The Soccer Mom's Bad Boy

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The Soccer Mom's Bad Boy Page 9

by Jordan Silver

  “Where’s Alana?”

  “In her room unpacking.” That’s right, we’d only just picked her up from her overnighter at Janine’s and came home to find him here like he fucking belonged.

  “I was going to take you two out to lunch but...”

  “How about I make something here?” I patted her ass in concession and moved towards a chair while she headed in the direction of the kitchen.

  With all the bullshit I had all but forgotten this morning’s errand. Just what I did not want to happen seemed to be underway. One of my enemies was making noises again about payback for a job I did in the cesspit of the world a while back.

  The thing is, there was always some asshole making threats against me for services rendered against them, and I’ve never paid too much attention to the bullshit before. This time I had my woman and child to think about so it couldn’t be business as usual.

  Usually I would’ve been on the hunt for the fuck already, but I wasn’t about to leave them, not when things were so new and not with a mad man on my scent, if he was even that close.

  So far I’d learned that he wasn’t on American soil, but what was worrying was that no one knew where the fuck he was. That’s what I’d been working on this morning when I left her well-fucked ass in my bed.

  I didn’t even want to discuss that shit in the same room as her, just seemed too close for comfort. So I’d taken it elsewhere and conferenced my team, who knew to be on the lookout.

  By now they all knew that I had a new family. The jokes had been kept to a minimum in the face of this new threat, but I knew they were all happy for me, and couldn’t wait to stick their busy fucking noses in my shit.

  “Dane, Dane.” I looked up to see Alana trying to get my attention all secretive like. She was standing against the wall, beckoning me while looking around for her mom. I hid my smile when she called me over with her finger. Cute kid.

  “What’s up squirt?” She placed her finger over her lips and grabbed my arm dragging me towards her room. She dragged me in and closed the door and I lifted my brow before opening it slightly again.

  I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I was pretty sure that her mom would not appreciate the closed-door scenario; it was too soon for that. I’m grown enough to understand how that would be a bit uncomfortable for her seeing as how we’re still in the beginning stages.

  Fuck were we still there? It felt like I’d known her for years, like she’d always been mine; it’s weird how that works. I took my mind off of her and us and focused on my new daughter. Fuck me! I’m the dad of a preteen. I’ll have to panic later; she looked like she had some shit on her mind. Heaven help me.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Dad was being mean to mom.”

  “The fu...sorry I mean, in what way?”

  “It was about you.” She got nervous then and started twisting her hands together.

  “Hey, you don’t have to be afraid, ever, you can tell me anything and I won’t get mad I promise.” She looked up at me as if gauging my sincerity and I realized how much she must’ve had to grow up in the last six months when her life was changed so drastically. Hopefully I could give her back her childhood.

  “He told her that she has to stop seeing you, she’s not gonna do that is she? Please don’t let her do that. I know she thinks I’m just a stupid kid, but she’s been so happy since you came. For a long time she was sad and now she’s happy for the first time and he’s just being mean.”

  She started to ramble then and seemed to be in a near panic. “Shh-shh-shh, first I don’t think your mom thinks you’re a stupid kid. She’s always telling me how smart you are and how proud she is of you.”

  “Really?” Her whole face lit up and I made a mental note to always praise her in some small way in the future, if only to put that look on her face.

  “Yes really, and to answer your question, no I’m not gonna let that happen. May I ask a question? Why are you telling me all this?” I was gonna ask her if most kids wouldn’t want their parents to get back together but thought better of it; no sense in giving the kid false hope.

  “Dad’s stupid; he left mom and I for her and she’s like barely out of her teens, gross. I just want mom to be happy and she’s been really happy since you’ve been around. Dad’s just being a jerk, he’s got the brainless one I don’t see why mom shouldn’t have you.”

  Smart fucking kid, too bad she was digging her old man’s grave with every word. I wonder if that one was going to tell me anything about the conversation. I found that I referred to her as that one in my mind whenever I’m a little peeved at her.

  “You know what kid? She already does and so do you, in fact, have me that is.” I pulled the ring from my pocket and showed it to her. I’d been waiting to give it to Ilene later but this felt right. The kid should most definitely have a part in it.

  “Oh wow it’s pretty and big, mom’s gonna freak.” She started jumping up and down and chanting when-when-when until I shushed her. “Soon.”

  I left her room in search of her mom who was knocking around the kitchen. I walked up behind her at the stove where she was busy stirring something in a pot, that smelt like heaven. “How is my girl?” I sniffed her neck and drew her in close.

  She relaxed back against me and my dick sprung into action. I guess it was going to take a while before he stopped trying to break out the gate to get at her sweet pussy at every turn. For now I satisfied myself with a quick feel since the kid was up and about.

  “After lunch I gotta go take care of something, anything you need while I’m out babe?” It didn’t look like she was going to be forthcoming with any of what Alana had shared, not that I expected it, she’s a hardheaded fuck who thinks she has to handle everything on her own. I’ll have time enough in the future to teach her different, but for now I had some other shit to take care of.

  “No I don’t think so, lunch should be ready in a minute; you wanna get Alana to come set the table?” I patted her tummy and gave her ass a little dick rub before heading off to do her bidding.

  I warned Alana not to say anything about the ring and kept an eye on her throughout lunch. I’m not too sure of the willpower of a preteen, but she seemed to be holding her own.

  “Mom I saw this really cool dress in a magazine, you wanna see it?” There was so much hope in her eyes that I thought there was something else going on. When Ilene nodded her head with not too much enthusiasm I knew something was definitely up with these two.

  Squirt left to go get the magazine and I took the opportunity to steal a kiss because heaven forbid I should go two minutes without some form of contact. “I miss being inside you, fuck.” She buried her hot face in my shoulder and mumbled the words back to me.

  I promised myself then and there that after we got married I was dragging her off somewhere just to fuck for a week straight. The only problem with that was leaving the squirt behind for that amount of time, because after my week was up, she was going to need at least one day to recuperate.

  After that, then her real honeymoon would start. She’d have to have pics to show our kids and grandkids one day after all. Couldn’t very well tell the future offspring that dad had spent the whole honeymoon fucking the pink off mom’s pussy now could we?

  Alana came back with some fashion rag or the other and they looked through it until they found the infamous dress. “Oh sweetie it’s beautiful but I could never fit into something like that.”

  All I could see from my place was what looked like strips of cloth and exposed flesh. I was more interested in why she thought she couldn’t wear something that she obviously liked though.

  “Let me see that.” I reached out for the magazine and Alana beamed while her mother looked like she wanted nothing more than to disappear into the woodwork. Looking down at the picture on the page I held my tongue like a pro.

  In my mind all I could think was that the only place she was wearing that contraption was in my house, preferably in my bed two
seconds before I destroyed the strips of nothing material with my bare hands to get at her.

  I just looked at her until she cleared her throat and looked away. “And why is it that you can’t fit into this again?”

  “Oh come on Dane, look at me. It doesn’t take a genius.”

  “She thinks she’s fat, it’s what dad’s’s what she said about mom.”

  “Hush Alana, Dane doesn’t want to hear about that, besides that’s not why. I’m a mother and as a mom I have to set an example.” She stood from the table and started trying to look busy getting more salad. I felt the pain from where I sat and wanted to strangle the asshole again. Which made no sense, because had it not been for his monumental fuck up, she wouldn’t be mine.

  “Mom there’s nothing wrong with this dress. There would be something wrong if I tried to wear it because I’m too young, but you’re an adult and you’re pretty, prettier than her even.”

  I love this fucking kid. “Can I adopt you?” I’m not sure I’d meant to say that shit out loud, not yet at least; but I’m not the retracting type so fuck it.

  The statement dropped into the conversation as it had been, was taken in the same lightness and everyone moved on. Since there were no screams of horror and the preteen didn’t turn up her nose, I figured it could be revisited at a more appropriate time in the future.

  “I know what mom, Dane looks like he works out, why don’t you let him teach you?” As far as I could tell she didn’t need to change shit about herself, I like that little pouch thing she had going on. Especially when I was hitting her from the back spoon fashion, it was something for me to play with.

  “Oh I don’t know Alana, and what’s with you volunteering Dane’s services?” She was trying to play it off but I could tell that she was being shy about the whole thing. I don’t see the fuck why, I’ve already seen her naked.

  “I don’t think you need it, but if you’re serious I would be more than happy to work out a routine with you.” Shit, I wouldn’t mind seeing her in one of those tight fitting gym get-ups that the women wear, just more entertainment for my dick.

  We went back to eating and the conversation switched to the upcoming recital. Alana was a multi talented kid, not only was she heavy into sports, or as heavy as a twelve year old could be, but she was also a musician and a budding dancer slash actress.

  “Dane you’ll be there right; please say you’ll come.” Wow, she was making this too easy for me. I’d heard horror stories from the guys about what I could expect from a preteen girl but so far I haven’t seen any of that.

  Ilene seems to have done an excellent job of raising her kid, even with all that she herself had had to go through here in the last year or so. I was proud of her for that shit, because from what I’ve seen on paper, it couldn’t have been easy keeping her head up in the little town she’d grown up in all her life after the blow the asshole had landed her.

  “Of course I’ll be there, wouldn’t miss it. I’m even brining my camera along.” That seemed to make her happy enough, and she moved onto something else. The kid needed a sibling to keep up with her many change of subjects. Which reminds me, I’d better breed Ilene a year apart so our kids would have each other. This town seems to be low on pregnancies or some shit. The fuck I know!

  After leaving them I had to go run a check on the asshole that had slipped through the security detail that had had him under surveillance for the past six months.

  “Cole any word on Simon?”

  “No boss, he’s in the wind, we have our people all over on the lookout, especially our borders but so far no one has seen or heard anything. You sure you don’t want us to head that way?”

  “If it comes to that I’ll let you know, but for now I’ve got it. I’m going to need some stuff from my place though and I’m not too jazzed about leaving them alone for the day or two it will take, so you’re gonna have to get them to me.”

  “What you need bro?”

  “Tags, the platinum line, two of them.”

  “Damn, it’s that serious bro?”

  “They’re mine, of course it’s that serious.” I played with the ring box in my pocket.

  “I’ll get them to you A.S.A.P. and you don’t have to worry about things back here, we’ve got everything on lock. Just please don’t be stubborn, send out an S.O.S if you need us.”

  “Will do but I don’t think it’ll come to that. The only shit on my boot heel is the ex and I can take him with one hand and a fucked up leg.”

  “I don’t envy you that situation bro, those are more nerve wracking than walking a fucking tight rope over alligators.”

  “How the fuck would you know, you’ve been married since you were like sixteen or some fuck.”

  “I watch T.V bro, I’m telling you, watch your back.”

  “I hear you.” The truth is you never take any situation for granted because shit could pop off when you least expect it to. There was no physical danger from the asshole, I don’t see him testing me unless he wanted to taste his own death, but my enemies will always look for the weakest link to get to me, and right now he’s it.

  I can control the females, make sure they stay on the right track so to speak, but he was a loose canon and if he was already looking for ways to fuck with her about our relationship, I wouldn’t put it past him to sell me out if someone got to him.

  Shit, I never had to deal with this kind of fuckery before. That’s one of the reasons why I never had any ties to anyone or anything. In my line of work, it paid to be a loner.

  I went into the army straight out of college, the fall after nine-eleven to be exact. My political science degree hadn’t been much use in there, but my family name had garnered me a commission and what would’ve been a cushy job in the army had I not kicked against the reins and went my own way.

  My old man was pissed at the time, he had bigger ideas for his only son, but I had my own ideas by then and sitting behind a desk wasn’t one of them. Someone had fucked with my country and I wasn’t having that shit, and there were thousands of men and women who felt the same way who were putting their lives on the line to protect us from that shit ever happening again. That’s whom I wanted to be with, not the pampered sons of the men that my dad had handpicked to be my play dates.

  It had caused some friction in the family, which in the end worked for the good. Who knew I was a killing machine? Or that my trainers would see something in me that I hadn’t even known was there?

  Or that they would take those skills and hone them to the point that I would be the most feared mercenary in the enemy’s camps? Now I’ve gone and fucked myself but good by falling in love. The lone wolf had found his mate and fuck if I was gonna let anything happen to the most important thing in my life in fucking ever.

  I was almost tempted to go on the hunt. I’m pretty sure that I could find him faster and easier than he could find me, but again, the thought of leaving her behind was abhorrent.

  “I need those tags yesterday you better send me some of the new vests as well, I think there should be a child sized one in there.”

  “You’ve got it brother, watch your back.” We hung up and I sat back and rested for a minute. Things were happening really fast, not too fast for me, but she might feel a little rushed if I kept up this pace.

  The thing is, that for a man who’s lived the life I have, seen the things I’ve seen, I know there was never any sense in waiting, not once you were sure and everything in me said she was mine.

  But she’d been burnt before and was a little hesitant to put herself out there again. Though I wasn’t stoked about paying for another man’s crimes, I understood that shit. The thing is, I could understand it just as well with my ring on her finger and my kid in her womb.

  Chapter 16


  I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when things have just been too good and you just know it cannot last? That’s where I’m at.
/>   My kid has been acting more like her old self here lately and seems happy enough with the new man in my life. I thought for sure she would be pushing for a parental reconciliation, which is the way I felt when my dad left my mom and I, but she seemed to be way smarter than I was.

  From the conversations we’d been having in the last few days, she seems to have taken the stance that her dad didn’t deserve us after the way he’d treated us. She was still hurt yes, but she was choosing to move on instead of trying to hold onto something that was long dead, as I had been.

  That brings us to Dane and the way the two of them were with each other. It was very easy to think that he might be pretending a liking for her in order to suck me in, but like Janine had said only yesterday when we were all at the soccer field; it only took two minutes in their company to see that there was a genuine fondness between those two.

  That’s one of the reasons why it had been so easy to ignore Mark’s threats about what he would do if I didn’t break things off with Dane. That and the fact, that I was more in love with the man, than I’d ever been with anyone before.

  I don’t know how he did it, how he broke down those barriers, and stormed my heart, but it didn’t seem to have taken much effort on his part that’s for sure. Now it’s as if I can’t do anything without him there. Not in a needy, stalkerish kind of way, but more like I couldn’t breathe if he weren’t around.

  What I feel for him is nowhere near the innocent love of a teenage girl with her first love. This thing felt alive and hot and real and scary and beautiful all rolled into one. The more I have of him the more I want. There doesn’t seem to be a minute of the day when my body isn’t in need or recuperating from him.

  I’ve never had this much sex in my life and it’s all good. Whether it’s a rushed quickie because we couldn’t resist each other ten minutes before it was time to get Alana from school, or a long leisurely session after he’d climbed through my window in the dark, it was always mind numbing good.


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