His Xmas Surprise

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His Xmas Surprise Page 2

by Jordan Silver

  I folded my arms so he'd know I meant business, I usually ran like hell from his disapproving glare but this was one fight he was not going to win.

  "You can't stay here little girl, now stop playing around and let's go."

  "Why can't I stay here? There're like fifty rooms in that place, we don't even have to see each other..."

  He was shaking his head before I stopped speaking, I really took him in then since he was no longer looking at me, that body, shit, as my friend Darlene would say 'sham wow panties now' then I looked lower and my eyes almost fell out of my head.

  Was that a...holy shit he's huge. I gulped and started drawing in air like a drowning man.

  "No way, you can't stay."

  Oh really big guy, we'll just see about that.

  "I'm staying and that's that."

  "You ever been fucked by a real man Anna-Maria? Because if you're on this island after sundown there's a good chance you'll know what it feels like to have ten inches of steel in your belly."

  Chapter 3

  Shit, maybe I shouldn't have been that blunt with her but she just wasn't getting it, I've always been circumspect with her but she wasn't a little girl anymore, she was old enough by any law anywhere and there was nothing standing in the way of me taking her.

  She made a little squeaking noise like a mouse caught in a trap at my announcement and made a mad dash up the beach.

  I watched that unbelievably bouncy ass of hers as she disappeared up the beach, my dick calling me all kinds of fool.

  I had to wait until I got myself under control before following her.

  Merry fucking Xmas to me.

  Shit, I think I scared the fuck outta the brat because she was nowhere to be found when I got back to the house.


  Where the hell was she? Maybe she was heeding my advice and getting her shit so I could get her off this island before the only thing stuffed for Xmas was her little pussy.

  Shit, down boy, we're not going there, she'd make my life a living hell I just knew it, mouthy little brat. But damn she was so fucking beautiful and those eyes of hers lived in my fucking dreams, then again so did her ass and her little apple sized boobs and...Damn everything about her haunted me and had been for two years.

  The guys all thought I had a really soft spot for Cynthia because I carried around her picture with me, if they only knew it was the hottie next to her that I was really ogling...well...I'd been very jealous of that picture anytime one of the guys would comment on her unusual beauty, but I had to play it off, she was only seventeen in the picture after all.

  I could tell either Cynthia or mom had gotten hold of her because instead of her usual flannel and jeans she was wearing a little sundress to her knees that hugged her breasts and showed off her legs, with the slightest hint of that ass from the side.

  I'd stared at that shit so often it was dog-eared and almost faded.

  "Anna-Maria are you ready?"

  "Ready for what?"

  She came downstairs wearing some little wrap around thing that barely covered her up and was see through, this little girl was playing with fire.

  "To leave."

  "I'm not leaving."

  "Did you not hear what I said?"

  "I heard you, but I don't think you'll do anything, so...." She shrugged her shoulder at me, was she insane?

  "Anna-Maria, read my lips, I, will, fuck, you."

  She gulped and her eyes widened as I came closer.

  "You don't even like me."

  "Think again."

  "But...but...." She held one hand out in front of her to ward me off.

  My nostrils flared like a stallion in heat that had to show the mare who was in charge.

  "No buts, you have five seconds to make up your mind, if you stay here there's only going to be one outcome."

  Five seconds, what is he nuts? I need to pee, I'm twitchy like a junkie and my coochie has turned slut. Why do I say that? Because she liked the gruff bossy way he spoke to her.

  "I can't go home..."

  "What, why not, what did you do?"

  I bit my lip; how much should I tell him? If he knew I was here against my father's wishes would he force me to go back? He was such a stickler for the rules after all, the stuff shirt.

  "I can't tell you." Good answer Anna this was still American soil I could plead the fifth if I wanted.

  "Not good enough, start talking or I'm calling Washington."

  He made as if to pick up the phone.

  "No no wait...shit...." I bit my lip, dammit, why did he have to be such an ass and what the hell was he doing here anyway?

  "Why are you here again?" That's right, stall for time.

  "We're not doing that again, start talking."


  "What, come again? It sounded like you said you were getting married in two days."

  Okay, why is he looking at me like he wants to strangle me?

  I just nodded my head yes.

  "To who?" He was advancing on me again I wasn't fast enough to get out of his way this time.

  "Mark Foster."

  "The fuck you are."

  "I'll have no choice if you send me back."

  I closed my eyes against the tears that were starting to gather in them.

  "Anna-Maria, look at me...open them."

  I opened my tear-drenched eyes and looked right into his cerulean blue orbs. Twitch, twitch, my cooch was going haywire.

  "Your five seconds are up."

  I swallowed hard as my knees went weak.

  Chapter 4

  "Stop jumping every time you see my shadow, I'm not going to throw you to the floor and take you...not yet anyway."

  We were decorating the tree, it was Xmas after all and I thought since she was staying here we might as well.

  I'd dragged the story out of her, about her father and the marriage deal; I'd kept my thoughts to myself until she was done then we'd started on the tree.

  I found some old Xmas music and it was playing in the background as we strung lights and tinsel on the tree.

  "What are you making in there that smells so good?"

  "Lamb chops, they're the biggest I've ever seen, with baby new potatoes and fresh veggies."

  "I didn't know you cooked little Anna."

  "I love to cook."

  Good, she was relaxing again, for a while there I thought she was going to jump out of her skin, I guess it was to be expected when you tell an eighteen year old (I was almost sure virgin, or at least she better be) that you were going to fuck her after the sun went down.

  "So, this Mark guy why don't you want to marry him?"

  "Ugh, must we talk about that? I was enjoying the tree dressing...."

  "Yeah, we do, I have to be sure that after I stake my claim on you you don't have a change of heart and go running home to some kid."

  She blushed and hid behind her hair.

  She'd stayed, that was answer enough for me, I wasn't going to ask her if she was coming to my bed tonight, she was just going to be there.

  Listening to her tell me that her father had been planning to marry her off to some guy made me realize what an idiot I'd been all these years.

  Instead of running, I should've told her to wait for me, I can face guerrilla warfare but I ran scared from a teenage girl.

  Well I was done running now.

  "Start talking little Anna."

  She frowned at me and threw some silver tinsel on the blue and white tree.

  "We're friends okay, like since birth or something..."

  "So you're close."

  "Yes, but like brother and sister close not anything...ugh."

  "Did you ever kiss him?"

  "Of course not Mark isn't like that."

  "Isn't like what? You said he didn't want to marry you either are you sure about that?"

  "Of course I'm sure, why?"

  "I just find it hard to believe that he wouldn't want to own you
for rest of his life."

  "Own me?"

  "Yep, that's what marriage is, an ownership, you own him, he owns you."

  "Is that what you're going to do when you get married, own your wife?"

  "You bet your tight little ass."

  "What are you, a Flintstone reject?"

  She laughed a little uncomfortably.

  I studied her for a moment, was she too young for this? I'm only nine years older than her but...whatever, it was too late now, I'd given her the choice and she'd stayed.

  Just because nothing else was said didn't mean that the rules had changed, hell no.

  Little Miss. Anna was about to have a Xmas to remember.

  "Let's talk."

  Oh joy, let's talk, I feel like little red with the big bad...something, snort. He keeps looking at me like he wants to eat me up.

  Okay I'm stalling, I'm not sure since I've never been in this position before, but if I walk across the room, would he be able to hear the squish from the wetness between my legs? What? I said my cooch turned slut, at least I owned it.

  "Over here Anna-Maria, let's get this shit out of the way."

  "Took Romance one oh one did you?" Geez the guy was a real sweetheart, I almost expected to be dragged off by my hair any minute, and he wonders why I'm skittish.

  He thinks I didn't see him clenching his fists when I told him what my father had planned, I saw, there isn't much I don't notice about him when he's around.

  I walked gingerly over to the sitting area where he sat watching me like a hawk.

  "Did you hurt yourself?" He was halfway out of his chair.

  "No, no, no, I'm fine..." Shit, like a bug under a microscope, I just know he has eagle ears too or whatever doesn't those elite special ops types have to have extra sensory or something? Hell if I know.

  Of course he couldn't just let me sit in the chair across from him, I have to sit next to him.

  He pulled me down next to him but kept my hand in his.

  "I heard that crack you just made, that mouth is gonna get you in a world a trouble with me you keep that shit up."

  "What shit?"

  He just stared at my mouth for the longest time before saying anything and then I swear, he growled.

  No, no, no, not your little pansy ass growl, a deep-gutted wild beast on the Serengeti growl. I think I felt the teeth marks in my neck.

  I know for sure if I stood up right now, this mesh wrap around thing would be soaked and the gig would be up.

  "So you didn't want to marry what's his name, so you and Cindy concocted this great escape, and then what, were you planning on never going home again?"

  "Nope, the way I see it, you guys own so many places you won't be needing this one for oh say five years at least, in the meantime I could hide out here eating coconuts and mangoes and write the great American novel."

  "There you go again."

  He stroked his finger over my palm.

  When you think of it, that shouldn't make me feel anyway at all, I mean I scratch my palm all the time, but somehow when he does it it makes me tingle.

  "I'll stop." My voice went deep sea diving and left me with something resembling a five year old.

  "Don't, I like it, I just don't think you're ready for what it makes me want to do to you."

  Gulp, gulp, gulp.

  "Why are you doing this to me?"

  "Doing what to you exactly?"

  I huffed and gave him the eye roll don't play games with me mister.

  "You know what, all the sexy talk and the, you know!" I waved my hand around between us.

  Well I can't just say all the squirm worthy looks and coochie destroying smirks now can I.

  "Why do you think I want to fuck you Anna-Maria?"

  "Get right to the point why don't you? To answer your question, I don't know, because I'm here and it's convenient? I don't know, I still have no idea why you're here...."

  "My little sister sent me here, but we'll come back to that later. So you think you're a convenient fuck, do you think that's the kind of man I am?"

  Now we're getting somewhere.

  "I don't know what kind of man you are Tanner, we've never been around each other long enough for me to find out,"

  "What's the age of consent in Washington little Anna?"


  "Sixteen, why?"

  "Could you have handled me at sixteen? I don't think so, now you know why I stayed away from you, because every time I laid eyes on you, I wanted to fuck. You weren't ready then, but you're older now, fair game, and I did give you fair warning, so no matter what, tonight I'm mounting you, make no mistake about that."

  Am I breathing? I think I'm staring at him with my mouth opened, I'd seen the discovery channel, there was a show about mating season, yeah, that's the picture going through my head. What did I get myself into?

  Chapter 5

  Good, I've got her attention, she sure does squirm a lot though and if she keeps looking at me like that, she's gonna get fucked before I set things straight.

  I didn't necessarily want to do things that way, but either way worked for me.

  My boy knew he was about to be rewarded for all his good behavior, for the fact that he hadn't touched anyone else since we set our sights on her a long ass two years ago.

  I wonder how long it would've taken me to make my move if she hadn't been here? My heart stopped cold when I realized she could've been getting married to someone else in a couple days and I wouldn't have known, wouldn't have been able to stop it.

  I think I growled at her when she looked at me with those eyes and bit her lip. Sexy as fuck.

  I needed to get this talking shit out of the way because chances are she's not going to see sunset with her virginity intact.

  I'm a grown man, a man of means I don't want her thinking I'm trying to take advantage of her just to scratch an itch.

  "The future's more than just one night Anna-Maria."

  I could see she had no idea what I was saying if the head to the side and the crinkled brow was any indication.

  "I don't understand."

  "It means that when we leave here, you're with me, always, remember that lesson in ownership I gave you a little while ago, that's what I'm talking about."

  "You mean, you...."

  I just nodded in answer.

  "The only thing is you don't get a choice in the matter, you stayed, that gives me certain rights, I claim them when I take you, I'm keeping you, do you understand?"


  "What the hell kind of answer is Eeekkkk?"

  She's too fucking cute, and she's incredibly turned on, I don't think she knew I could see her nipples puckering under that wrap thing she wore, or the flush that covered her chest.

  Uhmmmm, I can't wait to lick all that heat with my tongue. Down boy not yet.

  Is he trying to kill me, where does he come up with this shit? It's like he read the how to manual 'how to turn Anna-Maria into a hot sticky mess'. Wait was he waiting for an answer to something?"

  "What was the question again?"

  He shook his head and laughed.

  "What's going on in that head of yours now?"

  "Nothing, nothing at all, carry on."

  "I asked you if you understood what I meant by keeping you."

  "Um, not so much."

  "It means you didn't want to marry what's his face, but you will be marrying me."

  Thud, cooch down, cooch down, he's sent my cooch into cardiac arrest.

  "Stop squirming little Anna." I smirked at her thank goodness my caveman ways didn't scare the shit out of her because I don't think I could be any other way with her.

  I've never felt this need to own a woman before, I mean possess her body and soul, tie her to me in every way possible, I look at her and its like I regress to the primitive.

  I do want to lock her away somewhere in my own personal lair, but first I had to lay the groundwork, had to let her know what she was getting herself into.<
br />
  Where she's concerned, I'm very possessive it seems, the minute I realized she'd stayed after my warning it was like full steam ahead, no holds barred, but my mother had taught me to be a gentleman and there was still some of that in me somewhere, so I had to give her her flowery words before I did anything else.

  "I'm not squirming...much."

  "Any way, marriage, is that something you're totally against or just not with the wrong person?"

  "I'm not against marriage..."

  "Good, so that's settled, we'll get married when we get home after the holidays, but you are calling your father before we leave here."

  "I don't know about that, he's going to be pretty mad, and he might still try to get me to come home."

  "Not gonna happen, I'll be talking to him as well you see...."

  "Oh ho, I don't know..."

  "Anna-Maria, we're not hiding from your father, for one thing we live in the same town for another you'd be miserable if we don't do this right."

  "Why can't we just stay here?" She pouted and my boy jumped.

  "Because I have a business to run, you have school to finish and then college."

  "Ooh, I get to finish college, will it be near our cave?"

  "Anna-Maria, mouth, I told you what your snark does to me, you need proof?"

  I pulled her hand down to my burgeoning hard on her eyes went wide and her mouth hung open.

  Now I know where his club is, he's hiding it in his pants, he wasn't going to knock me over the head with it, he was intending to destroy the cooch with that thing.

  Poor cooch, and she'd only just found her sea legs. Oh well.

  "So, uhmm, ahem, you said something about getting married, aren't you supposed to ask?"

  "Didn't you hear me say you have no choice? If you want this, and I know you do then marriage it is."

  He pulled me closer so he could whisper in my ear even as he squeezed my hand around that thing in his pants.

  "I can smell you."

  CPR, mouth-to-mouth, oh shit, somebody help the cooch.


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