The Soccer Mom's Bad Boy

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The Soccer Mom's Bad Boy Page 11

by Jordan Silver

  Between heated kisses I removed her clothing and mine before turning us around so that she was on top of me. Pulling her lips back down to mine, I used my hand between us to lead my meat into her.

  “Ride me.” Her hips started a slow dance as I guided her hips with my hands. “Tongue.” She leaned over and fed me her tongue as I fought not to go too hard or too fast.

  I felt around beside us for my pants and found what I was looking for. Taking the box out, I kept her occupied while I wrestled the diamond out of its hiding place.

  Taking her hand in mine I lifted it to my lips as her eyes followed my every move. She started crying as I slipped it on her finger. “This never comes off, ever.” I looked deep into her eyes so that she understood the severity of the unspoken consequences if she disobeyed me in this.

  “Don’t cry, it’s going to be okay.” I pulled her up and off of me and turned us again. I fed on her mouth, tasting her tears as I felt her with my fingers. Leaving her mouth, I kissed my way down to her nipples and suckled her before moving down to her heat.

  She raised her head to look down at me while I got her in position. “I love you.” She choked out the words, words that I thought would be a long time in coming.

  “I know baby.” But fuck it felt good to hear her say it.

  She pulled my head down to her wet heat, with one knee bent at my side and the other resting on my shoulder. Lifting her ass in my hands so that I could reach her, I licked deep into her pussy.

  I slipped back into her, getting as deep as possible without bruising her against the hard floor. When I spilled inside her, my anger finally gone, my hope was that I’d planted my son in her here, on this day. A new beginning!

  Chapter 18


  We spent the rest of the morning at our new house while I convinced her that this was really happening and not a dream. I gave her no opportunity to doubt or to backtrack. There was no going back from this.

  I spoke to her fears, understanding that she had some hang-ups about being here again in her life. “Hey look at me.” I lifted her chin.

  “You have nothing to fear from me. Your heart, your mind, is safe with me. I’ve got you.” That seemed to calm her down some and she went back to perusing her new home while I made some calls.

  She had shit to do, and so did I, so I took her home.


  I spent the day hiring workers, some to help with the move and others to fix shit that needed doing. She hadn’t asked when we were moving in. I guess she would know when the trucks showed up.

  She’d made it known that she was looking forward to decorating her home herself and so I transferred some funds to her account so she could get started if she was so inclined.

  I didn’t stay on top of her all day but let her do her thing while I did mine. I’m fucked if I was going to let him turn me into a little bitch, peeping behind my woman in fear of what she was doing.


  I kept myself busy until it was time for squirt’s recital and then went to get Ilene. Though I’d been at a few of her games since we went public, this was the first thing we would be doing as a family, which meant that for Alana’s sake I had to be on my best behavior. Let’s hope the asshole, if he even bothered to show up, stayed the fuck away from me and my woman.


  “You look amazing.” More than the flattering dress she wore, there was a glow about her that made me want to smile. My baby was happy. I could only surmise it was the rock on her hand and the new house she couldn’t wait to get her hands on.

  My suspicions were confirmed when we pulled up to the school and Janine and Xavier met us before I even turned the car off.

  The two women started gabbing and doing some kind of dance with their arms around each other while Xavier reached a hand out to me. “I hear you did good, congratulations.”

  “I’ll take it.” I grinned at him, he was the first person to extend congratulations, and though I wouldn’t say it made it seem more real, it was greatly appreciated.

  We turned and looked at our women who were grinning and looking at the pictures my girl had snapped of our place. The talk soon turned to decorating and room outlays and shit I had no idea about, after they were through admiring my choice for a ring, while Xavier and I talked shop.

  I heard a twittering sound coming towards us and the closer it got I realized it wasn’t some sort of endangered bird, but rather the fake nasal twang of some chick that was headed our way.

  You know the sound: that put-on sulky pout bullshit that twits are always trying to pull off. That’s what it sounded like. I didn’t miss the body language of the two women at the new arrival and walked over to my girl.



  I guess I shouldn’t feel any way about him bringing her here, but it still galled me. Did he seriously think this was the right thing to do? Alana is going to be so upset by this.

  On the other hand, Dane had the strangest look on his face as they made their way towards us.

  “What the fuck is that?” He pointed at Mark’s fiancé Joanne as they drew closer.

  “That’s Mark’s fiancé Joanne.” I tried to keep my voice low so as not to carry, because Janine was already starting to huff next to me, and I wasn’t sure about Dane.

  “It takes all fucking kinds.”

  “And what’s that supposed to mean?” Mark overheard and took umbrage. It’s funny how I never noticed how soft he was before.

  I guess I’d never really seen him around a real man before. Mark likes to surround himself with lesser beings, men he found to be weaker than him. But seeing him in the same space as thoughts were rudely cut off at the next words out of Dane’s mouth.

  “It’s supposed to mean, that you made a bad fucking deal; your loss.” And with that he took my hand and led me away.

  “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  “What, were you expecting me to be cordial?”

  “Yes, we have to be for Alana’s sake.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, that’s the last fucking thing that kid needs. She needs to be surrounded by people who are going to tell her the truth and allow her to see the world the way it really is, not this candy coated bullshit. That way when she grows up she’ll know not to marry a dick-wad like her fuck of a dad.”

  “Are you saying that I’m stupid because I married him?” I wasn’t sure how to feel about that, even though I’ve called myself a hundred types of fool since he left me high and dry.

  “I would never call you stupid babe, what the fuck? Do I look like the type of motherfucker that would fall in love with an idiot?” I blushed and looked down at the ground.

  Each time he said it I had the same reaction, butterflies in my tummy.

  “No babe you’re not stupid, but I’ve met your mom so I know what kind of fucked up childhood you had.” I wasn’t too happy about that assessment either, but there was a whole lot of truth to it.

  “Stop fussing. If I did half the shit to you that’s running around in my head, I’d get arrested in ten fucking states. Trust me, the fault wasn’t in you, you just have poor taste in men that’s all.”

  “Well if my taste is so bad what does that say about you?”

  “Nothing, you didn’t choose me, I chose you.” We headed into the auditorium after that with the others bringing up the rear.

  Dane refused to sit with them and made no bones about it. He found four seats up front on the opposite side and didn’t even look at Mark and Joanne for the rest of the evening.

  I could feel Mark’s glare from where I sat, but chose to ignore and enjoy my child’s performance.

  I almost felt bad for him when it was all over and done and Alana made a beeline for us. “Did you see was I good?” I never noticed before how starved she was for attention, until she stood in front of Dane with bright eyes full of hope.

  I really lost it though, when he kissed her little head and hugged her. “You were perfe
ct squirt.”

  Of course Mark chose that moment to approach us and play dad of the year. “Oh hi dad.” Her greeting was fleeting and not at all welcoming, which caused his face to redden with anger.

  I wanted to scream bloody murder, not to mention do bodily harm when the home-wrecker had the audacity to put her hands on my daughter.

  “Ugh, Alana you haven’t been doing what I told you, your hair is so drab.” Alana shrugged the hand from her hair and moved closer to my side.

  Both Janine and Dane started to bristle at this and I was preparing to head them off when Alyssa saved the day. “Come on Alana we have to go back with the others.” The two preteens walked off arm in arm.

  “And who might you be? I’m Joanne.” She held her dainty little hand out to Dane and I wasn’t sure which I wanted to do more, snatch her bald or knock her teeth out. What gall.

  Janine snorted with laughter when Dane, instead of even acknowledging her, took my arm and turned us away. I was slightly mortified as I’m sure we had an audience.

  It was the first time that we’d been seen out in public all together like this since the divorce, since the asp had befriended me to destroy my life.

  I’d been avoiding her all this time, too hurt and disillusioned by the whole sordid affair.

  “You know that was rather rude.” I said to him tongue in cheek. Inside I was doing handsprings and jumping jacks.

  “I would never disrespect you like that babe, and you don’t need to put yourself through that shit either. You don’t fraternize with your enemies babe, never forget that.”

  Sometimes he could be so harsh. “I wish it was that easy, but you know that we’re all going to have to deal with each other for the rest of our lives.” At least the prospect no longer filled me with dread.

  After we collected the girls from their friends, I was surprised by what else he had up his sleeve. “Okay everyone we’re going to dinner, Alana, Alyssa did you want to invite some of your little friends along?” He named one of the most popular restaurants among the young people that served something a little more palatable than pizza.

  The squeals were almost deafening as the two girls headed off to invite their friends. “Oh boy, I don’t know if that was such a good idea. How do you know they won’t invite the whole cast?”

  “So be it.” Hah, I’m guessing he’s never been subjected to ten preteen girls at once. It turns out I was right and almost all the others accepted.

  For the first time since I’d been demoted from wife to unwanted refuge, some of the other women actually smiled and spoke, but I found that I wasn’t interested in them. Most of them had turned their backs on me when my station in life had changed.

  “Oh wow Ilene, that’s some rock.” Carly Jackson, who has been a snob since high school, and who had been one of the first to shun me, actually lifted my hand.

  Of course Mark the idiot chose that moment to catch up. The look on his face was priceless, but the best was the look of green that crossed Joanne’s face.

  It’s silly, but for the first time, I felt alive again. Dane wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Sorry but our daughter is waiting for us.” Oh shit. I know Mark heard that.



  Is this an epidemic? How does he know when I’m happy? And why didn’t I check the phone before I answered? “What do you want now Mark?” I’d just got in from the restaurant where we’d all had a great time. I should’ve known that he wouldn’t let things end the way they had, his ego would never allow for that.

  I wondered where his jailbait was or if he was hiding to call me much in the same way he’d once hid from me to call her? “We need to talk.”

  Crap. “It’s late Mark can’t this wait?” I rolled my eyes and kicked off my shoes. I’d just had a great evening with all of my favorite people, and wasn’t about to let him spoil it.

  “No, I don’t know what game you’re playing but I don’t appreciate being made to look like a fool in front of the whole town.” I took the phone away from my ear and looked at it in disbelief. I’m convinced he’s having some kind of crisis. I would’ve had a good laugh at his plight if his next words hadn’t dragged me back to the present.

  “I’m coming over, we’re going to put an end to this nonsense once and for all.” Shit, Dane was going to be back here in a couple hours. Alana was with Alyssa so there was no excuse for him being here, and why is this my life?

  “I’ll meet you somewhere.” I regretted those words as soon as they left my mouth, but it was too late. He latched onto that suggestion with a smarmy tone in his voice that made me see red. I was never so frustrated in my life as I snatched up my keys and headed for the door.

  I met him halfway between his place and mine, already with a heavy heart. I watched as he got out of his car half an hour later and made his way to mine, his swagger telling the whole story.

  How was it possible to have so much disdain for someone you’d once thought you loved? Looking at him now, all I saw was the selfish little boy who never grew up. Who had thrown me and our daughter away like old used toys that no longer had any worth.

  Stepping out of the car I kept my distance even when he seemed to want to invade my space. “Glad to see you’ve come to your senses, though I don’t appreciate having to meet in a parking lot. I must admit, it does add a little sense of excitement don’t you think?”

  I think I’m going to throw up. Apparently I wasn’t quite good at hiding my inner thoughts because his smirk changed to chagrin. “So, let’s talk about this guy you think you’re going to marry. This is my town. I have a certain reputation and standing here as you know. I don’t think it would look very good to have my wife and kid living with some stranger now do you?”

  That’s it. “Were you always an asshole? How did I miss that all these years?” Instead of fear I felt anger, but not the old anger of betrayal. This anger stemmed more from the fact that I was now realizing how much of my life I had wasted on someone like him.

  I would never regret giving birth to my daughter, but everything else about our union seemed so farcical now. If I were the fighting type I would really give him a piece of my mind, but even now my only thought was for Alana and what it would mean to her if I didn’t at least try to get along with this jackass.

  “I don’t think you want to talk to me like that, remember I still hold the upper hand when it comes to our daughter and there’s nothing stopping me from going for custody.”

  I got that old burn in my tummy. He’d used this same argument when he threatened me not to contest the divorce. It was true that because I’d sacrificed going for any kind of career after college that I didn’t really have much of a financial foot to stand on.

  Most of the town thought I’d been lucky to land the town’s golden boy in the first place, and no one ever saw any wrong in him as far as I could remember. So he’s kept me hostage with threats of taking my child.

  I swallowed hard as I felt the sick taste of defeat creep in. “Why are you doing this? Didn’t you get what you wanted?” He took a step closer; I guess he scented victory because the look on his face said he’d already won. I wish like hell I could wipe it off his face once and for all, but I had to think, couldn’t make any rash decisions here.

  I was pretty sure there was no way I was gonna leave Dane, or more like he wasn’t ever gonna let that happen, but when it came to Alana there wasn’t much I wasn’t willing to give up. There has to be some way to get out of this mess.

  “Joanne is...” He shrugged his shoulder as he came to a stop in front of me. When he trialed his finger down my cheek I actually had to fight back the sick in my throat. Was he insane?

  “I still miss you sometimes.” I pulled myself away from his touch and called myself ten kinds of fool for even being here.

  “Mark quit it. There’s nothing there, you’ve moved on and so have I.”

  “Not with that Dane character you haven’t. Did you really think I’d let you move on with
someone like him? Move into a better neighborhood than mine? How would that look? yeah I heard about your little house shopping, but that’s never gonna happen. Why don’t you go for that Trevor guy, he’s always had the hots for you I think.”

  That’s when I knew my ex-husband was either sick in the head, or extremely delusional. Trevor was one of those player types who lived off of everyone he could get away with schmoozing.

  I checked my watch and saw that way more time had passed than I’d expected. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, but I knew that my days of cowering from this one were at an end.

  “Look I have to go, this was pointless.” I turned to head back to my car but he stopped me. “I’m not playing around with this, there’s no way you’re moving on with that guy. I suggest when you get back to the house that I’m paying for you call him up and break things off or I’ll have you served with papers tomorrow.”

  I slammed into my car, a mixture of fear and anger churning away in my stomach. Did most women go through this mess after a divorce? He was the one to leave, why should he have any say in what I do with my life now?

  “Crap, please let Dane be late coming over.” Somehow I wasn’t sure I was going to be that lucky.

  Chapter 19


  I did my usual routine of slipping through the hedge beneath her window and climbing in, but she wasn’t there. “Where the fuck?”

  I stopped and listened. The house was quiet, too quiet. There was no one breathing here except me.

  I felt my heart kick before I controlled that shit and eased my way out of her room and down the hall to Alana’s room. There’s no way my enemy slipped by me to get to them. Her tracker said she was here, but there was no sign of her.

  The place was in total darkness, except for a soft glow that came from a nightlight in the living room. I saw why her tracer lied; her purse was lying on the chair. Fuck! It was the best I could do at the time and since she always carried that thing around with her I’d thought it would do for now until both the bracelets I was having made were ready for them.


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