The Secrets of Seduction (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 7)

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The Secrets of Seduction (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 7) Page 16

by Elizabeth Lennox

  Ella knew that she’d never be okay again.

  Chapter 16

  Malcolm drove home in a fury, ready to beat something. Preferably Ella’s adorable ass. But Ella wasn’t at his house. Nor was she at her apartment. He banged on her door several times, but there was only silence in response. Too silent. Ella was too full of energy for that kind of silence.

  Turning around, he glared at the parking lot. Her car wasn’t there, so he turned and drove back out, heading towards her father’s house.

  “Is she here?” Malcolm demanded as soon as Tom opened the door.

  Tom’s startled expression revealed the truth even before the older man replied. “No! I haven’t seen Ella since early this morning. She stopped by to warn me about the news article and…” Tom paused, concerned. “Are you okay? I mean, the news…it said that you cooperated, that you were instrumental in helping with the entire investigation but…”

  Malcolm had anticipated this. “My father was a bastard of the first order. His arrest has been a long time coming. So yes. I’m more than fine. I’m relieved, actually.” He leaned in closer. “Please, if you see Ella, tell her that I need to talk to her.”

  Tom nodded. “I will,” he replied, but he was talking to air since Malcolm had headed back to his car, speeding away in his need to find her.

  Three days later, Malcolm still couldn’t find her and he was livid! How dare she tell him that she was pregnant…with his child!...and that she loved him then walk, no, run away from him! She hadn’t answered his calls, hadn’t responded to his texts. He couldn’t find her anywhere, her editor probably knew where she was or, at the very least, how to contact her, but that bastard wasn’t talking.

  Malcolm hefted the glass of scotch in his hand, and set it down. He didn’t want to drink. He wanted to find Ella. Standing here in his house, which had seemed so perfect for him before, but now felt…empty, he cursed the world.

  “Where the hell are you, Ella?” he whispered. Unfortunately, the dark night didn’t answer.

  He worried about her, wondering if she was eating properly. She was so intent on conquering the world, she often forgot to eat. He wanted to cook for her, for their baby, to hear how she was feeling and hold her in his arms. He needed her energy and her smiles. He needed…!

  Damn it, he needed her! He needed all of her!

  And a baby? Hell, he’d never thought about being a father before. But yeah, the idea of Ella being pregnant, of her being pregnant with his child…with their child…was pretty damn amazing!

  Now he just needed to find her and tell her that he loved her!

  Chapter 17

  “Ella, you can’t go on like this,” Cassy announced, sitting down next to Ella on the bench in the courtyard.

  Ella sighed, looking up at the sunshine. “I know,” she whispered, then looked down again. “I know.”

  Cassy wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders. “Hey, did you hear that your newspaper is awarding you some big thing this weekend?” she teased.

  Word had come out that Ella had been nominated for another Gemstone Award, but their paper had jumped the gun and was honoring her at some huge banquet. Her story about Edward Reynolds had resulted in the arrest of twenty government officials and had stopped a major sex trafficking ring. In fact, her investigation had uncovered the locations of thirteen different buildings where young women and a few men had been housed and parceled out for prostitution. More than sixty-five women and four men had been rescued. The families of the two women who had been murdered and buried on the estate in that lovely garden had found closure, although neither had moved their daughters from their final resting places once they’d seen what Harvey had done to their grave sites.

  “Yeah. My editor ordered me to attend,” she replied, sighing with resignation. “I need to get back out there. And I need to find another story to investigate.”

  Cassy laughed. “You need to find a bigger apartment,” she teased, patting Ella’s mostly-flat stomach. “You’re ten weeks along, but time flies.” She laughed, shaking her head. “Time flies during the pregnancy until the last two weeks. Then the seconds tick by so slowly, you’ll want to stomp on any clock that you pass!”

  That got a small smile from Ella, but it quickly disappeared. “I just…”

  “You want Malcolm,” Cassy replied, understandingly.

  Ella inhaled slowly, trying to stifle the pain she felt whenever she thought of Malcolm. Finally, she nodded. “Yes. I want Malcolm. But…I don’t think he loves me.” She bowed her head. “After everything he’s had to endure, Cassy, I don’t think he knows how to love.”

  Cassy looked out at the courtyard as well, appearing to ponder that comment. “I think that you’re not giving him enough credit, Ella.”

  “No, you don’t understand. His father was horrendous.”

  “I know. I read your story.”

  She smiled, feeling a warmth at her friend’s words. It quickly dissipated as Malcolm’s stunned expression came back to her. “He said that he hates his mother at times.”

  “Because she didn’t run away. You told me.”

  Ella sniffled. “I sound pretty pathetic, aren’t I?”

  “Yep,” Cassy said, nodding for emphasis. “Which is weird. Very unlike you.”

  Ella laughed, loving Cassy for bringing humor into the conversation. “I know. I need to…”

  Cassy took Ella’s hands in both of hers. “You need to go to this awards ceremony, Ella. I’m coming with you and Naya is meeting us in London. We’ll all be there for you. But you gotta go.”

  Ella knew that her friend was right. And in truth, she was sick of hiding here, feeling pathetic. “You’re right. I need to get back to work.” She turned and faced Cassy again. “Thank you for letting me hide here for a while. I needed to get my head on straight.”

  Cassy stood when Ella did and they linked arms as they made their way back into the palace. “What are you going to say to Malcolm when you see him again?”

  Ella shrugged. “I’m sure that we’ll work out a sensible plan for the baby. He’ll want to be involved. He’s honorable like that.”

  “I suspect that he’ll want to be more than just involved,” Cassy squeezed her arm.

  Ella had no idea what that meant, but as soon as they stepped into the palace, they were confronted by her husband, a small army of guards, and an impressive mountain of luggage. “We’re leaving now?”

  Cassy grinned. “No time like the present!”

  Ella knew Cassy was right. It was time to get back into the world of the living. Hiding out here had been fine. She’d needed the break from the scrutiny caused by the news article. Her editor had even advised her to take a vacation for a while. Because of the news about Edward Reynolds and all of the additional arrests and subsequent investigations, her name and picture were constantly in the news. She couldn’t investigate any new stories yet because she was just too recognizable right now.

  Chapter 18

  “Is she with you?” Malcolm demanded into the phone, as he paced the wood floors of his house.

  “She’s with me,” Nasir assured him.

  “Is she okay? Is she eating?”

  Nasir laughed softly. “She’s fine. My wife has been taking excellent care of her and I have extra security with me to protect her. Malcolm, I promise that I will get her to you soon.”

  Malcolm ran a hand over his face, knowing that Nasir would do the right thing, but Malcolm wanted to be there for Ella! “She’s mine to take care of! She never should have run away! Why the hell did she do that?”

  “I suspect that you already know why, and the question was rhetorical.”

  Malcolm closed his eyes again. “Just…get her back here safely, okay?”

  Another deep laugh. “We land in twenty minutes and I guarantee that she’ll be at the awards ceremony tonight.”

  “Thank you!” Malcolm replied with heartfelt sincerity.

  Even after his friend’s assurance that Ella was
okay, he still paced back and forth. He was already dressed in a damned tuxedo and he’d chosen the gown for Ella to wear tonight. It had been delivered to Nasir’s place earlier this afternoon.

  Taking a deep breath, he vowed to be calm and controlled when he saw her tonight. He would simply explain that he loved her and coax a vow out of her that she’d never leave him again.

  Chapter 19

  “Stay close to her tonight,” Nasir warned his security team. Turning to Ella, he explained, “You’ve been out of the public eye for a while. Everyone is eager to see you. There is a larger than usual crowd waiting for your arrival at the hotel, so my guards will remain by your side until they are no longer needed.”

  Ella’s eyes widened. “Why would…?” She stopped, remembering something her editor had said. “Interviews,” she groaned. “I should have stayed and done the stupid interviews! Then all of this would have died out by now.”

  “Possibly,” Cassy replied, adjusting one of Ella’s curls. “You look beautiful, by the way.”

  “Thank you.” She let her hand drift over her slightly curved tummy. “I feel different.”

  Cassy grinned. “Pregnancy will do that to you.”

  A half hour later, Nasir’s driver pulled up outside of the hotel where the awards ceremony would take place. There was a large crowd that started jumping up and down when they realized that Ella was about to step out of the SUV. The screams of excitement were almost deafening and Ella felt two strong men take their place on either side of her.

  “You’re amazing, Ella!” someone yelled. There were more calls and signs lifted over everyone’s heads saying that she was a national hero, that she’d struck a blow for women everywhere, and other signs that she couldn’t read because of the camera’s flashing in her eyes.

  “We’re here for you,” one of the guards murmured in her ear. “Just walk forward.”

  Ella walked forward, grateful for their help. They were wearing sunglasses, obviously having anticipated this craziness. She lifted a hand to wave at the crowd of people cheering her name as she walked into the hotel.

  Inside, she sighed with relief, but that feeling was short lived as another crowd moved towards her as soon as they recognized her. This was a more elite crowd, but there were so many people who wanted to shake her hand, ask her questions, offer her additional news stories to investigate, job offers, and so many other offers that she wasn’t sure what to say or do.

  “I’ve got ya,” a deep voice said close to her ear.

  “Malcolm!” she gasped, automatically turning to look up at him as he wrapped an arm around her waist. “You’re here!”

  He nodded to the guards who immediately started clearing a path. “I’m here, and I’m so furious, you should be terrified.”

  Ella laughed. “You wouldn’t hurt me,” she replied with absolute conviction, leaning into his arm.

  “Want to bet on that?” he growled, but his breath caressed her ear, causing her to shiver with awareness. “We’re going to talk. Now!”

  He led her into one of the small offices for the hotel, shutting the door and closing out the sounds of the insanity.

  “Now!” he snapped and turned to face her.

  Ella stepped backwards, surprised by the fury in his eyes. “Malcolm?”

  “Let’s get one thing straight right now,” he growled, advancing on her. “You will never say something like that and then leave me, ever again. Clear?”

  “That I’m pregnant?”

  He waved that away. “We’ll get to that in a minute. I’m talking about the other thing.”

  “That I’m in love with you?”

  “Yes! You said you love me, then you ran away! What the hell was that about, Ella?!”

  “Well, I just…”

  “I don’t care what you ‘just’ thought, Ella! I love you too! But you didn’t give me a chance to reply, did you? In fact, you dismissed my feelings, told me that I didn’t love you! You made up your mind about me, without giving me a chance!”

  Ella realized that he was truly furious. “Malcolm, I didn’t…”

  “You created this whole scenario in your mind because you’re too afraid of what might happen if I did love you. If we loved each other!”

  “I’m not afraid of anything!”

  “Really? Then why did you run away? Admit it, Ella. You’re afraid of being hurt, like your father who was devastated when your mother died. So you came up with this ridiculous idea that I can’t love you, which made everything safe. Because then we couldn’t be in a real relationship. That meant you were safe from being hurt.”

  “I was hurt!” she yelled back, furious that he didn’t know how she felt about him. Unfortunately, his comments resonated with her. Had she run away because she was afraid that he might love her? In a weird way, it made sense.

  “You run away from everything. It’s one of the reasons you prefer investigating issues in foreign countries, isn’t it? Because you know that you’ll never fall in love with someone committing a crime. You’re safe. You don’t have to invest in a real relationship. You don’t have to truly learn to live and love and form a life with someone who might leave you eventually.”

  “I…!” Ella realized that she couldn’t argue. He was right! She’d never thought about it like that before. But he was absolutely right! Unfortunately, she was too stubborn and moved on to her backup issue. “Yes, well, I’m not marrying you because I’m pregnant!” she said, feeling a bit better that she had that to throw at him.

  His eyes turned harder. “Seriously? Ella! Don’t go there!”

  “It’s true! You’re honorable, Malcolm. You’d marry me just because I’m pregnant!”

  She tried to slip away from him, but he was close enough now that he could reach out and grab her arms, stopping her retreat. “Ella! Think about it! I had the ring! I’d already bought the ring! You’d told me about the pregnancy that day, but I already had a ring in my hand, already knew that I wanted you for the rest of my life!”

  Darn it, she hadn’t thought about that! “Yes well…!”

  “Stop!” he snapped. “Just stop! No more telling me what I feel or don’t feel. No more trying to dismiss my honor! Tell me straight Ella. I love you. You love me. Are you too afraid of risking life and whatever might come at us? Are you going to marry me? Because I’m ready to toss you over my shoulder and…!”

  He didn’t have a chance to finish his statement because she covered his mouth with her fingers. “I’m not afraid of anything!”

  “Good!” he retorted, pulling the ring out of his pocket. He didn’t give her a chance to pull away before he’d slid the ring onto her finger. “Then we’re engaged. And Ella, let me just warn you that we’re getting married tomorrow! I’m not risking you running away from me again!”

  Ella stared at the ring, her heart pounding heavily against her ribs. “Malcolm, what if…!”

  He heard the terror in her voice and pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. “Ella, if something happens, we’ll face it together. Just as we faced my father’s crimes. We did it together.”

  The trembling came with his words and she closed her eyes. Her fingers curled around the ring, wanting to shield her heart from his claims. But her heart was weak and was pounding too hard, too excited at the prospect of spending her life with him.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  His arms tightened around her with that agreement. “Promise?”

  She laughed, but it was a hiccupping sound. “Yeah. I promise.” With that assurance, he kissed her long and hard, sealing her promise.

  “Good. Let’s get out there and do this.” He took her hand and led her out of the office. With one hand on the doorway, he looked back at her. “I’m warning you now though. We’re not staying late tonight. You’ll get the award, then…” he trailed off.

  “What?” she asked, her fingers clenching around his. “What’s wrong?”

  “You’re pregnant!” he whispered. He dropped to his kne
e so that his face was eye level with her slightly rounded stomach. “You’re carrying our child, Ella!” His fingers slid over the fabric as if he could somehow caress the child growing beneath her skin. Looking up at her, he asked, “How are you feeling? Is the baby okay? What…?”

  Ella cupped his face with her hands, stopping his questions with the gentle caress. “The baby is fine,” she told him. “Cassy had her obstetrician come to the palace and he gave me a thorough check up. He listened to the baby’s heartbeat, but I wouldn’t listen.”

  “Why not? Do you not want this child?”

  She laughed, shaking her head. “I want this child as much as I want you, Malcolm. I just…” she hesitated, blinking back the tears. “I wanted to hear our baby’s heartbeat for the first time with you.”

  He looked up at her, startled and that’s when she saw it. He loved her. He truly loved her!

  Standing, he took her into his arms once again but this time, his kiss was gentle, slow, and thorough. The only thing that stopped that kiss was a sharp knock on the office door and even then, Malcolm lifted his head, gazing down at Ella with all the love he felt in his heart.

  “Thank you,” he whispered. “I don’t want to miss anything, Ella. I’m excited about this baby,” he told her, his large hand covering her stomach. “I want to marry you, but not because of this baby. I promise that I’m going to be a better father than Edward ever was. I’m going to be such a damned good father!” He kissed her again, sealing the words with his actions. “I promise, Ella. Just…don’t ever leave me!”

  “I won’t. I’m sorry that I didn’t trust you,” she whispered, then shook her head. “No, I’m sorry that I didn’t trust us. That I was too scared. You were right. I saw the pain my father went through over the years. It’s been so long and he’s only just started dating again. I don’t want to go through that. I can withstand a lot of crappy stuff,” she laughed, then turned serious. “But I don’t think I could stand losing you, Malcolm. You’re right. I was afraid. But I’m willing to do this as long as you’re with me.”


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