The Soccer Mom's Bad Boy

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The Soccer Mom's Bad Boy Page 12

by Jordan Silver

  Alana’s room was empty as well but that didn’t make me relax any. I made my way back to the bedroom and waited. My radar wasn’t screaming that she was in danger, but I didn’t let my guard all the way down.

  I was there two fucking hours, no Ilene. The longer I waited, the more pissed off I became, my mind going places that were bound to get her Fubar-ed. I heard the sound of an engine outside, as I was power napping on her bed waiting for her ass to get home.

  I came wide-awake and slid off the bed, positioning myself behind the door with my gun drawn. If anyone except Alana came into this room with her, they were gonna catch lead, fuck the paperwork.

  She came into the room with a heavy sigh that sounded like she was tired to the depths of her soul, before dropping her light jacket on a chair and kicking her shoes off.

  “Where the fuck have you been?”

  “Eeeeeeiiiooouuu.” She jumped a mile in the air before she turned wide frightened eyes on me. She looked so fucking beaten that my anger died a quick death.

  “What happened? who fucked with you?” I took her face in my hands so that I could study her eyes; her eyes never lie to me. Whatever anger had grown inside of me in the time I’d been here waiting was long gone.

  “It’s not, I...” She broke down in fucking tears and had my guts twisting in the wind. My fighting gene kicked in and I geared up mentally for battle. It didn’t matter what it was, someone or something had made her cry. That thing was gonna pay for this shit.

  I took a deep breath and pulled her into my chest, giving her a few extra seconds to get herself together. I can’t do anything else until I know what the hell is going on.

  When it sounded like she was winding down I pushed her head back and dried her tears with my fingertips. “Talk.”

  She did that female shit like she was trying to decided whether she should tell me or not, like she had a fucking choice.

  “Ilene, tell me what the fuck happened, don’t make me have to start guessing because that shit would only get everyone you know fucked up. Better you pinpoint that shit to the one responsible, now who made you cry?”

  She gave me the disjointed version of what had happened since I dropped her off. With each word my blood boiled, but I didn’t let on to her. I’ll deal with the fact that she went out to meet that fuck after everything that I’d told her later. For now I had to deal with his shit once and for all.

  “Stay here, don’t answer the phone and don’t leave this fucking house for any reason.” I kissed her hard and ignored her cries of ‘where are you going?’ Where the fuck did she think after telling me that shit?


  I parked away from the house and kept to the shadows as I made my approach. My hand on the hood of his car showed that it was still warm. His slag’s ride was there as well, but that didn’t give me pause. I just might smack the shit out of her too for fucking with my girl.

  It was child’s play breaking the lock and disarming the alarm. I wasn’t familiar with the layout of the place so I had to move with caution. I didn’t want them alerted to my presence until I was standing over them.

  There was only one form in the bed and close inspection showed it was hers. A quick study of the nightstand explained why she didn’t even flinch when my shadow fell over her. Sleeping aids, perfect.

  I didn’t try to be quiet any longer as I walked into the bathroom where the sound of running water came from.

  He stood over the sink with a razor in hand. “Wha...?” I didn’t let him finish the word, but grabbed the little fuck up by his scrawny neck.

  With my hand tight around his throat I pulled him out of the room. He kicked and squealed to no avail; she was out. Not that I gave a good damn, I was pissed enough to shoot her ass too.

  I dragged him down the stairs and out the door into the night. I made my way back to the car and threw him inside. “Give me your hands.”

  “No, what do you think...?” A punch to the mouth shut him the fuck up. I let him wipe the blood away before cuffing his hands behind his back and walking around to the driver’s side.

  “We’re gonna take a little ride Marky boy. You’re not gonna speak, you’re gonna listen until I’ve had my say. If I don’t like what you have to say at the end of it your existence as you know it will come to a swift end.”

  I drove to a place I’d scoped out when I first got here. You never know when you were gonna need a deserted building and in my line of work, shit like that could come in handy.

  “What’s this place, why are we here?” I should’ve gagged his ass, but my glare worked just as well. I almost expected soiled drawers when I dragged him out of the passenger seat.

  The place was dark and damp, with cobwebs hanging like moss from a tree in the Louisiana bayou. The sound of rats scurrying across the rotted floor had the asshole stepping into my side.

  “What the fuck, grow a pair.” I pushed him away from me and led him deeper into the room. I could smell the fear in his sweat.

  “I’ll be right back, I’m right outside the door. If you make a sound or try to escape I will shoot your ass no fucking joke.” I had to grab some shit from my trunk to do what I had to do.

  It’s a good thing I’m always prepared. I wasn’t expecting to do this shit tonight, but after this, after the shit he’d said to her tonight, I was ending their interaction once and for all.

  On my return he was cowering in a corner and I tried not to let my scorn show. I dropped my bag of goodies at his feet and jacked him up again.

  “You fucked with my woman you piece a shit?” I could see from his reaction that he’d measured me by his own merit. Not even close.

  He opened his mouth until I pointed my finger in his face. “Not one fucking word or I’ll plug you. Like I said, you fucked with my girl that’s a big fucking no-no. What ever you two had is dead, she’s no longer any of your concern. As to Alana, you gave up all rights to her when you fucked her mother over for a piece of ass. I know most people don’t see shit that way, but your unlucky ass is stuck with me.

  They’re mine now both of them.” I kicked the bag that was between us. “In there are adoption papers, you’re going to sign them. If or when she asks to see you in the future that would be her choice. Personally, I’m going to make it my job to see that she forgets you because you don’t deserve her.

  I hope that pill popping twit you threw them over for is worth it.”

  I let him go and stepped back. I wasn’t going to waste my time putting hands on him unless he forced my hand. The boy was weak, and not worth the effort. “Now you may speak.”

  “How do you plan to do all this? There’re laws here you know, you can’t just go around threatening people. My daughter is still my daughter even though I’m not with her mother.”

  “That’s all you’ve got?” he flinched when I bent over to get what I needed from the bag and I shook my head in disgust.

  I held up the papers in his face and watched him swallow and turn white. “Where did you get that?”

  “That’s not important right now. What matters is what I will do with this if you don’t do everything I just said. If you see my wife on the street you fucking head in the opposite direction. If you even breathe on her again in this lifetime, I will make it so that you eat out of a tube for the rest of your life, and that’s after I use these to destroy you, you thieving fuck. I’m gonna let what you’ve done so far slide, because you’ve already lost a lot. But you do not want to fuck with me.”

  I released his arms and passed him a pen and the papers to sign. He didn’t even try to fight me on this, which made me hate him even more. If some fuck had tried to take my seed I would find a way to end the fucker.

  I read the signature to make sure he wasn’t trying to pull a fast one on me, and then re-cuffed him.

  I took the gag out of the bag and wrapped it around his face. That’s when he started fighting and I tapped him with the butt of my piece.

  The idiot dropped like a stone and I le
ft him there after chaining him to the wall. “Your mother should’ve swallowed, she would’ve got a hell of a lot more pleasure out of that nut.” Dumb ass, he could keep the rats company for tonight; that ought to send the message loud and clear that I wasn’t playing with his ass.

  Chapter 20


  I don’t think I took an easy breath until I heard him pull up outside. My mind had gone through every scenario known to man in the last little while. Though I could care less about my idiot ex, I didn’t want Dane getting into trouble on my account.

  I met him at the door, my eyes going over him for any signs that he had been hurt. When I was satisfied, I broke down in tears and grabbed onto him.

  “Shh, hush, I’m fine, nothing happened.” I searched his face for the truth, it was true that there wasn’t a scratch on him, but he’d been so mad when he left here, that it was hard for me to accept that nothing had transpired.

  “You didn’t go see him then?” I ran my hand down his chest.

  “That’s not for you to worry about. From now on you don’t think about him, you have nothing to do with him. He contacts you about anything, you pass that shit off to me, no exceptions Ilene.”

  I nodded my head against him, just happy that he was safe and not yelling at me for being stupid enough to go meet Mark. I took a deep breath and released the fear that had held me in its grip.

  “Are you mad?” Way to go Ilene, remind him that he has reason to be.



  I didn’t bother answering her, just lifted her off her feet and headed for the bedroom. I’ll tell her about the adoption papers in the morning since I hadn’t even discussed it with her, and was pretty sure there would be a discussion. A short one of course, but she might want to have her say.

  If she’d been watching and listening since the beginning, then she should know there’s no way I was going to leave our daughter at the mercy of that asshole.

  For now I just wanted to get inside her and forget all the rest. No words were needed as we undressed each other by the light of the moon. For the first time I took my time with her, not because my heated need for her had cooled in any way, but because she was raw.

  Her lips were soft under mine, her plump breasts supple under my hands as I touched her with reverence. She trembled at the whispered words of intent I uttered in her ear.

  Swiping the sheet aside, I laid her back against the pillow before coming down next to her. “Open.” She opened her mouth to accept my tongue as my fingers found her heat that was already wet.

  Her legs fell open, making room for me to play with her to my heart’s content. With her head in the crook of my arm and our lips feeding off each other, I let my fingers go deep until I felt that telltale tremble that let me know she was close.

  “Do you want my mouth?” I nibbled on her ear as she nodded her head and turned her face into my neck.

  I made my way down between her thighs, opening her up to my tongue as I took my fingers away from her heat. She writhed and moaned against my mouth, sharing her sweet nectar with me.

  She wasn’t shy about taking my head where she needed it, her hands guiding me closer to her. I held her ass in my hands so that I could send my tongue deeper into her as I drank from her.

  With one last nibble on her inner thigh, and with her sweet cries of release in my ear, I slid up and into her body. “Look at me.” When her eyes were clearer, I took the hand with my ring on it and brought it up to my lips and bit into it, as I pulled out of her halfway before surging back in.

  I closed my eyes against the absolute pleasure and rode her until we both lost control. “I love you, I’ll always love you.” The clenching of her body and her nails digging into me was all the answer I needed.

  Epilogue 1

  “” I fucked into her harder after each word and slapped both ass cheeks hard. My hot as fuck girl creamed and shook all over my cock. I had to grab my shit and pull out before she made me shoot too soon.

  “Bad girl.” I smacked her ass with my cock before dipping it into her open pussy, pulling out to tease her clit, before sliding back into her hard and deep. “Ugh.” She swallowed my shit whole.

  I fucked her hard and deep, not giving a shit that the headboard was about to knock a hole in the wall, or the fact that her pussy had started out tight and only semi wet. By the third stroke her pussy was like a well, gushing juice all over my cock.

  “You’re enjoying this huh, you like pushing me too far don’t you? Answer me dammit.” I smacked her ass hard leaving my handprint before reaching around and pressing down on her clit.

  “Yes, Dane.” She stopped talking as her limbs started doing that trembling shit that meant she was cumming and cumming hard.

  “Shit, fuck.” I had to hang on for dear life when she bucked and kicked beneath me while her pussy went into lockdown mode.

  I tried pulling my cock out so I could keep fucking but she literally had my shit locked off.

  “Release me.” I couldn’t even risk smacking her ass again because her freaky ass would lose it again. How the fuck was I supposed to control this girl if she did this shit every time? Taking her over my knee don’t work because we end up fucking, putting her ass in time out don’t work because she sulks and I cave, so I’m at a loss as to what the fuck.

  I ended up biting into her neck, which made her body clench and release. I slid back to let my cock breathe before slamming back into her. She stayed with me all the way, throwing her pussy back at my dick and bouncing her ass.

  Oh she was full of tricks tonight. “You see all this shit you’re doing? It’s still not gonna save your ass from punishment.”

  I knew what her deal was. The asshole had stifled her and hadn’t shown her what real love looked like outside of a high school hall. Now she has a man that makes her feel safe and loved, she knows she’s set, that I have her covered in all ways, so she’s going buck wild.

  It doesn’t help that Janine is a little instigator who has a man that knows what the fuck to do with a good woman, so she’s showing my girl all the ropes and the two of them are giving me a run for my money. Well her good friend ain’t gonna take this ass whipping for her, or whatever the fuck I come up with to deal with her ass.

  I pulled out when I was close and shot off on her back and ass before hopping off the bed and heading to the shower.

  I know that shit pisses her pregnant ass off, but since my seed had already done it’s job, I find that not giving her my cum when I was pissed at her was one of the surest ways to fuck with her, keep her ass in line.

  In the last six months she’s turned my life upside the fuck down. I had no idea she could get up to half the shit she has. Even Alana the almost thirteen year old was easier to control, the fuck?

  I’d vanquished the asshole ex once and for all that night, and after I’d told her why I did what I had she’d taken some time to get used to the idea. But when Alana was more receptive to my adopting her, that smoothed things out.

  Last I heard the idiot he left his family for was making his life hell. I’m not sure what the fuck he expected, if she slept with him while he had a wife and kid, she most likely lacked all morals and conscience.

  The little town was shaping up to be better than average, since I’ve made it a point to rub her new found wealth in the faces of all the fuckers that had shunned her after the divorce.

  There isn’t a thing either of them need that isn’t provided and then some. Now my woman and kid walk with their head up and I make sure that they’re happy, or as happy as it’s possible for a female to be; miserable fucks.

  Mark hasn’t even tried to see his daughter on the sly, which is something I’d never understand, but I more than make up for his absence. I haven’t missed a game or play yet, unless I had to be out of town.

  Ilene has been flourishing to say the least, and the woman I’d fallen in love with in the supermarket aisle, was more than I’d hoped f

  I let her do her thing without limitation, except when it came to her safety

  Her latest stunt wasn’t as bad as some, but still, if it wasn’t one thing with her it was another. I ducked my head under the on flow of water in the shower and tried to wash the shit away.

  I flicked off the water and wrapped a towel around me before heading back into the bedroom. She was still pouting as was to be expected, but I wasn’t about to give in on this shit.

  “Stop that sulking shit Ilene or I’ll wail your ass but good. What the fuck were you thinking?” If she rolls her eyes at me she’s gonna get it.

  “It wasn’t that bad, you’re acting like I was trying to get hurt on purpose...”

  “Ilene, what the fuck? You’re six months pregnant what the hell were you thinking?” She’s trying to make me crazy that’s what I’ve finally come to realize.

  She’d asked me to get something down from the closet that was buried under a crap load of her bullshit. I had shit to do because we’ve got to eat, so I asked her to wait until my return since it wasn’t a matter of life or death.

  Imagine my surprise and near heart failure when I walked in the door hours later, only to see her up on a stepstool trying to reach the shit herself. Things wouldn’t have been so bad if she hadn’t mouthed off at me when I scolded her for taking unnecessary risks.

  I watched her flounce around the room in her pique without saying a word. Her little snit was about to get her ass in a whole lotta trouble, but I didn’t say anything, just sat there as if I didn’t see a damn thing. I was about to tell her to sit her ass down before she made shit worse for herself but the phone rang.

  From her words I knew it was Janine on the other end, and when the conversation turned to whispers I figured I was the topic of the night.


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