Hungry CEO

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Hungry CEO Page 67

by Charlize Starr


  One week later, Brooke couldn’t believe how her life had changed. Matt had found her father a top-of-the-line assisted living home and helped her—as in paid other people to do it—get her father settled. She’d moved from her cluttered apartment to his huge penthouse.

  It only made sense to keep her apartment because she’d be moving back there in a few months’ time. This way she could go in on her days off to get everything sorted and store her father’s things he no longer needed or didn’t take with him when he moved.

  Matt didn’t have any live-in staff, so it was safe for Brooke to sleep in the guest bedroom without anyone finding out. He only had a housekeeper who came in the morning to tidy up and make dinner. The only thing Brooke had to do was get up early and make the bed back up before she came.

  Today, they were going to see her father in his new apartment at the assisted-living center. Matt came out of the master bedroom, looking delicious in a black suit, to find her sitting on the stairs.

  With a sigh, she stood up.

  “I wish you’d cheer up, Mrs. Cross.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I wish you wouldn’t call me that.”

  “Well, you’re no longer Miss Monroe. What should I call you?”

  “Brooke is fine. Come on.” She started down the stairs. There was this odd tension between them now. She was equal parts annoyed by him and filled with lust for him. She’d always wanted him but in a distant sort of way. A never-going-to-happen way. But since the kiss, since the night he’d married her so she’d sleep with him, since he now slept one door down the hall from her, it was all too real.

  He caught up with her at the foot of the stairs and put a hand on the small of her back. Jolts of electricity snapped between them, shot straight to her center. How could she want this man so much? She’d never really wrestled with desire before, and it was an awful thing to know if she wanted him, all she had to do was say so.

  He led her to the door and opened it for her. He was so solicitous. When she needed something, he was always a step ahead of her, taking care of it. They made their way downstairs, where a doorman opened the door for them. Outside, a chauffeur awaited them, the car double-parked so they wouldn’t have to wait.

  His lifestyle was so different from the constant struggle of her own, and it was hard to get accustomed to.

  In the car, he offered her a water, which she took, grateful. Anything to cool her down. Heat flooded her face when she caught herself watching him instead of the scenery outside the window. The assisted-living center was close to her old apartment, so she could easily go visit once she was back to her old life.

  “I bet you’re excited to see your dad.”

  “I am. The staff calls me every day to let me know how he’s doing. It’s such a wonderful place. I’m glad you could go with me today, so you can see for yourself what you’re paying for.”

  He tilted his head and examined her. “Seeing those worry lines gone is all I need to see.”

  “Still, it’s your money going for it. You should see what you’re getting for the price. It’s really too much.”

  “It’s not too much. You and your dad deserve the best. I’d have paid for it if you didn’t marry me, you know that.”

  “But I couldn’t accept it then. At least this way, it’s like I’m earning it.” She curled her hands together in her lap. “How are things with your dad?”

  “Well, once he got over the initial shock of me marrying my assistant out of nowhere, he’s pretty pleased. He likes that you know the business. Says that makes you a real valuable member of the family.” Matt spread out, putting his arm along the back of the seat.

  His hand dangled at her shoulder, fingertips barely grazing her shirt. Brooke closed her eyes and turned her head away from him. Why did she have to be so aware of him all the time? He was like an oasis in the desert, this wellspring of everything she could possibly want, except for one thing—he didn’t want to be married to her.

  In just a few months, they’d divorce and both walk away. She had to make sure until that happened, she didn’t let her guard down.


  Matt was in his office, having a drink. He sat on the couch, his feet up on the coffee table. He rarely drank at work, except when he had to deal with his father, but he’d become damn frustrated in the last week.

  It was killing him, being so close to Brooke and not touching her. At night, she was just down the hall. Right now, she sat at her desk, just outside his office. The sound of her fingers flying over the keys of her laptop drifted through the cracked door.

  He knew they shared a mutual attraction—he had a marriage certificate to prove it. Had they not both been too drunk, he’d have had her that night. He closed his eyes, easily fantasizing about holding her naked body against him. What he’d love to do to her, to bring her pleasure, make her come, over and over.

  Lost in his fantasies, it took him a moment to realize his father’s voice boomed outside the office. His father had a natural, deep voice that carried far. Matt stood from the couch, putting his drink aside. That’s all he needed—for his father to find him loafing when he should be working.

  Unsure what Brooke and his father were discussing, Matt made his way to the door to rescue her. He paused with a hand on the doorknob.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but I have to disagree with you. Matt is more responsible than you give him credit for. He’s generous and giving with everyone, to a fault, maybe. And he loves this company. He wants to do what’s best for the future of everyone who works here.”

  “Hmm,” was all his dad said after a long moment. “Maybe you’re right. In any case, welcome to the family.”

  At this point, a normal man would’ve hugged Brooke. Brooke’s father had hugged him when they told him about their impromptu marriage. Instead, Richard held out a hand for her to shake.

  She stood and took his hand, shaking it with both of hers. “Thank you,” she said.

  “I hope you plan on quitting this job soon. Matt can get another assistant. You’re his wife now. His life-partner.”

  Matt shook his head. Like hell he’d ever stay married, allow someone to be his “life-partner,” even Brooke, who he trusted implicitly. He’d never let his guard down that way again.

  Did he believe Brooke would cheat on him if he let her in, gave in to the feelings that seemed to tug at him whenever he was with her? Not at all. But he hadn’t believed that about his first wife, either.

  “Matt and I work very well together and I enjoy it as much as he does. I wouldn’t dream of quitting.”

  Opening the door, Matt stepped out to greet his father. Another handshake. Hugs in the Cross household simply weren’t done.

  “I overheard the last bit of your conversation. I think my father is right, Brooke. You shouldn’t be my assistant.”

  Brooke gave him a forced smile. “We agreed I would keep my job. Remember?”

  “I’m not suggesting that you stop working. Only that you receive a promotion to management. You’d still travel with me and help me fix what’s broken at our hotels that aren’t performing optimally.”

  Brooke glared at him and shook her head, crossing her arms in front of her. “It’s ridiculous to promote me because I’m your wife.”

  “Hear him out,” Richard clapped a hand on Matt’s back and Matt turned to him, surprised at the support. “Maybe with someone so competent at the helm, once he trains you, he can focus on the big-picture of the company.”

  Matt should’ve known his father would have ulterior motives in agreeing with him. “I don’t know about that. But, we can continue to work together, just like always. You just won’t have to also answer my phone and do the filing.”

  If he’d thought of it, he would’ve done this long ago. That was the whole problem for him now—he was seeing Brooke in a whole new light. Not only did he spend his waking hours obsessing about what it would be like to have her, to make love to the innocent, yet passionate woman he
now recognized, but he also realized she did a lot of work to make his job easier.

  Brooke looked from him to his father and back again. “Maybe we should discuss it later.”

  “On this one, I’m overruling you, Mrs. Cross. At work, I’m the boss, and I say who will do what. Find me a new assistant and notify HR of your promotion. Tell them to call me to discuss the pay and benefit details.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Of course,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “You’ll see this is for the best, Brooke. Congratulations.” Richard smiled at her. “Now, I’ve got to get back to work. I just came to welcome you to the family.”

  When he was gone, Brooke glared at him. “I am not happy about this change.”

  “I’m sorry to make you unhappy, wife, but I’ve made my choice.”

  “Don’t call me that,” she whispered, “when you don’t really mean it.”

  He wished he could mean it, wished he weren’t so fundamentally broken that he couldn’t allow himself to love again. “Let’s not confuse the issues. Please give HR a call.”

  “I will, because you’re my employer. But don’t think we won’t discuss this again at home.”

  “Fair enough.” He left her at her desk, phone in hand, and went to his office and shut the door. Brooke deserved that promotion for all the work she did, right alongside him, but he also wanted to leave her better off after this marriage came to its logical conclusion.

  Chapter Three

  Matt had instructed Brooke to go home. His car was waiting for her and drove her back to his house around five. It was now eight p.m. and he dragged himself into the penthouse apartment. He was exhausted. Planning the changeover, from his father’s big-picture style of management to his own would take a lot of work.

  She was making her way down the stairs when he put down his laptop and keys on the table by the door.

  “Finally! I want to talk to you.”

  “I’m too tired to argue with you, Brooke.”

  “That’s unfortunate for you.” She stopped at the bottom of the stairs, one hand fisted on her hip. She’d changed into yoga pants and a t-shirt. She looked luscious, at-home in his home, and he found himself with a desire to undress her, slowly, and give her an experience she’d never forget.

  And, really, why shouldn’t they? He knew Brooke had wanted to wait, but surely she realized that no one would believe her to be a divorced, twenty-eight-year-old virgin. No man alive would be able to keep his hands off of her.

  The idea pissed him off, the thought that another man might ever touch her the way he wanted to touch her.

  She’d been talking and he wasn’t listening. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “You wouldn’t listen to me at work—the least you can do is listen to me now. I said I don’t want a promotion as some reward for being your wife.”

  He advanced on her, furious that she couldn’t even see her own worth. “That’s got nothing to do with this.”

  “Then why am I getting it now instead of two weeks ago?”

  “Because I’m a fool.” Ignoring the part of his brain that told him to back off, to walk away, Matt wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. “For the same reason I didn’t do this two weeks ago, or two years ago.”

  His mouth found hers, claimed it as protests died on her lips. The scent of peaches washed over him, made his mouth water, and he slipped his tongue inside her mouth. Grasping the back of her neck, he tilted her head back to deepen the kiss and let his other hand wander down to cup her toned ass.

  She pushed him away, the back of her hand going to her swollen lips. “What are you doing?”

  “I want you. I can’t stop thinking of you.”

  With a shake of her head, she looked past him. “Since when? Like you said, why now? Why not two years ago?”

  “Since I kissed you on the plane. Since I married you because I had to have you. We’re more than friends now.”

  Her gaze snapped to his face and she took a step back. “Only on paper.”

  “I want to be the man who seduces you, who shows you how good I can make you feel. How good we can be together. I don’t want one night with you.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Let me show you.” He took three steps forward, until he was right in front of her, and claimed her lips again. He kissed her until she moaned into his mouth, until she was pliant and whimpering for more.

  Closing off his mind to any further thought, Matt focused on Brooke. He picked her up and carried her up the stairs to his bedroom.

  They could spend the next few months in a glorious affair, streaking through their nights together, and when they divorced maybe, finally, he could put her out of his head.


  Brooke reeled in Matt’s arms—from his kisses and from his admission that he wanted a future with her. She’d believed she was giving up her chance at love when she decided to stay married to Matt. But now…maybe they could find happiness together.

  In the bedroom, Matt put her down on wobbly legs. “I want to see what you’re wearing under there. Let me see you, Brooke.”

  Her cheeks flushed hot in her face. Did she have the courage to do this?

  Taking her time, she lifted her shirt by the hem over her head, then dropped it on the floor.

  He sat down on the bed, his eyes raking over her lacy blue bra and bare midriff. “Go on. The rest of it.”

  She looked past him because the desire in his eyes made breathing hard. She just had to slip her pants down and step out of them, and not think about standing nearly naked in front of a man for the first time ever. In front of Matt.

  Hooking a thumb in her waistband, she paused, tried to swallow past the lump in her throat. Shyness crept over her.

  Matt stood up and crossed over to her. His breath was hot against her ear. “I’ve never known you to back down from anything. Do you want to stop?”

  Her eyes drifted closed. “No,” she whispered.

  He walked behind her, running a hand over her behind, cupping it, squeezing it. “Then take these off.”

  She didn’t know why he didn’t just undress her, why he wanted her to be the one to do it, but every time he ordered her to do something, she experienced a throb of desire between her legs.

  Taking a deep breath, unsure of what he was doing behind her, she grabbed her waistband and pulled the pants down. One at a time, she lifted a foot and pulled the pant leg off, then let them fall to the floor. “Now what?”

  Matt wrapped an arm around her waist, his hand dangling at the top of her panties, and yanked her against him. His erection pressed into her backside and she hissed in a breath.

  With the other hand, he slipped one bra strap off her shoulder, then the other. “Don’t move.”

  He unhooked her bra and let it slide down her arms and onto the floor. Lips pressed against the back of her neck, he brought his hands around to knead her breasts from behind. He fondled them, teasing her nipples until they pebbled and hardened under his fingers. Unable to hold it in any longer, a moan escaped her on a breath.

  “Take off your panties and sit down on the edge of the bed.” He moved in front of her. His eyes were darker than she’d ever seen them, his pupils dilated.

  It was hopeless, she was lost to him. She’d do whatever he told her to do. She stripped the panties off and held them out to him wordlessly.

  “Thank you. I’ll just keep these to remember the night.” He tucked them into his jacket pocket. “Now, the edge of the bed, Mrs. Cross.”

  He still wore his suit and she had on absolutely nothing.

  “We have a clothing differential here,” she said.

  “All in good time.” He took his jacket off and laid it across the chair by the door. With a glint in his eyes, he unbuttoned his shirt sleeves and rolled them up, one at a time. “Open your legs for me, Brooke. I want to see all of you.”

  With a heavy sigh, she tried to open her legs, but they didn’t budge. It
was too much, having him see her this way. But, did she want to back down now? The edge of the unknown coupled with her need to give herself to Matt gave her the courage to slowly, inch by inch, widen her thighs so that he could take her in completely.

  He came to her, stopping a few inches away and dropped to his knees. He put a thigh on each shoulder and nipped at her labia. Brooke clutched the bedspread, panting hard.

  “Don’t move.” He began to lick her center, edging closer and closer to her clit. Dizziness filled her head and she wanted to lay back, but he’d told her to stay put and following his directives seemed imperative.

  “I need…” She couldn’t finish the sentence. She didn’t know what she needed, only that pleasure was creeping over her, swirling out from her center to pool in her stomach, down through her limbs to her fingers and toes. Her breath came hard and fast.

  “Tell me what you need, gorgeous.” The movement of his lips, the vibration of his words against her most intimate places spurred her higher.

  “I don’t know,” she cried.

  “I do.” With that, he slid a finger into her opening and began to pump it slowly. After a moment, he added another digit, and her walls had something to clamp down on.

  It was a delicious, indescribable sensation and she marveled at it, even as she fought to stay still, to not squeeze her thighs or buck her hips.

  “I can’t… oh my God.” Pleasure pierced her, shooting through her body and she called out, she didn’t know what she said, only that she spoke words as the release overtook her.

  “Scoot up to the bed.” She did as she was told as soon as she was able. While she recovered and moved, he stripped away his clothes and joined her on the bed.

  He pulled her close, whispering endearments in her ears, even as he touched her all over again. She was unmoored, floating away. She’d had no idea it could feel this way.

  “You’re mine, Brooke. Say it.” He climbed above her, taking a moment to pull a condom from the drawer by the bed and sheath himself in it.

  Her hands came up to touch his chest, the first time she’d been allowed to explore him throughout his seduction. “I’m yours,” she murmured.


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