Ruthless (A Lawless Novel)

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Ruthless (A Lawless Novel) Page 15

by Lexi Blake

  “Hey, you need to stay calm.”

  Really? “What the fuck is going on and why am I out of the loop? I want to know why Drew used those reports without telling me. Those were our insurance policy if we couldn’t get the goods on Castalano.”

  If they couldn’t find a way to imprison the asshole for the money they were sure he’d embezzled, they’d use their doomsday option. They’d tank StratCast and force the bastard to retire with nothing. Or he’d stay at the company and they’d have another shot at him.

  But this wasn’t supposed to happen. His gut knotted when he remembered the look in Ellie’s eyes as she’d read that article. If he could call it that. It was a smear piece, meant to knock her down. He didn’t care if Drew had hired the shithead. He was going to make that ass pay.

  “The buyout is taking place in a couple of weeks. We’re out of time if we want to force the stock down.” There was a pause and he was certain Bran was talking to someone. Likely Hatch or Drew, the coward who didn’t have the balls to have this discussion himself.

  “Put him on the phone.” Riley bit every word out like it was a bullet.

  “Drew’s not here. He’s out with Case, checking on something. That accounting chick called, and Case and Drew left like someplace was on fire. I don’t even know what the hell is going on. Hang on. Mia’s here.”

  Mia’s voice came over the line. “Riley? I think something’s going on and so does Case. I tracked Castalano myself the other day. He’s been going to doctors’ offices, but I don’t think he’s sick. He was seeing a dermatologist.”

  “Skin cancer?”

  “I don’t think so. I think he’s planning some work. I talked to the receptionist, and she said he was looking for a good plastic surgeon.”

  Shit. He was planning on running. “He’s going to take off with whatever he can get his hands on.”

  “I think Case is trying to get eyes on the man right now,” Mia said.

  “Why did he need Drew to do that?” It was inconvenient since he really wanted to yell at his brother right this instant. He could have done a lot without throwing Ellie under the bus like that.

  “I don’t know,” Mia admitted, exasperation in her voice. “I’m upset, too. I’ve been trying to get that dick reporter I hired on the phone ever since the paper came out. That is not the story I paid him to report. He was supposed to talk about the coolant system failing the trials and nothing else. That was all we needed for the stock to dive. Then Ellie could have proven the system is still working a few weeks from now, and Castalano would get nothing but a trip to a well-deserved prison cell. He’s still embezzling from the company.”

  “I’ve given you enough time to prove it. There shouldn’t have been a need for this.” It had been his only frustration for the past week and a half.

  “Apparently the shell companies were hard to track down and now we have to find actual proof. That’s what Case and Drew are doing. They said there was some more paperwork somewhere and they found the last company. I don’t know. Case’s phone is going to voice mail. Hang tight. It’s going to be fine. I’m sorry Ellie has to go through this, but once we have the proof that Castalano’s been skimming, the company will be hers, free and clear. Well, not free, but cheaper than she thought. This is going to be a good thing, Riley.”

  Because according to the partnership agreement she signed when she came into her father’s stock, if either party was found no longer able to do their duties, the stock would be purchased within the month by the reliable partner. If no partner could be found, it was bought by the company and absorbed.

  Ellie had the money ready to go. Despite the news story, she would be the only real choice to keep the company afloat. After she proved that her cornerstone project was running smoothly, she would be settled in as the chief executive and life would go on.

  She didn’t have to know. She never had to find out the part he’d played.

  He had to weather this storm with her, and then he could quietly resign from 4L and be with her. He would be out of the revenge business. He’d have done his part and Patricia Cain could rot for all he cared.

  Ellie mattered. Being with Ellie was more meaningful than anything else he could do.

  For a second he was transported back, the memory of his father so fresh and keen in his mind it felt like reality. He’d been eight or nine and rushing into his father’s office with a completed report he’d been assigned at school. He’d shoved it at his father, proud as he could be. His father had hauled him onto his lap. Though he’d tried to explain that he was too old for hugs and kisses, his dad never let up. And honestly, he’d still liked it. He wished his mom hadn’t listened.

  “What do you want to be when you grow up? That was your report?” his father had asked.

  “Like you. I want to write codes and be smart.”

  His father had put a hand on his head. “Wrong answer, son. There’s only one answer to that question, and I’m going to tell you what it is. This is the secret to life, Riley. When someone asks you what you want to be when you grow up, you tell them this.”

  He leaned in, ready to hear this magical secret. “What?”

  “Happy. You want to be happy.” His father had kissed his forehead and started a tickle war.

  He wanted to be happy with Ellie. For the first time in his life he understood what his father would have wanted for him. For them all.


  “Mia, I don’t want Ellie to find out why I was really here.”

  There was a pause on the line. “That could be hard. How are you going to explain Drew?”

  He would work through it. “I’ll tell her I don’t normally talk about the fact that my brother is one of the world’s most successful software executives. She’s only met him once. I can easily explain that away. I’m going to stay here with her and get StratCast on its feet again.”

  “I’m happy to hear that. I like her, Riley. Drew might be a harder sell.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Bran’s voice suddenly came over the line. “I’ll handle big brother. He’ll come around. I’m glad you’re going to help her. It didn’t feel right hurting that lady.”

  Bran was ever the gentleman. Even when it came to revenge.

  There was a knock on his door. He glanced out. Ellie was standing there. “I’ve got to go. Call me when you know something. We have to take Castalano down and then make this right for Ellie.”

  “Will do,” Mia replied, and he could practically hear her smiling.

  His siblings were going to give him hell. He would never hear the end of it, and that was all right.

  He was going to marry Ellie. Not tomorrow. He would have to work her gently toward it, but he would get a ring on that woman’s finger eventually.

  She would never know how they’d started out. He would leave her the illusion that it had all been smooth sailing from the moment he saw her.

  He hung up the phone and went to open the door. As she walked in, he closed the blinds and locked the door behind her.

  He’d made the decision to be an optimist. “Are you all right?”

  She turned and gave him a tight smile. “I think so. I did a turn around the building. Everyone’s on edge. Apparently the stock is already taking a hit. I’ve got PR working on a statement.”

  “I can have someone from the Times here in an hour.” Mia had a vast network of resources that didn’t include the motherfucker he was going to beat half to death. He hadn’t gotten to the portion of the talk where he explained to Mia that whoever she’d hired to write that story should go into hiding.

  Ellie nodded. “That’s good.”

  She looked so tense. He couldn’t blame her, but he also couldn’t let her stand there looking so damn alone in the world. He reached out and pulled her close. “Baby, this is going to be all right.”

  “There’s g
oing to be talk that I did this myself. That I did this in order to buy Steven’s stock cheap.”

  He put a hand in her hair, stroking her. “We’ll get through it. If we need to hold off on the buyout, we’ll do it.”

  As long as Castalano didn’t get his hands on the money, it was all right. The longer the man was deprived of funds, the more mistakes he would make. They would catch him. He would be destitute or in jail and that would be justice. It would have to do because he was out.

  She was stiff in his arms. “I don’t think Steven is going to let us hold out.”

  “He has to. He won’t want to take the offer as it is. He’ll need to wait until the stock stabilizes, and then we can move forward exactly like before.” With the exception of the fact that the bastard needed the cash and he would take it from the company, and Riley intended to be right there to catch him.

  “Riley, I have to ask you something.”

  “Anything.” He would get her through the next few weeks. He would stay right by her side. He would do whatever Drew needed as long as it didn’t harm Ellie again. She’d been through enough.

  “Did you request files from accounting?”

  He went still. Why was she asking that? There was no way she could know he’d gotten those files weeks ago. And yet he had the sudden instinct that this would be a good time to tell some partial truth. He hadn’t exactly requested them. He’d liberated the fuckers. “Of course I did. Is there a problem? I’m trying to learn every part of this company. I’m not effective if I’m in the dark. I got those files back when I first joined the company. Not that I understood everything, as obviously proven since I had to hire a forensic accountant. What’s going on?”

  She looked up at him. “Is there any reason you would go to R&D late at night?”

  Shit and shit. “I’ve gone looking for you a couple of times when you weren’t in your office. I got lost once and found myself there. Usually some of the guys are down there. I thought they could help me out, but it was empty.”

  It was time for a little acting. He hated it, but if he was going to save this, he needed to figure out what was going on. He pulled away, staring down at her. “What’s with the third degree, Ellie?”

  She seemed uncertain for a moment. “Everything is happening so fast. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I feel like it’s something I don’t understand. I feel like some trap is closing around me.”

  “And you think I’m doing this?” He feigned indignation. “You think I’m trying to do . . . what? What am I trying to do to you?”

  She looked away but not before he saw a sheen of tears in her eyes. Damn it. This wasn’t what he wanted.

  “I don’t know.”

  He moved in behind her. “Ellie, this isn’t the time to fight. Baby, I’m trying to figure out what’s happening. I’m trying to find a solution. Please don’t fight me, too. I know this is difficult. It’s not going the way you thought it would, but you have to put your faith in someone. I want that person to be me.”

  Her hands came up, cupping his face, and she looked deeply into his eyes. “You mean that, don’t you? You want to help me.”

  No lies here. Not even a tiny fib. “Yes. I told you. I’m crazy about you. There’s nothing I want to do more than help you. I fully intend to plant my fist in that reporter’s face. Or my loafer up his ass. Whichever comes first.”

  She sighed and moved into his arms. “I don’t know what to do.”

  At least she was clinging to him. “We’ll figure it out.”

  “I know I should be strong, but I hate the fact that everyone out there is speculating about us. They all think I’m some kind of a slut.”

  He felt his whole body stiffen. “The first person who says anything like that around me will get fired, and I will personally walk their asses out and ensure they never work again.”

  She sniffled. “You can’t do that. I wish it was different. I’m not going to let it stop me, but I hate the fact that they’re talking about us.”

  “We could stop a lot of the talk.”

  “I don’t see how.”

  “We could get married.” Yeah, he’d planned on waiting to say those words.

  She stepped back. “What?”

  He put a hand up. “I’m just saying, they would stop talking about us if we were boring married people.”

  “We’ve only known each other for a few weeks.”

  “People have married in less.” He wasn’t sure why he was pushing it. “It would change the story. Turn something negative into a positive.”

  “Riley, we can’t get married for positive press.”

  “Then we should do it for the sex.”

  She rolled her eyes, but she had that half smile that told him she was amused. “We do fine with that on our own. Stop teasing me. We need to go to PR and see what they’ve come up with.”

  She was still so tense, so wound up. He wanted to help her forget for a few moments. Selfishly, he needed to be close to her. Those questions she’d asked scared the shit out of him. Where had they come from?

  How did she know about the accounting files he’d pulled? About his late-night trip to R&D?

  He slid his hand around hers. It was time to pull her close again, to reinforce the bond he’d been strengthening with her.

  “Ellie, let me kiss you.” When he kissed her he could forget about everything. When they were intimate, there was no deeper play, no con going on. There was only him and her, and it felt better than anything had in his life.

  Happy. He felt happy when she was close.

  She softened, moving into the cradle of his arms. “I’m sorry about the interrogation. It’s been a stressful day.”

  He kissed her lightly. “I know. It’s going to get worse, but I’m here with you. Anything you need from me, you ask.”

  “Kiss me again.” Her eyes took on that dreamy look he loved. She looked at him like he was some kind of magician performing acts of wonder.

  She was the amazing one. If she had any idea how much she’d changed his life . . .

  He leaned over, brushing against her lips. There was time to show her how he felt. He couldn’t say it. He might never be able to say it, but he could show her how much she meant to him.

  He held her still for his kiss, his tongue sliding and playing with hers. His body heated.

  She pulled away slightly, her eyes glazed over. “Riley, we don’t have time for this.”

  Didn’t they? “Just for a second.”

  He kissed her again, his hands sinking into her hair. She’d worn it partially up, but he could thread his fingers through the length at the back. The kiss went a little wild as she rubbed her body against his and her hands started to explore.

  She wasn’t shy with him anymore. She touched him when she wanted, where she wanted. He loved it. His body was her playground and the thought of having a few moments with her made his cock hard.

  She backed up, pulling him with her. “Be quick. We really do need to get down to PR, but now I won’t be able to think about anything except you.”

  “Same here, baby.” He tugged up her skirt as they backed toward his desk. It was the perfect height.

  He wouldn’t think about anything else until he’d had her again. She clouded his brain with lust, but it was a sweet feeling. The lust he’d felt before had been about getting off, a pure physical need. It meant something different with Ellie. It was communication and connection with her.

  Everything meant more with her.

  He felt the warmth of her skin under his palms and wished they had the time to get naked.

  She shook her head as though she could read his thoughts. “Quickie now. Naked time later. Later on, we can go back to my place and I swear we’ll get undressed and not see clothes again until tomorrow. This is just a taste. I’m going to need a full four-course meal
tonight, mister.”

  He hooked his thumbs under her undies and dragged them down her legs, kneeling down to help her out of them. He leaned in close so he could smell her arousal. It was the sweetest scent in the world to him. “I am ready, willing, and able to take care of your every need.”

  She smiled down at him as she slid her skirt up and hopped on his desk. Her legs spread, giving him a place. “I know you do, Counselor. You’re very adept at your job.”

  A thrill went through him. He wanted to chase her around his desk and play boss and secretary. He was a little afraid he would end up being the secretary in that scenario. His girl had backbone and liked to be in charge. He loved the push and pull of their relationship.

  When he stood, she was right there, her hands coming out to find the buckle of his belt.

  “How do you do this to me?” She unbuttoned his slacks and slid her hand under the waistband of his boxers. “I should be in my office dealing with a hundred and one problems.”

  He let his slacks slide to the floor as she gripped his cock. “The other problems will wait. I have an issue that requires your full attention, Madam Executive. Only you can solve this particular problem.”

  She licked her lips as she looked down at the cock in her hand. “I better be the only one.”

  She was teasing, but he needed her to understand. He caught her face and forced her to look up at him.

  “You’re the only one, Ellie. The only one I want. I worry I won’t ever want anyone the way I want you.”

  Her lips curled up. “That’s good because I only want you, too. Take me so I can think again.”

  He moved into the cradle of her thighs, shoving his boxers down. She wasn’t joking about wanting him. The minute his cock touched her pussy he could tell she was wet and ready to take him. Her response to him always blew his damn mind, and the fact that he could fuck her without anything between them had become his reason for living. She couldn’t think? The minute she entered a room his eyes were on her, his mind running through all the ways he could get his hands on her. He wanted her sitting in his lap during meetings or holding his hand. Anything to touch her, to know she was with him.


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