her relationship with her dad, make up for everything she’d done. Things didn’t quite work out. But how could she ever have been so selfish? He’d lost his wife and then she’d abandoned him too. She didn’t deserve the kind of love he’d shown her. The kind of love Adam had shown her. She was worthless.

  She wondered if Lucas would find her here, if he’d stick around, waiting for her to show her face. And what about Adam? She should call him, let him know she was all right. But how coul
d she possibly explain it? How would she even start? She didn’t want her life with Adam to be over. Didn’t want to have to run again, become someone else. She’d been happy. Or at least as happy as she could ever be. She didn’t want things to change. But it was too late for that. Things had changed. Her secret was out.

  Maybe she should’ve stuck around at Ben’s after she’d called the police. Instead she’d run, as far from Lucas as she could get. She should go to the police now. But not to save herself from Lucas. She deserved to be punished for what she’d done. To her dad, to Adam, to that girl and her family. To Ben. She’d got him into it. Got him involved with her fucked-up life. If he’d never met her he wouldn’t be in hospital now. Wouldn’t have spent the last eleven years of his life living in fear. Living with the image of that girl’s dead body in his mind.

  She needed to hand herself in. Tell them what she’d done. But she couldn’t involve Ben. Couldn’t let her mistakes ruin the rest of his life. She’d go and find him and tell him what she was going to do. Explain to him it was better that way. She didn’t want him to contradict her story when they came looking for him. And they would. She would tell them it was her. All of it. It was her idea. Her plan. Her alone who buried Jenny Taylor in the woods.

  Chapter 79

  17 December 2010

  Adam felt the wind go out of him as Lucas slammed him against the wall. He bent over, the pain coursing through his body. He could see the feet of passers-by, people hurrying through the street at the end of the alley. He wanted to call out but he doubted anyone would hear him or do anything, even if he could find his voice.


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