Black Hills Forever

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Black Hills Forever Page 23

by A. C. Wilson

  “God help me, I do.”

  She crossed the kitchen and went into his arms. They held onto each other. She was his light and knew he needed to brace her so that she could shine. Big changes were coming for everyone in the Johnson family.

  Lacey was off to see Rayne with her dress in tow. Travis was sitting in the living room watching a bit of television while he waited on the guys. The first knock on the kitchen door heralded Garrett and Randy.

  “Come on in.” Travis shouted and it led them into the room. Garrett hung his hat on a kitchen chair and draped his winter coat over the back. Randy came in and sat down on the couch, looking like he was completely frozen.

  “Blake and Matt are right behind us.” Garrett said as he took a recliner.

  “There’s coffee on if you want some.” Travis looked at Randy who looked relieved. He looked tired and Travis chuckled to himself. His pregnant daughter was running her poor husband ragged.

  As soon as Randy grabbed a mug, Blake and Matt slid in through the door. Both chatting animatedly to each other as they hung up their coats and came into the living room.

  “Morning, Dad.” Matt greeted him as he took a seat on the couch where Randy had been sitting. Blake sat beside him.

  “Good morning. I’m glad you all could get away.” Travis winked and waited for Randy to come back into the room. They asked him how he was feeling and he answered as he always did. “I’m still here.”

  “I have to say I was a bit surprised you wanted us all to be here.” Garrett said. “It got me to wondering if something was wrong.”

  “Me too.” Blake added. Matt and Randy nodding.

  “Nothing is wrong, boys. I just need to get some input and fill you in on what I hope you all can do together.” Travis mentally grimaced. He couldn’t believe he was trying to ease their concern when he might have just made it worse. His finesse with words seemed to have left him for a moment.

  “We’re all ears.” Garrett said, his impatience showing. Garrett wasn’t one too big on surprises so Travis understood.

  “After what happened with the bull, I know that it might take me a while to get back into shape.” Travis shifted in the recliner. “Let’s face it. I might not get back there totally.”

  There were general murmurs but nothing voiced beyond that. Travis looked each of his sons.

  “I’m going to be retiring.”

  Well that got their attention now. Travis felt this odd sensation of loss, maybe.

  “I don’t think that really surprised anyone, Dad. You can’t do it all forever.” Matt said, sitting forward on the couch with his hands folded together.

  “We all want to help. What can we do?” Randy asked.

  “I have given it a great deal of thought.” Travis watched each set of eyes gaze directly at him. “Randy, I want you still to be foreman of the Crossing Pines. I know you’ve got a great deal on your plate with your own cattle, but you know this place as well as I do.” Travis waited for an answer. An affirmative nod came. “Matt, I’d like you and Garrett to oversee the Black Hills Legacy Group. We’ve used it a time or two and I suppose we might need to do that again sometime.” Both of his sons agreed. Travis looked at Blake. The last to come into his life, but no less important.

  “Blake, I know you are green to ranching. I also know that you work hard and you mean what you say. I am leaving you in charge of the Crossing Pines.” Before Blake could say anything, Travis held up his hand to quiet him. “I am leaving you all on the deed to the ranch. It cannot be sold without consent from you all. It is your heritage I wish to protect and mine as well.”

  The living room was silent. Each man reflecting on their own thoughts and feelings. Travis knew this was a big step. It was a great deal to ask of each of them. It meant them trusting each other and working together for the good of their family. A year ago, Garrett had taken this the hardest and stormed out. The same night he met Rayne. So many things had changed since then.

  “I like it.” Garrett’s voice broke into the room with clarity and finality. He looked at Blake who looked back at him.

  “I have no idea what I’m doing.” Blake looked overwhelmed.

  Garrett shrugged.

  “Neither did we when we started. Everyone will help.”

  “No, Blake, you aren’t alone in this.” Matt added.

  “I’ve got your back.” Randy smiled with pride.

  “I wish I had your faith in me.” Blake offered a small smile in return. He rubbed his palms on the knees of his jeans.

  “You’re a Johnson, Blake. Same last name or no, my blood runs in your veins.” Travis swallowed hard. “This is where you can put down roots, make a new life, and raise your family. This is home.”

  All of his sons nodded with Travis’s words ringing in their ears. The Crossing Pines was so much more than a grassy patch of land that had been passed down from generation to generation. It was the anchor that tethered them together. It gave each one purpose and appreciation. Hard times had been here and hard times would come again, but so would the good ones. Those rare and precious moments all the more cherished for the struggle. Travis Johnson wanted that for all his children and his grandchildren.

  “I would be honored.” Blake got up from his chair and stepped forward to Travis. Extending a hand, they shook on the promise.

  “It isn’t as if I am dead. I’ll be here to help too.” Travis chuckled when Matt and Garrett groaned at his attempt to be funny. “Besides, you have yet to pick a spot for your home. I’d be happy to show you the prettiest places.”

  “Looks like I got a heap of work to do.” Blake chuckled and he shook hands with Randy, Garrett and Matt. Travis watched with pride. Big things were happening indeed.


  Lacey knocked on Rayne’s door and smiled when it was answered.

  “Lacey, I didn’t know you were coming.” Rayne pulled at her shirt sleeves and it was then that Lacey noticed she hadn’t dressed yet for the day. It was unlike Rayne to still be in her lounge pants and sleep shirt.

  “I thought maybe I would catch you, if you had a moment.”

  “Ok. Come on in.” Rayne stepped back and Lacey walked passed her. She smelled coffee and smiled.

  “Do you mind if I snag a cup? Travis was being a bit ornery today.” Lacey gestured to the coffee pot.

  “No, go ahead. Garrett made too much as usual.” Rayne smiled. Lacey held out the dress bag to her. “What’s this?”

  “A gift if you want it. Unconditional of course.” Lacey was quick to add as she poured the coffee into a deep mug. Rayne took the bag into the living room where the dining table was.

  “I’m sure you heard about the dress search. It hasn’t been going too well.” Rayne smothered a yawn and looked apologetically at Lacey.

  “You look exhausted. Is Garrett not letting you sleep?”

  “No, hell he’s asleep earlier than I am most nights. I am just staying awake too late and getting up too early.” Rayne waved off the concern. Lacey hated to tell her that it was nearly ten in the morning. Rayne would be at work for several hours by now.

  “Is Royal still helping out at the office?” Lacey asked as she doctored her coffee.

  “Yea, he’s staying until the wedding. I asked him to come.” Rayne sat down in the chair across from Lacey and began to unzip the bag. The white lace and satin was revealed ever so carefully.

  “It was the wedding dress I wanted to wear before I caved and allowed my mother to pick the dress. I tucked this one away hoping I could share it with someone someday.”

  Rayne’s eyes were rounded and focused on the dress inside. Lacey got up to take the bag off and hold it up for her to see. It fell in beautiful soft folds and the train cascaded to the floor. The bow was tied around the waist as it had been when she sealed it up so many years ago.

  “It’s so simple.” Rayne said as she fingered the fabric. It really was too. There weren’t any sequins or pearls. No embroidery or appliques.

that what you were looking for?” Lacey asked softly, hoping she wasn’t offending Rayne by asking that question. They just seemed so perfect together.

  “I love it. It is just what I wanted.” Rayne’s eyes were misting and Lacey felt the gratitude of offering a helping hand.

  “Wonderful. Do you want to try it on?”

  “I really do.” Rayne laughed and took the hanger from Lacey’s hand. “I’ll be right back.” Instead of heading up the stairs to their bedroom, she went into the small room off the living room and closed the door. Lacey sat down to wait.

  “You are not going to believe this.” Rayne exclaimed from behind the door. Lacey jumped to her feet.

  “What happened?”

  The door swung slowly open, revealing Rayne in the dress.

  “It fits like it was made for me.” Rayne said, walking forward into the living room, holding her skirt out of the way. Lacey smiled and shook her head.

  “It really does. In fact, I think it was made for you, Rayne.” The women shared a knowing smile and Rayne twirled around for Lacey to see.

  “Do you think I can get away with wearing boots instead of heels?” Rayne asked, lifting her skirt to look at her bare feet.

  “You can wear anything you want. It’s your day.”

  They both laughed and Rayne went to take the dress off. It was neatly placed back into the dress bag and tucked away in the small bedroom.

  “I have an idea for a wedding present to give to Garrett, but I don’t know where to get it.” Rayne sat down at the table again. Lacey took a sip of her coffee.

  “What is it?”

  “I want to make a new plaque for the ranch to include Garrett here. We agreed to share everything and I want to honor that.”

  Lacey smiled and nodded. “Let me ask around.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  They both sat at the table and enjoyed a conversation about the wedding. Lacey hoped it would lead to many more heart to hearts. Family was important and nothing made that more clear that the last few weeks. Travis had told her that the world was changing and she took that to mean their world too. Now she just needed to understand what it all meant.


  Two weeks went faster than Garrett ever dreamed that it might. He really wanted to marry Rayne that night when he proposed over the top of the city, but he had respected Rayne’s need and wish to wait. He was so glad that he had. She was radiant and far calmer than he had seen her in a very long time. It also made him nervous. Had she given in to the demands of their hearts? Had she just succumbed to the pressure?

  “You ready for the big day, brother?” Blake’s voice broke through Garrett’s inner turmoil.

  “I think I was ready from the moment I set eyes on her, but tomorrow can’t come soon enough.” Garrett smiled and received a clap on the back from Blake.

  “I thought we were doing the rehearsal first and then having dinner?” Matt asked, walking up with Andy on his arm.

  “Pastor Franklin said he needed to take a phone call and to start with the food first. I’m glad Lena could have it put together so quickly.” Garrett found it almost comical that his first true love who he also proposed marriage to, was catering. Sometimes things in a small town can be so surreal. Lena was a good sport about it and as it stood she looked to be very much taken by Blake’s friend, Declan Marcos. The man followed her around like a shadow and Garrett wondered how Lena felt about it. Then again, it really wasn’t any of his business anyway.

  “Well I for one am starving!” Nora walked up, Randy beside her. There was no doubt his sister was pregnant even if her appetite didn’t tip her off.

  “It smells great. Hats off to Lena for pulling it all together.” Andy said, smiling in Garrett’s direction.

  It was still a bit of family fodder that Garrett had fallen head over heels for Lena McCoy. Her denial had also sent him to Rapid City and he was grateful for that. His construction business had taken off and for that he was doing well.

  “I’m hungry too.” Rayne spoke to the group and when Blake lifted a brow, she hastily added, “I missed lunch today.”

  “Who wants something to drink? I think I’ll head over to the bar.” Blake looked around the group. Matt and Andy followed him. Nora and Randy stayed put.

  “He really does remind me a great deal of your dad. You’d never guess Blake wasn’t raised up with him.” Randy mused, looking around the group when no one answered right away.

  “Blake?” Rayne asked.

  “My dad called a meeting and will be leaving Randy to run the Crossing Pines as foreman and Blake is in charge. Matt and I will be managing the Black Hills Legacy Group.” Garrett said to Rayne and Nora. Rayne looked so surprised, but Nora didn’t. Apparently Randy had shared that bit of information.

  “What? How could Travis do that? This was the very same topic that sent you into that horrible snowstorm, when he wanted to leave the ranch to Matt.” Rayne’s ire was impressive and touching. Garrett knew she would always choose his side over any other. He put his hand on her shoulder.

  “I thought that was what I wanted a year ago. Now I’m content sharing the ranch with you and keeping my business.” Garrett pressed a kiss to her temple and she threaded their fingers together.

  “Besides Matt and Garrett will still have interest in the ranch. Blake will just be running it.” Randy added as Nora put her hand on his arm. He smiled at her.

  “Your dad is really going to retire?” Rayne asked.

  “Sounds like it. I think the physical turnaround for him isn’t going as fast as he thought. He has had a hard time looking mortality in the face.” Nora looked down at the floor. It was difficult for them all. His father was the strongest man he knew and death had a way of creating introspection.

  “Travis is very brave.” Rayne said. “I heard he won’t let Bubba be put down. As a soon-to-be daughter-in-law, I hate the idea, but as a vet, I applaud it. Not everyone would be so generous.”

  “I sure as heck wanted to put a bullet between that bull’s eyes.” Garrett growled. Randy nodded in agreement. Nora sighed. This would probably always be a sore subject.

  “If everyone wants to form a buffet line, dinner is ready.” Lena called to the room. The community center wasn’t overly large, but the ballroom was perfect for the ceremony and the reception. Some of the decorating was being done tonight while the rest would be finished in the morning.

  “Sounds like we better get up there before there’s nothing left.” Garrett whispered loudly into Rayne’s ear and she laughed. Nora kicked Garrett in the thigh. It was probably as high as she could kick at this point. He could only chuckle.

  Everyone filed in a single line down the tables. Garrett was really impressed with Lena. There was roast beef, chicken, green beans, corn, baked potatoes, salad as well as chocolate cake and cheesecake for dessert. It all looked so good. The big round tables were set up with dark linen table clothes and votive candles.

  Just as everyone was getting their seat, Pastor Franklin walked in looking rather worried. Garrett tipped his head and Rayne waved him over.

  “What’s going on?” Garrett could hear the panic in her voice. Everything had been going so well too. The man shook his balding head and rubbed his hands together.

  “The community center is going to shut down after we leave tonight. The town’s just been put on alert for a very probable chance of a blizzard starting tomorrow morning. The emergency management team is asking for no unnecessary travel and that public places be closed to discourage it. I wish I had better news, but I don’t know what else to do.”

  The room could have had crickets chirping in it for all the attention Garrett could pay to it. He watched Rayne as the color drained from her face. They had worked so hard to get to this point and it was being shut down in nearly every way possible.

  “I can’t…well, I just…” Rayne tried to put voice to her thoughts and couldn’t. Garrett could guess what she
was thinking.

  “A blizzard is kind of ironic, isn’t it?” Garrett tried to lighten the worry.

  “Poetic, you mean.” Andy offered.

  Travis and Lacey came through the doors before anything else was said.

  “We just heard on the radio. What awful timing!” Lacey exclaimed and Rayne seemed to turn even whiter. It scared Garrett. He touched her arm and she felt cold. He needed to get a handle on this situation.

  “A little snow is not going to stop this wedding from happening.” He stood up, sliding his chair back and walking to the front of the room. All eyes were on him. He cleared his throat and tried to think. “Does anyone have any ideas?” He appealed to the group around them.

  A couple of their friends pulled out their cell phones and started quickly typing away. His mother was busy chatting with his father. Everyone else at their table seemed to be watching Rayne as if she might die right there on the spot. He hated seeing her in such distress.

  “If we narrow the guest list to family and a couple of close friends, we can make the ranch house ready.” Lacey walked up to where Garrett was standing. She turned to the group. “It is going to take some work. I’m not sure what we will do with the furniture, but we could clear out the living room.”

  Garrett had to admit that it could work. Rayne was shaking her head.

  “It is far too much to ask. Besides we don’t have time to call everyone on the list. They will be expecting a wedding and a reception.” Rayne’s hand cupped her cheek as she rested her elbow on the table. Garrett looked at his mother, hoping she would get the hint. Her blue eyes darkened and it seemed his thoughts were read.

  “Not too much to ask at all. In fact, I think it is completely inspired.” She looked directly at Rayne. “You wanted a small, intimate wedding. That’s what we are going to do.”

  His mother was staring at his future wife as if daring her to say differently. Garrett hoped he wouldn’t have to choose a side.

  “Ok.” Rayne answered, looking a bit blind-sided. Nora patted her on the hand.


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