Twin Desire

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Twin Desire Page 9

by Michelle Iannarelli

  “Well, Jonny, I can’t send you home, but I can rid you of these wires and that fucking catheter.” Kelsey giggled. The doctor winked.

  Jonny laughed. “Ouch!”

  “I wouldn’t recommend laughing for at least a few more days.”

  “Sounds like good advice, Dr. Alonso.”

  “Dr. Alonso huh?”

  “I’m trying to keep with the doctor patient vibe since it’s kind of weird with you touching my…”

  “Oh, come on, Jonny, now how am I supposed to do this without feeling like I’m violating a friend?”

  “I feel violated all right.” Jonny winked.

  “I’m about to violate you some more. Head back, close your eyes, don’t move and exhale.”

  Jonny laid back and closed his eyes. He tried to relax but being a doctor, he knew what was about to happen and it made him cringe.

  Bett walked into Jonny’s room and gasped when he wasn’t in the bed. She turned to leave to see where he was when she heard the bathroom door open. “Jonathan!”

  “Hey, Mom!”

  “Are you alright?”

  “He’s a bit tired.” Kelsey pushed his wheelchair over to the bed.

  “Is he ok like that?”

  “In the wheelchair?”

  “Without his monitors.”

  “He’s doing just fine.”

  Bett breathed a sigh of relief. “I panicked when I didn’t find him in his bed.”

  “He needs to get back into the bed and rest for a bit.”

  “Except I’m too tired to move.”

  “How about I put up your other leg, give you a blanket and come back in thirty minutes to get you into bed?”

  “Have I ever told you how much I love you, Kelsey?”

  “Listen, just because it was necessary to be up close and personal with your man parts does not mean I love you too.” Kelsey laughed.

  “I know, your heart belongs to your husband.”

  “Your son is a character.”

  “Yes, he certainly is.”

  Cheyenne couldn’t stop thinking about what Bill said. She’d spent her life planning and following her plans. She owed it to herself to follow her heart for once in her life. She could sell her partnership and practice law anywhere. Hell, she had enough money to retire if she wanted to.

  Maybe it was Jon that her heart was leading her to? But how would he feel when he found out the truth about her and Cole? Even if he could forgive her, could she ever truly let go of Cole?

  Jonny rolled over and opened his eyes. “Hey, Beautiful!”

  Cheyenne smiled. “I heard you were up in a chair today.”

  “Yeah, a wheelchair. Seems that I can’t walk on this knee and with these ribs I can’t haul myself around.”

  “It’s still progress.”

  “I’ve been thinking…you said that you broke it off with Aaron, right?”

  Cheyenne swallowed hard. “Yes. I did.”

  “I spoke to a friend today about pressing charges. The guy could have killed me.”

  Cheyenne was horrified. She needed to come up with some excuse and quickly. “Jon, I know, and I am so sorry because all of this is my fault.”

  Jonny reached out his hand. “Chey, you didn’t kick the shit out of me that monster did and…”

  “Please, Jon, don’t. I want him out of our lives. I don’t want to be forced to testify at a trial. I can’t relive seeing you lying there. I thought you were…dead.”

  Jonny looked over at Cheyenne who had tears rolling down her cheeks. “Oh, Baby, I…”

  “No, if it’s what you need to heal then I’ll support you, Jon.” Cheyenne wiped the tears from her face.

  Jonny brought Cheyenne’s hand up to his mouth and kissed her hand. “You’re all I need, Chey.” Jonny tugged on her hand and Cheyenne stood up and walked closer to Jonny. “I’m sorry I upset you.”

  “I love you, Jon.” Cheyenne gently kissed Jonny’s still bruised face and lips.

  “How are you healing up, Son?”

  “I’m ok.”

  “I wish you’d stayed. I hate that you’re off dealing with this alone.”

  “I’m ok, Mom.”

  “Coleman, I know that is the furthest thing from the truth.”

  “I made my decision. Jonny deserves to be happy.”


  “I owe him.”

  “Coleman, you are not doing him good if you and Cheyenne love each other.”

  “She loves Jonny.”

  “She may but, Coleman, she is deeply in love with you.”

  “If she could love a jerk like me then loving Jonny should be easy. I need to go, Mom. I love you.” Cole hung up the phone and then threw it across the room. He hated himself for all he had done to his brother and Cheyenne and now he’d have to live with the fact that the only woman he had ever loved was sleeping in his brother’s bed.

  “That should do it.” Dr. Alonso signed off on Jonny’s paperwork and handed it to Kelsey. “I don’t want to see you back here at work for at least two weeks.”

  “Only two?”

  “I’d say four to six, but I know that you aren’t going to wait until your knee is fully healed.”

  “I hate this thing.” Jonny frowned at the wheelchair as he pulled himself up and dropped into it.

  “Is someone waiting for you downstairs?”

  “My, uhh, Cheyenne.”

  Kelsey looked at Jonny. “Your, uhh, what?”

  “Look, Kelsey, I don’t know what’s going on with us.”

  “But I thought you were in love with her?”

  “I am but…”

  “She doesn’t feel the same way?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Maybe once you get home things will fall into place.”


  Kelsey leaned over and whispered into Jonny’s ear. “And if it doesn’t you know where to find Dr. Gilmore.” Then she winked and giggled.


  “The pretty little doctor from pediatrics who flirts and can’t keep her eyes off you.”



  “Kelsey, I’ve never noticed her flirting.”

  “Yet, you are the most sought-after doctor to date.”

  “I rather doubt that.”

  “It’s true. Now let’s get you to your uhh, Cheyenne.”

  Bett and Cheyenne were waiting outside the hospital for Jonny. “Jon!” Cheyenne ran over to greet Jonny when he emerged from the hospital.

  “I’m free.” Jonny smiled.

  Bett took his bag and tossed it into the trunk while Cheyenne helped Jonny up from the wheelchair and into the car.

  “Anything we should know that he will conveniently forget to tell us?”

  Kelsey smiled. “A physical therapist will be coming to the house every other day to start.”


  “Aside from that, plenty of rest and good luck to you both.”

  Cheyenne looked over at Jonny who was giving his mother a hard time about putting his leg up. She exhaled and let out a chuckle. “Thank you. I have the feeling we may need it.”

  “Jon, do you want to go straight to your room, or would you like to eat first?”

  “Can I hang out in the study?”

  “Jonathan, you need to rest.”

  “I’ll rest, Mom, I just don’t want to be stuck in bed.”

  “Study it is then.” Cheyenne rolled him down the hall.

  “Chey, have you talked to Cole recently?”

  “No, not since he left.”

  “I called him a few times. He answered once but rushed me off the phone. I’m kind of worried about him.”

  “He’s probably just busy.”

  “I think it’s more than that.”

  Cheyenne was beginning to feel sick. She knew that Jonny always sensed Cole’s feelings and she was afraid his next sentence was going to have to do with her and Cole. “More?”

  “I can�
��t explain it. It’s a twin thing.”

  “Let’s get you situated on the couch and I will go make you some lunch.” Cheyenne needed a reason to excuse herself.

  “How are you holding up, Dear?”

  Cheyenne exhaled. “Is it that obvious?”

  “Only because I know what you’re going through.”

  Cheyenne put down the pitcher of tea and turned to Bett. “I don’t even know what I’m going through anymore.”

  “Come, sit down.” Bett motioned over to the table and chairs.

  Cheyenne sat down. “I love Jon, I do, but…”

  “You’ve always loved Coleman.”

  “I hated Cole for so long because of what he did, but I guess because I was so hurt and angry, I never realized how much I still loved him.” Cheyenne wiped away a tear. “When the lawyer read us my father’s letter it was suddenly like we were never apart.”

  “Then you need to go to him, Cheyenne, and tell him how you feel.”

  “But that’s the thing…before Cole and I reunited I was certain that Jon and I had something special.” Cheyenne pressed her hands over her face. “I’m a horrible person.”

  Bett reached for Cheyenne’s hand. “No, you’re not. I believe it’s possible to love two men at the same time.”

  “But I can’t. It’s not fair. Jon could have died, and Cole left because of me!” Cheyenne got up and crossed the room.

  Bett followed and placed her hand onto Cheyenne’s shoulder. “What happened is on Cole, not you. He’s always had a terrible temper and if it wasn’t for his father and Jonathan always bailing him out of trouble who knows where he’d be now.”

  “They are so different.” Cheyenne smiled.

  “Yet, the same.”

  “How can I ever choose between them? I’m so confused.”

  “Let me ask you this, if Coleman stayed or had Jonathan not lost his memory who would you have chosen then?” Bett patted Cheyenne on her back. “Think about it, Dear. I’ll go bring Jonathan his lunch.”

  “Your brother asked me to let you know that he will call you tomorrow.”

  “I’ve been calling that prick and he never seems to answer.”

  “He’s having a rough time closing this deal.”

  “That’s a first. He’s usually on top of everything.”

  “We all have our off days.”

  “Dad, I think there’s more to it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I just have this feeling that I can’t shake.”

  “Are you sure it isn’t that you’re feeling guilty because you’re with Cheyenne now?”


  “Jonathan, you’ve spent your whole life looking after Cole. Don’t you think that it’s about time for you to let him take care of himself?”

  “Hard habit to break, I guess.”

  “Well break it. Move on. You have Cheyenne and he has Meg.”

  Cheyenne was about to walk into Jonny’s bedroom when she heard Meg’s name, so she stood there listening. She wasn’t proud to eavesdrop but couldn’t help herself.

  “He’s with Meg?”

  “I told him to have a drink and get a good night’s sleep. He said that Meg had him up half the night before…”

  Cheyenne couldn’t listen anymore. “I have your medication.”

  Bill smiled at Cheyenne. “Good night, Son.”

  Cheyenne sat reading her book while Jonny drifted off to sleep. He wasn’t asleep more than ten minutes before he woke up covered in sweat.

  “Jon, it’s ok. You had a nightmare.”

  Jonny opened his eyes and looked at Cheyenne. “He was kicking me, and I couldn’t get up. You were screaming but I couldn’t hear you. Weird, right?”

  Cheyenne thanked God that he couldn’t hear, or she is certain that he would have heard her screaming at Cole. “Nightmares are weird.”

  “Chey, why do you think I can’t remember what happened with Aaron?”

  Cheyenne looked away. She couldn’t look into Jonny’s eyes and lie to him. “The doctor said sometimes it happens with head trauma.”

  “I know and as a doctor I’ve seen it happen to others but, Chey, I feel like…I almost don’t want to remember.”

  “Don’t want to?”

  “Did something else happen that night?”

  “No. Once the fight happened the rest of the night was spent at the hospital.”

  Jonny laid back down. “Will you stay with me?”

  “Of course.” Cheyenne sat back in her chair and picked up her book.

  “I meant in my bed.”

  “Oh.” Cheyenne giggled. “What if I bump your knee?”

  “There’s more chance of the brace hurting you than me.”

  “Ok. I’ll go change and be right back.”

  Jonny rolled onto his side and then turned the quilt down for Cheyenne.

  Cheyenne stopped in the doorway and watched as Jonny smoothed down the quilt and fluffed her pillows. He truly was a sweet man. “Quick enough?”

  “Took about five seconds longer than I anticipated.” Jonny laughed.

  Cheyenne climbed into the bed and Jonny pulled up the quilt. “Thank you.”

  Jonny lifted his hand and placed it onto Cheyenne’s cheek. “Goodnight, Beautiful.” Jonny placed a soft kiss on Cheyenne’s lips.

  “Jonathan, breakfast is…” Bett stopped when she saw Cheyenne pop her head up from under the pillow.

  “Hi! Uhh, it’s not what you think.”

  “I don’t think anything except that I’m sorry I woke you.”

  Cheyenne moved her hair away from her face and looked down at the bed. “Where’s Jon?”

  “He couldn’t have gotten far so I’d venture to say the bathroom?”

  “Ahh, yeah, I bet he’s in there.”

  “Well, when he comes out let him know that breakfast is almost ready. I wasn’t sure if he wanted to sit at the table or have me bring him a tray?”

  “I’ll ask him and then let you know.”

  “I made plenty of food so make sure you eat as well.”

  “Thank you, Bett.”

  Jonny was struggling to stand up without his brace on. He grabbed the shower door and was teetering on his one foot trying to figure out how to make it over the lip of the shower.


  Jonny swung around and almost fell over. Cheyenne grabbed him. “Shit, Chey, you scared the fuck out of me!”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I thought I’d get naked and hold on to the shower door in hopes that you’d come in and take advantage of me and by what you’re holding it seems to be working.” Jonny let out a laugh.

  Cheyenne realized one hand was on his ass and the other was on the top of his leg near his growing penis. “Jon…”

  “I know, no sex.” Jonny tried to steady himself.

  “Were you really going to try and shower on one foot?”

  “Please, Chey, I want to shower.”

  “Ok, let me get you a chair.”

  “No. I don’t want to sit.”

  “Then I’m coming in.” Cheyenne helped Jonny into the shower and steadied him against the wall before stepping out of the shower.

  “Thought you were staying?”

  Cheyenne smiled. Then she proceeded to pull her shirt over her head and drop her panties. “I am.” She stepped back inside the shower and closed the door.

  “I want to make love to you so badly right now it legit hurts.”

  Cheyenne leaned over Jonny and turned on the cold water. “Maybe this will help.” She giggled and then turned the knob toward the hot water.


  “I want you too, but the doctor said…”

  “I’m a doctor and I say I’m good to go.” Jonny kissed Cheyenne and slid two fingers inside her.

  Cheyenne moaned into his mouth, grabbed his cock and started stroking it. “Mmm.”

  Jonny’s knee banged against Cheyenne and he pulled away. “Aghh!”

“Jon, I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m ok. Come back.”

  “How about we try this?” Cheyenne winked as she knelt and sucked his throbbing cock into her mouth.

  “Oh, God!” Jonny steadied his back against the wall and placed his hands onto Cheyenne’s shoulders.

  Cheyenne could tell that Jonny was about to come so she reached her hands up to steady him. Once he finished, she stood up and had him lean his weight against her. “You ok?”

  “Can’t stand or breathe…never been better.” Jonny cracked a wicked smile.

  Jonny was exhausted and opted to have breakfast in bed and then took a nap. Cheyenne stopped back in his room to grab her book and heard his phone vibrating. Not wanting it to wake him up she grabbed the phone and whispered. “Hello!”


  Cheyenne looked down at the phone and her stomach knotted. “Yes.”

  “Is everything ok? Why are you whispering?”

  “Jon’s asleep.”

  “Oh, ok. Tell him I called.”

  Cheyenne walked back to her room. “Cole, we need to talk.”

  “There’s nothing left to say.”

  “Do you still love me?”

  Cole paused before answering. “What difference does…”

  “Do. You. Love. Me?”

  “You fucking know I do.”

  “Then come home so we can figure this out.”

  Cole wanted to hear Cheyenne say that she loved him. Instead she said they needed to figure it out. Now he was hurt even though he was the one who left. “Listen, Meg’s here. Have J call me when he wakes up.” Cole hung up the phone. Meg wasn’t there but he needed an excuse to hang up.

  “Cheyenne, just the person I was looking for.” Bill smiled.

  “Looking?” Cheyenne giggled. “I’ve been right here freeloading.”

  Bill placed his hand onto Cheyenne’s back. “You are our guest not a freeloader.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So, I have a proposition for you.”


  “I’m looking into acquiring CC Properties.”

  “Wow! That’s huge.”


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