Twin Desire

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Twin Desire Page 11

by Michelle Iannarelli

“But what about Cheyenne? Did you ever ask her who she wants? Do you really want her to stay with Jonathan if she doesn’t love him?”

  “But what about J?”

  “He is a grown man and he will survive.”

  “How? I’m barely surviving without her.”

  “I don’t know but he will and so will you if you have to.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Now are you coming home or not?”

  “I’ll be home by the end of the week.”

  Jonny pulled into his driveway to find his father sitting on his front steps with a cooler beside him.

  “Hey, Dad!”

  “You look exhausted.”

  “It’s been a long day.”

  “Well, your mother sent me over with enough food for a week so at least you don’t have to cook dinner.”

  “She’s crazy.” Jonny smiled.

  “She is, but we love her anyway.”

  “She’s the best that’s for sure.”

  “Let me carry this in for you.” Bill stood and then grabbed the cooler.

  Jonny opened the door. “Thanks, Dad.”

  “How’s the knee?”

  “Pretty good. I’m hoping this limp is just temporary.”

  “I’m sure it is.”

  “That’s what they said about my memory and so far, I still have no recollection of the night I got into the fight.”

  “Be glad, I wish I could forget. Seeing you like that…”

  “I’m sorry, Dad, I know how worried you and Mom were.”

  “All that matters is that you’re ok now.”

  “Am I?” Jonny sat.

  “Is this about Cheyenne?”

  “I know she said that she needed time to process everything, but it felt like more.”

  “She did run out on her life in Boston when her father died.”

  “I know and I understand that. It’s just a feeling I can’t shake.”

  “Have you spoken to her about how you feel?”

  “I have spoken to her in the past about feeling like she was holding something back.”

  “I don’t want to pry but weren’t you together like a couple while she was here?”

  Jonny let out a laugh. “Yes. We shared a bed, Dad.”

  “Was that when you felt like she was holding back?”

  “No. We didn’t have a problem being…intimate.”

  “That’s good.”

  “So much for not prying.” Jonny smiled.

  “Sometimes people don’t…you know.”

  “We do.”

  “Could it be that she is your brother’s ex that makes you feel this way?”

  “I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bother me that Cole’s had her.” Jonny ran his hands though his hair.

  “Look, I know how much you love your brother so could this be guilt you’re feeling?”

  “He cheated on her back in high school and broke her heart. They haven’t really spoken since, so why should I feel guilty?”

  “Because deep down maybe you know your brother still loves her?”

  “Did he tell you that?”

  “You should talk to your brother.”


  “I’ve already said too much.”

  “Is that why he left?”

  “He had business to tend to.”

  “Ok, so is that why he hasn’t come back?”

  “I guess you haven’t heard, he’s coming home in a few days.”

  “No, I hadn’t.”

  “When he comes home talk to him. Clear the air and see if those feelings fade.”

  Jonny nodded his head. Talking to Cole about Cheyenne wasn’t really a conversation he wanted to have.

  Cheyenne walked through her house looking at the mess she left when she headed home. Home? This was her home, wasn’t it? While she was trying to figure that out, she stepped out of her shoes, pulled Cole’s picture from her purse and then dropped down onto her bed. She ran her finger over Cole’s face and then placed it against her heart. How could Cole and Jonny be identical gorgeous men on the outside but be so totally different on the inside?

  Jonny looked down at the phone when he got Cheyenne’s voicemail. He’d texted her twice and now she let his call go to voicemail. His stomach knotted.

  Cheyenne held her phone which displayed Jonny’s picture from his unanswered call and Cole’s picture in the other hand. There was no doubt in her mind that she loved them both.

  Cole’s limo pulled into his parent’s driveway. Before he was able to get the door open his mother began running toward him. “Cole, oh Cole, I’m so happy you’re finally home!”

  Cole wrapped his arms around his mother and hugged her. It did feel good to be home again. “I’ve missed you, Mom.”

  Bett took Cole’s hand and they walked toward the house. “I made your favorites.”

  “You didn’t have to do that, but I could totally handle a huge bowl of stew and homemade mashed potatoes.” Cole smiled.

  “So long as you save room for the blueberry pie.”

  “I always have room for your pie, Mom.”

  Jonny paced in the living room waiting for his mother and brother to come inside. “Jonathan, calm down.”

  “Dad, what if he knows?”

  “If you haven’t told him, then how would he know?”

  “Right.” Jonny nodded his head.

  Bill placed his hand onto Jonny’s shoulder. “Relax.”

  “I don’t even know why I’m worrying about this. Cheyenne hasn’t returned my calls and has barely texted me all week.”

  “Give her some time. I remember losing my father and I still had your grandmother to lean on. Cheyenne is all alone now. Plus, she has her law firm to worry about. I’m sure she is just overwhelmed right now.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.” Right or not, Jonny still wondered if this was Cheyenne’s way of saying goodbye.

  “Coleman, it’s good to see you.”

  Cole hugged his Dad. “Good to see you too, Dad.”

  Jonny had spoken to his brother a few times while he was away but seeing him now and the thought of talking to him about Cheyenne left his stomach in knots.

  Cole turned. “J!”

  “Hey!” Jonny limped over to where Cole was standing.

  Cole felt sick watching his brother limp knowing it was his doing. “How are you doing?”

  “Doc says that I should be able to run a marathon any day now.”

  “J, I was serious. I wasn’t mocking you.”

  “I’ve been told that in time the limp will disappear, but I was also told I’d remember the fight and I still don’t. So, I am not holding out much hope for either at this point.”

  “I’m sure the doctor is right, J.”

  “I’m going to help your mother with dinner.”

  “So, how was Milan?” Jonny sat.

  Cole dropped down onto the couch across from him. “Productive.”

  “How’s Meg?”

  “She’s good.”

  “You a couple now?”

  “I don’t know what we are.”

  “Is that your doing, or hers?”

  “Why all the questions?”

  “I haven’t seen you in a few months and I was just trying to catch up.” Jonny got up and limped over to the bar. “Do you want something to drink?”

  Cole wanted a whole bottle but thought better to be sober. Less chance to slip and say something he shouldn’t. “I’ll take a water.”

  “Here you go.” Jonny tossed Cole a bottle of water and then swallowed down a shot before taking a seat across from his brother.

  “So, how’s Chey doing?”

  Jonny looked down. “She went back to Boston.”

  “You two have a fight?”

  “No. She said she needed to grieve.”

  “Have you spoken to her since she left?”

  “What’s with all the questions?” Jonny glanced up at his brother.

  “I thought you tw
o got close.” Cole was tense. The thought of his brother touching his Cheyenne.

  “We did I guess.”

  “Bro, she was living with you.”

  “Mom didn’t want me to be alone while I was recovering.” Jonny got up and poured himself another shot.

  “Did you share a bed?” Cole already knew the answer, but he wanted to see if Jonny was going to lie.

  He swallowed down the shot, looked up at Cole and nodded. “We did.” Cole stood and walked toward Jonny. Jonny took a step back for fear that his brother was going to hit him. “I’m sorry.”

  Cole let out a laugh. “For what?”

  “I know that…”

  Cole lifted his arm and Jonny flinched. “Jeez, you think I got up to hit you?”

  “I don’t know what to think anymore.”

  Cole ruffled his hair. “Hey, I’m happy for you two.” Cole may have said the words, but it was a lie. He was far from happy.

  “You’re not angry with me?”

  “If anyone deserves to be happy it’s you, J.”

  “Thanks, C, that means a lot.”

  Cole couldn’t wait for dinner to come to an end so he could escape from the awkward tension between him and his brother. It was as if they both knew each other had a secret.

  “I brought you a piece of pie.”

  Cole looked up at his mother. “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Your brother left.”

  “Because of me?”

  “He said he needed to check in on a patient.”

  “Do you think he remembers and just isn’t letting on?”

  “No. Why would you think that?”

  “He told me about him and Chey and when I got up, he flinched. He thought I was going to hit him.”

  “Were you?”

  “No. As mad as I am, I know that I only have myself to blame. I should have fought for Cheyenne all those years ago and begged her to take me back.”

  “You need to talk to Cheyenne.”


  “Cole, I’ve seen her with both of you and I honestly believe that she loves the both of you, but Cole, she’s in love with you.”

  Jonny couldn’t stay at his parent’s house another minute. Being with his brother was mentally exhausting. He felt as if he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. He knew better than anyone else when his brother was full of shit. He knew damn well that he wasn’t being honest when he wished him well. What he didn’t know was what Cole was keeping from him or why he bothered to lie?

  He reached for his phone and tried to get a hold of Cheyenne. He needed to let her know that he’d told Cole about them…if there was still a them.

  “Hey, Jon.”


  “What’s wrong?”

  “I told Cole.”

  “Told Cole?”

  “I told him we were together or had been.”

  “How did he take it?”

  “Said he was happy, but I don’t believe him.”

  “Why would he lie?”

  “I don’t know. Why would he?”

  “You’re asking me?”

  “Something isn’t right. I can’t explain it but, Chey, I know it.”

  “Let it go, Jon!” Cheyenne practically shouted. Her nerves were shot. “I’m sorry. I had a long day and…”

  “I won’t keep you. Good night.” Jonny hung up.

  Cole stood outside Cheyenne’s door. He needed to talk to her before he lost his nerve. She was the only one he ever truly loved. He needed to keep her in his life…didn’t he? How could he let her go? They both deserved to be happy…but was that even possible anymore? He finally pressed the doorbell.

  Cheyenne pulled the door open. “Cole, what are you doing here?”

  “Can I come in?”

  Cheyenne stepped back allowing Cole to enter. She inhaled as he stepped by her. The smell of his cologne still gave her butterflies. “Cole…”

  “I don’t honestly know why I’m here.”

  Cheyenne closed the door and walked into the living room with Cole trailing behind. “So, you decided to show up at my door because you don’t know why?” Cheyenne sat. “Interesting.”

  “I’m here because…I love you.” Cole stared at Cheyenne waiting for her to respond.

  Cheyenne blinked a few times. “Because you love me! Cole, what are you up to?”

  “Nothing. That’s the truth. Look, I don’t know anything anymore except that you are all I can think about. You’re all that I want. I made the mistake of not chasing after you all those years ago, but I won’t do it again. Chey, I love you.”

  Cheyenne’s lower lip started to quiver and then the tears started to fall. “I love you too, Cole.”

  Cole bolted over to Cheyenne, dropped to his knees and kissed her.

  Jonny couldn’t shake the feeling that both, Cole and Cheyenne were keeping something from him. He had this awful feeling in the pit of his stomach that it had to do with the night of his beating. What could have happened between him and Aaron? Maybe if neither of them was going to tell him the truth then maybe he needed to go to the source and pay Aaron a visit.

  Cheyenne was wrapped in Cole’s arms. He was stroking her long hair and kissing her shoulder. She’d loved Cole Black since the moment she first saw him. Then she hated him for breaking her heart. Now the hate was gone. But could they reconcile? She had come to love Jon, didn’t she?



  “You seem so far away. What’s going through that pretty little head of yours?” Cole kissed her temple.


  Cole cleared his throat. “WOW!” Cole pulled away.

  “Cole, wait.”

  “Why? So, you can rub salt in my wounds!”


  “But it’s my brother you’re thinking about when my dick is inside you?” Cole gave her a nasty laugh.

  “No! Yes, but only because I feel guilty.”

  “Guilty because you let me fuck you while you thought about J?”

  Cheyenne smacked Cole across the face. “Why is it so hard for you to believe that I love you?” Cheyenne shook her head, got up, walked into the bathroom and slammed the door.

  Jonny took a limo from the airport straight over to Cheyenne’s law office. He thought about surprising Cheyenne but decided that he needed to speak to Aaron first. Once that was taken care of, he would pop into her office and surprise her.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Yes, I’m looking for Aaron’s office.”

  “Is he expecting you?”

  “No, I had hoped to surprise him. I just flew in.”

  “Sign in here and I will need to see your ID.”

  Jonny pulled his ID from his wallet and handed it over to the woman. “Here you go.”

  The woman smiled up at him. “You’re a doctor, huh?”


  “Aaron’s office is on the fourth floor. First right.”

  “Can I have my ID back, please.”

  The woman was practically drooling on it. “Oh, sure.”

  Jonny took his ID back and smiled. “Thank you. Have a nice day.”

  Cole hated that he became insanely jealous when it came to Cheyenne. He acted like a jackass. Cole knocked on the door before poking his head in. “I’m sorry, Baby. I’m a jackass.”

  Cheyenne wiped her eyes. “Cole, I can’t handle your jealousy. Look what happened to Jon last time you got out of control.”

  “I know and I will never forgive myself for what I did to him.” Cole hung his head.

  Cheyenne shook her head. “Oh, Cole, I love you, but we need to straighten things out before we can start over.”

  “You really mean that…that we can start over?”

  She reached up and placed her hand on his cheek. “I do. I love you.”

  “What about J?”

  “I love him but not like I love you.”

  Cole kissed Cheyenne.r />
  Jonny stepped inside Aaron’s office and cleared his throat.

  Aaron looked up. “Who let you in here?”

  “I let myself in.”

  “What do you want?”

  “That isn’t a very friendly way to greet a man who could put your ass in jail for the beating you gave me.”

  “The beating I gave you! We both got in a few good slugs if I remember correctly.”

  “Yeah, except once I passed out you beat me senseless. Notice my limp!”

  Aaron stood up. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You’ve forgotten too? How convenient.”

  “I haven’t forgotten anything about that day walking in and finding you screwing MY girlfriend.”

  “I’ll never forget because of the scars you left on me.”

  “You’re out of your fucking mind. You had a bloody nose and a black eye when you stormed out.”


  “Look, I don’t know what happened after you left but someone else must hate you even more than I do.”

  Jonny didn’t know why but he believed Aaron. He took a step back.

  “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” Aaron sat and looked down at his computer screen.

  Jonny turned and walked toward the elevator.

  “You know you didn’t have to do this.”

  “I wanted to spend every minute I could with you before I head back for that damn meeting tomorrow.”

  “I’ll come home this weekend and we can talk to Jon.”

  “Home.” Cole smiled. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Maybe once things settle down with Jon, I can move back permanently.”

  Cole wrapped his arms around Cheyenne’s waist and kissed her. “I love you.”

  “Mmm, I love you.” Cheyenne kissed Cole again.

  The elevator came to a halt. Cheyenne righted her skirt and Cole held her hand. The doors opened and Cheyenne let out a gasp.

  Jonny couldn’t contain his hurt and anger when the elevator doors opened, and he saw Cheyenne holding Cole’s hand. The smile on her face faded when she saw him.


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