Lost then Found

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Lost then Found Page 14

by Valerie Wilde

  Aidan made a low, growling noise, thrusting his hips up, trying to get inside me - but I was too quick for him. I lifted my hips up, stopping him. I was in charge here. He groaned in frustration.

  “Don’t! I’m in charge now,” I told him, sinking down onto his cock with one hot, smooth slide. I was full, impaled all at once. It was too much, a shock of sensation and electricity coursing through me.

  God, I had too many clothes on. I lifted up, enjoying the friction of his cock sliding slowly out of me. I sat back down heavily, filling myself up again, as I quickly started undoing the buttons of my blouse. I was so hot, I was so caged up in all my clothes - I needed relief. The last button came undone, but I didn’t bother taking my blouse off completely. I let it hang off me as I fucked myself on Aidan’s cock, taking my pleasure from him.

  Without even meaning to, I’d closed my eyes. Something touched one of my bouncing tits and I opened my eyes with a displeased frown. Aidan had reached up to hold onto my tit, fingering my hard nipple through the lace of my bra. I slapped his hand away. I’d told him not to move! His hand dropped away, instant and obedient. It felt good, deciding how I wanted to be touched and right then I wanted his cock in my pussy and the rasp of his pubes against my clit.

  Each time I sank down was punctuated by a loud breathy moan, I couldn’t help it, I couldn’t hold back my gasps. It felt like his cock was pushing out all the air in my lungs, like there wasn’t enough room in my body for his cock and for my breath. I let my head roll back, I was getting so close now, orgasm coiling in my belly as I started a frantic rhythm.

  My thighs were starting to burn, but it didn’t matter, because I was so close, so ready and then suddenly it hit me, my mind blanking as everything faded away. My muscles locked down, and I came with a screamed yell.

  Aidan’s cock was exploding inside me. I could feel the walls of my pussy fluttering, clenching his cock, and taking his spunk as he came into me with a deep, rumbling howl.

  I kept my eyes closed, my head lolling back as I panted. It felt so good, sitting on him and feeling his cum flood my pussy.

  My skin felt hot and flushed as I finally opened my eyes, taking stock of what I’d done. I was still gently rocking my hips, unconsciously rubbing my tired clit against him.

  I got off him, rolling bonelessly down beside him as he instantly turned to hold me.

  “Stay here a minute”, his hand flung across my chest, hugging me close through the mess of our torn and disheveled clothes, my back pressed against his front as we spooned. I thought about throwing his arm off me and still not letting him touch me, but that moment had passed. I’d enjoyed the thrill of power, but I liked the feeling of him holding onto me. Pinning me close to him, like I really was his.

  “Jack’ll be waking up soon,” I said, not moving. I was exhausted - my body tired from the afterglow, but also just mentally tired. I’d been carrying that anger around for a long time, and I hadn’t even realized it until now. “Do I have my own bedroom?”

  Aidan’s grip on me tightened, his arm was a metal band, securing me to his side.

  “I didn’t ask Smith to prepare another bed for you. We’re only going to stay a few more hours, not overnight - you don’t need a bed anyway.”

  I put my hand on his forearm, my fingertips tracing idle patterns along his veins. I closed my eyes, feeling my breathing get slower as I relaxed. It wouldn’t be so bad if I had a little nap too. I could let myself fall asleep for a few minutes.

  “Plus, I haven’t told anyone that this marriage is because of the wedded-heir clause,” Aidan said softly, almost whispering it into my hair.

  I’d kind of gathered that from what Roderick had said to me. Still, having Aidan confirm it made me feel something. A warmness that I didn’t want to think about or examine too closely. I pushed it away and sat up quickly, breaking free of Aidan’s embrace.

  “I’m going to wake Jack up. If he naps for too long he won’t sleep tonight.”



  The way that she took control from me, riding my cock, using my body for her pleasure.

  No woman had ever treated me like that! I couldn’t get it out of my head.

  The way that her tits had bounced, her head thrown back in ecstasy. She’d never looked more beautiful!

  This was all too much. How was I ever going to give her up again?

  The last time it had been one of the most painful things I’d ever done. Now, after spending more time with her, after seeing this other side to her, leaving her a second time felt like an impossibility.

  I walked across the lawn. The nursery window was open and the sound of my wife and child filtered down to me. Jack was laughing merrily and Erica was trying to sing to him. She was slightly off-key…it was gut-wrenchingly endearing.

  And yet…I knew what I had to do. As soon as I was President of IBA, I would remove the marriage clause and divorce Erica. It was the only way forward, no matter how much I railed against it.

  Jack and Erica’s voices got quieter as I moved away from the house, by the time I got to the tree line I could barely hear them at all. Just then, Jack laughed again, a little louder and I walked into the woods.

  I wouldn’t be able to hear them among the trees.

  There was an old path here, although it hadn’t been well maintained. The bracken had sprung up, not growing on the path itself, but the long fern leaves were hanging over it, crowding it. They brushed against my legs as I walked along. I’d have to get Smith to sort this out.

  Not that many people came down here anymore.

  I used to love running through these woods, climbing trees, fighting a thousand mock battles.

  Marcus and me. We had such fun, playing here together.

  I stomped down heavily on a bracken leaf, crushing it beneath my foot.

  It was strange how much I used to love playing here with him, we’d have so many childish games; battles and play-fights with strict rules that the two of us made up between us. Yet, nowadays I couldn’t think of him without bitter hatred.

  I didn’t want to think about him anymore. Seeing him at the wedding had been a shock. How had he even found out about it? There was no way that any of my staff would have told him.

  I trusted my staff to be completely loyal to me.

  So, how had Marcus known about the wedding?

  The trees spread out as I came to the little clearing. There, right in the center was the Henry Moore sculpture that Eleanor had bought when I was a kid. I used to love climbing on that thing. Jack would probably love that too, when he was a bit older.

  A stray, unwanted thought tugged at me: what if.

  If things were different. If I hadn’t had to leave all those years ago, if we could stay married this time…How would things be different?

  I knew one thing that would be different, knew it with absolute certainty. I wanted more than one kid. I wanted to see Erica pregnant with my child. I wanted Jack to grow up with playmates that would never turn on him.

  I sighed, putting aside that thought. I knew it couldn’t happen.

  It was a blessing that I had Jack. A much needed heir.

  It was greedy to want more, when having Jack in my life was already a miracle.

  With a sigh, I turned round and headed back to the house, making to sure to stamp down on all the bracken that was overgrowing onto the path.

  Years ago, Dad gave me my mom’s engagement ring. It was a beautiful thing: a large, blue sapphire, with fourteen diamonds set all around it. Now, I wanted to give it to Erica, I wanted to see it on her finger - a permanent sign that I had claimed her.

  She might believe that our wedding was just a business arrangement, but I would know, looking at that ring, that it was more than that. That she would be wearing a ring I’d kept with me for years, thinking about and waiting for a woman who would eventually wear it. It was a ring that carried a lot of meaning for me, and for my family.

  Although I had no intention of telling her
any of that. I didn’t want her to know how much she meant to me, not when our divorce was a inevitability. I didn’t want her trying to talk me out of it, or trying to persuade me that she was willing to take the risk. I wasn’t willing to risk her, and that was all that mattered.

  No, right now, all I had to do was find that blasted ring! Where the hell had it got to?

  I used to keep it hidden in my room. But I’d searched the room thoroughly yesterday evening and it wasn’t there.

  A while back, I’d had Felix get it insured for me. I remember him telling me that the valuers had said it was worth a quarter million.

  I picked up my pace as I was struck by a sudden idea. I bet that, once it was insured for so much, the insurance company would have insisted on taking precautions to make sure it was harder to steal. Felix would have asked my dad to put it somewhere safe. Of course. The wall safe in the study!

  That should have been the first place I checked this morning!

  Really, it was no wonder I was distracted though. Not when Erica had been in my bedroom, sticking her ass in the air as she bent over to examine the collection of family photos.

  Fuck, she could look hot doing anything! And then, afterwards….

  My cock twitched in my pants. Jesus, I couldn’t get enough of this new side to her.

  I needed to take a few, deep calming breaths as I crossed the lawn, going into the study through the French windows. The large safe was built into the wall, hidden behind a large oil painting my great-grandfather. I put in the access code and the door swung open, revealing the safe was stuffed full, papers piled haphazardly across the shelves. Dad used to be so fastidious, always wanting everything to be neat and organized. As he got older, he’d stopped having the energy to care about that sort of stuff. Seeing the clutter of paperwork was, to me, another sign of him getting older.

  I started sorting through the mess. Right at the very back, tucked into the corner, was a little dark blue velvet box that I recognised at once. That was what I was looking for.

  I clicked the box open. The ring shone, dazzling bright even in the dim light of the study. I gazed at it for a few seconds, remembering how I used to look at this when I was a kid, fantasizing about my future.

  With a snap, I closed the box. It was time to leave. Slipping the small box into my jacket pocket, I was already imagining this ring on Erica’s finger, right above the wedding band.

  I rounded up Erica, Jack and Bugsy from the nursery and took them down to say goodbye to Dad. He sat up in bed, looking even healthier than he had earlier. It was like having Jack in the house had breathed new life into him. I held his hand, as I said goodbye.

  It wasn’t a long drive to the marina and I felt a sense of coiled excitement as I drove. We were about to start our honeymoon, and our first family vacation.

  “That is not a yacht!” Erica whispered under her breath to herself, the sea breeze making her words carry.

  I shrugged, leading Jack down the pier.

  “Mega yacht I guess they’re called…technically,” I laughed, “Too big for you, sweetheart?”

  She let out a snort of laughter, stifling it immediately.

  “How are you gonna sail this thing?!”

  I walked back a few steps so that I could put my arm around her waist, feeling suddenly light-hearted. For the next two weeks, I was going to be at sea and I was going to simply enjoy it. Of course, I was still going to keep a check on Dad’s health, ready to head back to Connecticut if he took a turn for the worse, but I wasn’t going to get tied up with work. For once I was going to let the other Directors cover for me. I was only going to check my emails a few times a day… And I wasn’t going to worry about Marcus or whatever schemes he might be hatching. We were beyond his reach now.

  “There’s a crew to sail it,” I smirked, feeling it as she relaxed, the swell of her curves resting against me. While we’d gone to see Dad, Felix had been making the last minute arrangements for our trip. He should be on board already.

  “Be careful, Jack, don’t get too close to the edge!” she said, ever vigilant as Jack walked ahead of us, getting too close to the edge of the pier.

  I let go of her and strode ahead to pick Jack up, swinging him up and over my head, so that his legs landed on my shoulders, one leg either side of my neck. I remembered, when I was a kid, Dad used to carry me like this.

  “Daddy!” Jack yelped, “It’s too high!”

  His hands scrambled around my head, clutching onto my forehead, his little hands covering my eyes.

  “It’s OK, Jack, I’ve got you. But you gotta take your hand out of my eyes, I can’t see. Here, hold my hands.”

  Jack’s feet dangled down in front of my chest as I held up my hands for him. Slowly, like he was scared but choosing to trust me, he took his hands off my face and grabbed hold of my hands.

  “Good job, Jack,” I said, taking a few steps and then turning around so that Jack got used to the feeling of being carried. Jack burst out into surprised laughter.

  Then I saw Erica. She hadn’t moved a step, she was staring at us, her face pale.

  “Again, Daddy, turn around again! This is fun!”

  “Are you OK?” I asked Erica, taking a step towards her. Jack didn’t seem to care that I had ignored his request - he let out a gleeful whoop as I walked.

  “Yeah,” she said shakily, “You just worried me. I, uh, I never carried him like that before.”

  “He likes it,” I said, defensively. Was she trying to make me feel like I’d done something wrong?

  “Yeah,” Erica said, her expression unreadable and her eyes on Jack, “Yeah, I can see that.”

  I pulled Jack down from my shoulders slowly, carefully making sure he had his feet back on the ground as Jack made a disappointed groan.

  “Do it again, Daddy! That was fun!!”

  “Maybe later, Jack,” I said, taking his hand as I continued towards the yacht. I’ve always enjoyed sailing, it was something that Dad and I used to do when I was a teenager. When I’d decided that I was going to ask Erica to marry me, I knew that it would be a good excuse to take her on vacation under the guise of taking her on a honeymoon - and how better than on a yacht? I’d be able to take her anywhere I wanted.

  I’d only bought this yacht last week, calling it the Honeymooner - because I’d bought it just for this trip.

  Erica was still looking pale and rattled, even though I’d put Jack down. I reached out and took her hand, my fingers clasping hers as I pressed our palms together. For a second she didn’t react, her hand limp in mine.

  Had I ever held her hand before? Over the last few days I’d got so used to taking Jack’s hand, that it felt natural to hold hers as well. Was this any more intimate than putting my hand on her waist, like I had just a few seconds ago?

  I wanted to touch her all the time, she was mine, mine to hold and mine to touch. But she believed that this wasn’t a real marriage, and I need to remember to keep my distance. I let go of her hand, but she gripped onto me. Her small fingers holding onto me, not letting me go. I grinned, suddenly aware of how small her hand felt, enveloped in mine.

  “This,” I said proudly, “Is the Honeymooner, our home for the next two weeks.”

  The ramp was down, ready for us to board, with a security guard standing on either side of it to make sure no-one else boarded. I gave on of them a nod, trusting that he knew who I was.

  “Mr. Stryker,” he murmured respectfully.

  Erica’s arm pressed against me as she got up on her tiptoes to whisper in my ear:

  “Who are all these people?”

  I blinked. Aside from the security, some of the crew and staff were working on the deck too. “They’re going to be making sure you’re pampered for the next two weeks.”

  “Me?” Erica looked around uncomfortably, “Pampered?”

  “It is our honeymoon, after all. Don’t you think that’s a good time for a little pampering?”

  She looked at me doubtfully. I didn’t wan
t her to tell me that this was too much, or that this wasn’t a real honeymoon. I let go of both Erica and Jack, pushing them forward as I turned to speak to the security guard.

  “Would you make sure the luggage gets brought aboard, here,” I dug in my pockets for the car keys. “And tell the captain to set sail as soon as possible. We can finalize a course later, I want to be out at sea before it gets dark.”

  Ahead of me, Erica had gone over to talk to one of the staff.

  “Anything you like, Mrs Stryker!” I overheard, catching the end of the conversation.

  Mrs Stryker!

  I liked the sound of that.

  Jack was standing in the middle of the deck, looking unsure.

  “Come on, little man. Let’s go and find your bedroom.”

  “I have a bedroom here?” Jack asked curiously, following after me.

  “Of course, this is a vacation. There’s lots of stuff that you can do on the yacht, there’s a swimming pool, and…” I racked my head, trying to think about what would have appealed to me when I was a kid. “And tomorrow I’ll take you up to the bridge, you can meet the captain and steer the yacht.”

  “The big wheel?” Jack asked, his eyes glazing slightly. I admit, that there were still times when I wasn’t quite fluent in four-year-old English.

  “The, uh, big steering wheel, yeah. Down here, Jack. I told them to put your room just down from the master bedroom.”

  I opened a door, pleasantly surprised to see that it was what I was looking for.

  Jack ran inside, excitedly.

  I leaned against the deck railing, having gathered Erica and Jack to make sure that we all watched this moment together. The yacht was ready to set sail, the engines had just started up, sending up sprays of water. I picked Jack up, so that he could see over the railings.

  “We’re moving,” Jack yelped, looking between me and Erica, like he couldn’t quite believe it.

  “That’s right, Jack!” I said laughing. God, how many times had I laughed at this kid! It felt like I’d laughed more in the last few days than I had in the last year. As we sailed away from the dock I could feel the tension bleeding from my spine, an ache in my bones that seemed to lift - we were at sea and that meant our vacation had started, and that Marcus wouldn’t be able to find us. I had taken every possible precaution, and now it had all paid off. Whatever plan Marcus had, he had failed. My family was safe.


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